Iraqi Civilian Deaths Estimates
Hannah Fischer. Congressional Research Service, updated 27 August 2008 (.pdf file).
Violence-Related Mortality in Iraq from 2002 to 2006
World Health Organization. Published by The New England Journal of Medicine, 09 January 2008.
U.S. Paid $42.4 Million to Iraqis
Sharon Behn. The Washington Times, 27 February 2008.
Iraqis Say U.S. Mistakenly Fired On Them Again
Alexandra Zavis. Los Angeles Times, 15 February 2008.
Counting Iraqi Casualties -- and a Media Controversy
John Tirman. Editor & Publisher, 14 February 2008.
Shadowy Tactics of US Troops in Iraq
Richard Luscombe. The Scotsman, 11 February 2008.
U.S. Troops Kill at Least 3 Iraqi Civilians in Raid
Sudarsan Raghavan. Washington Post, 06 February 2008.
US Says It Accidentally Killed Nine Iraqi Civilians
Solomon Moore and Qais Mizher. The New York Times, 04 February 2008.
War Casualties Often Children
The Associated Press, 04 February 2008.
Rights Eroded in Iraq in 2007 with Civilians Targeted: HRW
Agence France-Presse, 31 January 2008. (See report below).
2008 World Report: Events of 2007
Human Rights Watch, 31 January 2008 (.pdf file).
High Court Lifts Gagging Order on Iraqi Abuse Case
Michael Evans. The Times, UK, 31 January 2008.
Iraq Conflict Has Killed a Million Iraqis: Survey
Luke Baker. Reuters, 30 January 2008.
The Real "Surge" of 2007: Non-Combatant Death in Iraq and Afghanistan
Neta Crawford et al. Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, 22 January 2008.
Civilian Deaths Massive by Any Measure
Haider Rizvi. Inter Press Service, 11 January 2008.
Violence in Iraq
Kevin Drum. Washington Monthly, 10 January 2008.
New Estimate of Violent Deaths Among Iraqis Is Lower
David Brown and Joshua Partlow. Washington Post, 10 January 2008. (see report below)
Violence-Related Mortality in Iraq from 2002 to 2006
World Health Organization. Published by The New England Journal of Medicine, 09 January 2008.
Iraq Death Rate Belies US Claims of Success
Kim Sengupta. The Independent, 07 January 2008.
The Fog of War Crimes
Frida Berrigan. In These Times, 07 January 2008.
Data Bomb
Neil Munro and Carl M. Cannon. National Journal, 04 January 2008.
Iraq Deaths Surged and Also Fell in 2007
Tina Susman. Los Angeles Times, 01 January 2008.
Marine Avoids Iraq Murder Charge
BBC News, 31 December 2007.
Military Slaughters Iraqi Civilians
Dahr Jamail. TomDispatch, 28 November 2007.
Iraqis Detail Shooting by Guard Firm
Steve Fainaru. Washington Post, 26 November 2007.
Recording Sparks Investigation of Shootout
Kimberly Johnson. Marine Corps Times, 16 November 2007.
How Blackwater Sniper Fire Felled 3 Iraqi Guards
Steve Fainaru. Washington Post, 08 November 2007.
Iraqi Deaths Up in October in Blow to U.S. 'Surge' Policy
Agence France Presse, 02 November 2007.
Iraqi Civilian Deaths, Part II
Michael Dobbs., 19 October 2007.
The Casualties of Iraq
Conn Hallinan. Foreign Policy in Focus, 17 October 2007.
As Violence Falls in Iraq, Cemetery Workers Feel the Pinch
Jay Price and Qasim Zein. McClatchy Newspapers, 15 October 2007.
Who Will be Punished for Haditha?
Brian Bennett. TIME Magazine, 11 October 2007.
Reports on Civilian Killings in Iraq Should be Public, Say ACLU, Members of Congress
Farah Stockman. The Boston Globe, 09 October 2007.
U.S. Marines Likely to Avoid Murder Charges Over Killing of Iraqi Civilians
Ewen MacAskil. The Guardian, 05 October 2007.
From Errand to Fatal Shot to Hail of Fire to 17 Deaths
James Glanz and Alissa J. Rubin. The New York Times, 03 October 2007.
Civilian Deaths in Iraq Halve in Sept: Government
Paul Tait. Reuters, 01 October 2007.
Iraqi Civilian Deaths Estimates
Hannah Fischer. Congressional Research Service, 05 September 2007. Posted on the Center for Defense Information website on 25 September 2007 (.pdf file).
Violence by the Numbers in Iraq: Sound Data or Shaky Statistics?
Lawrence J. Korb and Stephen Biddle. Posted on the Council on Foreign Relations website, 25 September 2007.
Poll: Civilian Death Toll in Iraq May Top 1 Million
Tina Susman. Los Angeles Times, 14 September 2007.
Is the U.S. Responsible for a Million Iraqi Deaths?
Patrick McElwee and Robert Naiman. Just Foreign Policy, 11 September 2007. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Understanding Violence and Civilian Casualty Rates in Iraq: An Insider's View
Kirk A. Johnson. The Heritage Foundation, 10 September 2007.
Fact Sheet: Civilian and Military Casualties in Iraq and their Implications for 'The Surge'
Ana Marte and Elise Szabo. Center for Defense Information, 10 September 2007 (.pdf file).
Dissent and Discussion: Casualties in Iraq
Mark Seibel. McClatchy Newspapers, 06 August 2007.
Report: Surge Hasn't Cut Attacks on Iraqi Civilians
Renee Schoof and Warren P. Strobel. McClatchy Newspapers, 04 September 2007.
In the Crossfire or the Crosshairs? Norms, Civilian Casualties and U.S. Conduct in Iraq
Colin H. Kahl. International Security, Summer 2007. Posted on 29 August 2007. (.pdf file).
Toll Rises Above 500 in Iraq Bombings
Damien Cave and James Glanz. The New York Times, 22 August 2007.
Iraq Bombs Death Toll Rises to 400
Fred Attewill. The Guardian, 16 August 2007.
Desperate Search for Survivors Among Yazidi Homes Destroyed by Bombers
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, 16 August 2007.
Charges Dropped Against 2 Marines In Haditha Killings
Josh White. Washington Post, 10 August 2007.
Checkpoints: Baghdad's Russian Roulette
Institute for War and Peace Reporting, 07 August 2007.
In Iraq, Death Tolls Often in Dispute
Sam Dagher. The Christian Science Monitor, 03 August 2007.
The Problem of Counting the Casualties of War
Siobhain Butterworth. The Guardian, 30 July 2007.
U.S. Choppers Kill ... Who? Enemy or Innocents?
Hannah Allam and Jenan Hussein. McClatchy Newspapers, 21 July 2007.
Attacks in Kirkuk and Diyala Kill More Than 100 Iraqis
Richard A. Oppel, Jr and Ali Adeeb. The New York Times, 17 July 2007.
Investigator Urges Clearing of Marine in Killings at Haditha Home
Josh White. Washington Post, 12 July 2007.
Pentagon: U.S. Troops Shot 429 Iraqi Civilians at Checkpoints
Nancy A. Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 11 July 2007.
Body Count In Baghdad Up in June
Joshua Partlow. Washington Post, 05 July 2007.
Iraqi Civilian Toll Hits Low For Year
Molly Hennessy-Fiske. Los Angeles Times, 02 July 2007.
Officials Say Civilian Casualties in Iraq Declined
Alissa J. Rubin. New York Times, 01 July 2007.
Close and Deadly Contact
Tina Susman. Los Angeles Times, 12 June 2007.
Civilian Toll in Iraq At 'Higher Levels'
Colum Lynch and Joshua Partlow. Washington Post, 12 June 2007. (See report below).
Civilian Death Toll in Iraq Spikes in May
Mussab Al-Khairalla. Reuters, 02 June 2007. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
U.S. Compensated Iraqis, Afghans nearly $31 Million, GAO Says
Nancy A. Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 01 June 2007 (See report below).
The Department of Defense's Use of Solatia and Condolence Payments in Iraq and Afghanistan
Report to Congressional Requesters. Government Accountability Office, 23 May 2007. Posted on 01 June 2007 (.pdf file).
One-Third of Troops in Iraq Support Torture, Majority Condone Mistreating Innocent Civilians
Winslow Wheeler. AlterNet, 24 May 2007.
Morgue Data Show Increase In Sectarian Killings in Iraq
Sudarshan Raghavan. Washington Post, 24 May 2007.
9/11 Life Worth $1.8 million; Iraqi Life, $2,000. What Does It Mean?
Tom Engelhardt., 15 May 2007.
Disappeared Without a Trace: More than 10,000 Iraqis
Shashank Bengali. McClatchy Newspapers, 13 May 2007.
U.S. Attack 'Kills Iraqi Children'
James Shaw. BBC News, 08 May 2007.
River Tigris Becoming a Graveyard of Bodies
IRIN, 08 May 2007.
U.S. Officials Exclude Car Bombs in Touting Drop in Iraq Violence
Nancy A. Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 26 April 2007.
More Than 170 Dead in Iraq Blasts
BBC News, 18 April 2007.
Claims Detail Grim Civilian Toll
Eli Clifton. Inter Press Service, 13 April 2007.
Civilian Claims on U.S. Suggest the Toll of War
Paul von Zielbauer. The New York Times, 12 April 2007.
Iraq's Wounded: On Their Own
Sam Dagher. The Christian Science Monitor, 11 April 2007.
Iraq Says 1,861 Civilians Killed in March
BBC News, 01 April 2007.
Iraqi Widow Saves Her Home, but Victory Is Brief
Edward Wong. The New York Times, 30 March 2007.
Iraqi Deaths Survey 'Was Robust'
Owen Bennett-Jones. BBC News, 26 March 2007.
The Difficulties of Counting Iraq's War Dead
Lionel Beehner. Council on Foreign Relations, 13 March 2007.
Could 650,000 Iraqis Really Have Died Because of the Invasion?
Anjana Ahuja. The Times, UK, 05 March 2007.
Americans Underestimate Iraqi Death Toll
Nancy Benac. The Associated Press, 24 February 2007.
Tearful Soldier Tells Court of Iraq Rape-Murder
Andrea Hopkins. Reuters, 21 February 2007.
GI Pleads Guilty to Iraq Rape, Murder
The Associated Press, 20 February 2007.
Misfortunes of War: Press and Public Reactions to Civilian Deaths in Wartime
Eric V. Larson and Bogdan Savych. RAND, 15 February 2007 (.pdf file).
Iraq: Counting the Dead
Jon Wiener. The Nation, 18 January 2007.
U.N. Marks Soaring Iraq Death Toll
BBC News, 16 January 2007. (See report below).
Human Rights Report 01 November - 31 December 2006
U.N. Assistance Mission for Iraq, 16 January 2006 (.pdf file).
Baghdad Morgue Took 16,000 Bodies in 2006
Reuters, 14 January 2007.
War's Toll on Iraqis Put at 22,950 in '06
Sudarsan Raghavan. Washington Post, 08 January 2007.
Death in Haditha
Josh White. The Washington Post, 06 January 2007.
16,273 Deaths Reported in Iraq in 2006
Lauren Frayer. The Associated Press, 02 January 2007. Posted on the MSNBC News website.
Four U.S. Marines Charged with Iraq Murders
Suzanne Goldenberg and Ed Pilkington. The Guardian, 22 December 2006.
Iraqi Civilian Death Estimates
Hannah Fischer. Congressional Research Service, 22 November 2006. Posted on 12 December 2006 (.pdf file).
Kucinich-Paul Congressional Hearing on Civilian Casualties in Iraq
Transcript of Congressional Hearing. Posted on the Informed Comment website, 11 December 2006.
Staticide, Not Civil War in Iraq
Sarah Sheilds. Common Dreams, 08 December 2006.
At Least 5 Marines Are Expected to Be Charged in Haditha Deaths
Paul von Zielbauer. The New York Times, 06 December 2006.
The Numbers Prove It -- Iraq's a Civil War
Barry Lando. Los Angeles Times, 29 November 2006.
American Military Concedes Daily Toll of Civilians Likely to Rise Far Above 100
Jonathan Steele. The Guardian, 29 November 2006.
Iraq's Hard Numbers
Peter Lynn. The Guardian, 29 November 2006.
Haditha 'Massacre' - One Year On
David Loyn. BBC News, 19 November 2006.
Soldier Gets 90 Years in Rape, Killing of Iraqi Girl
Josh White. Washington Post, 17 November 2006.
U.S. Soldier Admits Iraq Girl Rape
BBC News, 15 November 2006.
Baghdad's Morgues So Full, Bodies Being Turned Away
The Associated Press, 12 November 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
Decrepit Healthcare Adds to Toll in Iraq
Louise Roug. Los Angeles Times, 11 November 2006.
How We Fight
Colin H. Kahl. Foreign Affairs, November/December 2006.
Iraq Aims to Limit Mortality Data
Colum Lynch. Washington Post, 20 October 2006. Posted on 10 November 2006.
Third Serviceman Admits Guilt in Iraqi Killing
Reuters, 06 November 2006.
Iraqi Data Suggests Civilian Deaths Still Rising
Alastair Macdonald. Reuters, 01 November 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
These Tattoos Aren't Artful - They Help Identify Iraq's Dead
Nancy A. Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 31 October 2006.
The Disappeared
Aparisim Ghosh. TIME, 29 October 2006.
Marine on Trial Tells of Killing Unarmed Iraqi
Carolyn Marshall. The New York Times, 27 October 2006.
U.K. Scientists Attack Lancet Study Over Death Toll
Sarah Boseley. The Guardian, 24 October 2006.
How to Make Hundreds of Thousands of Dead Iraqis Disappear
Eric Alterman., 20 October 2006. Posted on the AlterNet website.
Number Crunching: Taking Another Look at the Lancet's Iraq Study
Fred Kaplan., 20 October 2006.
Bush's Attacks on Lancet's Iraq War Death Study - Slandering Sound Science
Dr. Curran Warf. Counterpunch, 18 October 2006. Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website.
Death in Iraq: A Critical Examination of the Lancet Paper
Jeffrey White and Loring White. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 18 October 2006.
Death Toll Survey Provokes Controversy
IRIN, 16 October 2006.
Iraq Casualty Figures Open Up New Battleground
Dan Murphy. The Christian Science Monitor, 13 October 2006.
Excess Death in Iraq
Dahr Jamail. Truthout, 12 October 2006.
Iraqi Death Toll Exceeds 600,000, Study Estimates
Neil King, Jr. The Wall Street Journal, 11 October 2006. (See report below).
Mortality after the 2003 Invasion of Iraq: A Cross-Sectional Cluster Sample Survey
Gilbert Burnham, Riyadh Lafta, Shannon Doocy and Les Roberts. The Lancet, 11 October 2006.
Iraq Civilian Deaths Hit Record in Sept - Ministry
Alastair Macdonald. Reuters, 01 October 2006.
Why the Numbers Don't Add Up in Iraq
Patrick J. McDonnell. Los Angeles Times, 10 September 2006.
U.S. Count of Baghdad Deaths Excludes Car Bombs, Mortar Attacks
Mark Brunswick and Zaineb Obeid. McClatchy Newspapers, 08 September 2006.
Death Penalty Sought for US Soldiers Accused of Iraqi Murders
Alicia A. Caldwell. The Associated Press, 02 September 2006.
Where's The Outrage?
William Neikirk. Chicago Tribune, 27 August 2006. Posted on the Information Clearing House website.
Marine Called Haditha Shootings Appropriate
Josh White. Washington Post, 24 August 2006.
Iraq Looking Into Young Girl's Death
Vijay Joshi. Washington Post, 22 August 2006.
Number of Civilian Deaths Highest in July, Iraqis Say
Edward Wong and Damien Cave. The New York Times, 16 August 2006.
Iraqi Medic Describes Carnage
Joshua Partlow. Washington Post, 07 August 2006.
4 G.I.'s Tell of How Iraqi Raid Went Wrong
Paul von Zielbauer. The New York Times, 07 August 2006.
U.S. Probe Implicates Marines
The Associated Press, 02 August 2006. Posted on the MSNBC website.
Who Grieves For Dead Iraqis?
Andrew Greeley. Chicago Sun Times, 28 July 2006. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Grisly Evidence on Ice: Baghdad's Morgue
Malcolm Beith. Newsweek, 25 July 2006.
Iraq: Raped
Raed Jarrar., 12 July 2006.
Insurgent Group Posts Video of 2 Mutilated U.S. Soldiers
Edward Wong. The New York Times, 11 July 2006.
What's an Iraqi Life Worth?
Andrew J. Bacevich. Washington Post, 09 July 2006.
Documents Proving Alleged Iraqi Rape-Murder Victim Was 14, Not 20 As the Military Says
Alastair MacDonald. Reuters, 09 July 2006.
2 American Officials Apologize for Crime
Edward Wong. The New York Times, 07 July 2006.
Ex-GI Charged in Iraq Deaths
The Associated Press, 03 July 2006. Posted on the MSNBC website.
Details Emerge in Alleged Army Rape, Killings
Ellen Knickmeyer. Washington Post, 03 June 2006.
More Than 1,000 Iraqis Killed in June
Agence France Presse, 01 July 2006. Posted on the ReliefWeb website.
Rights Groups Urge U.S. to Release Statistics on Iraqi Casualties
Aaron Glantz., 30 June 2006.
U.S. Troops Accused of Killing Iraq Family
Ryan Lenz. The Associated Press, 30 June 2006. Posted on the Washington Post website.
War's Iraqi Death Toll Tops 50,000
Louise Roug and Doug Smith. Los Angeles Times, 25 June 2006.
U.S. Working to Reduce Civilian Casualties in Iraq
Nancy A. Youssef. Knight Ridder Newspapers, 21 June 2006.
Contradictions Cloud Inquiry Into Haditha
John M. Broder. The New York Times, 17 June 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
Some Troops Question Rigor in Routine Probes of Iraqi Civilian Deaths
Elaine M. Grossman. Inside the Pentagon, 15 June 2006. Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website.
Compensation Payments Rising, Especially by Marines
David S. Cloud. The New York Times, 10 June 2006.
Propaganda and Haditha
Dahr Jamail and Jeff Pflueger. Truthout, 09 June 2006.
Killing Contest
Nermeen Al-Mufti. Al-Ahram Weekly Online, 08-14 June 2006.
Condolence Payments to Iraqis Soar
Bryan Bender. Boston Globe, 08 June 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
Painful Legacy
Firas Al-Atraqchi. Al-Ahram Weekly Online, 08-14 June 2006.
When Children Are 'Collateral Damage'
Megan K. Stack. Los Angeles Times, 08 June 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Baghdad Clinic Battles Epidemic of Missing Limbs
Ahmad al-Rubaye. Agence France Presse, 07 June 2006.
Collateral Damage: The 'Incident at Haditha'
Tom Engelhardt. Mother Jones, 07 June 2006.
Iraqis Accuse Marines in April Killing Of Civilian
Ellen Knickmeyer. Washington Post, 05 June 2006.
Probing a Bloodbath
Evan Thomas and Scott Johnson. Newsweek, 12 June 2006. Posted on 05 June 2006.
Alleged U.S. Misconduct Adds to Iraqi Woes
Hamza Hendawi, The Associated Press, 04 June 2006.
Investigations Lead to More Scrutiny of Civilian Deaths
Tony Perry. Los Angeles Times, 04 June 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Baghdad Morgue Reports Record Figures for May
Louise Roug. The Los Angeles Times, 04 June 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
Iraqi PM: U.S. Rushed Ishaqi Probe
CNN News, 03 June 2006.
When Iraq Abuses Fail to Shock
Shibley Telhami. Forward, 02 June 2006. Posted on the Brookings Institution website.
New 'Iraq Massacre' Tape Emerges
BBC News, 02 June 2006.
Premier Accuses U.S. of Attacking Civilians in Iraq
Richard A. Oppel, Jr. The New York Times, 02 June 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Iraq Launches Own Probe of Haditha Deaths
Patrick Quinn. The Associated Press, 01 June 2006.
Haditha May Become U.S. Military Disgrace
Tom Raum. The Associated Press, 01 June 2006.
Rise in Civilian Casualties Shows a Troubling Shift
Hamza Hendawi. The Associated Press, 01 June 2006.
Rampage at Haditha: Aberrant or Endemic?
Patrick Radden Keefe. The Century Foundation, 31 May 2006.
Military Inquiry Is Said to Oppose Account of Raid
Eric Schmitt and David S. Cloud. The New York Times, 31 May 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Haditha Massacre: Was it an Isolated Event and Did the Military Try to Cover it Up?
Democracy Now, 30 May 2006.
Countless My Lai Massacres in Iraq
Dahr Jamail. Truthout, 30 May 2006.
Drone's Video May Aid Marine Inquiry
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 30 May 2006.
Bloody Scenes Haunt a Marine
Rone Tempest. Los Angeles Times, 29 May 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
The Shame Of Kilo Company
Michael Duffy. TIME Magazine, 28 May 2006.
The Marines and a 'Massacre' in Iraq
Ali Hamdani, Ned Parker, Nick Meo and Tom Baldwin. The Times, UK, 27 May 2006.
Military to Report Marines Killed Iraqi Civilians
Thom Shanker, Eric Schmitt and Richard A. Oppel, Jr. The New York Times, 26 May 2006.
Marine Corps To Probe Iraq Civilian Deaths
Robert Burns. The Associated Press, 25 May 2006. Posted on the Seattle Post-Intelligencer website.
Baghdad Mortuary Overwhelmed by Rising Numbers of Dead
IRIN, 17 May 2006.
Iraqi Civilian, Police, and Security Forces Casualty Estimates
Hannah Fischer. Congressional Research Service, 08 May 2006 (.pdf file).
Targeted Killings Surge in Baghdad
Louise Roug. Los Angeles Times, 07 May 2006.
Iraq Struggles With Rise of Guns-For-Hire
Alexandra Zavis. The Associated Press, 07 May 2006.
Kidnapped in Iraq: Victim's Tale of Clockwork Death and Ransom
Kirk Semple. The New York Times, 07 May 2006.
Baghdad Morgue Receives 35-50 Bodies Daily
Reuters, 04 May 2006.
"Reason for Their Death Is Known"
Dahr Jamail. Truthout, 03 May 2006.
1,000 Iraqis at Risk of Nuclear Contamination, Says IAEA
Ian Traynor. The Guardian, 25 April 2006.
Artists Become Targets in Rising Atmosphere of Intolerance
IRIN, 24 April 2006.
NGOs' report puts kidnappings this year at 20,000
IRIN, 20 April 2006.
Killings Lead to Brain Drain from Iraq
Oliver Poole. The Telegraph, UK, 17 April 2006.
Learning to Count: The Dead in Iraq
Dahr Jamail and Jeff Pflueger. Truthout, 13 April 2006.
We're Helpless, Says Iraqi Surgeon
Rebecca Torr. Gulf Daily News, 13 April 2006.
Doctors, NGOs Warn of High Infant Mortality In Basra
IRIN, 11 April 2006.
Iraq Mess Is Literally Making People Sick
Judy Leurquin. Uruknet, 10 April 2006. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Professionals Are New Targets of Kidnappers
IRIN, 10 April 2006.
3 U.S. Commanders Relieved of Duty as Iraqi Town Mourns its Dead
Nancy A. Youssef. Knight Ridder Newspapers, 08 April 2006.
U.S. Troop Fatalities Hit A Low; Iraqi Deaths Soar
Jonathan Finer. Washington Post, 01 April 2006.
Iraqis Are Most Likely Kidnap Victims
Vanessa Arrington. The Associated Press, 30 March 2006. Posted on
Iraq Politician Says 1,700 Sunnis Killed in Unrest
Agence France-Presse, 30 Mar 2006. Posted on the ReliefWeb website.
As U.S. Deaths in Iraq Decline, Civilian Violence Is On Upswing
The Seattle Times, 30 March 2006.
One Morning in Haditha
Tim McGirk. Time Magazine, 19 March 2006.
The Human Toll
Interactive map of fatalities in Iraq. Newsweek, 19 March 2006.
Deaths Fall for U.S., Rise for Iraqis
Thomas Frank. USA Today, 19 March 2006.
Benchmarks: More Civilians Killed in Iraq
Martin Sieff. United Press International, 15 March 2006.
Iraqis Find 85 Bodies in 24-Hour Period
Alexandra Zavis. The Associated Press, 14 March 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
Pupils Learn a Terrible Lesson As War Invades Classroom
Nick Meo, Ali Al Khafaji and Ali Hamdani. The Times, UK, 14 March 2006.
Tens of Thousands of Iraqis Dead But Exact Figure Elusive
Jim Krane. The Associated Press, 10 March 2006.
Iraq Civilian Death Toll 'Highest Since End of War'
Gethin Chamberlain. The Scotsman, 09 March 2006.
Academics Become Casualties of Iraq War
Waleed Ibrahim. Reuters, 09 March 2006.
Iraq's Crisis of Scarred Psyches
Jonathan Finer and Omar Fekeiki. Washington Post, 06 March 2006.
Ex-Envoy: Execution Victims Spike at Baghdad Morgue
Ellen Knickmeyer. Washington Post, 03 March 2006.
Civilians Bearing Brunt of Iraq Violence
Robert H. Reid. The Associated Press, 02 March 2006.
Pandora's Box Opened in Iraq: Looking Backward, Forward, And Beyond
Daniel Jordan and Neil Wollman. Information Clearing House, 21 February 2006.
Little Help Available for Mental Trauma
Steven Komarow. USA Today, 21 February 2006.
Children's Mental Health Affected by Insecurity, Say Specialists
IRIN, 07 February 2006.
31 Days in Iraq
Adriana Lins de Albuquerque and Alicia Cheng. The New York Times, 06 February 2006. Posted on the Information Clearing House website.
Military and Civilian Deaths in Iraq
Reuters, 02 February 2006.
Iraq Body Count: War Dead Figures
BBC News, 01 February 2006.
Burying The Lancet Report
Nicolas J. S. Davies. Z Magazine Online, February 2006.
Military and Civilian Deaths in Iraq
Reuters, 23 January 2006.
Veteran Reporter Says 3,000-4,000 Iraqis Killed Every Month
Political Gateway, 18 January 2006.
U.S. Military Called on to Compensate Iraqi Civilians
Haider Rizvi. OneWorld US, 15 January 2006.
How Many Iraqis Have Died Since the U.S. Invasion in 2003?
Andrew Cockburn. Counterpunch, 09 January 2006.
Military and Civilian Deaths in Iraq
Reuters, 06 January 2006.
Journalist Death Toll in Iraq Exceeds That of Vietnam, Reporters Without Borders Says
The Associated Press, 04 January 2006. Posted on the WTNH website.
Almost 6,000 Iraqis Killed in 2005: Data
Australian Associated Press, 04 January 2006. Posted on the Australian Age website.
Mass Grave Unearthed in Iraq City
BBC, 27 December 2005.
In Iraq, 425 Foreigners Estimated Kidnapped Since 2003
Ellen Knickmeyer and Jonathan Finer. Washington Post, 25 December 2005.
Law Asks DoD to Count Civilian Casualties
Shaun Waterman. United Press International, 19 December 2005.
Morgue Can't Cope With Numbers of Bodies Arriving on a Daily Basis, Doctors Say
IRIN, 15 December 2005.
At Least 40 Die in Iraq Bombings at Eatery, Base
The Associated Press, 10 November 2005. Posted on the MSNBC website.
Iraqi Civilians Killed in Rebel-Held House Bombed by U.S.
Kirk Semple and Sabrina Tavernise. New York Times, 09 November 2005. Posted on the Fairuse website.
$5,000 for Loss of Wife and Son: How US Prices Death
Phil Sands. The Scotsman, 08 November 2005.
For Many in Iraq, Death Is Quick and Capricious
Steve Fainaru. Washington Post, 07 November 2005.
Civilian Contractors in Iraq Dying at Faster Rate as Insurgency Grows
Seth Borenstein. Knight-Ridder, 01 November 2005.
U.S. Quietly Issues Estimate of Iraqi Civilian Casualties
Sabrina Tavernise. New York Times, 30 October 2005. Posted on the Fairuse website.
Rising Civilian Toll Is the Iraq War's Silent, Sinister Pulse
Sabrina Tavernise. New York Times, 26 October 2005. Posted on the Fairuse website.
US Airstrikes Kill At Least 39 Civilians
Ellen Knickmeyer. Washington Post, 18 October 2005. Posted on the Truthout website.
U.S. Airstrike Kills Dozens After Iraq Vote
The Associated Press, 17 October 2005. Posted on the MSNBC website.
Iraq: Mosque Bombing Kills at Least 25
Ali Al-Fatlawi. The Associated Press, 06 October 2005.
Baghdad Hospital Corridors Fill with Dead, Wounded
Mussab al-Khairalla. Reuters, 14 September 2005.
A Dozen Blasts Kill More than 150 in Baghdad
MSNBC, 14 September 2005.
At Least 26 Die in Separate Attacks Across Iraq
Noam N. Levey. Los Angeles Times, 03 September 2005. Posted on th Fairuse website.
US Air Strike 'Kills Dozens' in Iraq Town
Al Jazeera, 30 August 2005.
Radioactive Wounds of War
Dave Lindorff. In These Times, 25 August 2005. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
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[War Report Home]
36 Executed Bodies Found in Iraq
Middle East Online, 25 August 2005.
Car Bombs Kill 43 at Baghdad Bus Station
CNN, 17 August 2005.
26 Iraqi Workers Wounded by US Fire
Middle East Online, 16 August 2005.
Bombs Bad Enough, but Guns Worse in Baghdad
Liz Sly. Chicago Tribune, 11 August 2005. Posted on the Fairuse website.
Bombs Becoming Biggest Killers in Iraq
Robert H. Reid and Jim Krane. The Associated Press, 04 August 2005.
4,000 Iraqis Killed in Iraq in 2005
Zaman Daily Newspaper, 31 July 2005.
Officials: Blast Survivors Hit by Gunfire
Sinbad Ahmed. The Associated Press, 30 July 2005. Posted on the Nola website.
Not Enough Caskets for the Iraqi Dead
Cihan News Agency, 28 July 2005. Posted on the Zaman website.
Up to 40 Killed in Iraq Blast
Liz Sly. Chicago Tribune, 25 July 2005.
Iraqis Stunned by the Violence of a Bombing
Kirk Semple. New York Times, 18 July 2005.
Iraqi Death Toll Exceeded 800 a Month, Data Shows
Sabrina Tavernise. New York Times, 15 July 2005.
Data Shows Faster-Rising Death Toll Among Iraqi Civilians
Sabrina Tavernise. New York Times, 14 July 2005.
Terror Attacks Near 3,200 in 2004 Count
Katherine Shrader. The Associated Press, 05 July 2005. Posted on the Information Clearing House website.
Death of Knight Ridder Reporter, Other Civilians in Iraq, Draws Official Criticism
Editor and Publisher, 04 July 2005.
Car Bombings in Iraq Kill 580 in 2 Months
Patrick Quinn. Marin Independent Journal, 24 June 2005.
Fatal Shooting of Teacher Illustrates Why Iraqis Fear U.S. Convoys
Nancy A. Youssef. Knight-Ridder, 15 June 2005.
U.S. Raids Test Iraqis' Patience
Kirsten Scharnberg. Chicago Tribune, 15 June 2005.
Suicide Bomber Kills 22 in Attack at an Iraq Bank
Edward Wong. New York Times, 15 June 2005.
Dozens Killed in Iraq Attacks
ABC News Australia, 08 June 2005.
Bomb Kills 9 at Sufi Monastery
Andy Mosher and Salih Saif Aldin. Washington Post, 04 June 2005.
825 Died in 'New' Iraq
News 24 South Africa, 03 June 2005.
Iraq Puts Civilian Toll at 12,000
Ellen Knickmeyer. Washington Post, 03 June 2005.
Wounded Iraqis Left Broken and Burdened
Jonathan Finer and Omar Fekeiki. Washington Post, 02 June 2005.
Attacks Leave at Least 28 Dead in Iraq
CNN, 28 May 2005.
The Return of the Body Count
Tom Engelhardt. Tom Dispatch, 24 May 2005. Posted on the website.
23 Killed in New Iraq Attacks
Gulf Daily News, 20 May 2005.
'Thousands' Flee Fighting in Iraq
BBC News, 13 May 2005.
At Least 46 Bodies Found in Iraq
CNN, 16 May 2005.
Body Counts
Christopher Dickey. Newsweek, 11 May 2005.
Multiple Bodies Found at Each of Three Sites in Iraq
Rick Jervis and Mona Mahmoud. USA Today, 15 May 2005.
Tally of Civilian Deaths Depend on Who's Counting: Definitive Estimates Difficult to Obtain
Jack Epstein and Matthew B. Stannard. San Francisco Chronicle, 12 May 2005.
On Way Out, Okrent Knocks 'N.Y. Times' WMD and Civilian Casualty Coverage
Editor and Publisher, 12 May 2005.
U.S. Unaccountable for Iraqi Civilian Deaths
Alan Elsner. Reuters, 03 May 2005. Posted on the Occupation Watch website.
At Least 116 Dead in Iraq in 4 Days
Antonio Castaneda. The Associated Press, 02 May 2005. Posted on the Boston Globe website.
Official US Report on Italian Journalist (Giuliana Sgrena) Shooting Incident
Brigadier General Peter Vangjel. Unredacted version, May 2005 (.doc file).
Terrified US Soldiers Are Still Killing Civilians with Impunity, while the Dead Go Uncounted
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, 24 April 2005.
Corpses Keep Coming from Iraq's River of Death
James Hider. The Australian, 23 April 2005.
Nine Die in Baghdad Mosque Bombing
CNN, 22 April 2005.
Massacre at Iraq Football Stadium
BBC News, 20 April 2005.
Iraq Hostages Dumped in River
CNN, 20 April 2005. Posted on the Guerrilla News Network website.
Aid Worker Uncovered America's Secret Tally of Iraqi Civilian Deaths
Andrew Buncombe. The Independent, 20 April 2005.
Surge in Iraqi Violence Kills 24
Steve Negus. Financial Times, 15 April 2005.
Dozens Killed in Attacks in Baghdad
The Associated Press, 14 April 2005. Posted on the MSNBC website.
Many Iraqis Killed in US Air Attack
Al Jazeera and agencies, 12 April 2005.
Iraq Insurgency Has Killed 6,000 Civilians
Luke Baker. Reuters, 05 April 2005.
Study Says Civilian Casualties on the Rise After Elections
Phil Sands. Gulf News, 21 March 2005. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Iraq Allies Accused of Failing to Investigate Civilian Deaths
Sarah Boseley. The Guardian, 11 March 2005.
U.S. Addresses Iraqis' Losses With Payments
David Zucchino. Los Angeles Times, 10 March 2005. Posted on the EPIC website.
Suicide Bomber Kills 47 at Funeral in Northern Iraq
Colin McMahon. Chicago Tribune, 10 March 2005. Posted on the Kansas City Star website.
35 Corpses Found in Iraq
The Associated Press, 09 March 2005. Posted on The Guardian website.
Lax Security Blamed for Hilla Explosions
The Cape Argus, 02 March 2005.
Ramadi Residents Flee City After Latest US-Led Attacks
IRIN, 24 February 2005. Posted on the IRIN website.
Kirkuk Braced for Ethnic Conflict
Gideon Long. Swiss Info, 14 February 2005.
Sectarian Massacres Shake Iraq
Rory Carroll. The Guardian, 12 February 2005.
At Least 232 Civilians Die Doing U.S. Work in Iraq
Sue Pleming. Reuters, 30 January 2005. Posted on the China Daily website.
Researchers Who Rushed Into Print a Study of Iraqi Civilian Deaths Now Wonder Why It Was Ignored
Lila Guterman. Chronicle of Higher Education, 27 January 2005.
21 Killed in Mosque, Wedding Party Blasts
The Associated Press, 21 January 2005. Posted on the Fox News website.
Car Bomb Kills 14 at Shiite Mosque in Baghdad
MSNBC, 21 January 2005.
'Why Did They Shoot? We Have No Weapons'
Chris Hondros. The Independent, 20 January 2005.
16 Killed in Iraq Attacks
The Associated Press, 17 January 2005. Posted on The Guardian website.
Attacks in Iraq Kill 42
Dhia Hamid. The Australian, 29 December 2004. Posted on the Occupation Watch website.
Ten Iraqis Killed in Ambush
United Press International, 12 December 2004. Posted on the Washington Times website.
Blair Rejects Call for Count of Iraqi Deaths
Rory McCarthy. The Guardian, 09 December 2004.
US Marine Claims Unit Killed Iraqi Civilians
ABC News Australia, 08 December 2004.
New Attacks 'Kill Iraq Civilians'
BBC News, 08 December 2004.
70 Die as Iraq Violence Escalates
Rory McCarthy and Jamie Wilson. The Guardian, 06 December 2004.
Marines Say They Will Resume Publicly Reporting Battle Deaths in Iraq
Robert Burns. The Associated Press, 12 December 2004. Posted on the North County Times website.
Iraq's Civilian Dead Get No Hearing in the United States
Jeffrey D. Sachs. The Daily Star (Lebanon), 02 December 2004.
Witnesses Say US Forces Killed Unarmed Civilians Kim Sengupta. The Independent, 24 November 2004.
Iraqis Remove Corpses Under U.S. Oversight
Edward Harris. The Associated Press, 16 November 2004.
Video Shows US Soldier Killing Wounded Insurgent in Cold Blood
Andrew Buncombe. The Independent, 16 November 2004.
Counting the Casualties
The Economist, 04 November 2004.
Pentagon Suppresses Details of Civilian Casualties, Says Expert
Raymond Whitaker. The Independent, 31 October 2004. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Massacre at Baquba
Kim Sengupta. The Independent, 25 October 2004. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
How Many Iraqis Are Dying? By One Count, 208 in a Week
Norimitsu Onishi. New York Times, 19 October 2004.
Iraq Faces Soaring Toll of Deadly Disease
Jeremy Laurance. The Independent, 13 October 2004. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
'Scores Die' in Samarra Assault
BBC News, 01 October 2004.
Killings Surge in Iraq, and Doctors See a Procession of Misery
Alex Berenson. New York Times, 26 September 2004.
More Iraqi Civilians Killed By U.S. Forces Than By Insurgents, Data Shows
Nancy A. Youssef. Knight Ridder, 25 September 2004.
Counting the Civilian Cost in Iraq
Matthew Davis. BBC News, 22 September 2004.
Hidden Toll of the War In Iraq
Stephen L. Robinson. Center for American Progress, 14 September 2004 (.pdf file).
At Least 80 Civilians Die in Iraqi Violence
Jackie Spinner. Washington Post, 13 September 2004.
US Missile Attack Kills 13 Civilians in Iraq
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, 13 September 2004.
Between 10,000 and 30,000 Iraqis Killed Since US Invasion
Bassam Mroue. The Associated Press, 08 September 2004.
Named and Identified Victims of the War on Iraq
Iraq Body Count, September 2004.
High Court Challenge Over Iraqi Civilian Deaths
Press Association, 28 July 2004. Posted on The Guardian website.
Iraqis Risk Death to Bury the Dead
Scott Baldauf. Christian Science Monitor, 24 August 2004.
In Hospital Hit by Missile, the Survivors Wonder Why
Somini Sengupta. New York Times, 23 July 2004.
Shooting Death Angers Iraqi Family
Thanassis Cambanis. Boston Globe, 21 June 2004.
High-Profile Air Strikes 'Killed Only Civilians'
Dan Glaister. The Guardian, 14 June 2004.
Casualties of War
Thomas M. DeFrank. New York Daily News, 13 June 2004.
Bombings Take Toll on Families
Anne Barnard. Boston Globe, 13 June 2004.
Army Is Investigating Reports of Assaults and Thefts by G.I.'s Against Iraqi Civilians
Eric Schmitt. New York Times, 31 May 2004. Posted on the Global Project website.
Video Film of Wedding Party Captures Revelers Dancing, Singing
Scheherezade Faramarzi. The Associated Press, 24 May 2004.
Some 5,500 Civilians Killed Since War Began, Survey Says
Daniel Cooney and Omar Sinan. The Associated Press, 24 May 2004. Posted on the Boston Globe website.
US Probes Deaths of 37 Afghan and Iraqi Detainees
Paul Harris. The Observer, 23 May 2004.
Iraqis Lose Right to Sue Troops Over War Crimes
Kamal Ahmed. The Observer, 23 May 2004.
'US Soldiers Started to Shoot Us, One by One'
Rory McCarthy. The Guardian, 21 May 2004.
Iraq: Killings of Civilians in Basra and al-'Amara
Amnesty Interntional, 11 May 2004.
Civilians Die in Gunfights on Border
Jason Burke. The Observer, 25 April 2004.
Schoolgirl Sees All Her Friends Perish in Blast
Luke Harding. The Guardian, 22 April 2004.
Mix of Pride and Shame Follows Killings and Mutilations by Iraqis
Jeffrey Gettleman. New York Times, 02 April 2004.
After an Advocate's Killing, Iraqi Women Try to Stay Course
Annia Ciezadlo. Christian Science Monitor, 01 April 2004.
Scores Killed in Iraqi Bombings
BBC News, 21 April 2004.
Who Counts the Civilian Casualties
Brad Knickerbocker. Christian Science Monitor, 31 March 2004.
Violent Deaths Fill Baghdad Hospitals and Central Morgue a Year On
Agence France-Presse, 23 March 2004. Posted on the Spacewar website.
For Iraqis in Harm's Way, $5,000 and 'I'm Sorry'
Jeffrey Gettleman. New York Times, 17 March 2004.
Grieving and Angry
Letta Tayler. Newsday, 07 March 2004.
What Iraqis Receive for Their Losses
Christina Asquith. Christian Science Monitor, 23 February 2004.
Hiding the Dead, the Wounded, the Suicides, and the Disabled, 21 February 2004.
4 Iraqi Women Slain in Shooting
Pamela Constable. Washington Post, 23 January 2004. Posted on the Boston Globe website.
In Tough Iraqi Conflict, Civilians Pay High Price
Dan Murphy. Christian Science Monitor, 21 January 2004.
Five Civilians Die as Troops Open Fire
The Scotsman, 14 January 2004.
We Must Honor the Dead
John Sloboda. The Guardian, 19 December 2003.
Off Target: The Conduct of the War and Civilian Casualties in Iraq
Human Rights Watch, 12 December 2003 (.pdf file).
US Evades Blame for Iraqi Deaths
Derrick Z. Jackson. Boston Globe, 12 December 2003.
Iraq to Stop Counting Civilian Dead
Niko Price. The Associated Press, 10 December 2003. Posted on the Washington Post website.
Civilian Deaths Raise Iraqi Fears, Anger
Vivienne Walt. Boston Globe, 03 December 2003.
Body Bag Count Puts Strains on Coalition
Giles Tremlett and Duncan Campbell. The Guardian, 01 December 2003.
US Pays Up for Fatal Iraq Blunders
Rory McCarthy. The Guardian, 26 November 2003.
Iraqi Families Want Retribution for Deaths: Some Charge U.S. Soldiers Unjustly Shoot, Kill Civilians
Vivienne Walt. San Francisco Chronicle, 24 November 2003. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
12 Civilians Are Killed in a Car Bomb Attack in Kirkuk
Terence Neilan. New York Times, 20 November 2003.
The Hidden Cost of Bush's War
Andrew Buncombe. The Independent, 14 November 2003. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Don't Mention the Dead
Gary Younge. The Guardian, 07 November 2003.
American Soldiers Kill Six Iraqi Civilians After a Bomb Explosion Near a U.S. Convoy
Alex Berenson. New York Times, 29 October 2003.
Up to 15,000 People Killed in Invasion, Claims Think Tank
Suzanne Goldenberg. The Guardian, 29 October 2003.
The Not-so-Friendly Reality of US Casualties
David Isenberg. Asia Times, 22 October 2003.
Hearts and Minds: Post-war Civilian Deaths in Baghdad Caused by U.S. Forces
Human Rights Watch, 21 October 2003.
Attacks on Troops Claim Iraqi Civilians
Karl Vick. Washington Post, 03 October 2003.
Awkward Questions Over Civilian Deaths
Sergei Danilochkin. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 02 October 2003. Posted on the Asia Times website.
9 Killed in Mortar Attack on Iraq Market
Robert H. Reid. The Associated Press, 26 September 2003. Posted on the Washington Post website.
Iraq: The Reality and Rhetoric
Rory McCarthy. The Guardian, 24 September 2003.
Farah Tried to Plead with the US Troops But She was Killed Anyway
Peter Beaumont. The Observer, 07 September 2003.
Baghdad Morgue, Hospital Logs Tell of Violence
Thanassis Cambanis. Boston Globe, 03 September 2003.
Hiding the Body Count: The Little Deaths
Bruce Jackson. Counterpunch, 27 August 2003.
Baghdad Deadlier Than Ever: A Coroner's Viewpoint
Sarmad S. Ali. Counterpunch, 26 August 2003.
11 Killed In Ethnic Violence In N. Iraq
Daniel Williams. Washington Post, 24 August 2003.
U.S. Apologizes for Baghdad Mosque Incident
Richard A. Oppel Jr. New York Times, 15 August 2003.
Family Shot Dead by Panicking US Troops
Justin Huggler. The Independent, 10 August 2003. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
American Civilian Is Killed in Iraq
D'Arcy Doran. The Associated Press, 05 August 2003.
US Tightens Payouts for Casualties
Robyn Dixon. Los Angeles Times, 05 August 2003. Posted on The Age website.
Portrait of a US Combat Casualty
Ann Scott Tyson. Christian Science Monitor, 05 August 2003.
The Unreported Cost of War: At least 827 American Wounded
Julian Borger. The Guardian, 04 August 2003.
Bitterness Grows in Iraq Over Deaths of Civilians
Vivenne Walt. Boston Globe, 04 August 2003. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
US Troops Kill Five Iraqis in Botched Raid
Colin Freeman. The Scotsman, 28 July 2003.
Few Iraqis Reporting Civilian Deaths
Hannah Allam. Knight Ridder, 26 July 2003. Posted on the Real Cities website.
Troops Accused of Killing in Mosul
Kevin Sullivan. Washington Post, 26 July 2003.
More Than 1,000 Children Killed or Wounded by Abandoned Arms in Iraq: UNICEF
Agence France-Presse, 17 July 2003. Posted on the SpaceWar website.
Climate of Fear: Sexual Violence and Abduction of Women and Girls In Baghdad
Human Rights Watch, 16 July 2003 (.pdf file).
Iraq: The Human Toll
Ed Vulliamy. The Observer, 06 July 2003.
Rising U.S. Death Toll In Iraq Spurs Concern
Peter Slevin. Washington Post, 20 June 2003.
Activist Seeks Tally of Iraq's Casualties
Peyman Pejman. Wahington Times, 16 June 2003.
US Clouds Iraqi Civilian Deaths
Derrick Z. Jackson. Boston Globe, 13 June 2003. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Iraq Toll of Civilians Put at 3,240
The Associated Press, 11 June 2003. Posted on the International Herald Tribune website.
US Gunfire Kills Three Teens at Wedding
Syndey Morning Herald, 30 May 2003.
Casus or Casuistry
The Economist, 29 May 2003.
Body Counts
Jonathan Steele. The Guardian, 28 May 2003.
Surveys Pointing to High Civilian Death Toll in Iraq
Peter Ford. Christian Science Monitor, 22 May 2003.
Baghdad's Death Toll Assessed
Laura King. Los Angeles Times, 18 May 2003. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
In Baghdad, a Surge in Homicides
Peter Ford. Christian Science Monitor, 16 May 2003.
Baghdad Pays the Postwar Price: 242 Die in Three Weeks
Phil Reeves. The Independent, 16 May 2003.
Remains of Toxic Bullets Litter Iraq
Scott Peterson. Christian Science Monitor, 15 May 2003.
Baghdad Battle 'Killed 2,300'
The Associated Press, 03 May 2003. Posted on The Age website.
To the US Troops It Was Self-Defence. To the Iraqis It Was Murder
Jonathan Steele. The Guardian, 30 April 2003.
U.S. Troops Fire on Iraq Protesters Again
Niko Price. The Associated Press, 30 April 2003. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
U.S. Soldiers Kill 13 at Iraq Protest Rally, Hospital Reports
Niko Price. The Associated Press, 29 April 2003. Posted on the Washington Post website.
Iraq War Legacy: Cluster Bombs, Wounded Civilians
Christine Hauser. Reuters AlertNet, 28 April 2003. Posted on the ReliefWeb website.
Iraqis Vent Anger as 12 Die in Blast in Baghdad Bomb
Peter Beaumont. The Observer, 27 April 2003.
Northern Iraq: Civilian Deaths Higher Since War Ended
Human Rights Watch, 27 April 2003.
'Hundreds Are Dying Who Should Not Die'
Mark Baker. The Age, 21 April 2003.
Weary Iraq Counts Human Cost of War
The Observer, 20 April 2003.
Pilgrimage of Sorrow: Shiite Faithful Bury Dead
Anthony Shadid. Washington Post, 19 April 2003.
Child Casualties 'Fill Iraq Hospitals'
BBC News, 17 April 2003.
U.S. Use of Clusters in Baghdad Condemned
Human Rights Watch, 16 April 2003.
Basra Bombing 'Destroyed My Family'
Ryan Dilley. BBC News, 16 April 2003.
Embedded Photographer: "I Saw Marines Kill Civilians"
Michel Guerrin. Le Monde, 16 April 2003. Posted on the CounterPunch website.
Iraq: Civilian Control Needed for Aid
Larry Thompson and Shannon Meehan. Refugees International, 16 April 2003. Posted on the ReliefWeb website.
US Troops Accused of Carnage
Sydney Morning Herald, 16 April 2003.
US Admits Mosul Killings
BBC News, 16 April 2003.
Is US Casualty Reporting Suffering from Double Standards?
Pascale Combelles Siegel. Foreign Policy In Focus, 15 April 2003. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
U.S. Has No Plans to Count Civilian Casualties
Bradley Graham and Dan Morgan. Washington Post, 15 April 2003.
Casualties: Low Number, Many Causes
Amy Goldstein, Jonathan Weisman and Margot Williams. Washington Post, 13 April 2003.
In Pictures: Baghdad Buries Its Dead
BBC News, 13 April 2003.
'We're Here to Fight the Regime, Not Civilians, But I Had to Save My Men'
Robert Fisk. The Independent, 11 April 2003. Posted on the Robert Fisk website.
Two Killed in US Fire on Baghdad Ambulance
Agence France-Presse, 10 April 2003. Posted on The Age website.
Final Proof that War is About the Failure of the Human Spirit
Robert Fisk. The Independent, 10 April 2003. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
'A Picture of Killing Inflicted on a Sprawling City - and it Grew More Unbearable by the Minute'
Suzanne Goldenberg. The Guardian, 09 April 2003.
What Will Happen to POWs?
BBC News, 09 April 2003.
Journalist Death Toll in Iraq Doubles Overnight
Canadian Journalists For Free Expression, 08 April 2003. Posted on the Electronic Iraq website.
Streets Littered with Iraqi Corpses as Troops Close in on the Centre of Kerbala
Kieran Murray and Owen Bowcott. The Guardian, 07 April 2003.
This is Like a Scene from Hell. There are Bodies All Around
John Simpson. The Independent, 07 April 2003.
Iraqi Hospitals Offer Snapshot of War Horror
Sami Nakhoul. Reuters, 07 April 2003.
Baghdad Doctors Overwhelmed by Arrival of 100 Patients an Hour
Paul Peachey. The Independent, 07 April 2003. Posted on the Information Clearing House website.
One Boy's War... Bathed in Blood of His Family
James Meek. The Observer, 06 April 2003.
Baghdad Yarmouk Hospital: One Hundred Patients an Hour
International Committee of the Red Cross, 06 April 2003. Posted on the Electronic Iraq website.
Samar's Story
Kim Sengupta. The Independent, 04 April 2003.
U.S. Troops Inflict 'So Many Deaths'
Oliver Poole. London Daily Telegraph, 04 April 2003. Posted on the Information Clearinghouse website.
Red Cross Horrified by Number of Dead Civilians
Canadian Television, 03 April 2003.
Iraqi Army Toll a Mystery Because No Count is Kept
John M. Broder. International Herald Tribune, 02 April 2003. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
The Proof: Marketplace Deaths Were Caused by a US Missile
Cahal Milmo. The Independent, 02 April 2003. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Three British Soldiers Sent Home After Protesting at Civilian Deaths
Richard Norton-Taylor. The Guardian, 31 March 2003.
In Baghdad Blood and Bandages for the Innocent
Robert Fisk. The Independent, 30 March 2003. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Iraq: Risk to Civilians if Landmines and Cluster Bombs Used
Amnesty International, 27 March 2003.
Wayward Bombs Bring Marketplace Carnage
Suzanne Goldenberg. The Guardian, 27 March 2003.
Eyewitness: Visiting Baghdad's Wounded
Subhy Haddad. BBC News, 25 March 2003.
Civilians Count Dead and Wounded
Los Angeles Times, 24 March 2003. Posted on The Age website.
Iraqi Civilian War Casualties
CIVIC Worldwide, 21 March - 31 July 2003.
Military's Spin Corps Promises Honesty Over Civilian Deaths
Rory McCarthy. Guardian, 18 March 2003.
White House to Seek Up to $90B for War
Alan Fram. Associated Press, 18 March 2003 (scroll down).
Iraq Looking for Ways to Foil Airstrikes
Jim Krane. Cantonrep, 18 March 2003.
US Will Coordinate Kurdish Assault on Northern Iraq
Patrick Cockburn. New Zealand Herald, 17 March 2003.
Audacious Mission, Awesome Risks
Rick Atkinson and Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 16 March 2003.
Hi-tech Blitzkrieg Set to Stun Iraq in First Salvo
Jonathon Carr-Brown and Peter Almond. Times UK, 16 March 2003. Posted on the Daily Times website.
Can New Arms Cut Casualties?
Brad Knickerbocker. Christian Science Monitor, 11 March 2003.
The Human Costs of War in Iraq
Center for Economic and Social Rights, 07 March 2003.
Casualty Projections Hinge on War Strategy
Robert Schlesinger. Boston Globe, 17 February 2003.
A War's Likely Toll on Iraqis
Brad Knickerbocker. The Christian Science Monitor, 07 February 2003.
Pentagon's Quietest Calculation: The Casualty Count
Brad Knickerbocker. The Christian Science Monitor, 28 January 2003.
Estimating Casualties in a War to Overthrow Saddam
Michael O'Hanlon. ORBIS, Winter 2003. Posted on the Brookings Institution website (.pdf file).
The Politics of Dead Children: Have Sanctions Against Iraq Murdered Millions?
Matt Welch. Reason, March 2002.
Iraq Coalition Casualty Count
Pat Kneisler and Michael White.
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