A Blueprint for Change: Transforming NATO Special Operations
James L. Jones. Joint Force Quarterly, 2nd Quarter 2007 (.pdf file).
Network Centric Operations (NCO) Case Study: The British Approach to Low-Intensity Operations: Part II
Department of Defense, 12 February 2007 (.pdf file).
Enter the EU Battlegroups
Gustav Lindstrom. Institute for Security Studies, February 2007 (.pdf file).
Information as a Key Resource: The Influence of RMA and Network-Centric Operations on the Transformation of the German Armed Forces
Sabine Collmer. George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, February 2007 (.pdf file).
Transforming NATO (... Again): A Primer for the NATO Summit in Riga 2006
Julianne Smith et al. Center for Strategic and International Studies, November 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Relics of Cold War: Defence Transformation in the Czech Republic
Miroslav Tuma. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, September 2006 (.pdf file).
Transatlantic Transformation: Building a NATO-EU Security Architecture
Frances G. Burwell et al. Atlantic Council of the U.S., March 2006 (.pdf file).
Creating a NATO Special Operations Force
David C. Gompert and Raymond C. Smith. Defense Horizons. Center for Technology and National Security Policy, National Defense University, March 2006 (.pdf file).
Exploring New Command and Control Concepts and Capabilities
DOD Command and Control Research Program, January 2006 (.pdf file).
European Defense Integration: Bridging the Gap Between Strategy and Capabilities
Michele A. Flournoy and Julianna Smith. CSIS, October 2005 (.pdf file).
Russia and NATO: Increased Interaction in Defense Research and Technology
Donald C. Daniel and Michael I. Yarymovych. Defense Horizons #49, October 2005. National Defense University (.pdf file).
Sweden's Use of Commercial Information Technology for Military Applications
Franklin D. Kramer and John C. Cittadino. Defense Horizons # 50, October 2005. National Defense University (.pdf file).
The NATO Response Force: Facilitating Coalition Warfare Through Technology Transfer and Information Sharing
Jeffrey P. Bialos and Stuart L. Koehl. Center for Technology and National Security Policy, National Defense University, September 2005 (.pdf file).
Tomorrow's Air Warfare: A German Perspective on the Way Ahead
Lt. Col. Frank M. Graefe. Air & Space Power Journal, Fall 2005.
NATO Headquarters Transformation: Getting Ahead of the Power Curve
John Kriendler. Conflict Studies Research Centre, June 2005 (.pdf file).
Divergent Perspectives on Military Transformation
Benjamin Schreer and Eugene Whitlock. German Institute for International and Security Affairs, June 2005.
The U.K.'s Defense Logistics Transformation Program: Learning the Lessons from Iraq
John Dowdy and Tony Raper. Defense AT&L, May/June 2005 (.pdf file).
Transformation and the UK
Andrew Dorman. Joint Force Quarterly, 15 April 2005 (.pdf file).
NATO's Military Transformation: An Outsider's Assessment
Anthony H. Cordesman. CSIS, 14 April 2005 (.pdf file).
Rethinking NATO's Force Transformation
Anthony H. Cordesman. Nato Review, Spring 2005.
NATO's Transformation Scorecard
Robert G. Bell. Nato Review, Spring 2005.
Expeditionary Forces for Post Modern Europe: Will European Military Weakness Provide An Opportunity for the new Condottieri?
Col James Wither. Conflict Studies Research Center, January 2005 (.pdf file).
Bundeswehr Marches Into the Future
Henry S. Kenyon. Signal Magazine, November 2004.
Bridging the Gap: European C4ISR Capabilities and Transatlantic Interoperability
Gordon Adams, et. al. Elliot School of International Affairs, October 2004 (.pdf file).
Network-Based Operations for the Swedish Defense Forces
Walter Perry, et. al. RAND, June 2004 (.pdf file).
Network-Based Operations for the Swedish Defence Forces: An Assessment Methodology
Walter Perry, et al. Rand, June 2004 (.pdf file).
Extended Reach: Deploying Capabilities Faster and Further Than Ever Before
Nato, May 2004 (.pdf file).
Transformation of the Romanian Armed Forces in the Post-September 11 Environment: New Principles, New Missions, and New Capabilities for a New NATO
Mihaela Matei. Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2004 (.pdf file).
European Military Reform for a Global Partnership
Rob de Wijk. Washington Quarterly, Winter 2004 (.pdf file).
Bundeswehr Transformation: Towards a 21st Century Transatlantic Partnership
Col. Ralph Thiele. Remarks from roundtable co-hosted by the Heritage Foundation and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Washington, DC. 31 October 2003 (.pdf file).
NATO Responds to a Dirty Bomb
Nato Notes, EU Institute for Security Studies, October 2003 (.pdf file).
Europe: Paving the Way for Network-Centric Operations
Henry S. Kenyon. Signal, September 2003.
Transforming NATO Command and Control for Future Missions
Charles L. Barry. Defense Horizons. Institute for National Security Studies, NDU, June 2003 (.pdf file).
Combating terrorism
Christopher Bennett. NATO Review, Spring 2003.
Nato Review Working with Partners to Fight Terrorism
Osman Yavuzalp. NATO Review, Spring 2003.
Terrorism, Proliferation: a European Threat Assessment
Harald Muller. Chaillot Papers # 58, EU Institute for Security Studies, March 2003 (.pdf file).
NATO Defense Science and Technology
Donald C. Daniel and Leigh C. Caraher. Defense Horizons. Institute for National Security Studies, NDU (.pdf file).
International Terrorism & Europe
Therese Delpech. Chaillot Papers #56, EU Institute for Security Studies, December 2002 (.pdf file).
Getting There: Building Strategic Mobility into ESDP
Katia Vlachos-Dengler. Occasional Papers #38, EU Institute for Security Studies, November 2002 (.pdf file).
U.K. Strategic Defence Review
Volume 1: Introduction
Volume 2: Supporting Information and Analysis
U.K. Army, July 2002. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf files).
United Kingdom: Evolution beyond the Strategic Defense Review
Colin Robinson. Center for Defense Information, 22 March 2002.
France: Preparing for new types of warfare in a New Century
Colin Robinson. Center for Defense Information 13 March 2002.
Aiding America
Christopher Bennett. NATO Review, Winter 2001.
The Future of the Information Revolution in Europe: Proceedings of an International Conference
Richard O. Hundley, et al. RAND, 25 April 2001.
Cold war dinosaurs or high-tech arms providers? The West European land armaments industry at the turn of the millennium.
Jan Joel Andersson. Ocassional Paper 23. WEU Institute for Security Policy. February 2001.
The RMA-Europe can keep in step
Robert P. Grant. Paris, France: The Institute For Security Studies, June 2000.
Transforming the Armed Forces of Central
and East Europe.
Jeffrey Simon. Strategic Forum No. 172 (June 2000). Institute
for National Security Studies, NDU. Posted on the CIAO website.
Thinking about the Unthinkable: Australian Vulnerabilities to High-Tech Risks
Dr Adam Cobb. Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Trade Group. Parliamentary Library, Parliament of Australia. Research Paper 18, 29 June 1998
Europe's Armed Forces at the Millennium: A Case Study of Change in France,
the United Kingdom, and Germany
Lutz Unterseher. Posted on Project on Defense Alternatives Web site, 2000.
Revolution In Information Affairs. Tactical and Strategic Implications of Information Warfare and Information Operations
Manuel W. Wik. Stockholm: Royal Academy of Defence Sciences, January 10, 2000.
The Middle Way: Australia's Response to the RMA
Michael Evans. National Security Studies Quarterly (Winter 2000).
The Revolution in Military Affairs: Allied Perspectives
Robbin F. Laird and Holger H. Mey. McNair Paper 60, Institute for National
Strategic Studies, April 1999. Posted on the CIAO website.
Digitization of the Battlespace: A Progress Report
UK Defence Forum. March 1999.
Network-Centric Warfare: A Place in Our Future
Group Captain
Peter Layton. Aerospace Centre Paper 74. Royal Australian Air
Force. 1999.
The Revolution in Military Affairs: All That Glitters Is Not Gold
Colonel W. Semiamaw. Canadian Forces College, 1998.
The Revolution in Military Affairs and the UK
Gerard Quille. International Security Information Service, December 1998.
Posted on Global Beat Web site.