The Commonwealth Institute


the Project on Defense Alternatives

You have arrived at the domain, first used by The Commonwealth Institute of Cambridge, MA in 1996 for the Project on Defense Alternatives (PDA) website. Ever since, this domain has provided people across the world with access to the publications and other internet content of a half dozen of the Institute's programs and a similar number of special document collections or libraries.

Since 2015, when the Institute ceased operations in Massachusetts, the Project on Defense Alternatives (PDA), has continued operations independently and continues to maintain its website on this domain.

We invite you to access the Project on Defense Alternatives and its numerous publications and resource compilations at:

PDA has five extensive resource libraries with thousands of organized document links on subjects from Chinese Military Power to the War Report on Iraq and Afghanistan.  A list of these can be found at

These libraries are:

PDA has a dozen resource compilations on subjects such as the wars in Syria and Iraq, the Pentagon Budget, the confrontation with Iran, and neo-liberal security policy at

Past Program of The Commonwealth Institute

[Links to program archives (with valuable content!) are highlighted in Blue.]