[The Task Force Report] [Executive Summary] [Who is the Task Force] [Excerpts from the Introduction and the Preface of the Report] [Project on Defense Alternatives Resources on Iraq]
The Task Force
Organizing Committee
Shelagh Foreman (shelagh(at)masspeaceaction.org) -- Massachusetts Peace Action
Charles Knight (cknight(at)comw.org) -- Project on Defense Alternatives
John Maher (john(at)n2nma.org)
Chris Toensing (ctoensing(at)merip.org) -- Middle East Research and Information Project
Workshop Coordinator
Jessica von Felbert -- Project on Defense Alternatives
Workshop Host
Steven Bloomfield -- Weatherhead Center for International Affairs
Rapporteur and Publicist
Kate Cell -- Kate Cell Consulting
Advisory Group / Workshop Participants *
Nadje Al-Ali -- School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Henri Barkey -- Lehigh University
Kayhan Barzegar -- Harvard University
Carl Conetta -- Project on Defense Alternatives
Eric Davis -- Rutgers University
Bill Frelick -- Human Rights Watch
F. Gregory Gause -- University of Vermont
Raed Jarrar -- American Friends Service Committee
Brian Katulis -- Center for American Progress
Joshua Landis -- University of Oklahoma
Marc Lynch -- George Washington University
Nir Rosen -- Center on Law and Security, New York University
Trita Parsi -- National Iranian American Council
David Patel -- Cornell University
Workshop Participants from Congress *
James P. McGovern -- US House of Representatives (D-MA)
Caleb Rossiter -- Counselor to William Delahunt, US House of Representatives (D-MA)
John Tierney -- US House of Representatives (D-MA)
Liaison to the office of Representative James P. McGovern
Cindy Buhl -- Legislative Director
* This report reflects the judgments and recommendations of the organizing committee, who are the authors. It does not necessarily represent the views of members of the advisory group or the views of workshop participants from Congress, whose involvement in no way should be interpreted as an endorsement of the report by either themselves or the organizations with which they are affiliated.
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Excerpts from the Introduction and the Preface of the Report
In March 2008, the Task Force for a Responsible Withdrawal from Iraq convened 14 experts on Iraq and the region at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University to answer this charge:
The President has announced that a complete military withdrawal from Iraq will take place over the next 12-18 months. What concrete policy steps can the US government take, immediately and during the withdrawal, to encourage peace and stability in Iraq?
In the course of the March workshop, and in prior and subsequent consultations and literature reviews, we compiled a set of initiatives for meeting US and international responsibilities to Iraq, beginning with an early and expeditious removal of US military forces and bases and their associated private contractors from the country.

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Statement issued by Helena Cobban, Shelagh Foreman, Charles Knight, John Maher and Chris Toensing, on August 15, 2008.
Project on Defense Alternatives Resources on Iraq
PDA publicatons on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and policies -- over forty publications.
War Report - select articles, documents, and analyses of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars -- thousands of items archived.
Iraq War Withdrawal and Exit Plans -- a compilation.