Conditions-Based U.S. Withdrawals from Iraq
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 22 August 2008 (.pdf file).
Like a Mirage in the Desert: Full Withdrawal may Recede into the Time Horizon Charles Knight. Presentation at the United States Institute of Peace panel on The Future of the U.S. Military Presence in Iraq, 25 July 2008 (as prepared). Listen to the Podcast of the panel presentations and the Q&A.
Quickly, Carefully, and Generously: The Necessary Steps for a Responsible Withdrawal from Iraq
Task Force for a Responsible Withdrawal from Iraq, a Commonwealth Institute publication, June 2008. Executive Summary (.pdf file).
A War We Must End
John Podesta, Ray Takeyh and Lawrence J. Korb. Washington Post, 26 February 2008.
Inside Track: Finding the Exit
Amitai Etzioni. The National Interest, 17 January 2008.
U.S. Should Take Advantage of Improved Security in Iraq to Withdraw
David C. Gompert. San Francisco Chronicle, 02 December 2007.
Progress In Iraq? We Still Need to Get Out
William M. Arkin. Early Warning,, 26 November 2007.
House Approves Bill Linking War Funds, Troop Withdrawals
Elizabeth Williamson. Washington Post, 15 November 2007.
The Realities of 'Getting out of Iraq'
Christine E. Wormuth. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 14 November 2007 (.pdf file).
U.S. Out How?: The Moral Dilemma of Leaving Iraq
Mother Jones, 18 October 2007.
The Right Way to Withdraw
James Dobbins. Los Angeles Times, 14 October 2007. Posted on the RAND website.
Only a U.S. Withdrawal Will Stop Al Qaeda in Iraq
Raed Jarrar and Joshua Holland. AlterNet, 05 October 2007.
Start Planning Logistics of Iraq Withdrawal
Lenny Richoux. Defense News, 24 September 2007. Posted on the Center for a New American Security website.
Easy Out
Gregory Cochran. The American Conservative, 24 September 2007.
We Must Weigh the Moral Cost of Withdrawal from Basra and Baghdad
Timothy Garton Ash. The Guardian, 20 September 2007.
No Exit, No Strategy
Editorial. The New York Times, 14 September 2007.
Planning for Defeat: How Should We Withdraw from Iraq?
George Packer. The New Yorker, 17 September 2007. Posted on 13 September 2007.
No Choice -- Withdrawal Starts in '08
Graham Allison and Kevin Ryan. Los Angeles Times, 11 September 2007.
How to Withdraw Quickly and Safely
Lawrence J. Korb and Max A. Bergmann. Boston Globe, 09 September 2007.
Leaving Basra City: Britain's Withdrawal from Iraq
Simon Henderson. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 07 September 2007.
No Middle Way: The Challenge of Exit Strategies from Iraq
Frederick W. Kagan. American Enterprise Institute, 06 September 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
British Troops Begin Withdrawal From Basra
Stephen Farrell. The New York Times, 03 September 2007.
Ignominious end to Futile Exercise That Cost the UK 168 Lives
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, 03 September 2007.
How to Redeploy: Implementing a Responsible Drawdown of U.S. Forces from Iraq
Lawrence J. Korb, Max Bergmann, Sean Duggan, Peter Juul. Center for American Progress, 27 August 2007 (.pdf file).
Challenging the Generals
Fred Kaplan. The New York Times Magazine, 26 August 2007.
Endgame: American Options in Iraq
George Friedman., 27 August 2007.
Iraq Withdrawal Will Not Hand Victory to Bin Laden
Michael Lind. The Guardian, 27 August 2007.
U.S. Withdrawal Likely Unless Iraq Violence Falls: Study
Jim Mannion. Agence France Presse, 08 August 2007. (See RAND report below)
U.S. Policy Options for Iraq: A Reassessment
Olga Oliker et al. RAND, 08 August 3007 (.pdf file).
To Exit Iraq, How is as Important as When
Gordon Lubold. The Christian Science Monitor, 06 August 2007.
Iraq: The Way to Go
Peter W. Galbraith. The New York Review of Books, 16 August 2007. Posted on 02 August 2007.
The Least Bad Plan for Leaving Iraq
Fred Kaplan. Slate, 27 July 2007.
Out How: The Economics of Ending Wars
Michael D. Intriligator. TruthDig, 27 July 2007.
Pentagon Says Making Contingency Iraq Pullout Plan
Kristin Roberts. Reuters, 26 July 2007.
The Withdrawal Follies
Tom Engelhardt. TomDispatch, 26 July 2007.
Media Spin on Iraq: We're Leaving (Sort of)
Norman Solomon. Common Dreams, 26 July 2007.
Evaluating Options for Partial Withdrawals of US Forces From Iraq
Stephen Biddle. Testimony before the Oversight and Investigtations Subcommittee, House Armed Services Committee, 25 July 2007 (.pdf file).
Murtha to Push New Troop Withdrawal Plan
Anne Flaherty. The Associated Press, 25 July 2007.
Iraq: The Consequences of Retreat
Loren B. Thompson. Lexington Institute, 24 July 2007.
Why We Must Leave Iraq ASAP
Hank Edson. Common Dreams, 23 July 2007.
Seven Withdrawal Scenarios
Austin Bay. The Washington Times, 20 July 2007.
How to Leave Iraq
Michael Duffy. TIME Magazine, 19 July 2007.
Insurgents Form Political Front to Plan For U.S. Pullout
Seumas Milne. The Guardian, 19 July 2007.
The War Is Lost
Peter Galbraith. New York Review of Books, 18 July 2007.
Exit Strategies
Karen DeYoung and Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 17 July 2007.
America Should Leave Iraq, But For The Right Reasons
Adil Shamoo. The Baltimore Sun, 16 July 2007. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Withdrawing From Iraq: An Opportunity for a New American Strategy
Raghida Dergham. Al-Hayat, 13 July 2007.
Congressional Testimony on Iraq
Max Boot. Testimony before the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, 12 July 2007 (.pdf file).
Iraq: Go Deep or Get Out
Stephen Biddle. Washington Post, 11 July 2007.
U.S. Envoy Offers Grim Prediction on Iraq Pullout
John F. Burns and Alissa J. Rubin. The New York Times, 10 July 2007.
White House Debate Rises on Iraq Pullback
David E. Sanger. The New York Times, 09 July 2007.
Iraq Warns of Civil Collapse if U.S. Troops Withdraw
Mark Tran. The Guardian, 09 July 2007.
The Road Home
Editorial. The New York Times, 08 July 2007.
'Supporting the Troops' Means Withdrawing Them
Gen. William Odom. The Nieman Watchdog, 06 July 2007.
An Exit to Disaster
Michael J. Gerson. Washington Post, 27 June 2007. Posted on the Council on Foreign Relations website.
New Think Tank Details U.S. Withdrawal from Iraq
Reuters, 21 June 2007. (See report below)
Phased Transition:
A Responsible Way Forward and Out of Iraq
James N. Miller and Shawn W. Brimley. Center for a New American Security, June 2007 (.pdf file).
Iraq Study Officials Question March Goal
Anne Flaherty. The Associated Press, 11 June 2007. Posted on the ABC News website.
Troop Drawdown by February 2008? Two Plans Set Forth
ABC News, 01 June 2007.
A Step-by-Step Plan for Withdrawing from Iraq
Phillip Carter. Slate, 23 May 2007.
The Adviser Model
Bing West and Owen West. Slate, 23 May 2007.
Iraq Plans for Quick U.S. Pullout
The Associated Press, 22 May 2007. Posted on
Brown to Pull Troops Out of Iraq
Brian Brady. The Scotsman, UK, 20 May 2007.
Withdrawing to Kurdistan Is No Withdrawal
Ted Galen Carpenter. CATO Institute, 15 May 2007.
The Risks of Staying Vs. Leaving Iraq
Barry Posen. The Boston Globe, 19 April 2007.
Iraq Withdrawal Provisions
U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, March 2007. Posted on 10 April 2007.
Two Ways Out
Fred Kaplan. Slate, 09 April 2007.
How to Get Out of Iraq
Juan Cole. The Nation, 23 April 2007 issue. Posted on 09 April 2007.
Iraq: Withdrawal Symptoms
Lawrence Korb. The Guardian, 20 March 2007.
The Implications of Strategic Withdrawal from Iraq
Power and Interest News Report, 15 March 2007.
Progressive Caucus Calls for Iraq Withdrawal by Dec. 31
Jeremy Jacobs. The Hill, 8 March 2007.
Why the British Are Scaling Back in Iraq
Kim Murphy. Los Angeles Times, 22 February 2007.
Iraq: More Nations Plan Pull-out
Anne Penketh. The Independent, 22 February 2007.
Iraq: the British Endgame
Richard Norton-Taylor. The Guardian, 21 February 2007.
Escaping the Trap: Why the United States Must Leave Iraq
Ted Galen Carpenter. CATO Institute, 14 February 2007 (.pdf file).
After the Surge: The Case for U.S. Military Disengagement from Iraq
Steven N. Simon. Council on Foreign Relations, February 2007 (.pdf file).
Doubt Cast on Dire Exit Scenarios
Carolyn Lochhead. San Francisco Chronicle, 28 January 2007.
The Way Out of War
George S. McGovern and William R. Polk. Harper's Magazine, October 2006. Posted on 22 January 2007.
The United States in Iraq: The Case for Withdrawal
Zaid al-Ali. Open Democracy, 19 January 2007.
The Trials of Occupation
Burhan al-Chalabi. The Guardian, 28 December 2006.
Blueprint For Iraq Withdrawal From George McGovern and William Polk
Sherwood Ross. OpEdNews, 27 September 2006. Posted on 19 December 2006.
Powell Says U.S. Losing in Iraq, Calls for Drawdown by Mid-2007
Karen DeYoung. Washington Post, 18 December 2006.
Time to Offshore Our Troops
Eugene Gholz, Daryl G. Press and Benjamin Valentino. The New York Times, 12 December 2006.
Leave Iraq Now
Joe Galloway., 08 December 2006.
Think We're Leaving Iraq? Not So Fast
Erik Leaver. AlterNet, 30 November 2006.
Leaving Iraq, Honorably
Chuck Hagel. Washington Post, 26 November 2006.
Get Out of Iraq Now? Not So Fast, Experts Say
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 15 November 2006.
Reality Check II: Examining the Consequences of Redeployment
Frederick W. Kagan. Daily Standard, 15 November 2006. Posted on the American Enterprise Institute website.
Searching For a Strategy
Michael Duffy. TIME Magazine, 12 November 2006.
Hundreds of U.S. Soldiers Call for Iraq Withdrawal in Petition
Agence France-Presse, 06 November 2006.
Iraq Exit Strategy
Arnaud de Borchgrave. The Washington Times, 02 November 2006.
Grass-Roots Group of Troops Petitions Congress for Pullout From Iraq
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 25 October 2006.
Endgame in Iraq
William Greider. The Nation, 24 October 2006.
Iraq Mayhem Triggers Hunt for Exit Strategy
Ewen MacAskill, Julian Borger and Michael Howard. The Guardian, 21 October 2006.
A Golden Bridge Out of Iraq - Reinforced
Robert S. Leiken. The National Interest, 19 October 2006.
British General's Remarks Spur Iraq Debate
Mark Rice-Oxley and Howard LaFranchi. The Christian Science Monitor, 16 October 2006.
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'Stay the Course' in Iraq? No Way, U.S. Panel Says
Doyle McManus. Los Angeles Times, 15 October 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
The Insanity of 'Staying the Course' in Iraq
Joshua Holland. AlterNet, 09 October 2006.
Iraq: Not Wanting To Stay, Not Able To Leave
Marshall Adame. American Chronicle, 08 September 2006.
Not Wanted: An Exit Strategy
Jackson Diehl. Washington Post, 04 September 2006.
The U.S. View of Iraq: We Can Pull Out in a Year
Julian Borger. The Guardian, 31 August 2006.
Leaving Iraq Is Not Enough
Thomas Gale Moore., 30 August 2006.
Bush's (Possible) Five-Point Iraq Exit Strategy
Rick Gell. AlterNet, 17 August 2006.
Bush's Double Game on an Iraq Withdrawal Timetable
Gareth Porter., 19 July 2006.
Are We Heading for the Exit in Iraq?
Joseph L. Galloway. Miami Herald, 16 July 2006. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Quitting Iraq is Not a Strategy
Nicole Stracke. Khaleej Times, 06 July 2006.
A Road Map Home
David Ignatius. Washington Post, 28 June 2006.
The Only Exit Strategy Left
Noah Feldman. The New York Times, 25 June 2006.
Timetable Set for Iraq Withdrawal
Ned Parker, Richard Beeston and Philip Webster. The Times, UK, 21 June 2006.
Changing the Course in Iraq: Ten Common Elements among Progressive Plans for Iraq
Rand Beers. Foreign Policy Forum, 18 June 2006.
Iraq: Alas in Wonderland
Ashraf Fahim. Asia Times, 02 June 2006.
Brzezinski Wants Orderly Iraq Withdrawal
Pamela Hess. United Press International, 25 May 2006.
U.S. Forces Cannot Withdraw Yet From Any Iraqi Province: General
Jim Mannion. Agence France Presse, 17 May 2006.
Excerpt From Iraq: the Logic of Withdrawal
Anthony Arnove. Excerpt published on the Brooklyn Rail website, 11 May 2006.
Zinni on Iraq: 'We're Not Withdrawing'
Gordon Lubold. Army Times, 10 May 2006.
Cut and Run? You Bet
Lt. Gen. William E. Odom. Foreign Policy, 03 May 2006. Posted on the Information Clearing House website.
Is There a Responsible Exit from the Strategic Ambush in Iraq?
Transcript of 44th Capitol Hill Conference on U.S. Middle East Policy. Middle East Policy Council, 21 April 2006.
Two Deadlines and an Exit
John F. Kerry. The New York Times, 05 April 2006. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Exiting Iraq: Competing Strategies
Thomas R. Mattair. Middle East Policy Journal, Spring 2006.
Withdrawal Symptoms
James K. Galbraith. Mother Jones, March/April 2006.
No Exit From Endless War
Joe Galloway., 15 March 2006.
After Four Years, Iraq Withdrawal Elusive
Robert H. Reid. The Associated Press, 11 March 2006. Posted on the Seattle Post-Intelligencer website.
U.K. Troops 'Could Begin Iraq Withdrawal in Weeks'
James Sturcke and agences. The Guardian, 07 March 2006.
Exit Without a Strategy
Sami Ramadani. The Guardian, 24 February 2006.
Time for An Iraq Timetable
Tony Koren. Denver Post, 19 February 2006.
Once the Americans Leave, the Sunnis Will Have No Common Cause with Foreign Mujahideen
Nir Rosen. Boston Review, 11 January 2006.
Before We Rush Out of Iraq
Bob Howard. Defense and the National Interest, 12 January 2006.
Leave The Field Now - The Iraqi Endgame is About to Begin
Simon Jenkins. The Sunday Times, UK, 01 January 2006.
The Mother of All Nightmares
Karl E. Meyer. World Policy Journal, Winter 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Pace: U.S. to Launch Phased Iraq Pullout
Kim Gamel. The Associated Press, 30 December 2005. Posted on USA Today website.
The Daunting Logistics of Withdrawal
David Isenberg. Asia Times, 09 December 2005.
Forward Observer: Homeward Bound?
George C. Wilson. CongressDaily, 06 December 2005. Posted on the Government Executive Magazine website.
How (Not) To Withdraw From Iraq
Tom Engelhardt. Mother Jones, 02 December 2005.
If America Left Iraq
Nir Rosen. The Atlantic Monthly, December 2005.
Exiting Iraq: Strategies for Bush
Paul Reynolds. BBC, 30 November 2005.
The Illusion of Phased Withdrawal
Mark Rothschild. Asia Times, 29 November 2005.
A Way Out of Iraq
Richard A. Clarke. USA Today, 28 November 2005.
The New Way Out
Michael Hirsh, Scott Johnson and Kevin Peraino. Newsweek, 05 December 2005. Posted on 28 November 2005.
White House Lays Foundation for U.S. Troop Withdrawal
Agence France Presse, 28 November 2005.
Costly Withdrawal Is the Price To Be Paid for a Foolish War
Martin van Creveld. Forward, 25 November 2005.
Iraqi Factions Call for Timetable for U.S. Withdrawal
Hassan M. Fattah. The New York Times, 21 November 2005.
General Decries Call For Timetable in Iraq
Ellen Knickmeyer. Washington Post, 17 November 2005.
Exit Strategy
William S. Lind. On War #138, 04 November 2005. Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website.
Ret. Army General William Odom: U.S. Should "Cut and Run" From Iraq
Democracy Now!, 10 October 2005. Posted on the Information Clearing House website.
Precedents, Variables, and Options in Planning a U.S. Military Disengagement Strategy from Iraq
W. Andrew Terrill and Conrad C. Crane. SSI, October 2005 (.pdf file).
Iraq: Planning For Pullout
Andrew Hosenball. Newsweek, 19 September 2005.
Prelude to an Exit Strategy
Ari Berman. The Nation, 16 September 2005.
Operation Homecoming: How to End the Iraq War
Erik Leaver. YES! Magazine, 13 September 2005. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Many Americans Would Urge Bush to Withdraw from Iraq
Angus Reid, 01 September 2005.
Why We Must Stay
Victor Davis Hanson. Hoover Digest, Fall 2005.
The Third Option in Iraq: A Responsible Exit Strategy
Gareth Porter. Middle East Policy, Fall 2005. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website on 30 August 2005 (.pdf file).
In Search of an Iraq Exit Strategy
Justin Webb. BBC News, 27 August 2005.
Calls Grow for Clear Iraq Exit Strategy
Herald Sun Australia, 22 August 2005. Posted on the Australian website.
Call It a Day
Andrew J. Bacevich. Washington Post, 21 August 2005.
Is U.S. General Hinting At Firm Timetable for Withdrawal from Iraq?
Andrew Tully. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 09 August 2005.
Report Dashes Hope of Troop Withdrawal
Herald Sun, 23 July 2005.
Americans Split on Deadline for Iraq Withdrawal
Angus Reid, 15 July 2005.
Time to Pull Out. And Not Just From Iraq.
John Deutch. New York Times, 15 July 2005. Posted on the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs website.
A Strategy for Ending the Iraq War
Tom Hayden. Foreign Policy in Focus, 13 July 2005 (.pdf file).
Iraq: The Phony 'Withdrawal'
Justin Raimondo., 13 July 2005.
83 MPs Ask al-Jaafari to Put a Timetable for the Withdrawal of Foreign Troops
Abdel-Wahed Tohmeh. Al Hayat, 07 July 2005. Posted on the ZMag website.
Joint Resolution Requiring the President to Develop and Implement a Plan for the Withdrawal of United States Armed Forces from Iraq
United States Senate and House of Representatives, 16 June 2005 (.pdf file).
More in Congress Want Iraq Exit Strategy
Susan Milligan. Boston Globe, 11 June 2005. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Exit Strategy: Civil War
Pepe Escobar. Asia Times, 10 June 2005.
House Kills First Vote on Iraq Withdrawal
Mitch Jeserich., 26 May 2005.
A Hole in Bush's Iraq Exit Strategy
Business Week, 20 April 2005.
Sunni Leader Insists on Timetable for U.S. Withdrawal
Robert F. Worth. New York Times, 29 March 2005.
Time for an Exit Strategy
Democracy Rising, 22 February 2005.
Deadline for Troop Withdrawal Ruled Out
Bradley Graham and Peter Baker. Washington Post, 30 January 2005.
To Leave or Stay in Postwar Iraq?
Scott Peterson. Christian Science Monitor, 21 January 2005.
Britain Urges Bush to Set Out Iraq Withdrawl Timetable
Anton LaGuardia. The Telegraph, 20 January 2005.
U.S. Intelligence Says Iraqis Will Press for Withdrawal
Douglas Jehl. New York Times, 19 January 2005.
Should We Stay or Should We Go?
Frederick Barton, Bathsheba Crocker and Craig Cohen. New York Times, 19 January 2005.
Amid Talk of Withdrawl, Pentagon Is Taking Steps for Longer Stay in Iraq
Eli Lake. New York Sun, 14 January 2005.
After Iraq Elections, U.S. Should Pull Out
Joseph Galloway. Detroit Free Press, 10 January 2005.
Hot Topic: How U.S. Might Disengage in Iraq
David E. Sanger and Eric Schmitt. New York Times, 10 January 2005. Posted on the Truthout website.
Iraq Sunnis Seek Troop Pullout Timetable
Rawya Rageh. The Associated Press, 09 January 2005. Posted on the Yahoo News website.
Let's Leave Iraq Now
William Pfaff. The Observer, 07 January 2005.
Out of Iraq
Stanley Hoffmann. New York Review of Books, 21 October 2004. Posted on the Truthout website.
How to Withdraw from Iraq
Joseph Cirincione and Anatol Lieven. International Herald Tribune, 17 May 2004. Posted on the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace website.
How to Get Out of Iraq
Peter W. Galbraith. New York Review of Books, 13 May 2004.
Officials Argue for Fast U.S. Exit From Iraq
Jonathan Weisman and Mike Allen. Washington Post, 21 April 2003.
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