Al-Qa'ida's Foreign Fighters in Iraq: A First Look at the Sinjar Records
Joseph Felter and Brian Fishman. Combating Terrorism Center, West Point, 19 December 2007 (.pdf file).
Iraq after the Surge I: The New Sunni Landscape International Crisis Group, 30 April 2008 (.pdf file).
Saddam and Terrorism: Emerging Insights from Captured Iraqi Documents (Redacted)
Iraqi Perspectives Project, Institute for Defense Analyses, November 2007. Released in March 2008.
Turning Insurgents Into Informants
Drew Brown. Stars and Stripes, 15 February 2008.
More Bombing Creates New Enemies
Ali al-Fadhily and Dahr Jamail. Inter Press Service, 08 February 2008.
Al-Qaeda's Islamic State of Iraq Absorbing Fighters from Other Jihadist Groups
Abdul Hameed Bakier. Jamestown Foundation, 13 February 2008.
Diary of an Insurgent In Retreat
Sudarsan Raghavan. Washington Post, 10 February 2008.
Foreign Militants Entering Iraq Down 50 Pct - Petraeus
Dean Yates and Sean Maguire. Reuters, 11 February 2008.
Is Violence on the Rise Again in Iraq?
Steve Lannen. McClatchy Newspapers, 11 February 2008.
Shift in Tactics Aims to Revive Struggling Insurgency
Amit R. Paley. Washington Post, 08 February 2008.
Shia Call on Mehdi Army to Take Up Arms Again in Iraq
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, 07 February 2008.
Sadr Tells Militia to Maintain Iraq Ceasefire
Aseel Kami. Reuters, 07 February 2008.
Iraq Sunni Insurgents Turn to Armor-Piercing Bombs
David Morgan. Reuters, 07 February 2008.
The Surrender is Working: U.S. Cedes Town to 'Al Qaeda in Iraq'
Mohammed Fadhel. Azzaman, 06 February 2008. Posted on the AlterNet website.
US says al-Qaida in Iraq Using Children
Lauren Frayer. The Associated Press, 06 February 2008.
Militants Stake Claim on Diyala River Valley
Alexandra Zavis. Los Angeles Times, 05 February 2008.
Iraqi Jihadi Offers Online Lessons on Ambush Techniques
Abdul Hameed Bakier. Jamestown Foundation, 05 February 2008.
Desperate Militants Using Women for Attacks, Analyst Says
IRIN, 03 February 2008.
Iraqi Cleric Threatens to End Militia Freeze Unless Attacks Stop
Michael Howard. The Guardian, 01 February 2008.
US Officials Say That US Wants to Hunt Foreign Fighters in Iraq
The Associated Press, 31 January 2008.
Jihadis Analyze U.S. Plans to Evacuate Forces from Iraq
Abdul Hameed Bakier. Jamestown Foundation, 29 January 2008.
Al Qaeda Goes North: Police Chief Killed in Mosul
Sam Dagher. The Christian Science Monitor, 25 January 2008.
Sufi Insurgent Groups in Iraq
Fadhil Ali. Jamestown Foundation, 24 January 2008.
Using Air Power Kills Insurgents, But Can Also Create New Ones
Charles V. Pena. The Philadelphia Bulletin, 23 January 2008.
Al-Qaeda Completes its Organizational Mission in Iraq
Michael Scheuer. Jamestown Foundation, 22 January 2008.
Al-Qaeda's Islamic State of Iraq Turns to YouTube
Abdul Hameed Bakier. Jamestown Foundation, 22 January 2008.
Papers Paint New Portrait of Iraq's Foreign Insurgents
Karen DeYoung. Washington Post, 21 January 2008.
Britain 'As Inept as U.S.' in Failing to Foresee Postwar Iraq Insurgency
Jonathan Steele. The Guardian, 21 January 2008.
An Iraqi House Was Rigged to Kill American Soldiers
Stephen Farrell. The New York Times, 14 January 2008.
Deadly Diyala
Phillip Carter., 09 January 2008.
U.S. Attack in Iraq Is No Surprise to Many Insurgents
Stephen Farrell. The New York Times, 09 January 2008.
Sunni Security Unit Leader, Colleagues Killed in Attack Encouraged by Bin Laden
Amit R. Paley. Washington Post, 08 January 2008.
Suicide Bomber Kills Key Sunni Leader
Richard A. Oppel, Jr. and Mudhafer al-Husaini. The New York Times, 08 January 2008.
Jihadis Analyze the Coalition Plan for Law Enforcement
Abdul Hameed Bakier. Jamestown Foundation. 08 January 2008.
New Look at Foreign Fighters in Iraq
Gordon Lubold. The Christian Science Monitor, 07 January 2008.
String of Suicide Bombings in Iraq
Vaishnavi Chandrashekhar. The Christian Science Monitor, 02 January 2008.
New Bin Laden Tape Warns Sunnis Against Working with US
Ed Pilkington. The Guardian, 31 December 2007.
Iraq Attacks Fall 60 Percent, Petraeus Says
Stephen Farrell and Solomon Moore. The New York Times, 30 December 2007.
Al-Qaeda Adapts its Methods in Iraq as Part of a Global Strategy
Abdul Hameed Bakier. Jamestown Foundation, 20 December 2007.
Saudis Biggest Group of al Qaeda Iraq Fighters: Study
Kristin Roberts. Reuters, 19 December 2007. (See report below).
Al-Qa'ida's Foreign Fighters in Iraq: A First Look at the Sinjar Records
Joseph Felter and Brian Fishman. Combating Terrorism Center, West Point, 19 December 2007 (.pdf file).
List of Insurgent Fatality Reports in Iraq
Compiled by
Iraq Death Squads Get Better at Hiding Handiwork
Babak Dehghanpisheh. Newsweek, 24 December 2007 issue. Posted on 17 December 2007.
British Inquiry of Failed Plots Points to Iraq's Qaeda Group
Ramond Bonner, Jane Perlez and Eric Schmitt. The New York Times, 14 December 2007.
Iraq's Sadr Uses Lull to Rebuild Army
Sam Dagher. The Christian Science Monitor, 11 December 2007.
Iraq and Al Qaeda
Kenneth Katzman. Congressional Research Service, updated 07 December 2007 (.pdf file).
Iraqi Insurgents Regrouping, Says Sunni Resistance Leader
Jonathan Steele. The Guardian, 03 December 2007.
On Foreign Insurgents in Iraq
Alan Krueger. Talking Points Memo, 30 November 2007.
Foreign Fighters in Iraq Are Tied to Allies of U.S.
Richard A. Oppel, Jr. The New York Times, 22 November 2007.
Al-Qaeda Urges Iraq's Insurgents to Consolidate Victory Over America
Michael Scheuer. Jamestown Foundation, 20 November 2007.
Iraqis Joining Insurgency Less for Cause Than Cash
Amit R. Paley. Washington Post, 20 November 2007.
British Officials Hold Talks with Mahdi Army
Richard Norton-Taylor. The Guardian, 17 November 2007.
Profile: Al-Qaeda in Iraq (a.k.a. al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia)
Greg Bruno. Council on Foreign Relations, 15 November 2007.
Roadside Bombs in Iraq Fall Sharply
Blake Morrison and Peter Eisler. USA Today, 13 November 2007.
U.S. Cites Big Drop in Insurgent Firepower
The Associated Press, 12 November 2007.
Militant Group Is Out of Baghdad, U.S. Says
Damien Cave. The New York Times, 08 November 2007.
Al-Qaeda in Retreat, For Now
The Economist, 01 November 2007.
Iraq Sniper Attacks Overestimated
Tom Vanden Brook. USA Today, 30 October 2007.
Iraqi Militants Feed on Corruption
Alexandra Zavis. Los Angeles Times, 26 October 2007.
Iraq's Networked Insurgents
Daniel Kimmage and Kathleen Ridolfo. Foreign Policy, November/December 2007. Posted on 26 October 2007.
An Airstrike a Day Won't Keep Insurgents at Bay
Fred Kaplan., 24 October 2007.
Al-Qaeda and Iraq: Too Soon to Declare Victory
Michael Scheuer. Jamestown Foundation, 24 October 2007.
Bin Laden Tells Iraq Insurgents to Unite
The Associated Press, 22 October 2007.
US: Raid of Baghdad's Sadr City Kills 49
Steven R. Hurst. The Associated Press, 22 October 2007.
A Winning Portrait of Loss in Iraq
Richard Leiby. Washington Post, 19 October 2007.
Al-Qaeda in Iraq: A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Peter Bergen and Paul Cruickshank. Mother Jones, 18 October 2007.
Iraqi Insurgent Media Campaign Targets American Audiences
Chris Zambelis. Jamestown Foundation, 16 October 2007.
Al-Qaeda In Iraq Reported Crippled
Thomas E. Ricks and Karen DeYoung. Washington Post, 15 October 2007.
Sunni Insurgents Form Alliance Against US
Ewen MacAskill. The Guardian, 12 October 2007.
Evolution of the Suicide Attacker
Jalal Ghazi. New America Media, 09 October 2007. Posted on the AlterNet website.
Iraqi Insurgent Chieftain Explains Sunni Strategy
James Janega. Chicago Tribune, 09 October 2007.
Report: War on Terror Is Fuelling al-Qaeda
Reuters, 07 October 2007. (See report below).
Iraq After the Surge
Paul Rogers. Oxford Research Group, August 2007. Posted on 07 October 2007 (.pdf file).
Only a U.S. Withdrawal Will Stop Al Qaeda in Iraq
Raed Jarrar and Joshua Holland. AlterNet, 05 October 2007.
19,000 Insurgents Killed in Iraq Since '03
Jim Michaels. USA Today, 27 September 2007.
Iraq Extremists Begin a Drive to Assassinate Security Forces
Alissa J. Rubin. The New York Times, 25 September 2007.
Sadr Out Again
Nermeen Al-Mufti. Al-Ahram Weekly Online, 20-26 September 2007.
The Surge and the al Qaeda Bunny
Greg Palast. Information Clearing House, 17 September 2007. (Watch videos at the link below).
Anbar's Ghost
Al-Jazeera English, 09 September 2007.
Al-Sadr Overhauling his Shiite Militia
Hamza Hendawi and Qassim Abdul-Zahra. The Associated Press, 10 September 2007.
Riddle of the Czech Body Armour Found with Iraqi Insurgents
Gabriel Ronay. Sunday Herald, Scotland, 10 September 2007.
Bin Laden Benefits From U.S. Focus on Iraq
Tom Lasseter and Jonathan S. Landay. McClatchy Newspapers, 09 September 2007.
The Myth of AQI
Andrew Tilghman. Washington Monthly, October 2007. Posted on 07 September 2007.
The Insurgency's Psychological Component
Shankar Vedantam. Washington Post, 03 September 2007.
Issues and Ideas - Rehabilitating Iraqi Insurgents
Elaine M. Grossman. National Journal Group, 01 September 2007. Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website.
Sadr May Revoke 'Freeze' on Militia
Megan Greenwell. Washington Post, 31 August 2007.
As British Leave Basra, Militias Dig in
Sam Dagher. The Christian Science Monitor, 28 August 2007.
Iraqi Insurgents Taking Cut of U.S. Rebuilding Money
Hannah Allam. McClatchy Newspapers, 26 August 2007.
Children Doing Battle in Iraq
Alexandra Zavis and Garrett Therolf. Los Angeles Times, 27 August 2007.
Sadr's Army Proves Hard to Beat
Julian E. Barnes. Los Angeles Times, 23 August 2007.
Militias Seizing Control of Iraqi Electricity Grid
James Glanz and Stephen Farrell. The New York Times, 23 August 2007.
Experts: Surge, War on Terror Failing
Eli Clifton. Inter Press Service, 21 August 2007. (See report below).
The Terrorism Index
Center for American Progress and Foreign Policy, 20 August 2007.
Muqtada al-Sadr: The British are Retreating from Basra
Nizar Latif and Phil Sands. The Independent, 20 August 2007.
Italian Arms Investigators See Iraqi Ties
Charles J. Hanley and Ariel David. The Associated Press, 13 August 2007.
Blast Kills Key Iraqi Governor
Chris Collins and Leila Fadel. McClatchy Newspapers, 11 August 2007.
Roadside Bomb Attacks in Iraq Reach An All-Time High
Kim Sengupta. The Independent, 09 August 2007.
Major U.S. Raid in Sadr City Targets Shiite Militia Faction
Megan Greenwell. Washington Post, 09 August 2007.
Studies: Suicide Bombers in Iraq are Mostly Foreigners
Jessica Bernstein-Wax. McClatchy Newspapers, 08 August 2007.
Mahdi Army Attacking Its Own?
Seattle Times news services, 06 August 2007.
25,000 Turn Against Insurgency, Military Says
Jim Michaels. USA Today, 06 August 2008.
Iraq's 'Martyr' Factory
Rod Nordland and Babak Dehghanpisheh. Newsweek, 06 August 2007.
Suicide Bombers: A Breakdown
Compiled by Newsweek, 02 August 2007.
State of the Sunni Insurgency in Iraq
Evan F. Kohlmann. The Nefa Foundation, August 2007 (.pdf file).
Confiscated Weapons Pile Up in Iraq
Jim Michaels. USA Today, 31 July 2007.
The United States Finds Few Non-Iraqis Among Insurgents
Anna Mulrine. U.S. News and World Report, 25 July 2007.
Al-Qaeda in Iraq Figure Is in U.S. Custody
Megan Greenwell and Karen DeYoung. Washington Post, 19 July 2007.
U.S. Says Iraqi Militant Nonexistent
Tina Susman. Los Angeles Times, 19 July 2007.
Insurgents Form Political Front to Plan For U.S. Pullout
Seumas Milne. The Guardian, 19 July 2007.
The Imaginary Emir: Al-Qa'ida in Iraq's Strategic Mistake
Brian Fishman. Combating Terrorism Center, 18 July 2007 (.pdf file).
Al-Qaeda Escapes U.S. Assault
Ahmed Ali. Asia Times, 17 July 2007.
Iraq's Sunni Insurgents: Looking Beyond Al Qa'ida
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 16 July 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Insurgents Adapting Faster to U.S. Defenses
Peter Eisler. USA Today, 16 July 2007.
Saudis' Role in Iraq Insurgency Outlined
Ned Parker. Los Angeles Times, 15 July 2007.
U.S., Iraq Freed Roughly 44,000 Suspected Insurgents Since March 2003
Elaine M. Grossman. Inside the Pentagon, 12 July 2007.
Al-Qaida, Nationalist Insurgents Differ in Strategy
NPR, 12 July 2007. (Audio)
Al Qaeda in Iraq - Heroes, Boogeymen or Puppets?
Malcolm Nance. Small Wars Journal blog, 09 July 2007.
Success or Failure? Iraq's Insurgency and Civil Violence and US Strategy: Developments through June 2007
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 09 July 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Seeing Al Qaeda Around Every Corner
Clark Hoyt. The New York Times, 08 July 2007.
Iraq al-Qaida Group Threatens Iran
Maamoun Youssef. The Associated Press, 08 July 2007.
10-Foot-Deep Trench Will Protect Iraqi City of Karbala
Hussam Ali and Mike Drummond. McClatchy Newspapers, 05 July 2007.
Iraq Invasion Strengthened the Militants
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, 03 July 2007.
Journey of Death: Suicide Bombers in Iraq
Christina Caan. U.S. Institute of Peace, July 2007.
Report Reveals Weaknesses In Sunni-Insurgent Media War
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 26 June 2007. (see report below).
Iraqi Insurgent Media: The War Of Images And Ideas
Daniel Kimmage and Kathleen Ridolfo. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 26 June 2007.
Attacker Kills 4 Sunni Sheiks Who Aided U.S.
Richard A. Oppel Jr. and Ali Adeeb. New York Times, 26 June 2007.
Everyone We Fight in Iraq is Now 'al-Qaida'
Glen Greenwald. Salon, 23 June 2007.
Peace on Hold in the PKK's Iraq Hideouts
Steve Negus. Financial Times, 21 June 2007.
Militants Fade As Attacks Begin
Alexandra Zavis. Los Angeles Times, 21 June 2007. Posted on
US Seeks to Block Exits for Iraq Insurgents
Michael R. Gordon. New York Times, 20 June 2007.
In Battle for Hearts and Minds, Iraqi Insurgents Are Doing Well
John Hughes. Christian Science Monitor, 20 June 2007.
Analysis: US-Iraqi Assault in Diyala
Jim Muir. BBC News, 19 June 2007.
Iraq Becomes Prime Training Ground for Export of Jihadists
Michel Moutot. Agence France-Presse, 18 June 2007.
How Sunni Insurgents Can Help Us In Iraq
Fred Kaplan., 14 June 2007.
Bosnia Linking Arms With Iraq
Vesna Peric Zimonjic., 13 June 2007.
Tribal Coalition in Anbar Said to Be Crumbling
Joshua Partlow and John Ward Anderson. Washington Post, 11 June 2007.
Al-Qaida Targets Iraqi Infrastructure
Qassim Abdul-Zahra. The Associated Press, 11 June 2007.
Al-Sadr Reasserts Authority Over His Movement
Laith Hammoudi and Leila Fadel. McClatchy Newspapers, 11 June 2007.
The Hidden Hand of Iran in the Resurgence of Ansar al-Islam
Lydia Khalil. Jamestown Foundation, 07 June 2007.
At Sunnis' Request, U.S. Battles al-Qaida
Steven. R. Hurst. The Associated Press, 01 June 2007.
U.S. Trying to Open a Dialogue With al-Sadr, Commander Says
Leila Fadel. McClatchy Newspapers, 31 May 2007.
Al-Qaida: Time On Its Side
Paul Rogers. Open Democracy, 31 May 2007.
Who Are Iraq's Mehdi Army?
Patrick Jackson. BBC News, 30 May 2007.
From Iraq to Algeria, Al-Qaeda's Long Reach
Craig Whitlock. Washington Post, 30 May 2007.
Militants Widen Reach as Terror Seeps Out of Iraq
Michael Moss and Souad Mekhennet. The New York Times, 28 May 2007.
Iraq's Sadrists Follow Hezbollah's Path
Mahan Abedin. Asia Times, 26 May 2007.
Report: 70% of Iraqi Insurgents Aren't Iraqis
The Associated Press, 23 May 2007.
Saboteurs Have Upper Hand in an Endless War, says Iraq's Oil Minister
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, 18 May 2007.
Burning Bridges
Nermeen Al-Mufti. Al-Ahram Weekly Online, 17-23 May 2007.
A Brief History of the Islamic State of Iraq
Translated by the USG Open Source Center, posted on the Informed Comment website, 17 May 2007.
Street Battles in Iraqi Cities Point to Dire Security Status
Kirk Semple. The New York Times, 17 May 2007.
Iraq Attacks Stayed Steady Despite Troop Increase, Data Show
James Glanz. The New York Times, 16 May 2007.
Rift Appears Among Iraq Insurgent Groups
Mary Louise Kelly. NPR, 14 May 2007.
Study: Insurgencies like Iraq's Usually Fail in 10 Years
Jim Michaels. USA Today, 09 May 2007.
In Jihadist Haven, a Goal: To Kill and Die in Iraq
Souad Mekhennet and Michael Moss. The New York Times, 04 May 2007.
What Muqtada Wants
Pepe Escobar. Asia Times, 04 May 2007.
Senior Insurgent Leader Killed by U.S. Troops
Sudarsan Raghavan, Howard Schneider and Debbi Wilgoren. Washington Post, 03 May 2007.
Masri: Dead or Alive, the Terror Continues
Pepe Escobar. Asia Times, 03 May 2007.
Jihadi Website Advises Mujahideen on Equipment to Bring to Iraq
Erich Marquardt. Jamestown Foundation, 01 May 2007.
U.S. Cites 91 Percent Rise In Terrorist Acts in Iraq
Glenn Kessler. Washington Post, 01 May 2007.
Sadr: Spreading Havoc to New Parts of Iraq
Babak Dehghanpisheh. Newsweek, 07 May 2007 issue. Posted on 30 April 2007.
The Iraq Insurgents' Surge
Paul Rogers. Open Democracy, 26 April 2007.
Say It Loud. Improvise. Keep 'Em Guessing.
Edward Wong. The New York Times, 22 April 2007.
Just How Many Terrorists Are There in Iraq?
Malaysia Sun, 20 April 2007.
Insurgents Announce 'Islamic Cabinet'
Maamoun Youssef. The Associated Press, 19 April 2007.
Divisive Tactics
Salah Hemeid. Al-Ahram Weekly Online, 19-25 April 2007.
Afghanistan and Iraq: Two Sunni War Theaters Evolving Into One?
Michael Scheuer. Jamestown Foundation, 17 April 2007.
The Anbar Awakening: Displacing al-Qaeda from Its Stronghold
Kimberly Kagan. Institute for the Study of War and Weekly Standard, posted on 16 April 2007 (.pdf file).
Attacks Surge as Iraq Militants Overshadow City
Richard A. Oppel, Jr. The New York Times, 16 April 2007.
Latest Casualty Is Symbol of City's Heyday and Unity
Alissa J. Rubin. The New York Times, 13 April 2007.
Insurgents Distrust Displaced Sunni
Hazim al-Shara. Institute for War and Peace Reporting, 13 April 2007.
Iraqi Parliament Hit by Suicide Bomber
IraqSlogger, 12 April 2007.
Divisions Within the Iraqi Insurgency
Lydia Khalil. Jamestown Foundation, 12 April 2007.
Bombing Inside Green Zone Kills Iraqi Lawmakers
Sudarsan Raghavan and Howard Schneider. Washington Post, 12 April 2007.
Iraq Policy 'Spawned New Terror'
BBC News, 11 April 2007. (See report below).
A Fair Foreign Policy
Oxfam, 11 April 2007 (.pdf file).
U.S. Says It Found Iranian Arms in Sunni Area
Alissa J. Rubin. The New York Times, 11 April 2007.
From Hiding, Sadr Rallies Against the U.S.
Sam Dagher. The Christian Science Monitor, 10 April 2007.
Learning to Live With the Mahdi Army
Karin Brulliard. Washington Post, 10 April 2007.
Fears That New Chinese Warhead Could Seep into Iraq
John C.k. Daly. The Jamestown Foundation, 10 April 2007.
Iraqi Insurgents Recruit Among U.S.-Held Detainees
Ned Parker. Los Angeles Times, 08 April 2007.
Cracks in Sadr's Army
Ned Parker. Los Angeles Times, 03 April 2007.
Suicide Bombing Operations
Gulf Research Center, March 2007. Posted on 02 April 2007 (.pdf file).
Iraq's Sectarian and Ethnic Violence and Its Evolving Insurgency
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 02 April 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
U.S. General Blames al-Qaida for Bombing
Kim Gamel. The Associated Press, 29 March 2007.
Car-Bombers Defy All Odds
Mike Davis. Asia Times, 29 March 2007.
Insurgents Report a Split With Al Qaeda in Iraq
Ned Parker. Los Angeles Times, 27 March 2007.
Iraq's Good Terrorists, Bad Terrorists
Sami Moubayed. Asia Times, 27 March 2007.
U.S. Envoy Says He Met With Iraq Rebels
Edward Wong. The New York Times, 26 March 2007.
Chlorine Cache Found in Iraq
Sharon Behn. The Washington Times, 23 March 2007.
Bombings Target Iraq's Deputy Prime Minister
Karin Brulliard and Debbi Wilgoren. Washington Post, 23 March 2007.
Insurgency Paralyses Life in Diyala
IRIN, 22 March 2007.
Shiite Militia May Be Disintegrating
Hamza Hendawi and Qassim Abdul-Zahra. The Associated Press, 21 March 2007.
U.S. Counters Chopper Attacks
Rick Jervis. USA Today, 21 March 2007.
Iraq Bombers Blow Up 2 Children Used as Decoys
Kirk Semple. The New York Times, 21 March 2007.
Insurgents Adopt New Terror Tactics
IRIN, 20 March 2007.
Iraq Attacks Show Insurgent Resilience
Steven R. Hurst. The Associated Press, 19 March 2007.
The Insurgency Has Ended, Which Opens the Path to Peace
Defense and the National Interest, 13 March 2007.
The End of Al Qaeda in Iraq
Robert Y. Pelton., 12 March 2007. Posted on the Assyrian International News Agency website.
In New Tactic, Militants Burn Houses in Iraq
Damien Cave. The New York Times, 12 March 2007.
Tomgram: Schwartz, Iraq as a Cauldron of State Terrorism
Michael Schwartz and Tom Engelhardt., 11 March 2007.
U.S. General Calls for Talks with Militants
Mark Tran. The Guardian, 08 March 2007.
Ex-Mahdi Army Members Take up Arms, 07 March 2007.
The Sadr Movement 'Will Eventually Triumph'
Munthir al-Kewther interview. Asia Times, 07 March 2007.
Saudis Funding Insurgents in Iraq
Eric Rosenberg. Hearst Newspapers, 04 March 2007.
Al-Qaeda's Resurgence: Looking for a New Home in Iraq
Syed Saleem Shahzad. Asia Times, 03 March 2007.
Al-Qaeda's Resurgence: Ready to Take on the World
Syed Saleem Shahzad. Asia Times, 02 March 2007.
Iraq's Militias: The True Threat to Coalition Success in Iraq
Anthony J. Schwarz. Parameters, Spring 2007 (.pdf file.
Countering Iraq's Weapon of Mass Effect
Dan O'Shea. The Journal of International Security Affairs, Spring 2007.
Sunni Insurgents Remain Biggest Threat to U.S. Troops in Iraq
Drew Brown. McClatchy Newspapers, 28 February 2007.
Iraqis Fleeing Samarra Say Extremists Control City
Haidar Najem. Asharq Alawsat, 26 February 2007.
Iraq 101: The Iraq Effect - The War in Iraq and Its Impact on the War on Terrorism
Peter Bergen and Paul Cruickshank. Mother Jones, 01 March 2007. Posted on the NYU Center on Law and Security website on 26 February 2007.
Iraq Insurgents Employ Chlorine in Bomb Attacks
Damien Cave and Ahmad Fadam. The New York Times, 22 February 2007.
Copter Attacks In Iraq May Indicate New Battle Strategy
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 21 February 2007.
New Sufi Group Joins the Iraqi Insurgency
Lydia Khalil. Jamestown Foundation, 20 February 2007.
Terrorist Networks Lure Young Moroccans to War in Far-Off Iraq
Craig Whitlock. Washington Post, 20 February 2007.
U.S. Sees More Savvy in Iraq Attacks
Salah Nasrawi and Robert H. Reid. The Associated Press, 19 February 2007.
In Iraq, Anyone Can Make a Bomb
Andrew Cockburn. Los Angeles Times, 16 February 2007.
On the Mystery of Muqtada al-Sadr's Disappearance
Juan Cole. Informed Comment, 14 February 2007.
Iraq Insurgents Threaten U.S. Helicopter Fleet
Bill Ickes. Agence France-Presse, 09 February 2007.
Iraqi Insurgents Offer Peace in Return for U.S. Concessions
Robert Fisk. The Independent, 09 February 2007.
Insurgents Targeting U.S. Helicopters
Robert Burns. The Associated Press, 08 February 2007.
Insurgents May Have New Anti-Aircraft Weapon
Ed Pilkington. The Guardian, 05 February 2007.
Iraq Says 50 Percent of Bombers Arrive Via Syria
Reuters, 04 February 2007.
Mahdi Army Gains Strength Through Unwitting Aid of U.S.
Tom Lasseter. McClatchy Newspapers, 01 February 2007.
Lie Low, Fighters Are Told
Joshua Partlow and Ernesto Londono. Washington Post, 01 February 2007.
Put Iraqi Insurgents Out of Business
Keith Crane. The Christian Science Monitor, 29 January 2007.
Iraqi Official Offers Terms From Militia to Avoid Fight
Sabrina Tavernise. The New York Times, 25 January 2007.
Taking On the Shia Militias
The Economist, 24 January 2007.
Southern Iraqi Tribes Joining Armed Resistance
Dahr Jamail and Ali al-Fadhily. Inter Press Service, 21 January 2007.
Iraq Insurgents Plan to Escalate Attacks
Suleiman al-Khalidi. Reuters, 18 January 2007.
Insurgent TV Channel Turns Into Iraq's Newest Cult Hit
Michael Howard. The Guardian, 15 January 2007.
Bush's Plan to Add Troops Fueling Iraq Insurgency, Sunni Scholar Says
Borzou Daragahi. Los Angeles Times, 14 January 2007.
Iraqi Rebels Make $1 Bln/Yr from Refinery - Govt
Reuters, 14 January 2007.
Bush's Surge, Iraq's Insurgency
Paul Rogers. Open Democracy, 11 January 2007.
A Promising Iraqi Province is Now a Tinderbox
Solomon Moore. Los Angeles Times, 03 January 2007.
Snipers Stalk Marine Supply Route in Western Iraq
Tony Perry. Los Angeles Times, 28 December 2006.
Close Adviser to Sadr Dies in U.S.-Iraqi Raid
Nancy Trejos and Sudarsan Raghavan. Washington Post, 28 December 2006.
Al-Qaeda Allies Claim Bigger Base of Support in Iraq
Karen DeYoung. Washington Post, 23 December 2006.
Pentagon Cites Success Of Anti-U.S. Forces in Iraq
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 19 December 2006. (See report below).
Sadr Army is Called Top Threat in Iraq
Julian E. Barnes. Los Angeles Times, 19 December 2006. (See report below).
Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq
Quarterly Defense Department Report to Congress, November 2006.
Iraqi TV Station Plays Up U.S. Losses
Borzou Daragahi and Molly Hennessy-Fiske. Los Angeles Times, 19 December 2006.
Iraq Insurgents Starve Capital of Electricity
James Glanz. The New York Times, 19 December 2006.
Iraq's Sectarian and Ethnic Violence and the Evolving Insurgency: Development Through mid-December
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 14 December 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Iraq's Most Wanted Sunni Leader
Lydia Khalil. Jamestown Foundation, 14 December 2006.
Turks Join the Jihad in Iraq and Afghanistan
Brian Glyn Williams. Jamestown Foundation, 07 December 2006.
Sunni and Shiite Insurgents Remain Mystery to U.S., Iraq Report Charges
James Risen. The New York Times, 11 December 2006.
The Iraqi Insurgency: Actors, Strategies and Structures
Guido Steinberg. German Institute for International Security Affairs, December 2006 (.pdf file).
The Face of Brutality
Aparisim Ghosh. TIME Magazine, 26 November 2006.
U.S. Finds Iraq Insurgency Has Funds to Sustain Itself
John F. Burns and Kirk Semple. The New York Times, 26 November 2006.
Some Fighters in Iraq Adopt New Tactics to Battle U.S.
Edward Wong. The New York Times, 24 November 2006.
Baghdad Shi'ite Militant Says Fighting For All Iraqis
Reuters, 16 November 2006.
The Shiite Zarqawi: A Profile of Abu Deraa
Lydia Khalil. The Jamestown Foundation, 16 November 2006.
Iraq's Post-Saddam Insurgency
Lionel Beehner. Council on Foreign Relations, 14 November 2006.
150,000 Iraqis Killed by Insurgents
Steven R. Hurst. The Associated Press, 09 November 2006.
The Sniper Who Shoots on Video
Patrick Cockburn and Jerome Taylor. The Independent, UK, 09 November 2006.
Saddam Verdict a Pyrrhic Victory for Bush
Richard Gwyn. Toronto Star, 07 November 2006. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Rip It Up and Start Again
Phillip Carter., 06 November 2006.
A New Enemy Emerges-'The Shiite Zarqawi'
Scott Johnson. Newsweek, 13 November 2006. Posted on 06 November 2006.
Insurgents Using Children to Fight US-Led Forces
IRIN, 02 November 2006.
More Than Ever, Insurgents Are Targeting US Forces
Borzou Daragahi. Los Angeles Times, 01 November 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
U.S. Tactics Swelling Al Qaeda in Iraq - Sunni Moderate
Suleiman al-Khalidi. Reuters, 29 October 2006.
Iraq's Militia Groups
Lionel Beehner. Council on Foreign Relations, 26 October 2006.
Islamic Army in Iraq Pursues Strategy of Negotiation and Violence
Lydia Khalil. Jamestown Foundation, 24 October 2006.
Iraqi Insurgent Leader: Premier's Initiative Rejected, Dialogue With US Halted
Ma'ad Fayad. Asharq-Alawsat, 23 October 2006.
U.S. in Secret Truce Talks With Insurgency Chiefs
Marie Colvin. The Sunday Times, UK, 22 October 2006.
Militias Splintering Into Radicalized Cells
Sudarshan Raghavan. Washington Post, 19 October 2006.
Iraq Attacks Rise 22% During Ramadan, U.S. Military Says
The Associated Press, 19 October 2006. Posted on the USA Today website.
Iraq: Resistance to Occupation Not Just for Fighters
Dahr Jamail. Inter Press Service, 13 October 2006.
Scenarios for the Insurgency in Iraq
Alan Schwartz. United States Institute of Peace, October 2006 (.pdf file).
U.S. and Iraqi Forces Clash With Sadr Militia in South
Amit R. Paley. Washington Post, 09 October 2006.
Iraq and Terrorism: a Rebuttal
Charles Krauthammer. The Seattle Times, 09 October 2006.
An Unknown City Erupts
Ali Al-Fadhily and Dahr Jamail. Inter Press Service, 09 October 2006.
How Al Qaeda Views a Long Iraq War
Dan Murphy. The Christian Science Monitor, 06 October 2006.
Soldiers in Baghdad Chasing 'Ghosts'
Arwa Damon. CNN, 06 October 2006.
Purported Spokesman for an Iraqi Insurgent Group Offers Negotiations with the United States
The Associated Press, 05 October 2006. Posted on the International Herald Tribune website.
Iraq War Draws Foreign Jihadists, But Not in Droves
Peter Grier. The Christian Science Monitor, 03 October 2006.
Iraqi Cleric Al-Sadr Tells Forces to Temporarily Disarm
Nancy A. Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 30 September 2006. Posted on the Seattle Times website.
Of Course Iraq Made It Worse
Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon. Washington Post, 29 September 2006.
Iraq's Evolving Insurgency and the Risk of Civil War: Democracy, Deadlock, and Death Squads: Developments in the Summer of 2006
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 27 September 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Iraq War was Terrorism 'Recruiting Sergeant'
Richard Norton-Taylor. The Guardian, 28 September 2006.
Al Qaeda Gains Recruits from Iraq War - U.N. Study
Irwin Arieff. Reuters, 27 September 2006.
Combative Bush Releases Parts of Terror Study
Mark Mazzetti. The New York Times, 27 September 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Excerpts from 'Trends in Global Terrorism: Implications for the U.S.'
National Intelligence Estimate, April 2006. Declassified on 26 September 2006 and posted on the CNN website.
Study of Iraq War and Terror Stirs Strong Political Response
Philip Shenon and Mark Mazzetti. The New York Times, 25 September 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terrorism Threat
Mark Mazzetti. The New York Times, 24 September 2006.
Insurgency Gains Alarming Support Among Iraq's Sunni Muslims
Jonathan Karl. ABC News, 20 September 2006.
Young Children Fight U.S. Troops in Iraq
Antonio Castaneda. The Associated Press, 19 September 2006. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Iraqi Sufis Join the Fight Against Coalition Forces
Lydia Khalil. Jamestown Foundation, 19 September 2006.
Most Tribes in Anbar Agree to Unite Against Insurgents
Khalid al-Ansary and Ali Adeep. The New York Times, 18 September 2006.
Arm Tribes to Fight al-Qaeda, Say Sunnis
Ned Parker and Mohaned al-Kubacy. The Times, UK, 13 September 2006.
General Says He Lacks Troops to Defeat Insurgency in Anbar Province
Mark Brunswick. McClatchy Newspapers, 12 September 2006.
Cheney Backs Off his Claim of a Dying Iraq Insurgency
David E. Sanger. The New York Times, 12 September 2006.
An Adaptive Insurgency: Confronting Adversary Networks in Iraq
Jeffrey White. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, September 2006 (.pdf file).
Situation Called Dire in West Iraq
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 11 September 2006.
Army Faces Rising Number of Roadside Bombs in Iraq
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 08 September 2006.
Iraq Cites Arrest of a Top Local Insurgent
Amit R. Paley. Washington Post, 04 September 2006.
What Makes An al-Qaida Suicide Bomber?
Peter Taylor. The Guardian, 01 September 2006.
After Zarqawi: The Dilemmas and Future of Al Qaeda in Iraq
Brian Fishman. The Washington Quarterly, Autumn 2006. Posted on 30 August 2006 (.pdf file).
SAS Men Get £100,000 to Bribe Iraqi Fighters
David Leppard. The Sunday Times, UK, 28 August 2006. Posted on the Information Clearing House website on 22 August 2006.
An Interview with an Iraqi Insurgent
The Christian Science Monitor, 22 August 2006.
Bombs Aimed at G.I.'s in Iraq Are Increasing
Michael R. Gordon, Mark Mazzetti and Thom Shanker. The New York Times, 17 August 2006.
Iraq Violence: Facts and Figures
BBC News, 17 August 2006.
As U.S. Focuses on Baghdad, al-Qaeda Gains Strength in Sunni Heartland
Antonio Castaneda. The Associated Press, 16 August 2006. Posted on the USA Today website.
Guide: Armed Groups in Iraq
BBC News, 15 August 2006.
Insurgents Set Sights On Fallujah
Andy Mosher. Washington Post, 04 August 2006.
Commander: Insurgent Attacks Up in Iraq
Antonio Castaneda. The Associated Press, 02 August 2006. Posted on the Seattle Post-Intelligencer website.
Inside the Mind of Saddam's Chief Insurgent
Aparisim Ghosh. TIME Magazine, 24 July 2006.
Saudis Fighting with Iraq Insurgents
United Press International, 11 July 2006.
Insurgent Group Posts Video of 2 Mutilated U.S. Soldiers
Edward Wong. The New York Times, 11 July 2006.
Iraq's Muqtada al-Sadr: Spoiler or Stabiliser?
International Crisis Group, 11 July 2006 (.pdf file).
Iraq al-Qaeda Chief Jail Mystery
Magdi Abdelhadi. BBC News, 06 July 2006.
Marines Storm Hospital Cited As Militant Haunt
The Associated Press, 05 July 2006. Posted on the NBC 11 website.
Analysts: Former Regime Elements Form Core of Iraq Insurgents
Bassem Mroue. The Associated Press, 05 July 2006. Posted on the Army Times website.
Iraq Considers Arming Insurgents
Rick Jervis. USA Today, 04 July 2006.
Risk From al-Qa'eda is Greater Than Ever, Warn MPs
Toby Helm. The Telegraph, UK, 03 July 2006.
Bin Laden Tape Calls Zarqawi 'Brave Knight'
Karen DeYoung. Washington Post, 30 June 2006.
Most Foreign Fighters in Iraq Come From Egypt: U.S. Military
Agence France Presse, 29 June 2006.
Iraq Insurgents' Deal Hinges on Troop Pullout
Steven R. Hurst and Qassim Abdul-Zahra. The Associated Press, 29 June 2006. Posted on the Detroit Free Press website.
Iraqi Official Says Insurgent Cell Bombed Shiite Shrine
Joshua Partlow. Washington Post, 29 June 2006.
Iraq Leader Says No Pardons for Attacks on Soldiers
Sabrina Tavernise. The New York Times, 27 June 2006.
The Zarqawi Effect
Juan Cole., 27 June 2006.
Analyst Says He Warned of Iraqi Resistance
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 27 June 2006.
7 Sunni Insurgent Groups Reportedly Seek Truce Under Reconciliation Plan
Sameer N. Yacoub. The Associated Press, 26 June 2006. Posted on the Leesville Daily Leader, 26 June 2006.
Key Insurgents Vow to Reject Iraq Peace Plan
Ali Rifat and Hala Jaber. Sunday Times, 25 June 2006.
Baghdad Under Curfew After Insurgent Attack
David Fickling and James Sturcke. The Guardian, 23 June 2006.
The Changing Face of Resistance
Syed Saleem Shahzad. Asia Times, 23 June 2006.
Amnesty for Insurgents Would Work
Henri J. Barkey. Los Angeles Times, 23 June 2006.
Zarqawi's Death an Opportunity for al-Qaeda
Michael Scheuer. Asia Times, 22 June 2006.
Cheney Stands by His 'Last Throes' Remark
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 20 June 2006.
Who's Who in Ramadi Among the Insurgent Groups
Lydia Khalil. The Jamestown Foundation, 20 June 2006.
The Terrorist
Lawrence Wright. The New Yorker, 19 June 2006.
What Next Iraq?
Omayma Abdel-Latif. Al-Ahram Weekly Online, 15-21 June 2006.
Papers Show 'Gloomy' State of Insurgency
Sameer N. Yacoub. The Associated Press, 15 June 2006
U.S. Releases Zarqawi Autopsy in Attempt to Counter 'Baloney'
Julian Borger. The Guardian, 13 June 2006.
Whipping al-Qaeda Into Line In Iraq
Sami Moubayed. Asia Times, 13 June 2006.
The Carnage in Iraq and Elsewhere: The Heretical Zerqawi Phenomenon
Hassan Al-Haifi. Yemen Times, 12 June 2006.
Zarqawi Mania
Tom Engelhardt., 12 June 2006. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
The New Zarqawi Myth
Loretta Napoleoni., 12 June 2006.
So Is Iraq Free Now?
Eric S. Margolis. Khaleej Times, 11 June 2006. Posted on the Information Clearing House website.
U.S. Made al-Zarqawi an 'Enemy to America's Liking'
Patrick Cockburn. New Zealand Herald, 10 June 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
A Death and a Flicker of Hope in Iraq
Ehsan Ahrari. Asia Times, 10 June 2006.
The Many Faces of Abu Musab al Zarqawi
Nir Rosen. Truthdig, 09 June 2006.
Will Iraq's Nationalist Insurgents Miss Zarqawi?
Tom Hayden. The Huffington Post, 09 June 2006.
He Was More Symbol Than Sweeping Leader
Megan K. Stack. Los Angeles Times, 09 June 2006.
Death of Zarqawi: George Gets His Dragon
Sami Moubayed. Asia Times, 09 June 2006.
The Death of Zarqawi: Organizational and Operational Implications for the Insurgency
Jeffrey White. Policy Watch. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 08 June 2006.
The Short, Violent Life of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
Mary Anne Weaver. The Atlantic Monthly, 08 June 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Will Al-Zarqawi's Death Fuel the Insurgency or Diminish It?
Interview with Robert Fisk and Loretta Napoleoni. Democracy Now, 08 June 2006.
Zarqawi's Death: Temporary 'Victory' or Lasting Impact
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 08 June 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Zarqawi's Death Not Expected to Have Major Impact on Iraq
Tom Lasseter. Knight Ridder Newspapers, 08 June 2006.
Documents on Terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
Compiled by Juan Cole and posted on his website at the University of Michigan.
U.S. Strike Kills Leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq
John F. Burns. The New York Times, 08 June 2006.
Military Plays Up Role of Zarqawi
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 10 April 2006.
The Myth of Zarqawi
Loretta Napoleoni., 11 November 2005.
The al-Zarqawi Assessment:
Another Instance of 'Cooked' Intelligence?
Compiled by the Project on Defense Alternatives, 05 October 2004.
The Quarterly Report on Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq: Fact, Fallacy, and an Overall Grade of 'F'
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 02 June 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
A Tale of Two Insurgencies
Paul Rogers. Open Democracy, 01 June 2006.
Death Squad Operations in Iraq
Jakub Cerny. Conflict Studies Research Centre, Defense Academy of the United Kingdom, June 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Iraqi Schools Hit by Insurgency
Zaineb Naji. Institute of War and Peace Reporting, 31 May 2006.
Benchmarks: Rising Terror Curve in Iraq
United Press International, 31 May 2006.
Pentagon: Iraq Insurgency Steady Until '07
Robert Burns. The Associated Press, 30 May 2006. Posted on the San Francisco Chronicle website. (See report below).
Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq
Department of Defense Report to Congress, 30 May 2006 (.pdf file).
Iraqi Insurgent Gives Chilling Confession
Nelson Hernandez and Naseer Nouri. Washington Post, 24 May 2006.
A Word from the Islamic Army
Brian Conley and Muhammad Zaher. Inter Press Service, 16 May 2006.
Could Afghan and Iraqi Insurgencies Muster Operational Ties?
Amin Tarzi. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 16 May 2006.
Suicide Bomber Kills 30 in a Shiite Marketplace in Northern Iraq
Sabrina Tavernise. The New York Times, 10 May 2006.
Iraqi and U.S. Officials in Secret Talks with Iraqi Insurgents
Lydia Khalil. Terrorism Focus. The Jamestown Foundation, 09 May 2006.
Car Bombings Down in Iraq, Military Says
Rick Jervis. USA Today, 09 May 2006.
U.S. Stalls on Iraqi Peace Offer
Gareth Porter. Asia Times, 09 May 2006.
Disorganization Worries al-Qaida in Iraq
Tarek el-Tablawy. The Associated Press, 08 May 2006. Posted on
Iraq Tries to Stop Foreign Insurgents
Thomas Wagner. The Associated Press, 07 May 2006.
U.S. Tells of Iraq Insurgents' New Tactics
Borzou Daragahi. Los Angeles Times, 05 May 2006.
Iraq's Resistance Evolves
Mathieu Guidère and Peter Harling. Le Monde Diplomatique, 02 May 2006.
Assessing Iraq's Sunni Arab Insurgency
Michael Eisenstadt and Jeffrey White. Military Review, May/June 2006. Posted on the U.S. Army Professional Writing Collection.
The City on a Hill? U.S. Policy Decisions and the Insurgency in Iraq
Maj. Christopher Davis. Strategic Insights, May 2006 (.pdf file).
U.S.'s Cultural Ignorance Fuels Iraq Insurgency
Steve Inskeep. NPR, 28 April 2006.
Iraqi Vice President's Sister Slain
The Associated Press, 27 April 2006. Posted on the MSNBC website.
Zarqawi Shows Face For First Time Since Start of Iraq Insurgency
Ewen MacAskill. The Guardian, 26 April 2006.
Dozens of Security Force Recruits Are Killed by Iraqi Insurgents
Richard A. Oppel, Jr. The New York Times, 25 April 2006.
U.S.: Terrorist Attacks Increased Last Year
Warren P. Strobel. Knight Ridder Newspapers, 21 April 2006.
The Presence of Saudi Nationals in the Iraqi Insurgency
Christopher Boucek. Terrorism Monitor. Jamestown Foundation, 20 April 2006.
'I Made a Mixture of Drugs and Injected Them. They Were Dead in Three Hours'
Michael Howard. The Guardian, 17 April 2006.
Iraqi Sunni Leader Turns His Guns on Foreign Insurgents
Aqeel Hussein and Colin Freeman. The Telegraph, UK, 16 April 2006.
Zawahiri Tape Praises Insurgency
BBC News, 13 April 2006.
A Town Without Law, Much Less Order
Iason Athanasiadis. Asia Times, 12 April 2006.
Al-Qaeda in Iraq: Has al-Zawahiri Reined in al-Zarqawi?
Michael Scheuer. The Jamestown Foundation, 11 April 2006.
Ramadi Insurgents Develop Clever Tactics
Todd Pitman. The Associated Press, 09 April 2006. Posted on the Free Republic website.
Threat of Shiite Militias Now Seen As Iraq's Most Critical Challenge
Jonathan Finer. Washington Post, 08 April 2006.
U.S. 'In Talks With Iraq Militants'
BBC News, 07 April 2006.
Suicide Bombers Kill 50 at Baghdad Mosque
Reuters, 07 April 2006.
Rebels in Full Control of Samarra, Cleric Says
Azzaman, 06 April 2006.
Is U.S. Planning More Attacks on Shi'ite Militias?
Gareth Porter., 04 April 2006.
Iraq's Evolving Insurgency and the Risk of Civil War
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 03 April 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Zarqawi 'Replaced as Unrest Head'
BBC News, 03 April 2006.
Iraq Militias' Wave of Death
Farah Stockman and Bryan Bender. The Boston Globe, 02 April 2006.
Can Iraq's Militias Be Tamed?
Michael Ware. Time Magazine, 02 April 2006.
Iraq: Standing Firm in Face of the Occupation
Sheikh Hasan al-Zarqani. Third World Report (Middle East), April 2006. Posted on the Socialist Review, UK website.
Al Qaeda's Zarqawi Shifts Tactics: U.S. Military
Michael Georgy. Reuters, 30 March 2006.
Two Fronts In Iraq
Robert Dreyfuss., 29 March 2006.
Iraq War Changing with Attacks on Cos.
Steven R. Hurst. The Associated Press, 29 March 2006.
Iraq Mosque Crisis Highlights Shi'ite Militia Role
Michael Georgy. Reuters, 29 March 2006.
Mujahideen Shura Council in Iraq: Fact or Fiction?
Mahan Abedin. The Jamestown Foundation, 28 March 2006.
Anbar Revenge Brigade Makes Progress in the Fight Against al-Qaeda
Lydia Khalil. The Jamestown Foundation, 28 March 2006.
Insurgent Doctor Killed Dozens of Wounded Soldiers
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, UK, 23 March 2006.
Anatomy of a Rebel Strike
Richard Boudreaux and John Johnson Jr. Los Angeles Times, 22 March 2006.
2nd Prison Raid in Two Days Fails; 50 Gunmen Held
Vanessa Arrington. The Associated Press, 22 March 2006.
Insurgents Kill 19 Iraqis in Prison Break
Vanessa Arrington. The Associated Press, 21 March 2006.
A Roster of the Iraq Insurgency
Jonathan Finer. Washington Post, 21 March 2006. Posted on the San Francisco Chronicle website.
Staying Strong: The Insurgency in Iraq
Brian Ross. ABC News, 20 March 2006.
Fallujah to Samarra
Khaleej Times, 19 March 2006.
Iraq's Killing Fields
Paul McGeough. Sydney Morning Herald, 18 March 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Iraq Says it Foiled Green Zone Plot
Bassem Mroue. The Associated Press, 14 March 2006. Posted on The State website.
New Unit to Focus on Insurgent Tactics
Matthew Cox. Army Times, 14 March 2006.
Saddam Never Planned Insurgency: U.S. Military Study
Agence France Presse, 13 March 2006.
Radical Iraqi Cleric Expands His Reach
Borzou Daragahi. Los Angeles Times, 13 March 2006.
Iraq: The Real Foreign-Hostage Count
Rod Nordland. Newsweek, 11 March 2006.
Rise of The Militias
Firas Al-Atraqchi. Al-Ahram Weekly Online, 09-15 March 2006.
Iraq's Militias: Many Little Armies, One Huge Problem
Matt Sherman. The New York Times, 08 March 2006.
Roadside Bomb Devices Get Smarter and Deadlier
Kevin Cullen. The Boston Globe, 07 March 2006. Posted on the San Mateo County Times website.
Senior General's Slaying Raises Questions About Security
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 07 March 2006.
Iraqi Tribes Strike Back at Insurgents
John Ward Anderson. Washington Post, 07 March 2006.
Iraq Weapons -- Made in Iran?
Brian Ross, Richard Esposito and Jill Rackmill. ABC News, 06 March 2006.
Background on Claims of Iran Bomb Link:
Iran Bombs Link: Retraction or Non-Retraction?
Paul Reynolds. BBC News, 10 January 2006.
'Peace is Hell': Behind the Bombs of Basra
Barry Zellen. Security Innovator, 08 January 2006.
U.K. 'U-turn' on Iran Bomb Claims
Hannah K. Strange. United Press International, 07 January 2006.
Bombings: Confusion and Contradiction over Iran's Role
Trevor Royle. Sunday Herald, 09 October 2005.
Sunni Tribes of Iraq's Rebel Bastion Declare War on Zarqawi
Agence France Presse, 05 March 2006.
How Iraq's Woes Escalated
Anthony H. Cordesman. United Press International, 03 March 2006.
The Insurgency: Advantage Ba'athists
Scott Ritter. AlterNet, 01 March 2006.
The Iraqi Insurgency and the Risk of Civil War: Who Are the Players
Anthony H. Cordesman. CSIS, 01 March 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website on 08 March 2006.
A View of Operation Iraqi Freedom from Saddam's Senior Leadership
Kevin M. Woods et al. Iraqi Perspectives Project, Joint Forces Command, March 2006 (.pdf file).
Fighting Insurgency on Sacred Ground
Ron E. Hassner. The Washington Quarterly, Spring 2006 (.pdf file).
U.S. Envoy in Iraq Accuses Iran Of Assisting Militias, Insurgents
Nelson Hernandez. Washington Post, 21 February 2006.
Iraqi Insurgents Find Ways To Bounce Back
Greg Grant. Defense News, 20 February 2006.
Iraq's Jordanian Jihadis
Nir Rosen. The New York Times, 19 February 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
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[War Report Home]
Rebels' Arsenal Includes Politics
Borzou Daragahi. Los Angeles Times, 19 February 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
The Iraq War's Defining Weapon
Sudha Ramachandran. Asia Times, 17 February 2006.
Report: Sunni Insurgents Increasingly Unified
Jim Lobe., 16 February 2006. (See report below).
In Their Own Words: Reading the Iraqi Insurgency
Middle East Report #50. International Crisis Group, 15 February 2006 (.pdf file).
Iraq Rebels Wage War by Video
Paul McGeough. Sydney Morning Herald, 14 February 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Iraqi Insurgent Linkages Based on Recent Group Statements
IntelCenter, 13 February 2006 (.pdf file).
Report Says Number of Attacks by Insurgents in Iraq Increases
James Glanz. The New York Times, 09 February 2006. (See report below).
Rebuilding Iraq: Stabilization, Reconstruction, and Financing Challenges
Joseph A. Christoff. GAO Testimony before the Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, 08 February 2006 (.pdf file).
Alleged Transit of Fighters from Syria to Iraq Slows
Ferry Biedermann. Financial Times, 08 February 2006.
Ransom Kidnappings Fund Iraq Insurgents
Hamza Hendawi. The Associated Press, 07 February 2006. Posted on the Seattle Post-Intelligencer website.
Attacks Rock 'Foundation' That Marines Built in Anbar
Nelson Hernandez. Washington Post, 07 February 2006.
Iraq's Evolving Insurgency: The Nature of Attacks and Patterns and Cycles in the Conflict
Anthony H. Cordesman. CSIS, 03 February 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Direct Talks - U.S. Officials and Iraqi Insurgents
Newsweek, 06 February 2006.
Man Versus Mine
Robert Bryce. The Atlantic Monthly, January/February 2006.
A Rebel Crack-Up?
Tim McGirk. Time Magazine, 30 January 2006.
Deadly Rift Grows Among Insurgents
Louise Roug and Richard Boudreaux. Los Angeles Times, 29 January 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
General Sees Rift in Iraq Enemy
Rick Jervis. USA Today, 26 January 2006.
Rifts Deepen Within Iraq's Insurgency
Liz Sly. The Chicago Tribune, 24 January 2006.
Iraqi Rebels in Western City Turn Against Qaeda
Aseel Kami. Reuters, 23 January 2006.
Attacks in Iraq Jumped in 2005
Rick Jervis. USA Today, 22 January 2006.
Cleric Sees No End to Insurgency in Iraq
Robert H. Reid. The Associated Press, 19 January 2006.
In Iraqi Oil City, a Formidable Foe
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 19 January 2006.
U.S. Denies Report of 'Jumping' Insurgent Bombs in Iraq
Al Pessin. Voice of America, 18 January 2006.
Al-Zarqawi's Group Under Pressure and Seeking Allies
Stephen Ulph. The Jamestown Foundation, 18 January 2006.
Surface-to-Air Missile Downed U.S. Chopper in Iraq
ABC News, 17 January 2006.
'Aerial IEDs' Target U.S. Copters
Greg Grant. Defense News, 16 January 2006.
Iraq al Qaeda Sets Up Insurgent Umbrella Body
Reuters, 15 January 2006. Posted on the Malaysia Star website.
Iraq Militants Put New Touches to Propaganda War
Reuters. 15 January 2006. Posted on The Peninsula website.
Local Insurgents Tell of Clashes With Al Qaeda's Forces in Iraq
Sabrina Tavernise and Dexter Filkins. The New York Times, 12 January 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Iraq Still a Soft Target for Suicide Bombers
Gideon Long. Reuters, 11 January 2006.
Once the Americans Leave, the Sunnis Will Have No Common Cause with Foreign Mujahideen
Nir Rosen. Boston Review, 11 January 2006.
Pacifying Iraq: Insurgent Scenarios
Tom Hayden. The Nation, 11 January 2006. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Iraqi Rebels Fill Political Vacuum
Mahan Abedin. The Jamestown Foundation, 09 January 2006.
Global Terrorism Threat in 2006
Rohan Gunaratna. Institute for Defence and Strategic Studies, Singapore, 09 January 2006 (.pdf file).
Internal Jihadist Criticisms of the War in Iraq
Stephen Ulph. The Jamestown Foundation, 09 January 2006.
Troops Build Wall of Sand to Keep Insurgents in Their Homes
Ryan Lenz. The Associated Press, 09 January 2006. Posted on the Army Times website.
Senior Iraqi Official Says Cabinet Talking Directly With Militant Groups
The Daily Star, Lebanon, 09 January 2006.
Americans Said to Meet Rebels, Exploiting Rift
Dexter Filkins and Sabrina Tavernise. The New York Times, 07 January 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Up to 130 Killed in Iraq, Drawing a Shiite Warning
Richard A. Oppel, Jr. The New York Times, 06 January 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Weapons Caches Increase in Number, Size
Gordon Lubold. Army Times, 30 December 2005.
U.S. to spend £30million on Iraq prisons to hold insurgents
Francis Harris. The Telegraph, UK, 30 December 2005.
Insurgents Back to Business in Iraq
Martin Sieff. United Press International, 27 December 2005.
Washington Seeks Partial Truce With Iraqi Insurgents
Paul Martin. Washington Times, 21 December 2005.
Assessing the Iraqi Elections' Impact on Terrorism and Insurgency
Mahan Abedin. The Jamestown Foundation, 20 December 2005.
The Transformation of Ansar al-Islam
Lydia Khalil. The Jamestown Foundation, 20 December 2005.
Violence Surges as Cheney Visits Iraq
Jonathan Finer and Naseer Nouri. Washington Post, 19 December 2005.
U.S. Embraces Iraqi Insurgents
Gareth Porter. Asia Times, 17 December 2005.
Iran Gaining Influence, Power in Iraq Through Militia
Tom Lasseter. Knight Ridder Newspapers, 12 December 2005.
Iraq's Sunnis Urge Talks with Rebels
Robert Collier. San Francisco Chronicle, 11 December 2005.
Suicide Bombers Kill 36 Officers at Iraqi Academy
Edward Wong. The New York Times, 07 December 2005.
Iraq Insurgents Escalate War of Words on Cyber-Battlefield
Rick Jervis. USA Today, 07 December 2005.
U.S. Army Admits Iraqis Outnumber Foreign Fighters as its Main Enemy
Toby Harnden. The Telegraph, 04 December 2005.
The Salafi-Jihadist Movement in Iraq: Recruitment Methods and Arab Volunteers
Murad Al-Shishani. The Jamestown Foundation, 02 December 2005.
Profusion of Rebel Groups Helps Them Survive in Iraq
Dexter Filkins. The New York Times, 02 December 2005. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Suicide Bombings in Iraq Drop to a Seven-Month Low, U.S. says
Chris Tomlinson. The Associated Press, 02 December 2005.
Assessing Iraq's Sunni Arab Insurgency
Michael Eisenstadt and Jeffrey White. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, December 2005 (.pdf file).
New Rules In Iraq May Make It Tougher To Keep Insurgents Behind Bars
Elaine M. Grossman. Inside the Pentagon, 01 December 2005. Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website.
What Lies Beneath: Saddam's Legacy and the Roots of Resistance in Iraq
Peter J. Munson. Naval Postgraduate School, December 2005 (.pdf file).
Mother. Daughter. Sister. Bomber.
Mia Bloom. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, November/December 2005.
Shiite Cleric Increases His Power in Iraq
Edward Wong. The New York Times, 27 November 2005.
Locals Report Being Forced into Insurgency
IRIN Report, 23 November 2005.
Bare-Knuckle Democracy in Iraq Rebel Territory
Edward Wong. The New York Times, 23 November 2005.
Terror Tactics Turning Away Former al-Qaida Supporters
Hannah Allam. Knight Ridder Newspapers, 21 November 2005.
Iraqi President Asks Insurgents to Disarm and Join Political Process
Salah Nasrawi. The Associated Press, 21 November 2005. Posted on the Boston Globe website.
Al-Qaeda Tightens its Grip in Iraq
Syed Saleem Shahzad. Asia Times, 15 November 2005.
Al-Zarqawi's Rise to Power: Analyzing Tactics and Targets
Murad Al-Shishani. The Jamestown Foundation, 17 November 2005.
Among Insurgents in Iraq, Few Foreigners Are Found
Jonathan Finer. Washington Post, 17 November 2005.
Women Bombers Break New Ground
Neil Arun. BBC News, 14 November 2005.
Looking Out on Hostile Territory
Chris Allbritton. Time Magazine, 14 November 2005.
Suspected Bomber in Jordan Detained, Released by U.S. Forces in '04
Hannah Allam. Knight Ridder Newspapers, 13 November 2005.
Jihadists vs. Baathists: The Amman Bombing and the Iraqi Insurgency
Tony Karon. 11 November 2005.
The Myth of Zarqawi
Loretta Napoleoni., 11 November 2005.
Hopes Fade of Trapping Many Insurgents in Western Iraq
Gordon Trowbridge. Army Times, 11 November 2005.
Iraq-Based Jihad Appears to Seek Broader Horizons
Douglas Jehl. New York Times, 11 November 2005.
Bombs in Iraq Getting More Sophisticated
Jim Krane. The Associated Press, 09 November 2005. Posted on The State website.
Al-Qaida in Iraq, Local Insurgents Battle Over Tactics, Money
Mohammed al Dulaimy. Knight-Ridder, 09 November 2005.
Shiite Power Struggle Simmers in Najaf
Jill Carroll. Christian Science Monitor, 02 November 2005.
The Very Presence of U.S. Troops Fuels the Insurgency
Gilbert Achar. Democracy Now, 02 November 2005.
The Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq
Roel Meijer. Middle East Report. MERIP, Winter 2005.
How Basra Slipped Out of Control: Portent in the Shiite South?
Gareth Porter. Foreign Policy in Focus, 22 October 2005. Posted on the ZMag website.
The Use of IEDs in Iraq: The Lebanese Connection
Nicholas Blanford. Janes Defence Weekly, 18 October 2005.
Shia Militants Gaining Strength in Basra
Paul Wood. BBC News, 16 October 2005.
How Big is the Iraqi Insurgency
John Robb. Global Guerrillas, 14 October 2005 (.pdf file).
Letter from al-Zawahiri to al-Zarqawi
Posted on, 11 October 2005.
Insurgents Play Cat-and-Mouse Game with American Snipers
Tom Lasseter. Knight-Ridder, 29 September 2005.
US Is Logging Gains Against Al Qaeda in Iraq
Jill Carroll and Dan Murphy. Christian Science Monitor, 28 September 2005.
Insurgents Seize 5 Towns Near Syria
Anna Badkhen. San Francisco Chronicle, 27 September 2005.
Escalating Violence in Iraq Hits New Target: Teachers
Seattle Times, 27 September 2005.
New Patterns in the Iraqi Insurgency: The War for a Civil War in Iraq
Anthony Cordesman. CSIS, 27 September 2005. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Iraq's Foreign Fighters: Few But Deadly
Dan Murphy. Christian Science Monitor, 27 September 2005.
Zarqawi Emerging as Self-Sustained Force-US Intel
David Morgan. Reuters, 27 September 2005.
Radical Roots Take Hold in Southern Iraq
Timothy M. Phelps. Newsday, 21 September 2005.
Who Are the Insurgents in Iraq
BBC News, 22 September 2005.
Relentless Rebel Attacks Test Shiite Endurance
Sabrina Tavernise and Robert F. Worth. New York Times, 19 September 2005.
Saudi Militants in Iraq: Assessment and Kingdom's Response
Nawaf Obaid and Anthony Cordesman. CSIS, 19 September 2005. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Timeline: Surge of Iraq violence
BBC News, 16 September 2005.
Iraqi Insurgents Are a Moving Target
Jill Carroll and Dan Murphy. Christian Science Monitor, 15 September 2005.
Many Insurgents Escape U.S.-Iraqi Sweep
Jacob Silberberg. The Associated Press, 11 September 2005. Posted on the Information Clearing House.
Insurgents Assert Control Over Town Near Syrian Border
Ellen Knickmeyer and Jonathan Finer. Washington Post, 06 September 2005.
Violence Rages in Iraq Hotspots
CNN, 06 September 2005.
Losing the Population: The Impact of Coalition Policy and Tactics on the Population and the Iraqi Insurgency
Timothy D. Haugh. Naval Postgraduate School, September 2005 (.pdf file).
Sadr's Disciples Rise Again To Play Pivotal Role in Iraq
Anthony Shadid. Washington Post, 30 August 2005.
The Sunni Arab Insurgency: A Spent or Rising Force?
Michael Eisenstadt. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 26 August 2005.
Fighting Breaks Out Between Shiite Militias in Iraq
Reuters, 24 August 2005.
Under US Noses, Brutal Insurgents Rule Sunni Citadel
Omer Mahdi and Rory Carroll. The Guardian, 22 August 2005.
Insurgents in Western Iraq Town Prove an Elusive Enemy for Marines
Tom Lasseter. Knight-Ridder, 07 August 2005. Posted on the Duluth News Tribune website.
Patterns of Insurgency and Counterinsurgency
John A. Lynn. Military Review, July-August 2005.
Iraqi Insurgency Financing
Daniel L. Glaser. Testimony before the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations and the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Terrorism, 28 July 2005 (.pdf file).
Financing of Insurgency Operations in Iraq Hearing
Caleb Temple. Statement to the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations and the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Terrorism, 28 July 2005 (.pdf file).
'Who's the Enemy?' Distraught Iraqis Wonder
Luke Baker. Reuters, 25 July 2005. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Defying U.S. Efforts, Guerrillas in Iraq Refocus and Strengthen
Dexter Filkins and David S. Cloud. New York Times, 24 July 2005.
Study Cites Seeds of Terror in Iraq
Bryan Bender. Boston Globe, 17 July 2005.
Anbar Province and Emerging Trends in the Iraqi Insurgency
Mahan Abedin. Terrorism Monitor, 15 July 2005.
Insurgents in Iraq Target High-Ranking Muslim Diplomats
Leila Fadel. Knight-Ridder, 05 July 2005.
Syrians Clash with Fighters Linked to the Iraqi Insurgency
Hassan M. Fattah. New York Times, 05 July 2005.
Iraq Seen Emerging as Prime Training Ground for Terrorists
Warren P. Strobel. Knight-Ridder, 04 July 2005.
Iraq Resistance Groups Ask for Official Talks with Washington
Middle East Online, 04 July 2005.
Insurgents Altering Their Focus
Mohamad Bazzi. Newsday, 04 July 2005.
New Iraqi Party to Give Political Face to 'Resistance"
Lebanon Daily Star, 30 June 2005.
US Confirms Direct Meetings with Insurgent Leaders
Dana Priest. Washington Post, 27 June 2005. Posted on the Boston Globe website.
Rumsfeld: Iraq Insurgency Could Last Years
The Associated Press, 27 June 2005. Posted on the Truthout website.
The Enemy Spies
Scott Johnson and Melinda Liu. Newsweek, 27 June 2005 issue.
Iraq Insurgents Snatch Victory from Defeat
Rory Carroll. The Guardian, 24 June 2005.
Car Bombings Surge in Iraq
The Associated Press, 24 June 2005. Posted on the Las Vegas Sun website.
Who Are the Foreign Fighters in Iraq?
NBC News, 22 June 2005.
Iraqi Rebels Refine Bomb Skills, Pushing Toll of G.I.'s Higher
David S. Cloud. New York Times, 22 June 2005.
Iraq May Be Prime Place for Training of Militants, CIA Report Concludes
Douglas Jehl. New York Times, 22 June 2005. Posted on the Truthout website.
Iraqis Found in Torture House Tell of Brutality of Insurgents
Sabrina Tavernise. New York Times, 19 June 2005.
Insurgents Trawl Europe for Recruits Peter Beaumont. The Observer, 19 June 2005.
Magnet for Iraq Insurgents Is a Crucial Test of New U.S. Strategy
Richard A. Oppel Jr. New York Times, 16 June 2005.
Military Action Won't End Insurgency, Growing Number of U.S. Officers Believe
Tom Lasseter. Knight-Ridder, 12 June 2005. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Insurgency Seen Forcing Change in Iraq Strategy
Bryan Bender. Boston Globe, 11 June 2005. Posted on the Veterans for Common Sense website.
Leaders of Iraq Back Militias, Widening Rift with Sunnis
Edward Wong. New York Times, 09 June 2005.
Sunnis Claim Shiite Militia Carries Out Campaign of Threats, Murder
Tom Lasseter. Knight Ridder, 08 June 2005.
Insurgents Reportedly Ready to Talk
Jonathan Finer. Washington Post, 08 June 2005.
Prescient Insurgency Experts Want Tactical Changes
Stephen J. Hedges. Chicago Tribune, 07 June 2005.
Iraq's Politically Savvy Insurgency Proves Its Staying Power
John Yaukey. Gannett News Service, 06 June 2005. Posted on the Marine Corps Times website.
US Finds 'Insurgent Lair' In Iraq
BBC News, 05 June 2005.
Iraq's Other Resistance
Greg Muttitt. The Guardian, 03 June 2005.
Suicide Attacks Soaring in Iraq
Carol J. Williams. Los Angeles Times, 02 June 2005.
Speak No Evil: Targeting a Population's Neutrality to Defeat an Insurgency
Christopher M. Ford. Parameters, Summer 2005.
Iraq: The Social Context of IEDs
Montgomery McFate. Military Review, May/June 2005 (.pdf file).
Iraqi Offensive Met by Wave of New Violence From Insurgents
John F. Burns. New York Times, 30 May 2005.
Shiite Leader Says 'Terrorism' Keeping Foreign Troops in Iraq
Khaleej Times, 29 May 2005.
Pressure Builds on Iraq Insurgency
Scott Peterson. Christian Science Monitor, 27 May 2005.
20,000 Dead-Enders
Ari Berman. The Nation, 26 May 2005.
Iraqi Leaders Announce Major Effort to Curb Insurgents
Sabrina Tavernise. New York Times, 26 May 2005.
Zarqawi's Insurgency
Nick Childs. BBC News, 26 May 2005.
Insurgents Flourish in Iraq's Wild West
Mark Mazzetti and Solomon Moore. Los Angeles Times, 24 May 2005. Posted on the Fairuse website.
Rebel Shiite Cleric Hints He'll Shift to Politics, Not War
Richard A. Oppel Jr. New York Times, 23 May 2005.
Iraq Calls on Neighbors to Stop Insurgency
Patrick Quinn. The Associated Press, 19 May 2005. Posted on the Los Angeles Times website.
Wave of Iraq Car Bombings Tied to al Qaeda
CNN, 18 May 2005.
Iraq's Insurgency Has Proved Itself To Be Persistant, Deadly and Flexible
Nancy A. Youssef. Knight Ridder, 18 May 2005.
Iraqi Rebels Better Armed Than We First Thought, Says US Marines
Oliver Poole. The Telegraph, 16 May 2005.
'Martyrs' In Iraq Mostly Saudis
Susan B. Glasser. Washington Post, 15 May 2005.
In Iraq's Insurgency, No Rules, Just Death
Ehsan Ahrari. Asia Times, 13 May 2005. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
An Unseen Enemy
Solomon Moore. Los Angeles Times, 12 May 2005.
Iraqi Rebels Shifting Towards Syria
New Zealand Herald, 12 May 2005.
Marines Surprised by Insurgent's Preparation for Attack
James Janega. Chicago Tribune, 09 May 2005. Posted on the Grand Forks Herald website.
U.S. Hits 'Foreign Fighters' Near Iraq-Syria Border
CNN, 09 May 2005.
Could Bigger Sunni Role Stop Attacks?
Neil MacDonald. Christian Science Monitor, 06 May 2005.
Suicide Bomber Kills at Least 50 in Northern Iraq
Neil MacDonald. Voice of America, 04 May 2005.
Insurgents Find New Ways to Bedevil U.S. in Iraq
The Associated Press, 03 May 2005.
Insurgents Using U.S. Techniques
Bradley Graham and Dana Priest. Washington Post, 03 May 2005.
Insurgents Counter U.S. Moves in Iraq
Robert Burns. The Associated Press, 03 May 2005. Posted on the San Francisco Chronicle website.
Iraqi Insurgency Far From 'Fizzling'
Tom Regan. Christian Science Monitor, 25 April 2005.
Iraqi Insurgents Launch Co-Ordinated Attacks, Killing At Least 21
Thomas Wagner. The Associated Press, 25 April 2005.
Bolder Insurgent Tactics Unleashed in Iraq
Joseph L. Galloway. Knight-Ridder Newspapers, 24 April 2005. Posted on The State website.
Insurgent Violence Escalates In Iraq
Ellen Knickmeyer. Washington Post, 24 April 2005.
General: Insurgents in Iraq Planning Attacks
Albert Eisele. The Hill, 21 April 2005.
Violence Is 'Off the Chart' in Area on Iraq Border
Elliot Blair Smith. USA Today, 18 April 2005.
Violent Upsurge in Iraq Destroys Us Claims of a Return to Normality
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, 17 April 2005.
Arms Equipment Plundered in 2003 Is Surfacing in Iraq
James Glanz. New York Times, 17 April 2005.
In Mosul, a Battle 'Beyond Ruthless'
Steve Fainaru. Washington Post, 13 April 2005.
Insurgents Attack U.S. Base In Iraq
Ellen Knickmeyer. Washington Post, 12 April 2005.
Talabani Offers Amnesty to Insurgents
Ellen Knickmeyer. Washington Post, 08 April 2005.
Evolution in Iraq's Insurgency
Jill Carroll. Christian Science Monitor, 07 April 2005.
Actors in the Insurgency Are Reluctant TV Stars
Caryle Murphy and Khalid Saffar. Washington Post, 05 April 2005.
Who Are the Insurgents: Sunni Arab Rebels in Iraq
United States Institute of Peace, April 2005.
More Foreign Fighters Entering Iraq: US General
ABC News Australia, 28 March 2005.
Iraq Embroiled in Grisly Epidemic Beyond Insurgency
Monte Morin. Los Angeles Times, 27 March 2005. Posted on the Minneapolis Star Tribune website.
The Iraqi Al-Qa'ida Organization: A Self-Portrait
Middle East Media Research Institute, 24 March 2005.
Iraq Says 85 Insurgents Kill in Clash Amid Upsurge of Citizen Tips Against Militants
Edward Harris. The Associated Press, 23 March 2005. Posted on the Boston Globe website.
Ordinary Iraqis Wage a Successful Battle Against Insurgents
Robert F. Worth. New York Times, 22 March 2005.
U.S. Turns to Iraqi Insiders in Battle Against Insurgency
David Zucchino. Los Angeles Times, 22 March 2005. Posted on the Fairuse website.
U.S. Frees Iraqi Kidnappers So They Can Spy on Insurgents
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, 20 March 2005. Posted on the Truthout website.
Battle Flares After Insurgents Attack Convoy
Elliot Blair Smith. USA Today, 20 March 2005.
Unexpected Insurgency Changed Way of War
Steven Komarow. USA Today, 20 March 2005.
Iraqi Wahabbi Factions Affiliated with Abu Musa'ab al-Zarqawi
Deanna Linder, Rachael Levy, and Yael Shahar. Institute for Counter-Terrorism, 20 March 2005.
Tending an Oasis of Uprising
Ashraf Khalil. Los Angeles Times, 19 March 2005. Posted on the Fairuse website.
Evidence of Insurgents Using Child Soldiers
IRIN, 15 March 2005. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Iraq Insurgency 'Still Very Strong'
Jamie Lyons. The Scotsman, 15 March 2005.
Post-Election Terrorist Trends in Iraq
Mahan Abedin. Terrorism Monitor, Jamestown Foundation, 11 March 2005.
The Business of Jihad
David Enders. The Nation, 07 March 2005.
Though Battle-Hardened, Iraq's Kurdish Militia Struggles for Role
Annia Ciezadlo. Christian Science Monitor, 02 March 2005.
Iraqi Insurgency Is Weakening, Abizaid Says
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 02 March 2005.
Iraqi TV Targets Insurgents
Patrick J. McDonnell. Los Angeles Times, 02 March 2005. Posted on the My Antiwar website.
Why They Hate Us: Disaggregating the Iraqi Insurgency
Mark A. Steliga. Naval Post Graduate School, March 2005 (.pdf file).
Arab Volunteers Killed in Iraq: An Analysis
Reuven Paz. Project for the Research of Islamist Movements, March 2005 (.pdf file).
Attacks by Militant Groups Rise in Mosul
Edward Wong. New York Times, 22 February 2005. Posted on the Truthout website.
Insurgents Target Barbers Who Ignore Strict Islamic Law
Monte Morin. Los Angeles Times, 21 February 2005. Posted on the Fairuse website.
Talking with the Enemy
Michael Ware. Time Magazine, 20 February 2005.
War Helps Recruit Terrorists, Hill Told
Dana Priest and Josh White. Washington Post, 17 February 2005.
Iraq Insurgents Can Conduct 60 Strikes Daily - Pentagon
Vicki Allen. Reuters, 17 February 2005. Posted on the Uruknet website.
Top Iraq Rebels Elude Intensified U.S. Raids
Bradley Graham. Washington Post, 15 February 2005.
Iraq Insurgency
Interviews with Lt. Gen. Lance Smith and Retd. Gen. Joseph Hoar. PBS Online Newshour, 09 February 2005.
Iraq: Spinning off Arab Terrorists?
Faiza Saleh Ambah. Christian Science Monitor, 08 February 2005.
Official: 13,000-17,000 Insurgents in Iraq
CNN, 08 February 2005. Posted on the Assyrian International News Agency website.
Bombs and Mortars Kill 30 in Post-Ballot Iraq's Bloodiest Day
Mariam Fam. The Associated Press, 08 February 2005. Posted on the Scotsman website.
Insurgent Attacks in Iraq Kill at Least 30
MSNBC News Service, 07 February 2005.
CIA Studies Provide Glimpse of Insurgents in Iraq
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 06 February 2005.
Iraqi Refugees Overwhelm Syria
Scott Wilson. Washington Post, 03 February 2005.
Strategies for Reshaping U.S. Policy in Iraq and the Middle East
Anthony H. Cordesman, Gregory S. Newbold and Peter Khalil. Testimony before the Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, 01 February 2005.
For Iraq's Insurgents, What Next?
Scott Peterson. Christian Science Monitor, 01 February 2005.
Northern Iraq Faces Increased Instability in 2005
Michael Knights. Jane's Intelligence Review, February 2005. Posted on the Washington Institute for Near East Policy website (.pdf file).
Getting the Job Done: Iraq and the Malayan Emergency
Milton Osborne. The Lowy Institute for International Policy, February 2005 (Note: Will open as a .pdf file).
Analyst: Iraq War Encourages Militants
Paul Haven. The Associated Press, 30 January 2005.
Violent Intimidation Campaign Nearly Paralyzes Baghdad
Hannah Allam. Knight-Ridder, 27 January 2005.
Iraqi Insurgency Proves Tough to Crack
Patrick J. McDonnell. Los Angeles Times, 26 January 2005. Posted on the Fairuse website.
'The US Is Behaving as if Every Sunni Is a Terrorist'
Ghaith Abdul-Ahad. The Guardian, 26 January 2005.
Iraqi Insurgency Growing Larger, More Effective
Tom Lasseter and Jonathan S. Landay. Knight-Ridder, 23 January 2005. Posted on the Truthout website.
U.S. Plans New Tack After Iraq Elections
Robin Wright and Josh White. Washington Post, 23 January 2005.
In One Night, Iraqi Turns From Friend to Foe
Jackie Spinner. Washington Post, 23 January 2005.
Abducted In Iraq: Four Months on Planet bin Laden
Jody K. Biehl. Der Spiegel, 21 January 2005.
Suspected Supporters of Iraq's Insurgency Voice Distrust, Anger
Nancy A. Youssef. Knight Ridder, 19 January 2005.
Iraq Violence Spreads to 'Safe' Areas
Rory McCarthy and Brian Whitaker. The Guardian, 18 January 2005.
Iraq Now a Terrorist Breeding Ground, Say US Officials
Rupert Cornwell. The Independent, 15 January 2005.
Ansar al-Islam Spreads Its Wings
Sudha Ramachandran. Asia Times, 15 January 2005.
Iraq New Terror Breeding Ground
Dana Priest. Washington Post, 14 January 2005.
Week of Renewed Violence Features Bloody Reprisals
Borzou Daragahi. Globe and Mail, 13 January 2005.
The Taming of Sadr City
Michael Schwartz. Asia Times, 12 January 2005.
Ex-Baathists Play Crucial Insurgent Role, U.S. Says
John Hendren. Los Angeles Times, 11 January 2005. Posted on the AINA website.
City of Ghosts
Ali Fadhil. The Guardian, 11 January 2005.
Iraqi Insurgents Now Outnumber Coalition Forces
James Hider. The Times, UK, 04 January 2005.
Hundreds of Suspected Insurgents Detained in Iraq
ABC News Australia, 03 January 2005.
Insurgent War Crippling Iraqi Oil Industry
ABC News Australia, 02 January 2005.
Iraqi Insurgents Taking New Tack Ahead of Jan. 20 Vote
The Associated Press, 01 January 2005. Posted on the USA Today website.
Insurgency in Iraq: An Historical Perspective
Ian F.W.Beckett. Strategic Studies Institute, January 2005 (.pdf file).
Insurgency: Modern Warfare Evolves Into a Fourth Generation
Thomas X. Hammes. Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, January 2005 (.pdf file).
The Diffusion of Insurgency and Suicide Terrorism Strategies
Michael Horowitz and Erin Simpson. Paper prepared for the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 2005 (.pdf file).
Iraqi Insurgency
Global, 2005.
Modes of Iraqi Resistance to American Occupation
Jeremy Pressman. Ridgway Center for International Security Studies, University of Pittsburgh, 2005 (.pdf file).
Iraq Clashes Kill 25 Insurgents
ABC News Australia, 30 December 2004.
In Iraq, a Clear-Cut bin Laden-Zarqawi Alliance
Dan Murphy. Christian Science Monitor, 30 December 2004.
Shadowy New Terror Network Nearly Outshines al-Qaida in Iraq
The Associated Press, 27 December 2004. Posted on the Billings Gazette website.
Insurgents Infiltrating Coalition, US Says
Bryan Bender. Boston Globe, 25 December 2004.
Insurgents Operate at Will in Mosul, US Says
Michael Howard. The Guardian, 24 December 2004.
The Developing Iraqi Insurgency: Status at End-2004
Anthony Cordesman. CSIS, 23 December 2004. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
An 'Ooda Loop' Writ Large: New Briefing Applies 4th Generation Warfare Ideas to Iraq Conflict
Elaine Grossman. Inside the Pentagon, 23 December 2004. Posted on the Defense and National Interest website.
Fourth Generation Warfare and OODA Loop Implications of The Iraqi Insurgency
G.I. Wilson, Greg Wilcox and Chet Richards. Defense and The National Interest, 22 December 2004. (Note: Will open as a Powerpoint Presentation).
Fragmented Leadership of the Iraqi Insurgency
Annia Ciezadlo. The Christian Science Monitor, 21 December 2004.
Blasts Kill at Least 64 in Iraq's Holy Cities
Saad Sarhan and Anthony Shadid. Washington Post, 20 December 2004.
Suspects Detained In Deadly Najaf Bombing
KOMO Seattle, 20 December 2004.
Seeds of Chaos
Edward T. Pound. U.S. News and World Report, 20 December 2004.
In Northern Iraq, the Insurgency Has Two Faces, Secular and Jihad, but a Common Goal
Richard A. Oppel Jr. New York Times, 19 December 2004.
General: Iraqi Insurgents Directed From Syria
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 17 December 2004.
For Faith and Country: Insurgents Fight On
Rory McCarthy. The Guardian, 16 December 2004.
Iraq's Insurgency Continues at a Fierce Pace
Tom Lasseter. Knight-Ridder, 13 December 2004. Posted on the Real Cities website.
Iraqi Fighters Keep Up Attacks
Anthony Shadid. Washington Post, 12 December 2004.
Bungling Raids by US Troops Fuel Iraqi Anger
Anthony Loyd. The Times, UK, 11 December 2004.
Sudden Attack on Convoy in Mosul Underscores Risks in Securing City for January Vote
Scott Wilson. Washington Post, 10 December 2004.
Zinni Predicts U.S. Involvement in Iraq Will Last Another Decade
Elaine M. Grossman. Inside Defense, 09 December 2004.
Violence Persists Throughout Iraq
Tom Lasseter. Knight Ridder, 08 December 2004.
Rebels Aided By Allies in Syria, U.S. Says
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 08 December 2004.
At Least 26 Dead in Baghdad Attacks as US Admits it Underestimated Rebels
Agence France Presse, 03 December 2004. Posted on the Political Gateway website.
Insurgents in Iraq Increase Armed Attacks
Tim Johnson. Detroit Free Press, 01 December 2004.
Down RPG Alley; Only One of Iraq's Many Deadly Highways
Robert Reid. The Associated Press, 01 December 2004.
Information Wars: Are the Iraqis Getting The Message
Bill Putnam. Strategic Insights. Center for Contemporary Conflict, Naval Postgraduate School, December 2004.
Epidemic Insurgency (Part 1)
John Robb. Global Guerillas, 17 November 2004.
The Americans Are Sowing Dragons' Teeth in Iraq
Chris Bellamy. The Independent, 17 November 2004. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Mosul Revolt Spreads to Town Near Syria
Edward Wong. New York Times, 16 November 2004.
Trouble Spots Dot Iraqi Landscape
Karl Vick. Washington Post, 15 November 2004.
Out on the Street
Jon Lee Anderson. The New Yorker, 15 November 2004.
Beyond Embattled City, Rebels Operate Freely
Alissa J. Rubin and Tyler Marshall. Los Angeles Times, 12 November 2004. Posted on the Fairuse website.
The Fire is Spreading...
Dahr Jamail. Electronic Iraq, 09 November 2004.
Fanning the Flames of Resistance
Syed Saleem Shahzad. Asia Times, 09 November 2004.
Emergence of Copycat Militant Groups Bedevils Intelligence Official
Hannah Allam. Knight Ridder, 07 November 2004.
Deadly Triangle
Ahmed Mukhtar. Al-Ahram Weekly Online, 04 November 2004.
Iraq's Chaos: Why The Insurgency Won't Go Away
Ahmed S. Hashim. Boston Review, October/November 2004.
U.S. Hopes To Divide Insurgency
Bradley Graham. Washington Post, 31 October 2004.
Prewar Intelligence Predicted Iraqi Insurgency
John Diamond. USA Today, 24 October 2004.
The Resistance Speaks
Bob Dreyfuss. TomDispatch, 21 October 2004. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Joblessness, Bloodshed Add Up to a 'Vicious Circle' in Iraq, Series of Studies Finds
Charles J. Hanley. The Associated Press, 16 October 2004.
Vivisecting the Jihad: Part Two
Alexis Debat. In The National Interest, 14 October 2004.
Pentagon Sets Steps to Retake Iraq Rebel Sites
Eric Schmitt and Thom Shanker. New York Times, 08 October 2004.
Inspector's Report Says Hussein Expected Guerrilla War
Douglas Jehl. New York Times, 08 October 2004. Posted on the NucNews website.
U.S. Military Effort Complicated by Facing Diverse Enemies with Divergent Goals and Leaderships
Jim Krane. The Associated Press, 04 October 2004. Posted on the Free New Mexican website.
U.S. May Be Too Quick to Blame al-Zarqawi
Mohomad Bazzi. Newsday, 04 October 2004. Posted on the NucNews website.
Doubt Over Zarqawi's Role as Ringleader
Adrian Blomfield. The Age, 02 October 2004. Posted on the Fairuse website.
Iraq Insurgency Outpaces Coalition Attempts to Restore Peace
Rory McCarthy. The Guardian, 30 September 2004.
Officers in Iraq: War Tactics Offer Little Prospect of Success
Elaine Grossman. Inside Defense, 30 September 2004.
3 Years Later, Al Qaeda More Dangerous
Douglas Frantz, Josh Meyer, Sebastian Rotella and Megan K. Stack. Los Angeles Times, 26 September 2004. Posted on the Truthout website.
Violence in Iraq Belies Claims of Calm, Data Show
Rajiv Chandrasekaran. Washington Post, 25 September 2004. Posted on the Occupation Watch website.
Iraqi Newspaper Identifies Insurgent Groups
Pamela Hess. United Press International, 24 September 2004.
Classic Guerrilla War Forming in Iraq
Brad Knickerbocker. Christian Science Monitor, 20 September 2004.
An Inventory of Iraqi Resistance Groups: Who Kills Hostages in Iraq
Samir Haddad and Mazin Ghazi. Al Zawra (Baghdad), 19 September 2004. Posted on the U.S. Labor Against War website.
Coalition Holds Off Efforts to Take Rebel-Run Cities
Howard LaFranchi. Christian Science Monitor, 13 September 2004.
'Holy Warriors' in Samarra Reject Accord With Americans
Dexter Filkins. The New York Times, 11 September 2004. Posted on the Nuc News website.
Saddam's Baath Party Is Back in Business
Hannah Allam. Iraq News Net, 09 September 2004. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
One by One, Iraqi Cities Become No-Go Zones
Dexter Filkins. The New York Times, 05 September 2004. Posted on the Truthout website.
Insurgents: Talks to Disarm Rebel Shiites Collapses in Iraq
Dexter Filkins and Erik Eckholm. New York Times, 01 September 2004.
The Insurgency Intensifies
Steve Negus. Middle East Report. MERIP, Fall 2004.
Standoff Bolstered Sadr's Support
Scott Baldauf. Christian Science Monitor, 30 August 2004.
Najaf: Illusion of Resolution
Robin Remington. Columbia Daily, 29 August 2004.
Najaf Battle is Struggle for Leadership of Shia World
James Drummond and Aqil Hussein. Financial Times, 25 August 2004. Posted on the U.S. Labor Against the War website.
Iraqi Resistance Organising, Restrains Zarqawi: Leader
Randa Habib. Agence France Presse, 24 August 2004.
City of Defiance
Donald Macintyre. The Independent, 17 August 2004. Posted on the Counter Currents website.
Inside War-Torn Najaf
Matthew Price. BBC News, 16 August 2004.
Foreign Involvement in the Iraqi Insurgency
Ahmed Hashim. Terrorism Monitor, The Jamestown Foundation, 12 August 2004.
Sadr Plays to Power of Martyrdom
Scott Baldauf. Christian Science Monitor, 12 August 2004.
Who are Iraq's Mehdi Army?
Patrick Jackson. BBC News, 11 August 2004.
Mahdi Army Uprising Poses Challenge to Iraqi Government
Neil Barnett. Jane's Intelligence Review, 10 August 2004. Posted on the author's website.
Risky Bid to Stem Shiite Insurgence
Scott Baldauf. Christian Science Monitor, 09 August 2004.
Sadrist Revolt Provides Lessons For Counterinsurgency in Iraq
Jeffrey White and Ryan Phillips. Jane's Intelligence Review, August 2004. Posted on the Washington Institute for Near East Policy website (.pdf file).
Three Days of Extraordinary Bloodshed Shake Iraq
Lisa Ashkenaz Croke. The NewStandard, 29 July 2004.
Radical Islam Grows Among Iraq's Sunnis
Dan Murphy. Christian Science Monitor, 28 July 2004.
Militants Use Kidnappings as Their Most Powerful Weapon in Iraq
James Glanz. New York Times, 25 July 2004.
Inside the Resistance, Part 7: Radicals in the Ashes of Democracy
Nir Rosen. Asia Times, 24 July 2004.
Inside the Resistance, Part 6: Mean and Clean Streets
Nir Rosen. Asia Times, 23 July 2004.
Inside the Resistance, Part 5: The Tongue of the Mujahideen
Nir Rosen. Asia Times, 22 July 2004.
Inside the Resistance, Part 4: All Power to the Sheikh
Nir Rosen. Asia Times, 21 July 2004.
Inside the Resistance, Part 3: The Fallujah Model
Nir Rosen. Asia Times, 20 July 2004.
Iraqi Police Say Bombers Are Killing Their Own
Rory McCarthy. The Guardian, 20 July 2004.
Inside the Iraqi Resistance, Part 2: The Fighting Poets
Nir Rosen. Asia Times, 17 July 2004.
Inside the Iraqi Resistance, Part 1: Losing It
Nir Rosen. Asia Times, 15 July 2004.
Iraqi Rebels Dividing, Losing Support
Dan Murphy. Christian Science Monitor, 12 July 2004.
Iraq Insurgency Far Larger Than Thought
Jim Krane. The Associated Press, 08 July 2004.
Who Are The Insurgents - And Can They Be Defeated?
The Economist, 08 July 2004.
Iraq and Jihadist Terrorists: A Review Essay
James H. Joyner, Jr. Strategic Insights, July 2004 (.pdf file).
In Anger, Ordinary Iraqis Are Joining the Insurgency
Edward Wong. The New York Times, 28 June 2004. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Meet the New Jihad
Michael Ware. Time Magazine, 27 June 2004.
Insurgency Leaves U.S. Forces Baffled
Scott Wilson. Washington Post, 27 June 2004.
Who Exactly Are the Iraqi Resistance?
Ghaith Abdul-Ahad. The Guardian, 25 June 2004.
Terrorism and Complex Warfare in Iraq
Ahmed Hashim. Terrorism Monitor, The Jamestown Foundation, 17 June 2004.
Iraqi Cleric Signals End to Shi'ite Revolt
Khaled Farhan. Reuters, 16 June 2004. Posted on the China Daily website.
Shiite Militias: Rebel Cleric's Fighters Seize a Police Station in Najaf
Edward Wong. New York Times, 11 June 2004.
9 Militias to Disband in Iraq, but Not Rebel Cleric's Force
Dexter Filkins and Kirk Semple. New York Times, 07 June 2004.
The War in Iraq: The Nature of Insurgency Warfare
Andrew Krepinevich. Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment, 02 June 2004 (.pdf file).
Strategic Implications of the Iraq Insurgency
James A. Russell. Middle East Review of International Affairs, June 2004 (.pdf file).
Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Iraq
Bruce Hoffman. RAND, June 2004 (.pdf file).
Vivisecting the Jihad
Alexis Debat. The National Interest, Summer 2004.
U.S. Will Leave Najaf Under al-Sadr Deal
Borzou Daragahi. Washington Times, 28 May 2004.
Why al-Qaeda Thrives
Tony Karon. Time Magazine, 26 May 2004.
Iraqis Accuse U.S. Troops of Theft in House Raids
Luke Baker. Reuters, 25 May 2004. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Portrait of a Rebellion
Juan Cole. In These Times, 24 May 2004.
Testimony Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Phebe Marr. U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 19 May 2004 (.pdf file).
Iraq's Insurgents Look to the Future
Tony Karon. Time Magazine, 19 May 2004.
Iraq's bin Laden? Zarqawi's Rise
Peter Grier and Faye Bowers. Christian Science Monitor, 14 May 2004.
Shiite Cleric's Militia Seizes Control of Baghdad Slum
Daniel Williams. Washington Post, 10 May 2004.
U.S. Ratchets Up Pressure on Sadr
Associated Press/Reuters, 07 May 2004. Posted on the International Herald Tribune website.
Hussein's Agents Are Behind Attacks in Iraq, Pentagon Finds
Thom Shanker. The New York Times, 29 April 2004. Posted on the Free Republic website.
Insurgents in Iraq Show Signs of Acting as a Network
Ann Scott Tyson. Christian Science Monitor, 28 April 2004.
Huge US Attack to Crush Iraq Rebels
Luke Harding. The Guardian, 28 April 2004.
Sadr the Agitator: Like Father, Like Son
Dan Murphy. Christian Science Monitor, 27 April 2004.
Insurgent Operations Against the Highways in Iraq
Jeffrey White and Ryan Phillips. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 26 April 2004.
Deal with Sadr Near as Tension Eases
Luke Harding. The Guardian, 21 April 2004.
Lessons for US from a Shiite Uprising in Lebanon
Nicholas Blanford. Christian Science Monitor, 20 April 2004.
Caught in the Middle as al-Amarah Explodes
Gethin Chamberlain. The Scotsman, 19 April 2004.
Gunmen Rule in a City Gripped with Fright
Rory McCarthy. The Guardian, 16 April 2004.
Outsourcing the War
Peter W. Singer., 16 April 2004. Posted on the Brookings Institution website.
Warriors for Hire in Iraq
Peter W. Singer., 15 April 2004. Posted on the Brookings Institution website.
Sadr Sends Mixed Signals on Confrontation with U.S.
Mark Stencel. Washington Post, 14 April 2004.
An Iraqi Intifada
Naomi Klein. The Guardian, 12 April 2004.
Sunni and Shia Guerrillas United Against US
David Blair. The Daily Telegraph, 12 April 2004.
What Triggered the Shia Insurrection?
Michael Schwartz. TomDispatch, 12 April 2004. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
U.S. Tactics Condemned by British Officers
Sean Rayment. The Daily Telegraph, UK, 11 April 2004. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Support for Wanted Cleric Runs Deep
Nicholas Riccardi. Los Angeles Times, 11 April 2004. Posted on the Fairuse website.
Second Front in Iraq: Shiite Revolt
Dan Murphy. Christian Science Monitor, 06 April 2004.
Zarqawi Threatens US Forces in Iraq, Criticizes Shiite Leader
Agence France-Presse, 05 April 2004. Posted on the Yahoo News website.
Fundamentalists Rush In
Christina Asquith. Christian Science Monitor, 30 March 2004.
US Fights Shifting Iraqi Foes
Dan Murphy. Christian Science Monitor, 30 March 2004.
U.S. Team in Baghdad Fights a Persistent Enemy: Rumors
Thom Shanker. New York Times, 23 March 2004. Posted on Phil Taylor's website at the University of Leeds.
FFI Explains al-Qaida Document
Brynjar Lia and Thomas Hegghammer. Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt, 19 March 2004.
Terrorism: Jihadist Website Describes Jihadist Movements in Iraq
FBIS Report, 14 March 2004.
Insurgent and Soldier: Two Views on Iraq Fight
Nicholas Blanford. Christian Science Monitor, 25 February 2004.
Iraqis Battle Gangs in Basra
Nicholas Blanford. Christian Science Monitor, 24 March 2004.
Anti-U.S. Kurdish Militants Rebounding, Officials Say
Jeffrey Gettleman. New York Times, 25 February 2004.
U.S. Has Murky Picture of Iraq Resistance
Jim Krane. The Associated Press, 15 February 2004.
The 'Al Qaeda' Memo, Zarqawi, and Civil War in Iraq
Matthew Clark. Christian Science Monitor, 10 February 2004.
Saddam's Order To Fighters Casts Doubt On Link To al-Qa'eda
Alec Russell. The Daily Telegraph, UK, 15 January 2004.
So Few Soldiers, So Much to Do
Paul McGeough. Sydney Morning Herald, 19 December 2003.
Bin Laden's Iraq Plans
Sami Yousafzai, Ron Moreau and Michael Hirsh. Newsweek, 15 December 2003. Posted on the MSNBC website.
Insurgents' Goal: Damage, but also Publicity
Faye Bowers and Howard Lafranchi. Christian Science Monitor, 10 December 2003.
Ever More Organized Iraqi Resistance to the Occupation
Sophie Shihab. Le Monde, 06 December 2003. Translated by Leslie Thatcher. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
U.S. Seeks to Cut Off Money to Guerrillas
Jim Krane. The Associated Press, 05 December 2003. Posted on the Boston Globe website.
Iraqi Insurgent Movement
Christopher Alexander, Charles Kyle and William McCallister. Naval Post Graduate School, 14 November 2003. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Defining the Resistance in Iraq - It's not Foreign and It's Well Prepared
Scott Ritter. Common Dreams, 10 November 2003.
Iraqi Insurgents Take a Page From the Afghan 'Freedom Fighters'
Milt Bearden. New York Times, 09 November 2003.
Why Anti-US Fighting Grows in Iraq
Howard LaFranchi. Christian Science Monitor, 06 November 2003.
Fight to the Death: The Iraqis Who Hated Saddam Hate the Americans More
Edward Luttwak. The New York Times, 04 November 2003.
Iraqi Resistance Proves Resilient
Michael Knights and Jeffrey White. Jane's Intelligence Review, November 2003. Posted on the Washington Institute for Near East Policy website (.pdf file).
Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Iraq
Steven Metz. The Washington Quarterly, Winter 2003-04 (.pdf file).
Latest Attacks Underscore Differing Intelligence Estimates of Strength of Foreign Guerrillas
Raymond Bonner and Joel Brinkley. New York Times, 28 October 2003. Posted on the NucNews website.
Who Are the Bombers?
Jim Lobe., 28 October 2003.
A Strategic Pattern to Iraqi Strikes
Dan Murphy. Christian Science Monitor, 28 October 2003.
Inside the Resistance
Zaki Chehab. The Guardian, 13 October 2003.
Iraq's Simmering South
Ann Scott Tyson. Christian Science Monitor, 22 September 2003.
How Wahhabis Fan Iraq Insurgency
Scott Peterson. Christian Science Monitor, 17 September 2003.
Resistance in Iraq
Jeffrey B. White and Michael Schmidmayr. Middle East Quarterly, Fall 2003 (.pdf file).
The Sunni Insurgency in Iraq
Ahmed S. Hashim. Middle East Institute, 15 August 2003.
New, Soft Targets in Iraq: Bombing Shifts the Focus
Michael R. Gordon. New York Times, 08 August 2003.
Anti-US Resistance Spreads Through Iraq
Syed Saleem Shahzad. Asia Times, 30 July 2003.
Iraqi Resistance Takes on a New Face
Syed Saleem Shahzad. Asia Times, 24 July 2003.
'Guerrilla' War Acknowledged
Vernon Loeb. Washington Post, 17 July 2003.
Iraqi Attackers -- Who Are They?
Robert Collier. San Francisco Chronicle, 13 July 2003.
U.S. Forces Hunt For Organizers Of Attacks in Iraq
Molly Moore. Washington Post, 11 July 2003.
The Iraqi Tribes and the Post-Saddam System
Amatzia Baram. Brookings Institution Memo #18, 08 July 2003.
Top General Says Iraqi Resistance Is Far From 'Monolithic'
Brian Knowlton. International Herald Tribune, 06 July 2003. Posted on the New York Times website.
Iraq's Resistance: A New Vietnam for the White House?
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, 02 July 2003. Posted on the Information Clearing House website.
Iraq's Resistance War Was Planned
Jason Burke. The Observer, 29 June 2003.
Rumsfeld Downplays Resistance in Iraq
Pauline Jelinek. The Associated Press, 18 June 2003. Posted on the Information Clearinghouse website.
Burden of Victory: The Painful Arithmetic of Stability Operations
James T. Quinlivan. RAND Review, Summer 2003.
Shiites in Revolt: Why Paul Wolfowitz Is in a State of Shock
Juan Cole. History News Network, 23 April 2003.
Protracted Iraq War May Boost Militancy, Terrorist Groups: Analysts
Agence France-Presse, 25 March 2003. Posted on the Singapore Window website.
Stronghold Can Backfire: Iraqi Tribes Are Key Source of Loyalty, Rebellion
Stephen J. Glain. The Wall Street Journal, 23 May 2000. Posted on the Iraqi Constitutional Monarchy website.
Force Requirements in Stability Operations
James T. Quinlivan. Parameters, Winter 1995.
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