The Reality of War in Afghanistan
Stephen Kinzer . The Boston Globe, 15 October 2008.
The Smart Money in Afghanistan
Anne Applebaum. Washington Post, 24 September 2008. Posted on the American Enterprise Institute website.
Afghanistan: State and Society, Great Power Politics and the Way Ahead
Cheryl Benard, Ole Kvaerno, Peter Dahl Thruelsen, Kristen Cordell, eds. Findings from an International Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2007. Released by RAND on 23 May 2008 (.pdf file).
Two Unwinnable Wars
Nicholas Berry. Foreign Policy Forum, 12 February 2008.
'Al Qaeda is not interested in Afghanistan' - Jalali
Rediff, India, 13 February 2008.
A Strategy to Save Afghanistan
Paddy Ashdown. The Financial Times, 12 February 2008.
Election 2008: Afghanistan in the Balance
Jonathan Wallace. Across the Aisle, Partnership for a Secure America, 11 February 2008.
Two Myths About Afghanistan
Ann Marlowe. Washington Post, 11 February 2008.
Learning to Fight a War
David Ignatius. Washington Post, 10 February 2008.
Piloting Afghanistan to a Prosperous Future
Lyse Doucet. BBC News, 09 February 2008.
A Mission Impossible
Paul Rogers. Open Democracy, 07 February 2008.
The War That Can Bring Neither Peace Nor Freedom
Seumas Milne. The Guardian, 05 February 2008.
Afghanistan Spins Out of Control, U.S. Fiddles
Frederick Kempe. Atlantic Council of the United States, 05 February 2008.
Bush Ignores Afghan School Violence
Jason Straziuso. The Associated Press, 29 January 2008.
Being Reasonable About Afghanistan is Wishful Thinking
Bronwen Maddox. The Times, UK, 25 January 2008.
Being in Afghanistan is Dangerous, Not Being in Afghanistan is More Dangerous
Ban Ki-Moon. Globe and Mail, Canada, 24 January 2008.
In Kabul, Shattered Illusions
Jean MacKenzie. The New York Times, 24 January 2008.
Afghanistan: Neither Lost nor Forgotten
Ban Ki-Moon. Toronto Globe and Mail, 24 January 2008.
Seeing What We Want to See
Carlo Ungaro. International Herald Tribune, 22 January 2008.
A Bombing in Kabul: A Bubble Bursts
The Economist, 17 January 2008.
False Identity of East in West
Ellaha Shaheen. Huffington Post, 16 January 2008.
2007 Security Statistics Released
Afghanistan Conflict Monitor, Human Security Report Project, 09 January 2008.
Little Hope for Afghans in 2008
David Loyn. BBC News, 09 January 2008.
Second Thoughts on Charlie Wilson's War
Chalmers Johnson. Asia Times, 08 January 2008.
'Great Game' or Just Misunderstanding?
Alastair Leithead. BBC News, 05 January 2008.
Putting Food on Afghan Tables Getting Harder
Allison Lampert. CanWest News Service, 05 January 2008.
Afghan Diary
Ben Anderson. London Review of Books, 03 January 2008.
Challenges Ahead in Afghanistan
Lee Hamilton. Indianapolis Star, 31 December 2007.
Ousted, the Men who Rumbled the Afghan Fantasy
Rory Stewart. The Times, UK, 30 December 2007.
From Bosnia to Afghanistan?
Daniel Korski. The Guardian, 17 December 2007.
A Victory, But Little to Cheer
The Economist, 17 December 2007.
Why I Quit as Chief Prosecutor at Guantánamo
Morris D. Davis. The Miami Herald, 16 December 2007.
Ticking Time Bombs in Kabul
Wahid Monawar. The Toronto Star, 12 December 2007.
Britain's Afghan Mission is a Fruitless and Failing Pursuit
Simon Jenkins. The Guardian, 12 December 2007.
Analysts Discuss Afghanistan
NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. PBS, 10 December 2007.
40 Reasons to Reengage in Afghanistan
Center for American Progress, 10 December 2007.
Afghan Perceptions of Corruption
Yama Torabi and Lorenzo Delesgues. Integrity Watch Afghanistan, January 2007. Posted on 10 December 2007 (.pdf file).
Afghanistan: Make Sense Out Of That
Strategy Page, 06 December 2007.
Afghans Sharply Critical of U.S. and Allies in Country
Gary Langer. ABC News, 04 December 2007.
Poll: Afghans' Criticism of U.S. Efforts Rises; In the Southwest, Taliban Support Grows
Gary Langer. ABC News/BBC/ARD National Survey of Afghanistan, 03 December 2007.
Afghanistan More Dangerous Than Iraq
Jonathan Karl and Luis Martinez. ABC News, 30 November 2007.
'A Crude War of Revenge'
Mike Whitney. Information Clearing House, 29 November 2007.
An Unwinnable War
Robert Fox. The Guardian, 23 November 2007.
Saving Afghanistan
Julianne Smith. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 14 November 2007 (.pdf file).
Buying Time in Afghanistan
Carl Robichaud. World Policy Journal, 08 November 2007 (.pdf file).
Afghanistan is at the Tipping Point
Roger Cohen. International Herald Tribune, 31 October 2007.
Borderline Insanity: Thinking Big About Afghanistan
Ronald Neumann. The American Interest, 31 October 2007.
Facing the Reality of America's Lost War (No, Not That One)
Thomas F. Schaller. The Baltimore Sun, 24 October 2007.
Afghan Security Concerns Rise With Strife, Poll Finds
Kirk Semple. The New York Times, 23 October 2007. (See poll
Afghanistan in 2007: A Survey of the Afghan People
Asia Foundation, 23 October 2007 (.pdf file).
Revitalizing U.S. Efforts in Afghanistan
Lisa Curtis and James Phillips. The Heritage Foundation, 15 October 2007.
Kabul: The City of Fear
Wahidullah Amani. Institute for War and Peace Reporting, 05 October 2007.
Afghanistan in Dire Straights
Thalif Deen. Inter Press Service, 28 September 2007.
Afghan Diary, Part 1: A Tour Of Kabul And The Troubled South
Ahto Lobjakas. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 20 September 2007.
Ending Afghanistan's Civil War
James Dobbins. Testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 08 March 2007. Posted on the RAND website (.pdf file). Posted on 17 September 2007.
Deep Flaws in Afghan Peace Drive
M.K. Bhadrakumar. Asia Times, 15 September 2007.
We're Losing in Afghanistan Too
John Kiriakou and Richard Klein. Los Angeles Times, 13 September 2007.
Afghanistan on the Edge
John Godges. RAND Review, Summer 2007. Posted on 13 September 2007.
Six Years After 9/11, Why We're Losing the War on Terror
David Cole and Jules Lobel. The Nation, 11 September 2007.
Rumsfeld Calls Afghanistan 'Big Success'
Richard Pyle. The Associated Press, 10 September 2007. (See GQ link below).
Off the Record with Don Rumsfeld
Lisa DePaulo. GQ, 10 September 2007.
Don't Fail Afghanistan
Editorial. Los Angeles Times, 27 August 2007.
How Can This Bloody Failure Be Regarded as a Good War?
Seumas Milne. The Guardian, 23 August 2007.
Running Out of Time, Patience in Afghanistan
Karl F. Inderfurth. The Boston Globe, 08 August 2007.
Giving Peace a Chance in Afghanistan
Syed Saleem Shahzad. Asia Times, 09 August 2007.
It Takes Inane Optimism to See Victory in Afghanistan
Simon Jenkins. The Guardian, 08 August 2007.
Afghanistan's Success Story: The Liberated Hazara Minority
Mark Sappenfield. The Christian Science Monitor, 06 August 2007.
Amid War, Passion for TV Chefs, Soaps and Idols
Barry Bearak. The New York Times, 01 August 2007.
What to do in Afghanistan?
Stefan Nichola. United Press International, 01 August 2007.
Sectarian Bias is a Blight on a Rare Afghan Good News Story
Jonathan Steele. The Guardian, 27 July 2007.
Where Less Is More
Rory Stewart. The New York Times, 23 July 2007.
Afghanistan Update: June 1 - 30, 2007
Monica Czwarno. Center for Defense Information, 19 July 2007.
We Are Failing in Afghanistan
Paddy Ashdown. The Guardian, 19 July 2007.
Below the Radar, Afghanistan is Sinking
Rick Moran. American Thinker, 15 July 2007.
As War Enters Classrooms, Fear Grips Afghans
Barry Bearak. The New York Times, 10 July 2007.
Building Hope: An Old Etonian in Afghanistan
Chris Sands. The Independent, 09 July 2007.
Despite Positive Poll Results, Afghanistan Heads Toward Violence
Michael Scheuer. Jamestown Foundation, 19 June 2007.
There Are Grounds for Hope in Afghanistan
Craig Charney and Isobel Coleman. The Globe and Mail, 18 June 2007.
Can the War in Afghanistan be Won?
BBC News, 17 June 2007.
Afghanistan: 'The Winnable War'
Michael Fumento., 11 June 2007.
The West Has to Accept That There Is No Military Solution
Jonathan Steele. The Guardian, 08 June 2007.
Iranian Arms to Taliban May be Retaliation for U.S. Policy
Jonathan S. Landay. McClatchy Newspapers, 29 May 2007.
Losing the 'Other War' in Afghanistan?
Karl Inderfurth. International Herald Tribune, 29 May 2007.
A Report from the Field: Gauging the Impact of Taliban Suicide Bombing
Brian Glyn Williams. Jamestown Foundation, 24 May 2007.
Deadly Business in Afghanistan
Philip Smucker. Asia Times, 22 May 2007.
Afghan Battle Lines Become Blurred
M.K. Bhadrakumar. Asia Times, 19 May 2007.
Afghan News Media Find Foes on All Sides
Pamela Constable. Washington Post, 07 May 2007.
Anti-U.S. Sentiment on the Rise
Sami Yousafzai and Ron Moreau. Newsweek, 14 May 2007 issue. Posted on 07 May 2007.
Iraq, the Gulf, Afghanistan: The Way Ahead
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 01 May 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Country Reports: South and Central Asia Overview
State Department, 30 April 2007.
Little to Cheer on Afghan Anniversary
James Emery. Asia Times, 28 April 2007.
Earth to Democrats ... Iraq Matters Much, Much More than Afghanistan
Charles Krauthammer. Boston Herald, 30 March 2007.
When Less is Best
Rory Stewart. The New York Times, 20 March 2007.
Kabul Copes With Lots of People, Little Water
Mark Sappenfield. The Christian Science Monitor, 13 March 2007.
U.S. Diplomat 'Optimistic' About Afghanistan
Carlotta Gall. The New York Times, 13 March 2007.
An Afghan Policy Built on Pipe Dreams
Rory Stewart. The New York Times, 03 March 2007. Posted on the e-Ariana website.
Tribal War
Greg Grant. Government Executive Magazine, 01 March 2007.
Watching Afghanistan Fall
Matthew Cole., 27 February 2007.
Fighting the Wrong War in Afghanistan
Dad Noorani. Asia Times, 23 February 2007.
America's Foreign Policy - Fighting Fires
The Economist, 16 February 2007.
Afghanistan's Proxy War
Xenia Dormandy. The Boston Globe, 16 February 2007.
Afghanistan Diary
The Economist, 12 February 2007.
Nation-Building or Nation-Neglecting?
Ashraf Haidari. San Francisco Chronicle, 06 February 2007.
From Afghanistan to Iraq: Connecting the Dots with Oil
Richard W. Behan. AlterNet, 05 February 2007.
The Road to Helmand
Holly Barnes Higgins. Washington Post, 04 February 2007.
The Other War
Anatol Lieven. The American Prospect, January/February 2007.
Discarding An Afghan Opportunity
Selig S. Harrison. Washington Post, 30 January 2007.
A Cautionary Tale on Afghanistan
Dan Restrepo. The Boston Globe, 29 January 2007.
Afghan Elders Speak of War, Not Peace
Graeme Smith. Globe and Mail, 29 January 2007.
Misunderstanding Afghanistan
Craig Charney and Gary Langer. Washington Post, 17 December 2006.
Press Briefing on Afghanistan
Anthony Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 13 December 2006 (.pdf file).
Disappointment and Distrust in Afghanistan
Jill McGivering. BBC News, 09 December 2006.
Afghanistan War Nears 'Tipping Point'
Laura King and David Holley. Los Angeles Times, 09 December 2006.
Afghan Optimism Hit by Violence
Nick Childs. BBC News, 07 December 2006.
Bring on the Afghan Study Group
Frederick Kempe. Slate, 07 December 2006.
Saving Afghanistan
Barnett R. Rubin. Foreign Affairs, January/February 2007. Posted on 06 December 2006.
Reconciling with the Pashtuns: A Strategy for Peace
Roohullah Rahimi. E-Ariana, 04 December 2006.
Afghan Autopsy
Christian Parenti. Truthdig, 28 November 2006.
A Grim Picture of Afghanistan Going Wrong
Hanna Bloch. The Baltimore Sun, 19 November 2006.
Rosy Picture of Afghanistan Hides Grim Truth
Paul McGeough. The Sydney Morning Herald, 17 November 2006.
Farewell to Afghanistan: A Failed State Fails With Our Help
Rick Jabobs. The Huffington Post, 13 November 2006.
Bush & Blair. The Afghan Fantasy
Raymond Whitaker. The Independent, UK, 05 November 2006.
Afghan Conflict: Reporter's Diary
Alastair Leithead. BBC News, 03 November 2006.
Enforcing Insecurity in Afghanistan
Sonali Kolhatkar and James Ingalls. ZNet Magazine, 01 November 2006.
Afghanistan, Five Years and Counting
David C. Isby. The National Interest, 31 October 2006.
Voices of Afghanistan: An Evaluation Study
Seema Patel. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 30 October 2006 (.pdf file).
Backsliding in Afghanistan
Editorial. Los Angeles Times, 30 October 2006. Posted on the e-Ariana website.
Tourists to Take Terror Out of Tora Bora
Christina Lamb. The Times, UK, 29 October 2006.
The West is Running Out of Time in Afghanistan
Michael Scheuer. The Jamestown Foundation, 17 October 2006.
Afghanistan: Five Years Later
Stephen Zunes. Foreign Policy in Focus, 13 October 2006.
Who's Running Afghan Policy?
David Corn. The Nation, 30 October 2006. Posted on 13 October 2006.
Afghanistan, Five Years On
Lionel Beehner. Council on Foreign Relations, 05 October 2006.
War on Terror Returning to Its Cradle
Jim Lobe., 04 October 2006.
Get Serious About Afghanistan
Max Boot. Los Angeles Times, 04 October 2006.
The Afghanistan Triangle
David Rohde. The New York Times, 01 October 2006.
America's Juggling Act
Peter Bergen. San Jose Mercury News, 18 September 2006. Posted on the e-Ariana website.
Afghans Find Success Harder to Gauge
Scott Peterson. The Christian Science Monitor, 15 September 2006.
Deadly Afghan War Fades in U.S. Minds
Matthew D. LaPlante. The Salt Lake Tribune, 14 September 2006.
The Situation in Afghanistan and Its Implications for Peace and Security
Kofi Annan. Report to the UN Security Council, 11 September 2006 (.pdf file).
What We Lost After 9/11
Helena Cobban. TomPaine, 11 September 2006.
Losing the War on Terror
Ahmed Rashid. Washington Post, 11 September 2006.
Doubts Intensify Over Afghanistan's Future
Rachel Morarjee. The Christian Science Monitor, 11 September 2006.
62,006 - The Number Killed in the 'War on Terror'
David Randall and Emily Gosden. The Independent, UK, 10 September 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
Long After 9/11, Afghanistan Struggles to Find Way
Terry Friel. Reuters, 07 September 2006.
For Americans, No Side Wins in Afghanistan
Angus Reid, 07 September 2006.
National Strategy for Combating Terrorism
White House, September 2006 (.pdf file).
Afghanistan: High on Opium, Not Democracy
Robert Scheer. Truthdig, 05 September 2006.
The Way Out is to Get Out
Najibullah Lafraie. International Herald Tribune, 05 September 2006.
Stuck in the Quicksand
Peter Preston. The Guardian, 04 September 2006.
The War on Terror Five Years On
Tom Coghlan and Kim Sengupta. The Independent, UK, 04 September 2006.
U.S. Winning Battles Against Terror, But May Be Losing The War
Warren P. Strobel and Jonathan S. Landay. McClatchy Newspapers, 03 September 2006.
Afghanistan Wishes More of You Were Here
Kim Barker. The Chicago Tribune, 31 August 2006. Posted on the e-Ariana website.
Afghanistan Ignored
Barney Frank. The Boston Globe, 30 August 2006.
Tomgram: Ann Jones on the Road to Taliban Land
Ann Jones., 28 August 2006.
Losing Afghanistan
Editorial. The New York Times, 24 August 2006.
Becoming a Piece of the Picture: Life in Afghanistan
Melissa Block. NPR, 22 August 2006.
Independence Day: Spare a Moment to Brood Over
Daud Khan. Pajhwok, 20 August 2006. Posted on the e-Ariana website.
In Afghanistan, Secure Feeling Doesn't Last Long
Cliff Hackel. CNN, 08 August 2006.
Meanwhile in Afghanistan
The Times, UK, 07 August 2006. Posted on the e-Ariana website.
The Forgotten War
Sherry Ricchiardi. American Journalism Review, August/September 2006. Posted on 27 July 2006.
Afghanistan is Not Close to Anarchy
Lt. Col. Chris Borneman. The Guardian, 25 July 2006.
Afghanistan Close to Anarchy, Warns General
Richard Norton-Taylor. The Guardian, UK, 22 July 2006.
Refuge from the Real Afghanistan
Paul Vickers. BBC News, 15 July 2006.
Losing the Forgotten War in Afghanistan
Martin Sieff. United Press International, 12 July 2006.
An Imploding Dust Bowl
Peter Preston. The Guardian, 10 July 2006.
Death Trap
Christina Lamb. The Times, UK, 09 July 2006.
A War Democrats Can Win
James P. Rubin. The New York Times, 07 July 2006.
A Bad Attack of Beau Geste Syndrome at our Expense
Simon Jenkins. The Guardian, 05 July 2006.
How to Help Afghanistan
Ahmed Rashid. Washington Post, 03 July 2006.
The Iraqi Distraction
Le Monde, 30 June 2006. Translated by Leslie Thatcher and posted on the Truthout website.
Large and Growing Numbers of Muslims Reject Terrorism, Bin Laden
World Public Opinion, Program on International Policy Attitudes, 30 June 2006.
Canada In Kandahar: No Peace to Keep
The Senlis Council, 28 June 2006 (.pdf file).
Afghans Tell Troops: 'No Security, No Help'
Brian Calvert. The Christian Science Monitor, 28 June 2006.
Secret U.S. Program Tracks Global Bank Transfers
Josh Meyer and Greg Miller. Los Angeles Times, 23 June 2006. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Trends in Terrorism: 2006
Raphael Perl. Congressional Research Service, 21 July 2006 (.pdf file).
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[War Report Home]
Bad and Getting Worse
Joe Galloway., 15 June 2006.
'Every Rocket Was A Painkiller'
Stewart Nusbaumer. Intervention Magazine, 13 June 2006.
Afghanistan and the Ghost of Kim
Conn Hallinan. Foreign Policy in Focus, 12 June 2006.
Afghanistan's Cultural Gap Grows Wider
Ivan Watson. NPR, 12 June 2006. (audio file).
Where The Gun Still Rules
IRIN, 07 June 2006.
Afghanistan: On the Brink
Ahmed Rashid. The New York Review of Books, 22 June 2006. Posted on 02 June 2006.
Afghanistan, Unraveling
Editorial. The New York Times, 01 June 2006.
'Culture of Peace' or 'Culture of War'? War Crimes and Resurgent Violence in Afghanistan
Citha D. Maass. SWP Comments, German Institute for International and Security Affairs, June 2006 (.pdf file).
Afghanistan Spinning Out of Control
Marc W. Herold., 30 May 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
Kabul is a Highly Flammable Place
Max Henninger. Spiegel, 30 May 2006. Posted on the e-Ariana website.
A War Too Far
Nicholas Berry. Foreign Policy Forum, 26 May 2006.
Afghanistan's Endemic War
Paul Rogers. Open Democracy, 25 May 2006.
Let's Not Lose Afghanistan Again
Tom Lantos. The Boston Globe, 25 May 2006.
Bush Prepares to Cut and Run in Afghanistan
Bob Burnett., 24 May 2006.
Afghanistan's CD Anthem
Wahidullah Amani. Institute for War and Peace Reporting, 23 May 2006.
Afghanistan: Easy to Invade, Impossible to Occupy Long-Term
Gwynne Dyer. Arab News, 22 May 2006.
Afghanistan Rocked As 105 Die in Violence
Pamela Constable. Washington Post, 19 May 2006.
The Other War
William S. Lind. On War, 09 May 2006. Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website.
Searching for Security: Urban Livelihoods in Kabul
Stefan Schutte. Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, April 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Death Threats for an Afghan Who Saved a SEAL
Ron Moreau and Sami Yousafzai. Newsweek, 17 April 2006. Posted on 10 April 2006.
Afghanistan: The Long Road Ahead
Richard Holbrooke. Washington Post, 02 April 2006.
International Occupation Isn't Helping Afghanistan
Christian Parenti. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 02 April 2006. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Afghanistan: The Other War
Christian Parenti. The Nation, 27 March 2006.
Afghanistan's Feared Woman Warlord
Tom Coghlan. BBC News, 16 March 2006.
Are We Safer?
David Cole. The New York Review of Books, 09 March 2006.
The Other Battlefront
Howard Kurtz. Washington Post, 02 March 2006.
Bush Makes First Visit to Afghanistan
Mark Oliver and agencies. The Guardian, 01 March 2006.
The Future of Afghanistan
Ali A. Jalali. Parameters, Spring 2006 (.pdf file).
Remember Afghanistan? A Glass Hall Full, On the Titanic
Carl Robichaud. World Policy Journal, Spring 2006 (.pdf file).
The Future of Afghanistan
Ali Ahmad Jalali. Parameters, Spring 2006.
Afghanistan: The Night Fairies
Sarah Chayes. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, March/April 2006.
Bush to Visit Afghanistan Despite Taliban Attacks
Randeep Ramesh and Ewen MacAskill. The Guardian, 28 February 2006.
Jihadi Turns Bulldog
John Fund. The Wall Street Journal, 27 February 2006.
The Freshman
Chip Brown. The New York Times Magazine, 26 February 2006.
Chance For a New Start in Afghanistan
John Simpson. BBC News, 20 February 2006.
Signs of Hope Amid the Chaos
G. Jefferson Price III. The Baltimore Sun, 15 February 2006.
Mounting Concern Over Afghanistan
Scott Baldauf. The Christian Science Monitor, 14 February 2006.
Women Enter Business Sector in Afghanistan
Gayle Tzemach. Financial Times, 13 February 2006.
Here's How the World Can Avoid Abandoning Afghanistan
George Soros. The Daily Star, 11 February 2006. Posted on the e-Ariana website.
Goodbye Iraq, Hello Afghanistan
Pepe Escobar. Asia Times, 15 February 2006.
Brain Drain Threatens Afghanistan's Future
Obaid Younossi. International Herald Tribune, 09 February 2006. Posted on the e-Ariana website.
Losing Hearts and Minds in Afghanistan
Curt Goering. Minuteman Media, 08 February 2006. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Afghanistan at a Crossroads
The Century Foundation, 07 December 2005. Posted on 06 February 2006.
Intelligence Brief: Afghanistan
Power and Interest News Report, 07 February 2006.
Second U.S. Soldier Found Guilty of Afghan Assault
Reuters, 31 January 2006.
Letter From Kandahar
Wahidullah Amani. Institute of War and Peace Reporting, 31 January 2006. Posted on the e-Ariana website.
Why Afghanistan Remains Work in Progress
Andrew North. BBC News, 30 January 2006.
World Must Help Afghanistan Through Its Risky Pause
Gareth Evans. Financial Times, 29 January 2006. Posted on the International Crisis Group website.
Keeping the Progress Going
Harold Ford, Jr. Washington Post, 26 January 2006. Posted on the e-Ariana website.
Dutch Dilemma in Afghanistan
Andrew Tully. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 23 January 2006.
Don't Shortchange Afganistan Again
Karl F. Inderfurth, S. Frederick Starr and Marvin G. Weinbaum. International Herald Tribune, 22 January 2006. Posted on the e-Ariana website.
Emerging Destination of the Year: Kabul
Katherine Zoepf. The New York Times, 22 January 2006.
Afghan Women in the Driving Seat
Sean Langan. BBC, 22 January 2006.
Are We Winning the War on Terrorism? A Report From Afghanistan
The Brookings Institution, 19 January 2006 (.pdf file). Posted on 16 February 2006.
Still a War in Afghanistan
Ambika Behal. United Press International, 19 January 2006.
Kandahar Residents Live 'Under a Knife'
Chris Sands. Toronto Star, 16 January 2006.
World Public Opinion Poll of Afghanistan
Questionnaire and Methodology. World Public Opinion, 11 January 2006 (.pdf file).
Iraq, Afghanistan and the War on 'Terror'
Daniel Byman, Michael Scheuer, Anatol Lieven and W. Patrick Lang. Middle East Policy Council, 11 January 2005 (.pdf file).
Will a Stable Afghanistan Be Yet Another Casualty of The War in Iraq?
Arianna Huffington., 10 January 2006. Posted on the e-Ariana website.
Growing Sense of Insecurity
Wahidullah Amani. Institute for War and Peace Reporting, 23 December 2005.
Afghanistan: A Year of Peaks and Valleys
Carl Robichaud. The Century Foundation, 23 December 2005.
Returnees Key Players in Afghanistan's Battle of the Air-Waves
Tim Irwin. UN High Commissioner for Refugees, 21 December 2005.
Despite Deep Challenges in Daily Life, Afghans Express a Positive Outlook
ABC News Poll. 07 December 2005 (.pdf file).
Losing our Way at an Afghan Crossroads
Chris Mason. Los Angeles Times, 04 December 2005. Posted on the e-Ariana website.
Private Security Crews Add to Fear in Baghdad
Jackie Spinner. Washington Post, 28 November 2005.
Afghanistan: Fighting a Forgotten War
Kate Ingold. NPR, 16 November 2005 (audio file).
Recovering from Afghanistan's 27 Year Hurricane
John R. Thomson and Lyle R. Jackson. In the National Interest, 11 November 2005.
Four Years Into Afghan Campaign, Perils Abound
Jim Lobe. Inter Press Service, 06 October 2005. Posted on the website.
Afghanistan: Four Years After the Invasion: Progress, Problems and Prospects for the Future
Caroline P. Wadhams. Center for American Progress, October 2005 (.pdf file).
A Fight on Many Fronts
Bay Fang. U.S. News, 26 September 2005.
A Work in Progress
Bay Fang. US News, 03 October 2005. Posted on 26 September 2005.
1979 Fault Lines in Afghanistan
Scott Baldauf. Christian Science Monitor, 29 September 2005.
Afghanistan Four Years On: An Assessment
Sean M. Maloney. Parameters, Autumn 2005.
Struggling to Survive in Afghanistan
Jill McGivering. BBC News, 10 August 2005.
Afghanistan: The Three-Way Game Seems Set to Intensify
Ahmed Rashid. Eurasianet, 11 July 2005.
Afghanistan's Patience Wears Thin
Andrew North. BBC News, 22 June 2005.
Iraq and Afghanistan: Conversation with Wolfowitz
from Ambassador Christopher Meyer, Washington, to David Manning, 10 Downing St., classified "Confidential and Personal," 18 March 2002, published by the The Associated Press on 19 June 2005. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website.
Fear and Explosions in Kabul
Quil Lawrence., 04 June 2005.
Afghanistan: Where Are We?
Ben Smith. Conflict Studies Research Centre, June 2005 (.pdf file).
Questions for NATO in Afghanistan
Paul Adams. BBC News, 28 May 2005.
Three Years Later, U.S. Still Struggling in Afghanistan
The Associated Press, 28 May 2005.
The Forgotten Conflict
Stephen Carter and Brian Brady. The Scotsman, 22 May 2005.
Intelligence Brief: Afghanistan
Power and Interest News Report, 17 May 2005.
All Quiet on Afghanistan's Western Front
Andrew North. BBC News, 23 March 2005.
From Rhetoric to Reality: Afghan Women on the Agenda for Peace
Masuda Sultan. Women Waging Peace, February 2005 (.pdf file).
The Rising Tab for US War Effort
Peter Grier. Christian Science Monitor, 17 December 2004.
Afghanistan's Information Highway
Tim Mansel. BBC News, 11 December 2004.
A Fragile Future
Declan Walsh. The Guardian, 01 October 2004.
Bush's Test in Afghanistan
Christian Science Monitor, 13 September 2004.
Spinning the Web in Afghanistan
Syed Saleem Shahzad. Asia Times, 08 September 2004.
Harvesting the Roots of a New Revolution
Pamela Constable. Washington Post, 22 August 2004.
Political Strategy of War Against Terrorism
National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice. United States Institute of Peace, 19 August 2004.
Afghanistan Needs Security Help
BBC News, 18 August 2004.
Causes and Consequences of Strategic Failure in Afghanistan and Iraq
Graeme P. Herd. Conflict Studies Research Centre, August 2004 (.pdf file).
July Surprise?
John B. Judis, Spencer Ackerman and Massoud Ansari. New Republic, 07 July 2004. Issue date, 19 July 2004. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
In Afghanistan, the Return of the Reds
Syed Saleem Shahzad. Asia Times, 01 July 2004.
Unravelling of a Nation 'Liberated by the West'
Kim Sengupta. The Independent, 30 June 2004.
Ghost of War Past Haunts Afghanistan
Brian E. Albrecht. Newhouse News Service, 24 June 2004.
Bush, Karzai Tout Progress in Afghanistan
Agence France-Presse, 15 June 2004. Posted on the e-Ariana website.
Fighting in the Shadow of Iraq
Vanessa Williams. Washington Post, 02 June 2004.
The Gun Still Rules
Hamida Ghafouh. Sunday Telegraph, 30 May 2004.
Afghanistan, the War the World Forgot
Colin Brown and Kim Sengupta. The Independent, 25 May 2004. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Afghanistan's Invisible War Wounds
Anna Badkhen. San Francisco Chronicle, 20 April 2004.
Afghanistan's Descent
Washington Post, 19 April 2004.
In Afghanistan: A U.S. Soldier's Emotional Landscape
Ryung Suh. Christian Science Monitor, 12 April 2004.
Securing Afghanistan's Future
Afghanistan Government International Agency Report, 31 March 2004.
Road Rage
Kathy Gannon. New Yorker, 15 March 2004.
The Afghan Road: Interview with Kathy Gannon
Raffi Khatchadourian. The New Yorker, 15 March 2004.
Flawed Ally Was Hunt's Best Hope
Steve Coll. Washington Post, 23 February 2004.
The Mess in Afghanistan
Ahmed Rashid. New York Review of Books, 12 February 2004.
Nomads in a Troubled Land
Scott Baldauf. Christian Science Monitor, 09 February 2004.
Going in Small in Afghanistan
Ann Scott Tyson. Christian Science Monitor, 14 January 2004.
Afghanistan: The Forgotten War
Kim Sengupta. The Independent, 14 December 2003. Posted on the Colorado Citizens for Middle East Peace website.
A Race Against Time in the New Afghanistan
H.D.S. Greenway. Boston Globe, 12 December 2003.
The New Tragedy in Afghanistan
Conor Foley and Mark Lattimer. The Guardian, 10 December 2003.
Mixed Signals of Afghan Stability
Pamela Constable. Washington Post, 10 December 2003.
Rumsfeld Meets Warlords
Bradley Graham. Washington Post, 05 December 2003.
The Other War
Mother Jones, 21 November 2003.
Afghanistan's Lessons for Iraq
Scott Peterson. Christian Science Monitor, 20 November 2003.
High Risks in Afghanistan
New York Times, 17 November 2003.
Swallowed by Kabul's Cracks
Pamela Constable. Washington Post, 26 October 2003.
Afghanistan: In Pursuit of Security and Democracy
Nancy Lindborg. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 16 October 2003 (.pdf file).
Peacebuilding in Afghanistan
Asia Report #64. International Crisis Group, 29 September 2003 (.pdf file).
Tribes, Traditions and Two Tragedies
Syed Saleem. Asia Times, 12 September 2003.
Tough Questions on Iraq, Afghanistan
Wayne Washington. Boston Globe, 10 September 2003.
Peacebuilding in Afghanistan
Asia Report #64. International Crisis Group, 29 September 2003 (.pdf file).
Afghanistan 'Out of Control'
BBC News, 10 August 2003.
The Ghost of Greater Afghanistan
Jonathan Feiser. Power and Interest News Report, 23 July 2003. Posted on the Asia Times website.
Phil Zabriskie. TIME Magazine, 21 July 2003.
Washington's Afghan Plan Unravels
Ramtanu Maitra. Asia Times, 15 July 2003.
US Shooting in the Dark in Afghanistan
Syed Saleem Shahzad. Asia Times, 28 June 2003.
Back to the Future in Kabul
Sanjoy Majumder. BBC News, 24 June 2003.
US Losing the Peace in Afghanistan
Jim Lobe. Inter Press Service, 21 June 2003. Posted on the Asia Times website.
Building Three Nations at Once
Howard LaFranchi. Christian Science Monitor, 10 June 2003.
Afghan Security Still Key
Mike Wooldridge. BBC News, 04 June 2003.
Afghanistan: Are We Losing the Peace?
Mahnaz Ispahani, et. al. Council on Foreign Relations and the Asia Society, June 2003 (.pdf file).
Afghanistan and Broken Promises
Hooman Peimani. Asia Times, 27 May 2003.
Peacekeeping in Iraq: The Lesson of Afghanistan
John Sifton and Sam Zia Zarifi. International Herald Tribune, 20 May 2003.
Afghanistan's Newest Victimization
Stephen Blank. Asia Times, 13 May 2003.
Rumsfeld Arrives in Afghanistan
BBC News, 01 May 2003.
Winning The Other War
Mahmood Karzai, Hamed Wardak and Jack Kemp. Washington Post, 07 April 2003.
Afghanistan: Yet Again NGOs Cite Serious Security Concerns
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Integrated Regional Information Network, 01 April 2003.
The Day After: Lessons from Afghanistan
Mark Sedra. Foreign Policy in Focus, 27 March 2003. Posted on the Asia Times website.
Mark Fiore. Cartoon, 26 March 2003.
Scenarios for Making the World Safe: An Afghan Present
Richard C. Hottelet. Christian Science Monitor, 12 March 2003. Posted on the ReliefWeb website.
That Afghanic Thing
Doonesbury, 06 March 2003.
Afghanistan's Continued Struggle
Matthew Riemer. Yellowtimes, 28 February 2003. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
What About the Other War?
Tim McGirk. Time Asia Magazine, 10 February 2003.
Appraising the War Against Afghanistan
Richard Falk. The Global Site, 31 January 2003.
Alternatives for Afghanistan
Dominic Nutt. The Guardian, 06 January 2003. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
A Shadow Looms Over Afghan City's Revival
Pamela Constable. Washington Post, 18 December 2002.
Wishful Thinking on Afghanistan Sebastian Mallaby. Washington Post, 25 November 2002.
Match Game
Geov Parrish. workingforchange, 15 November 2002. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Afghan Regime Change: One Year On
Preston Mendenhall. Newsweek, 7 October 2002.
A Year of Living on the Edge
Jason Burke. The Observer, 6 October 2002.
Articles reflecting key themes of Strange Victory: Jonathan Steele, Guardian, 03/12/02, William Pfaff, International Herald Tribune, 02/21/02, Jack Beatty, Atlantic Unbound, 02/13/02.
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