Is Weapon System Cost Growth Increasing? A Quantitative Assessment of Completed and Ongoing Programs
Obaid Younossi et al. RAND, 06 September 2007 (.pdf file).
Six Decades of Guided Munitions and Battle Networks: Progress and Prospects
Barry D. Watts. Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, March 2007 (.pdf file).
Confronting the Unconventional: Innovation and Transformation in Military Affairs
David Tucker. Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, October 2006 (.pdf file).
Temporal Dominance: Military Transformation and the Time Dimension of Strategy
Edwin Seah. Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Singapore, March 2006 (.pdf file).
Spiraling Ahead
William A. Arkin. Armed Forces Journal, February 2006.
Disruptive Voice
James Blaker and Robert Holzer. Armed Forces Journal, January 2006.
The Great Transformation
Mark Williams. Technology Review, 2006.
Analyst: Advanced Networks to be Rumsfeld Legacy
Scott Nance. Defense Today, 08 December 2005. (Note: Will open as a Word document).
Sidewise Technologies: National Security and Global Power Implications
Paul Bracken. Military Review, September-October 2005 (.pdf file).
Transformation in Concept and Policy
Stephen J. Cimbala. Joint Force Quarterly, 27 June 2005 (.pdf file).
Transformation and Strategic Surprise
Colin S. Gray. Strategic Studies Institute, April 2005 (.pdf file).
Transformation During War
Merrick E. Krause. Joint Force Quarterly, 2005 (.pdf file).
The Revolution in War
Michael G. Vickers & Robert C. Martinage. Center for Strategic & Budgetary Assessments, December 2004.
Technology and Military Doctrine : Essays on a Challenging Relationship
I.B. Holley, Jr. Air University Press, August 2004.
Virtuous Destruction, Decisive Speed
Ralph Peters. Air War College, 17 May 2004 (.pdf file).
Keeping Pace with the Revolution in Military Affairs
William Nolte. Studies in Intelligence, January 2004. Posted on the Air War College website.
The Global Course of the Information Revolution: Recurring Themes and Regional Variations
Richard O. Hundley, et. al. RAND, 2003.
The RMA and War Powers
Lukasz Kamienski. Strategic Insights, 2 September 2003. Center for Contemporary Conflict, Naval Postgraduate School. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Thinking Out of the Box: Reading Military Texts from a Different Perspective Lt. Col. Phillip J. Ridderhof. Naval War College Review, Autumn 2002.
The Big Issue: Command and Combat in the Information Age David Potts. The Occasional #45. The Strategic and Studies Combat Institute, March 2002.
A Path Toward Transformation: A Conversation with Gen. Charles E. Wilhelm, USMC (Ret.) Center for Defense Information, 10 January 2002.
21st Century Transformation Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld Remarks delivered at National Defense University, Fort McNair, Washington DC, 31 January 2002.
What do we mean by "Transformation"? Ross et al. Naval War College Review, Winter 2002. Posted on the Find Articles website.
(R)evolution in Military Affairs UNIDIR Disarmament Forum, No. 4, 2001.
Resurrecting Transformation for the Post-Industrial Era Douglas A. Macgregor. Defense Horizons No. 2. Center for Technology and National Security Policy. National Defense University, September 2001.
Chaos, Complexity and Conflict Maj. Michael R. Weeks. Aerospace Chronicles, 16 July 2001.
Rumsfeld's Revolution: Is the Big Shift in Defense Really Happening At Last? Philip Gold. Discovery Institute, 30 June 2001.
Reorganizing America's Military for the 21st Century Event summary from conference sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson
Center, Washington DC, 21 June 2001.
Modern Conflict: The Reality Steele, Robert. 20 June 2001. Posted on the Defense and National
Interest Website.
The Bush
Administration's Call for Defense Transformation: A Congressional
Guide Andrew Krepinevich. Washington DC: Center for Strategic and
Budgetary Assessments, 19 June 2001.
Why the Pentagon Fears Rumsfeld's Review Philip Gold. The Seattle Times, 13 June 2001. Posted on the Discovery Institute Website.
Rumsfeld-Style Military Reform Philip Gold. Washington Times, 8 June 2001. Posted on the
Discovery Institute Website.
Rumsfeld's Reformation: The New Defense
Secretary Faces Tough Choices Loren B. Thompson. San Diego Union Tribune, 20 May 2001. Posted
on the Lexington Institute Website.
The Global Technology Revolution: Bio/Nano/Materials Trends and Their Synergies with Information Technology by 2015 Philip S. Antón, Richard Silberglitt, and James Schneider. Santa Monica: Rand, April 2001. Book online.
The Commission on National Security/21st Century: A Hart-Rudman Commission Primer Charles Lathrop and Mackenzie Eaglen. Institute for Land Warfare, National Security Watch, 6 April 2001.
Transformation: Let's Get it Right this
Richard J. Dunn III. Parameters (Spring 2001).
The Limits of Transformation Loren B. Thompson. Washington Post, 12 March 2001. Posted on the
Lexington Institute Website.
Transforming the Armed Forces: An Agenda for Change Paul Davis. In Richard Kugler and Ellen Frost, eds, The Global
Century: Globalization and National Security. Washington DC: NDU
Press, March 2001.
Information Age Anthology, Vol. III: The Information Age Military (pdf, 20 mb) David Alberts and Daniel Papp, eds. DoD C4ISR Cooperative Research Program, March 2001 (.pdf file).
Information Age Anthology, Vol II: National Security Implications of the Information Age (pdf 25 mb) David Alberts and Daniel Papp, eds. DoD C4ISR Cooperative Research Program, March 2001 (.pdf file).
Bush Details Plan to Focus Military on New Weaponry David Sanger. New York Times, 14 February 2001. Posted on the NucNews website.
Why it's Time to Revolutionize the
James R. Blaker and Steven J. Nider. Blueprint Magazine
(February 2001). New Democrats Online.
Why it's Time to Revolutionize the
Military James R. Blaker and Steven J. Nider. Blueprint ( Winter 2001).
New Democrats Online.
Military Experimentation: Time to Get
Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr. NWC Review ( Winter 2001). Posted on the Find Articles website.
The 'Marshall Plan'
Center for Security Policy Decision Brief, 12 February 2001.
The Dubious Genius of Andrew Marshall.
Jason Vest.. The American Prospect Online. 15 February 2001.
The Evolving Battlefield John S. Foster and Larry D. Welch. Physics Today, December 2000.
The Next Twist of the RMA Steven Metz. Parameters (Autumn 2000)
The Information Revolution and National Security Thomas E. Copeland. Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, Army War College, August 2000.
Boon or Threat? The Information Revolution and U.S. National Security Robert R. Tomes. Naval War College Review (Summer 2000).
A Technological Call To Arms John P. Murtha and John B. Larson. The New Democrat Online, May 1, 2000.
Revolution in Military Affairs-An Appraisal Kapil Kak. Strategic Analysis (April 2000)
Armed Conflict in the 21st Century: The Information Revolution and Post-Modern Warfare Steven Metz. Strategic Studies Institute, Army War College. March 2000
Technological Change & the Future of Warfare: Introduction Michael O'Hanlon. Chapter One from Technological Change & the Future of Warfare. Washington DC: Brookings Institution, 2000 (.pdf file).
Revolutions in Military Affairs: The Debate and the Opportunities Northrop Grumman Review Magazine (February 1999).
Conventional Operations and Warfare: A New Era Ahead? From Strategic Assessment. Institute for National Strategic Studies, 1999.
Information and War: Is it a Revolution? Jeremy Shapiro. From The Changing Role of Information in
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Monica: Rand, 1999.
The American Military Enterprise in the Information Age Carl H. Builder. From The Changing Role of Information in
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Monica: Rand, 1999.
National Security in the Information Age David C. Gompert. Naval War College Review (Autumn 1998).
Preparing for the Next War: Reflections on the RMA. Stephen Blank. From In Athena's Camp, eds., Arquilla and Ronfeldt. Santa Monica: Rand, 1997.
In Athena's Camp: Preparing for Conflict in the Information Age John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt, eds. Santa Monica: Rand, 1997.
Advanced Technology and Future Warfare Eliot A. Cohen and Zeev Bonen. Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies,
Information and Nuclear RMAs Compared Martin Libicki. Strategic Forum 82. Institute for National Strategic Studies,
July 1996.
A Revolution in Warfare Eliot A. Cohen. Foreign Affairs (March/ April 1996). Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Revolution in Military Affairs? Theodor W. Galdi. Congressional Research Service, 11 December 1995.
Posted on Federation of American Scientists Web site.
The Revolution in Military Affairs Jeffrey McKitrick, et al. From Battlefield of the Future: 21st
Century Warfare Issues
Warfare Issues. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press, September 1995.
The Revolution in Military Affairs and its Interpreters: Implications for
National and International Security Policy Jacob W. Kipp. Foreign Military Studies Office, September 1995.
Information Warfare: Issues and Perspectives John H. Miller. Institute for National Strategic Studies, March 1995.
The Revolution in Military Affairs: A Framework for Defense Planning
Michael J. Mazarr. Strategic Studies Institute, 10 June 1994.
The Prince's Dilemma: The Art of War in the Information Age
Rafal Rohozinski. Social Science Research Council (.pdf file).
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