How China Loses the Coming Space War, Part 1
Geoffrey Forden., 10 January 2008.
How China Loses the Coming Space War, Part 2
Geoffrey Forden., 10 January 2008.
How China Loses the Coming Space War, Part 3
Geoffrey Forden., 10 January 2008.
Shenlong Space Plane Advances China's Military Space Potential
Richard Fisher, Jr. International Assessment and Strategy Center, 17 December 2007.
China's Space Program: Options for U.S.-China Cooperation
Jeffrey Logan. Congressional Research Service, 14 December 2007 (.pdf file).
The Chinese People's Liberation Army and Space Warfare
Larry M. Wortzel. Emerging United States-China Military Competition, American Enterprise Institute, 17 October 2007 (.pdf file).
China in Space: Implications for U.S. Military Strategy
P. Gregory Metzler. Joint Force Quarterly, Fourth Quarter 2007 (.pdf file).
China's Military Space Strategy
Ashley J. Tellis. Survival, 01 September 2007. Posted on the Carnegie Endowment website (.pdf file).
China's Space Weapons
Ashley J. Tellis. Wall Street Journal, 23 July 2007. Posted on the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace website.
Assessing China's ASAT program
Desmond Ball. Nautilus Institute, 14 June 2007.
China's ASAT Test: Motivations and Implications
Phillip C. Saunders and Charles D. Lutes. Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, June 2007 (.pdf file).
To Be More Precise: The Beidou Satellite Navigation and Positioning System
Kevin Pollpeter. China Brief, Jamestown Foundation, 16 May 2007.
China's Anti-Satellite Weapon Test
Shirley Kan. Congressional Research Service, 23 April 2007 (.pdf file).
Between the US and China: The Dynamics of Military Space
James A. Lewis. Adaptation of article in Politique Etrangère, Vol. 2, 2007 (.pdf file).
After China's Test: Time For a Limited Ban on Anti-Satellite Weapons
Geoffrey Forden. Arms Control Today, April 2007.
Chinese Satellite Destruction Stirs Debate
Wade Boese. Arms Control Today, March 2007.
Beijing's Dangerous Missile Mistake
Michael O'Hanlon. Newsweek International, 05 February 2007. Posted on the Brookings Institution website.
China's Missile Message
Elizabeth Economy. Washington Post, 25 January 2007.
China's Space Activities in 2006
China National Space Administration, 12 October 2006.
Will China Compel the Development of GPS 4?
Taylor Dinerman. The Space Review, 19 June 2006.
Report: China's Military Space Power Growing
Leonard David., 05 June 2006.
China's Space Program: Civilian, Commercial and Military Aspects
CNA Conference Report, May 2006 (.pdf file).
China, Competition, and Cooperation
Jeff Foust. The Space Review, 10 April 2006.
Space Weaponization and Space Security: A Chinese Perspective
Zhang Hui. China Security, 2006 (.pdf file).
China's Space Ambitions
China Security. World Security Institute China Program, 2006 (.pdf file).
Action/Reaction: U.S. Space Weaponization and China
Hui Zhang. Arms Control Today, December 2005. Arms Control Association.
China's Space Program: A Strategic and Political Analysis
Rosita Dellios. Culture Mandala, December 2005.
China's Future in Space: Implications for U.S. Security
Phillip C. Saunders. AdAstra, 20 September 2005. The Magazine of the National Space Society (.pdf file).
New Questions About U.S. Intelligence on China: An Analysis of the March 2005 Report by the U.S. National Air and Space Intelligence Center
Gregory Kulacki and David Wright. Union of Concerned Scientists, 15 September 2005.
Chinese Dimensions of the 2005 Moscow Aerospace Show
Richard Fisher, Jr. Arms Show Reports, 12 September 2005.
The Art of Peace: Dissuading China From Developing Counter-Space Weapons
David O. Meteyer. USAF Institute for National Security Studies, August 2005 (.pdf file).
A Military Intelligence Failure? The Case of the Parasite Satellite
Gregory Kulacki and David Wright. Union of Concerned Scientists, 16 August 2004 (.pdf file).
China as a Military Space Competitor
James A. Lewis. Center for Strategic and International Studies, August 2004 (.pdf file).
The Chinese Threat to American Leadership in Space
Gabriele Garibaldi. Security Dialogue, 20 July 2004. Posted on the Taiwan Security Research website.
Space Wei Qi: The Launch of Shenzhou V
Joan Johnson-Freese. Naval War College Review, Spring 2004. Posted on the Find Articles website.
China as a Military Space Competitor
James A. Lewis. Space Forum, January 2004. Security Policy Studies, GWU.
The Chinese Air Force and Air and Space Power
Lt. Col. Thomas R. McCabe. Air and Space Power Journal, Fall 2003 (.pdf file).
China in Space
Col. William R. Morris and Col. David J Thompson. Maxwell Paper #24. Air War College, August 2001.
China's Space Satellites
Space Today. August 2001.