Is This a 'Victory'?
Peter W. Galbraith. The New York Review of Books, 23 October 2008.
Bush's Final Illusion: The president's agreement with Iraq bypasses Congress. Again.
Bruce Ackerman and Oona A. Hathaway. Slate, 21 October 2008.
A War We Must End
John Podesta, Ray Takeyh and Lawrence J. Korb. Washington Post, 26 February 2008.
McCain's Risky Strategy
Joe Conason. Salon, 15 February 2008.
Bush's Iraq Calculus
David Ignatius. Washington Post, 14 February 2008.
On Iraq, McCain and Obama Have Impossible Dreams
William M. Arkin. Washington Post, 11 February 2008.
War in Iraq Looms as Campaign Issue
Frank Davies. Mercury News, 02 February 2008.
The Iraq Project
Paul Rogers. Open Democracy, 31 January 2008.
Iraq War Not Worth Fighting for Americans
Angus Reid, 31 January 2008.
Iraq: Where the Candidates Stand
Nona Yates. Los Angeles Times, 30 January 2008.
In Last Lap, Bush Seeks Unity on Iraq
Robert McMahon. Council on Foreign Relations, 29 January 2008.
In His Final State of the Union Address, Bush Makes More Empty Promises
Fred Kaplan., 28 January 2008.
Why Congress Didn't Bring the Troops Home
Noam N. Levey. Los Angeles Times, 27 January 2008.
Iraq: An Assessment of Policy Options in 2008
Panel with Carlos Pascual, Martin Indyk, Mike O’Hanlon, Ivo Daalder and Peter Rodman. Brookings Institution, 23 January 2007 (.pdf file).
War, Meet the 2008 Campaign
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 20 January 2008.
Ignoring Iraq: Why Has it Become the Forgotten Issue of the '08 Race?
Arianna Huffington. Huffington Post, 14 January 2008.
Iraq, the Youth Vote, Women and Iowa
Juan Cole. Informed Comment, 04 January 2008.
Edwards Calls for Quick End to Training Effort in Iraq
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 02 January 2008.
The Five Iraqs
Scott Ritter. TruthDig, 30 December 2007.
Bush Loses Ground with Military Families
Faye Fiore. Los Angeles Times, 07 December 2007.
Military Progress Doesn't Make War More Popular
Peter Baker. Washington Post, 28 November 2007.
Public Sees Progress in War Effort
The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, 27 November 2007.
American Majority Sees Iraq War as a Mistake
Angus Reid, 25 November 2007.
Pentagon Warns of Civilian Layoffs If Congress Delays War Funding
Jonathan Weisman and Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 21 November 2007.
Defense Contracting in Iraq: Issues and Options for Congress
Valerie Bailey Grasso. Congressional Research Service, updated 15 November 2007 (.pdf file).
Strategic Drift
John Podesta, Lawrence J. Korb and Brian Katulis. Washington Post, 15 November 2007.
Views on Iraq are Unchanged Despite Better Casualty Reports
ABC News/Washington Post, 06 November 2007 (.pdf file).
Bush's Supplemental Request Has Non-War Spending
William Matthews. Defense News, 29 October 2007.
Remember Iraq
Thomas L. Friedman. The New York Times, 24 October 2007.
The Trap That Is Iraq
Tom Oliphant. The Guardian, 24 October 2007.
Iraq Fades as a Hot Political Issue
Edward Luce. Financial Times, 23 October 2007.
Stagecraft, Not Statecraft: Diagnosing Bush's Failure in Iraq
Dennis Ross. New Republic Online, 22 October 2007.
Security and Opportunity for the Twenty-first Century
Hillary Rodham Clinton. Foreign Affairs, November/December 2007 issues. Posted on 17 October 2007.
An Enduring Peace Built on Freedom
John McCain. Foreign Affairs, November/December 2007 issue. Posted on 17 October 2007.
The Candidates on Iraq
Compiled by the Council on Foreign Relations, updated 18 October 2007.
Sycophant Savior
Andrew J. Bacevich. The American Conservative, 08 October 2007.
Going Long in Iraq
Greg Bruno. Council on Foreign Relations, 03 October 2007.
Federalism, Not Partition
Joseph R. Biden, Jr. and Leslie H. Gelb. Washington Post, 03 October 2007.
Tomgram: Having a Carnage Party
Tom Engelhardt. TomDispatch, 02 October 2007.
The US Senate Votes to Partition Iraq. Softly.
Reidar Visser., 27 September 2007.
El Pais on Bush, Aznar, and Iraq
Ken Silverstein. Harper's Magazine, 26 September 2007.
Senate Endorses Plan to Divide Iraq
Shailagh Murray. Washington Post, 26 September 2007.
The Iraq Position Locator
Christopher Beam, David Sessions, and Morgan Smith., 21 September 2007.
To Express the Sense of Congress on Federalism in Iraq
Amendment to HR 1585 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, 20 September 2007.
Why is the U.S. Fighting in Iraq?
Fred Block. Contexts, American Sociological Association, Summer 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website on 17 September 2007 (.pdf file).
Multiple Messages and Audiences
David E. Sanger. The New York Times, 14 September 2007.
Annotate This... President Bush's Sept 13 Speech to the Nation on Iraq
Stephen Zunes and Erik Leaver. Foreign Policy in Focus, 14 September 2007.
The Way Forward in Iraq
President George W. Bush. The White House, 13 September 2007.
Turning the Page in Iraq
Barack Obama. 12 September 2007.
Troop Surge Fails to Yield Political Progress -- in America
Loren B. Thompson. Lexington Institute, 12 September 2007.
Dead Dogs, Dead Ponies: The Petraeus Show
Pierre Tristam. Candide's Notebooks, 11 September 2007. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
That's More Like It! The Senate Grills Petraeus and Crocker
Fred Kaplan., 11 September 2007.
After the Petraeus/Crocker Hearings: Four Issues for Congress
Kirk A. Johnson. The Heritage Foundation, 11 September 2007.
Can Gen. Petraeus and Ryan Crocker Save the Next Democratic President?
Juan Cole. Informed Comment, 11 September 2007.
What Crocker and Petraeus Didn't Say
Nancy A. Youssef and Leila Fadel. McClatchy Newspapers, 10 September 2007.
Twenty Questions on Progress and Problems in Iraq
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 10 September 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
The Iraq Report's Other Voice
Karen DeYoung. Washington Post, 10 September 2007.
An Iraqi Pullout Decided
Foreign Policy Forum, 07 September 2007.
A New Report on Iraq Lends Ammunition to Both Parties
David M. Herszenhorn. The New York Times, 07 September 2007.
Iraq's Government Has Failed, But America's Isn't Doing So Well Either
Timothy Garton Ash. The Guardian, 06 September 2007.
Bush Recasting the War As Not Just About Iraq
Howard LaFranchi. The Christian Science Monitor, 05 September 2007.
Toward a Realistic Peace
Rudolph W. Giuliani. Foreign Affairs, September/October 2007.
Reengaging With the World
John Edwards. Foreign Affairs, September/October 2007.
House to Hold Hearings on Two New Reports on Iraq
Karen DeYoung. The Washington Post, 28 August 2007.
Who Lost Iraq?
James Dobbins. Foreign Affairs, September/October 2007. Posted on 28 August 2007.
Iraq Will Be Regarded as Failure, Say Americans
Angus Reid, 26 August 2007.
The Bush Administration's Latest Iraq Dodge
Spencer Ackerman. The American Prospect, 21 August 2007.
Campaign for President Takes Center Stage in Coverage
Project for Excellence in Journalism, 20 August 2007.
Whose Report Is It, Anyway?
Dan Froomkin. Washington Post, 16 August 2007.
An Early Clash Over Iraq Report
Jonathan Weisman and Karen DeYoung. Washington Post, 16 August 2007.
Just Another Vacation From Reality
Eugene Robinson. Washington Post, 10 August 2008.
A Surge of Phony Spin on Iraq
Juan Cole., 07 August 2007.
'The Septemberists' - GOP Senators are 'Waiting for Petraeus'
Council for a Livable World, 01 August 2007 (.pdf file).
Wanted: Baghdad Diplomats
ABC News, 30 July 2007.
That September Report on Iraq? It's Not the Only One
Robin Wright. Washington Post, 26 July 2007.
The Inheritance and the Way Forward
Kurt M. Campbell and Michele A. Flournoy. Center for a New American Security, June 2007. Posted on 26 July 2007 (.pdf file).
Iraq: Finding the Diamonds?
Col. Daniel Smith. Foreign Policy in Focus, 25 July 2007.
Al Qaeda's Best Publicist
Dan Froomkin., 25 July 2007.
Support for Initial Invasion Has Risen, Poll Shows
Megan Thee. The New York Times, 24 July 2007.
Strange Summer Days for the U.S. and Iraq
Robert McMahon. Council on Foreign Relations, 24 July 2007.
Destabilizing Iraq, Broadly Defined
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 23 July 2007.
Time Won't Solve Anything
Ramzy Baroud. Al-Ahram Weekly Online, 19-25 July 2007.
New Life for Iraq Study Group's Plan?
Howard LaFranchi. The Christian Science Monitor, 19 July 2007. Poll: War Support Waning
Christian Lowe., 18 July 2007.
Exit Strategies
Karen DeYoung and Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 17 July 2007.
White House Rejects GOP Call on Iraq
Jim Puzzanghera and Nicole Gaouette. Los Angeles Times, 16 July 2007.
Bush's Baffling Optimism Defies Harsh Reality in Iraq
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, 13 July 2007. Posted on the Truthdig website.
The Iraq Debate That Wasn't
Massimo Calabresi. Time, 13 July 2007.
Congressional Testimony on Iraq
Max Boot. Testimony before the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, 12 July 2007 (.pdf file).
Iraq's Pressure-Point
Paul Rogers. Open Democracy, 12 July 2007.
Administration Foiled By Own Iraq Goals
Paul Richter. Los Angeles Times, 12 July 2007.
House Rebuffs Bush's Appeal For More Time for Iraq Plan
Renee Schoof and Margaret Talev. McClatchy Newspapers, 12 July 2007.
CIA Said Instability Seemed 'Irreversible'
Bob Woodward. Washington Post, 12 July 2007.
White House Isn't Backing Iraq Study Group Follow-Up
Robin Wright. Washington Post, 12 July 2007.
Democrats Seek GOP Support in Votes on Iraq War
Shailagh Murray and Jonathan Weisman. Washington Post, 10 July 2007.
White House Debate Rises on Iraq Pullback
David E. Sanger. The New York Times, 09 July 2007.
Seeing Al Qaeda Around Every Corner
Clark Hoyt. The New York Times, 08 July 2007.
G.O.P. Support for Iraq Policy Erodes Further
Carl Hulse. The New York Times, 06 July 2007.
Bush Evokes Revolutionary War to Bolster the U.S. Cause in Iraq
Jim Rutenberg. The New York Times, 05 July 2007.
Renewing American Leadership
Barack Obama. Foreign Affairs, July/August 2007.
Rising to a New Generation of Global Challenges
Mitt Romney. Foreign Affairs, July/August 2007.
President Bush Visits Naval War College, Discusses Iraq, War on Terror
Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island, 28 June 2007.
The Hobbled Hegemon
The Economist, 28 June 2007.
Bush Aides Consider Iraq Truce at Capitol; A Decentralized Iraq
Paul Richter and Noam N. Levey. Los Angeles Times, 25 June 2007. Posted on the RAND website.
US Officials Have Absolutely No Clue about Iraq's Oil Law
Ben Lando. United Press International, 23 June 2007.
Staffing Crisis at U.S. Foreign Service
Paul Richter. Los Angeles Times, 06 June 2007.
Discontent Over Iraq Increasing, Poll Finds
Dan Balz and Jon Cohen. Washington Post, 05 June 2007.
White House Considers Next Steps in Iraq
Michael Abramowitz and Peter Baker. Washington Post, 27 May 2007.
White House Is Said to Debate '08 Cut in Iraq Combat Forces by 50 Percent
David E. Sanger and David S. Cloud. New York Times, 26 May 2007.
Poll Shows View of Iraq War Is Most Negative Since Start
Dalia Sussman. The New York Times, 25 May 2007.
The Critical Battles: Political Reconciliation and Reconstruction in Iraq
Carlos Pascual and Kenneth M. Pollack. The Washington Quarterly, Summer 2007. Posted on 25 May 2007.
After Victory on Hill, President Shifts Tone on Iraq
Michael Abramowitz. Washington Post, 25 May 2007.
Democrats Drop Insistence on Iraq Withdrawal Timeline
Noam Levey. Los Angeles Times, 22 May 2007.
Antiwar Iraqi in Washington Has a More Sectarian Agenda at Home
Scott Shane and Edward Wong. The New York Times, 14 May 2007.
Defense Skirts State in Reviving Iraqi Industry
Rajiv Chandrasekaran. Washington Post, 14 May 2007.
House, Dropping Timetable, Backs Two-Stage Plan for Funding the War
Gail Russell Chaddock. The Christian Science Monitor, 14 May 2007.
See You in September, Whatever That Means
Sheryl Gay Stolberg. The New York Times, 13 May 2007.
Congress Plays Politics over Iraq War
Zia Mian. Foreign Policy in Focus, 10 May 2007.
Are the Democrats and Bushies Playing Good Cop/Bad Cop with the Iraqis?
Fred Kaplan. Slate, 09 May 2007.
GOP Worries About Iraq Fuel War Policy Coverage
Project For Excellence in Journalism, 06-11 May 2007.
Clinton Changes Tone on Iraq
Shailagh Murray and Jonathan Weisman. Washington Post, 04 May 2007.
Democrats Back Down On Iraq Timetable
Jonathan Weisman and Shailagh Murray. Washington Post, 03 May 2007.
White House Panel Investigates Inspector General for Iraq
Dana Hedgepeth. Washington Post, 03 May 2007.
Suspend the Demagoguery on Iraq
Dimitri K. Simes. The National Interest, 02 May 2007.
Bush Vetoes Bill Tying Iraq Funds to Exit
Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Jeff Zeleny. The New York Times, 02 May 2007.
Tension Rises in Washington Over War-Funding Bill Standoff
Gail Russell Chaddock. The Christian Science Monitor, 30 April 2007.
Senate Sends War Timetable To Bush's Desk
Shailagh Murray. Washington Post, 27 April 2007.
A U.S. Recipe for Endless War in Iraq
Gareth Porter. Asia Times, 27 April 2007.
What Happens After Bush Vetoes the Iraq Spending Bill?
Erik Leaver. AlterNet, 26 April 2007.
War Bill Passes House, Requiring an Iraq Pullout
Carl Hulse and Jeff Zeleny. The New York Times, 26 April 2007.
Four Clear Voices Rise Above the Din on Iraq
Shailagh Murray and Jonathan Weisman. Washington Post, 23 April 2007.
The Clock Winds Down
James Kitfield and Brian Friel. National Journal, 20 April 2007.
4 Years On, the Gap Between Iraq Policy and Practice Is Wide
David E. Sanger. The New York Times, 12 April 2007.
Iraq Withdrawal Provisions
U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, March 2007. Posted on 10 April 2007.
Iraq: A Sense of Obligation, Feeling of Helplessness
Public Agenda Confidence in U.S. Foreign Policy Index, Foreign Affairs, Spring 2007. Posted on 10 April 2007.
'Your Iraq Plan?' is a Pointless Question
Andrew J. Bacevich. The Los Angeles Times, 09 April 2007.
Senate Sets Stage For Iraq Face-Off
Peter Baker and Shailagh Murray. Washington Post, 30 March 2007.
Bush Takes Flak From All Sides Over Iraq
Agence France-Presse, 29 March 2007.
Congress Moves Closer to Ordering Iraq Pullout
McClatchy Newspapers and Washington Post, 28 March 2007. Posted on the Seattle Times website.
Tomgram: Americans in the Opinion Polls, Not in the Streets
Tom Engelhardt. TomDispatch, 25 March 2007.
House Approves Deadline for Ending Iraq War
Anne Flaherty. The Associated Press, 23 March 2007.
Not Handing Power to Iraqis Quickly Was 'Mistake': Bolton
Agence France-Presse, 21 March 2007.
Introduction to the Special Edition on the Iraq Study Group
Robert Looney. Strategic Insights, March 2007.
U.S. Public's Support of Iraq War Sliding Faster Now
Ben Arnoldy. The Christian Science Monitor, 20 March 2007.
Bush's Unaccountably Upbeat Iraq Speech.
Fred K. Kaplan. Slate, 19 March 2007.
Clinton Says Some GI's in Iraq Would Stay
Michael R. Gordon and Patrick Healy. New York Times, 15 March 2007.
Poll: 58 percent want U.S. troops out of Iraq by 2008
CNN, 13 March 2007.
House, Senate Leaders to Push Legislation That Would Force Bush to Withdraw Troops
Edward Epstein. San Francisco Chronicle, 09 March 2007.
Progressive Caucus Calls for Iraq Withdrawal by Dec. 31
Jeremy Jacobs. The Hill, 8 March 2007.
U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Health and Iraq Accountability Act
Posted on the House Democrats website, 08 March 2007 (.pdf file).
Public Opinion on The War with Iraq
Karlyn H. Bowman. American Enterprise Institute, 02 March 2007.
Majority in Poll Favor Deadline For Iraq Pullout
Dan Balz and Jon Cohen. Washington Post, 27 February 2007.
U.S. Troops Out of Iraq in a Year, Say Americans
Angus Reid, 04 February 2007.
War Supporter McCain Laments 'Missteps' in Iraq
John McCain. Excerpts from confirmation hearings for Gen. George W. Casey. Posted on the Washington Post website, 02 January 2007.
Public Opinion on the War with Iraq
Karlyn Bowman. American Enterprise Institute, 26 January 2007 (.pdf file).
President's Portrayal of 'The Enemy' Often Flawed
Glenn Kessler. Washington Post, 24 January 2007.
Arguing with Bush
Juan Cole. Informed Comment, 24 January 2007.
Bush Still Doesn't Understand His War
By Fred Kaplan. Slate, 24 January 2007.
Our Last Chance to Build a Governing Coalition in Iraq?
Barry R. Posen. MIT Center for International Studies, 24 January 2007.
Iraqi Millstone Round Bush's Neck
Helena Cobban. The Nation, 23 January 2007.
Intelligence Community to Congress: 'The Dog Ate My National Intelligence Estimate'
Ken Silverstein. Harper's, 21 January 2007.
What Congress Can (And Can't) Do on Iraq
David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey. Washington Post, 16 January 2007.
Misreading the Enemy
Juan Cole. Mercury News, 14 January 2007.
A State Restored?
William S. Lind. On War #199, 12 January 2007. Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website.
There is No Military Solution for Iraq, Only a Political One
Jonathan Steele. The Guardian, 12 January 2007.
Devastating Criticism on Iraq by Both Parties
Anne E. Kornblut. The New York Times, 12 January 2007.
Five Flaws in the President's Plan
Zbigniew Brzezinski. Washington Post, 12 January 2007.
Bush's Iraq Plan, Between the Lines
Anthony H. Cordesman. The New York Times, 12 January 2007.
An Examination of the New Iraq Policy
Sarah Binder, Philip H. Gordon, Martin S. Indyk and Kenneth M. Pollack, panelists. The Brookings Institution, 11 January 2007 (.pdf file).
Bush's Iraq Speech Annotated
Stephen Zunes. Foreign Policy in Focus, 11 January 2007.
Poll: Most Americans Opposed to Bush's Iraq Plan
Jon Cohen. Washington Post, 11 January 2007.
Bush Hits New Low On Eve of Crucial Speech
Ewen MacAskill. The Guardian, 10 January 2007.
Timing of Iraq Intelligence Estimate Questioned
Mary Louise Kelly. NPR, 09 January 2007.
Launching the 2008 Presidential Campaign With Ethnic Cleansing in Iraq
Tom Hayden., 09 January 2007. Posted on the AlterNet website.
Where's the Outrage Over Escalation?
Dan Froomkin. Washington Post, 03 January 2007.
Will We Leave Iraqi Allies Behind?
David Ignatius. Washington Post, 03 January 2007.
A 'Surge' Faces Trouble In the Senate
Robert D. Novak . Washington Post, 01 January 2007.
Bush and Security Advisers to Meet Today on Iraq Strategy
Michael Abramowitz and Josh White. Washington Post, 28 December 2006.
Ford Disagreed With Bush About Invading Iraq
Bob Woodward. Washington Post, 28 December 2006.
President Confronts Dissent on Troop Levels
Peter Baker. Washington Post, 21 December 2006.
A New Phrase Enters Washington's War of Words Over Iraq
Jim Rutenberg. The New York Times, 21 December 2006.
On the War, Determined to Go His Own Way
Michael Abramowitz. Washington Post, 20 December 2006.
After Baker-Hamilton: What To Do in Iraq
International Crisis Group, 19 December 2006 (.pdf file).
Advice Not Taken
Gareth Porter. The American Prospect, 18 December 2006.
What a 'Surge' of Forces Really Means in Iraq
William M. Arkin. Washington Post, 18 December 2006.
For Congress: Telling Sunni from Shiite
Damien Cave. The New York Times, 17 December 2006.
Doubts About Iraqi Leader's Capabilities Persist
Michael Abramowitz and Robin Wright. Washington Post, 17 December 2006.
Iraqis Can't be Blamed for the Chaos Unleashed by Invasion
Jonathan Steele. The Guardian, 15 December 2006.
A Safe House for Iraqi Allies
Kirk W. Johnson. Los Angeles Times, 15 December 2006.
U.S. Public Opinion In Line With Iraq Study Group's Proposals
Poll conducted by World Public Opinion. Program on International Policy Attitudes, 15 December 2006.
Beyond Baker-Hamilton
Barry R. McCaffrey. Washington Post, 13 December 2006.
Throw the Iraq Report in the Trash
Max Boot. Los Angeles Times, 13 December 2006.
Bush's Rethink on Iraq
Peter Grier. The Christian Science Monitor, 13 December 2006.
Poll: 7 of 10 Americans Disapprove of Handling of Iraq War
Jon Cohen. Washington Post, 12 December 2006.
Iraq Report: 'A Giant Step Sideways'
Sarah Olson. Truthout, 12 December 2006.
Washington Looks to 'Blame Iraqis and Run'
Edward Luce. The Financial Times, 11 December 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
Back to your Studies: The Unbearable Shallowness of the Iraq Study Group
Reuel Marc Gerecht. The Weekly Standard, 18 December 2006. Posted on the American Enterprise Institute on 11 December 2006.
Dueling Views on Diplomacy Pit Baker Against Rice
David E. Sanger. The New York Times, 08 December 2006.
Bush Expresses Caution on Key Points in Iraq Panel's Report
Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Kate Zernike. The New York Times, 07 December 2006.
Senators Question Iraq Panel's Blueprint
Robert Burns. The Associated Press, 07 December 2006.
The Elephant Gives Birth to a Mouse
Anthony Cordesman. Asia Times, 08 December 2006.
The Myth of More
Michael Schwartz. TomDispatch, 07 December 2006. Posted on the Znet website.
Cautious Words Conceal the True Savagery of Life in Iraq
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, UK, 07 December 2006.
Threats Wrapped in Misunderstandings
Sudarsan Raghavan. Washington Post, 07 December 2006.
A Report Overtaken by Reality
George F. Will. Washington Post, 07 December 2006.
The Iraq Study Group Chickens Out
Fred Kaplan. Slate, 06 December 2006.
The Iraq Study Group Report
James A. Baker III and Lee H. Hamilton, Co-Chairs. United States Institute of Peace, 06 December 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Chairmen's Statement
Text of letter accompanying the Iraq Study Group report, 06 December 2006. Posted on the Guardian website.
Iraq Study to Reshape National Debate About War
Dan Balz. Washington Post, 06 December 2006.
Neocons Move to Preempt Baker Report
Jim Lobe., 06 December 2006.
The Iraq Study Group Report: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
James A. Phillips and James Jay Carafano. The Heritage Foundation, 06 December 2006.
Senators So Very, Very Not Contrary Toward Gates
Dana Milbank. Washington Post, 06 December 2006.
Bush's Strategy of Wishful Thinking
H.D.S. Greenway. The Boston Globe, 05 December 2006.
Will Bush Change on Iraq?
David E. Sanger. The New York Times, 04 December 2006.
Bush Is Weighing Options for New Strategy in Iraq, Aide Says
Charles Babington. Washington Post, 04 December 2006.
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[War Report Home]
I Am No Longer Asked Why We Did Not Remove Saddam
James Baker. The Times, UK, 04 December 2006.
The Only Consensus on Iraq: Nobody's Leaving Right Now
David E. Sanger. The New York Times, 01 December 2006.
Now in Control, Democrats Seek Unified War Strategy
Gail Russell Chaddock. The Christian Science Monitor, 01 December 2006.
Been There, Done That
Howard Kurtz. Washington Post, 01 December 2006.
What We Call It Doesn't Change the War
Kenneth F. Bunting. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 01 December 2006.
Bush Says the Right Things, but Iraq Tensions Clear
Stephen Farrell. The Times, UK, 30 November 2006.
Colin Powell Says Iraq in a 'Civil War'
CNN News, 29 November 2006.
White House Wages War of Words Over 'Civil' Term
Peter Baker. Washington Post, 29 November 2006.
Iraq Panel's Real Agenda: Damage Control
Andrew J. Bacevich. The Christian Science Monitor, 28 November 2006.
'Neocons' Abandon Iraq War at White House Front Door
Editorial. USA Today, 27 November 2006.
Lawmakers Lose Patience With Iraq Government
Ben Feller. The Associated Press, 27 November 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
Iraq Group a Study In Secrecy, Centrism
Robin Wright. Washington Post, 26 November 2006.
Woes for Baker Group
Timothy M. Phelps. Newsday, 23 November 2006.
The Story Behind The Iraq Study Group
Lyndsey Layton. Washington Post, 21 November 2006.
Bush Initiates Iraq Policy Review Separate From Baker Group's
Robin Wright. Washington Post, 15 November 2006.
Huge Task Before Iraq Study Group
Peter Grier. The Christian Science Monitor, 14 November 2006.
Democrats Push for Troop Cuts Within Months
Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Mark Mazzetti. The New York Times, 13 November 2006.
Bush's Iraq Legacy
Robert Kagan and William Kristol. The Weekly Standard, 13 November 2006.
Iraq Is Gone. Now What?
Monica Duffy Toft. Washington Post, 13 November 2006.
Panel May Have Few Good Options to Offer
Michael Abramowitz and Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 12 November 2006.
Bush's Advisers Adopt New Tone on Iraq
Ben Feller. The Associated Press, 12 November 2006.
Stage Set for Iraq Policy Shift
Glenn Kessler and Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 09 November 2006.
A To-do List for New Congress
Joe Galloway., 09 November 2006.
The Iraq Mandate
Robert Dreyfuss., 08 November 2006.
A Voter Rebuke For Bush, the War And the Right
Peter Baker and Jim VandeHei. Washington Post, 08 November 2006.
Shift Coming in U.S. Policy on Iraq
Howard LaFranchi. The Christian Science Monitor, 08 November 2006.
Fighting Over Who Lost Iraq
Andrew J. Bacevich. Los Angeles Times, 07 November 2006.
Angry Campaigns End on an Angrier Note
Jim VandeHei and Dan Balz. Washington Post, 07 November 2006.
U.S. Weighs Price of Iraqi Territorial Integrity
The Financial Times, 06 November 2006.
What It Will Take to End War
James Carroll. The Boston Globe, 06 November 2006. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Neocons Turn on Bush for Incompetence Over Iraq War
Julian Borger. The Guardian, 04 November 2006. (See article below).
Neo Culpa: Politics & Power
David Rose. Vanity Fair, 03 November 2006.
Seeking Options On Iraq
David Ignatius. Washington Post, 03 November 2006.
Staying the Course, Win or Lose
Robert Kagan. Washington Post, 02 November 2006.
What Would Democrats Do About Iraq?
Howard LaFranchi. The Christian Science Monitor, 31 October 2006.
Spinning the Iraq War
Col. Daniel Smith. Foreign Policy Forum, 27 October 2006.
Democrats Are Divided on a Solution for Iraq
John M. Broder. The New York Times, 27 October 2006.
U.S. Evangelical Support for Iraq War Slipping
Ed Stoddard. Reuters, 26 October 2006.
Why Bush Thinks We're Winning
Dan Froomkin. Washington Post, 26 October 2006.
Ruining America
Joe Galloway., 26 October 2006.
Bush Is Reassuring on Iraq But Says He's 'Not Satisfied'
Peter Baker. Washington Post, 26 October 2006.
Iraq War Damaged U.S. Reputation, Say Americans
Angus Reid, 26 October 2006.
Insult to Injury in Iraq
Frederick W. Kagan. Washington Post, 25 October 2006. Posted on the American Enterprise Institute website.
Three Choices, Mr. President
Richard Holbrooke. Washington Post, 24 October 2006.
A Crash Course on Iraq
Jim Lobe. Asia Times, 24 October 2006.
New Iraq Plan Looks Like the Old Iraq Plan
Jim Miklaszewski. NBC News, 23 October 2006.
Bush Admin. Won't Shift Iraq Strategy
Deb Reichmann. The Associated Press, 23 October 2006. Posted on the San Francisco Chronicle website.
Iraq Reconstruction Oversight Office to Expand, then Disband
Jenny Mandel., 23 October 2006.
Spin Doctor Retracts U.S. Arrogance Remarks
Staff and Agencies. The Guardian, 23 October 2006.
How Iraq Came Home to Haunt America
Peter Beaumont, Edward Helmore and Gaby Hinsliff. The Sunday Observer, 22 October 2006.
U.S. to Hand Iraq a New Timetable on Security Role
David S. Cloud. The New York Times, 22 October 2006.
U.S. 'Cannot Stay Course' in Iraq
BBC News, 22 October 2006.
No Reality From Administration
Joe Galloway., 19 October 2006.
Bush Accepts Iraq-Vietnam Comparison
Ed O'Keefe. ABC News, 18 October 2006.
Poll: Support for Iraq War at All-Time Low
CNN, 17 October 2006.
Can You Tell a Sunni From a Shiite?
Jeff Stein. The New York Times, 17 October 2006.
Running from Iraq
Reuel Marc Gerecht. The Weekly Standard, 23 October 2006. Posted on 16 October 2006.
'Stay the Course' in Iraq? No Way, U.S. Panel Says
Doyle McManus. Los Angeles Times, 15 October 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Baker's Panel Rules Out Iraq Victory
Eli Lake. The New York Sun, 12 October 2006.
'Just a Comma' Becomes Part of Iraq Debate
Peter Baker. Washington Post, 05 October 2006.
In Bill's Fine Print, Millions to Celebrate Victory
Thom Shanker. The New York Times, 04 October 2006.
Secret Reports Dispute White House Optimism
Bob Woodward. Washington Post, 01 October 2006.
Powell Tried to Warn Bush on Iraq
John M. Broder. The New York Times, 01 October 2006. (See excerpt below).
Falling on His Sword
Karen DeYoung. Excerpt from "Soldier: The Life of Colin Powell" published in the Washington Post Magazine, 01 October 2006.
Book Says Bush Ignored Urgent Warning on Iraq
David E. Sanger. The New York Times, 29 September 2006.
Poll: Nearly Two-Thirds of Americans Say Iraq in Civil War
CNN, 28 September 2006. (See full poll results below.)
Full Poll Results
CNN, 28 September 2006 (.pdf file).
Beware the NIE: Careful, Democrats
Robert Dreyfuss., 26 September 2006. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Study of Iraq War and Terror Stirs Strong Political Response
Philip Shenon and Mark Mazzetti. The New York Times, 25 September 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terrorism Threat
Mark Mazzetti. The New York Times, 24 September 2006.
Senators Want More Iraq Reports Declassified
The Associated Press, 19 September 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
Is War in Iraq a Shield Against Attacks at Home?
Peter Grier. The Christian Science Monitor, 18 September 2006.
President's Address to the Nation
The Oval Office, 11 September 2006.
Iraq's Reality Sinks In
Robert Dreyfuss., 08 September 2006.
Interrogation Methods Rejected by Military Win Bush's Support
Adam Liptak. The New York Times, 08 September 2006.
Senate Approves $63 Billion More for Iraq and Afghanistan Wars
Andrew Taylor. The Associated Press, 07 September 2006. Posted on the San Diego Union-Tribune website.
President Shifts Argument, Catches Critics Off Guard
Michael Abramowitz and Charles Babington. Washington Post, 07 September 2006.
President Discusses Global War on Terror
Address to the Military Officers Association of America. Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington DC, 05 September 2006.
Iraq War Will Breed More Terrorism, Say Americans
Angus Reid, 03 September 2006.
Iraq's Complications
Editorial. Washington Post, 03 September 2006.
Iraq War Has Bush Doctrine in Tatters
Carolyn Lochhead. San Francisco Chronicle, 27 August 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
Poll Shows a Shift in Opinion on Iraq War
Carl Hulse and Marjorie Connelly. The New York Times, 23 August 2006.
Bush Clings to a Lost Cause in Iraq
Joan Vennochi. The Boston Globe, 23 August 2006.
On Iraq, U.S. Public Trusts Neither Party
Peter Grier. The Christian Science Monitor, 23 August 2006.
Poll: Opposition to Iraq War at All-Time High
CNN, 21 August 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
A Higher Power
Robert Dreyfuss. Washington Monthly, September 2006. Posted on 21 August 2006.
Bush Said to Be Frustrated by Level of Public Support in Iraq
Thom Shanker and Mark Mazzetti. The New York Times, 16 August 2006.
Half of U.S. Still Believes Iraq had WMD
Charles J. Hanley. The Associated Press, 06 August 2006.
No Good Military Options in Iraq: Leading U.S. Senators
Agence France-Presse, 06 August 2006.
Dems on Iraq: Still Vague, Out of Touch
John Nichols. The Nation, 02 August, 2006. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Iraq War Led to Rise in Terrorism, Say Americans
Angus Reid, 31 July 2006.
Sources: Negroponte Blocks CIA Analysis of Iraq 'Civil War'
Ken Silverstein. Harper's Magazine, 21 July 2006.
U.S. Losing Terror War Because of Iraq, Poll Says
Bob Deans. Cox News Service, 29 June 2006.
Nation Is Divided on Drawdown Of Troops
Dan Balz and Richard Morin. Washington Post, 27 June 2006.
American Outrage at Iraq 'Amnesty' Plan
Michael Gawenda. The Age, 27 June 2006.
Polls, Pundits and Pols
Greg Mitchell. Editor & Publisher, 22 June 2006.
Majority in U.S. Wants Timetable for Iraq Pullout
Angus Reid Consultants, 22 June 2006.
Senate Rejects Iraq Redeployment Motions
Associated Press, 22 June 2006. Posted on the MSNBC website.
The Great Divide: How Westerners and Muslims View Each Other: 13-Nation Pew Global Attitudes Survey
The Pew Global Attitudes Project, 22 June 2006.
Possible White House Hopefuls Unite on Iraq
Liz Sidoti. The Associated Press, 21 June 2006. Posted on the CBS News website.
Iraq in Civil War for 82% of Americans
Angus Reid, 14 June 2006.
Poll: U.S. Disapproves of War in Iraq
The Associated Press, 08 June 2006.
Support for Iraq War Keeps Falling in U.S.
Angus Reid, 02 June 2006.
Bush Slumps to a New Low - It's All About Iraq
Gary Langer. ABC News, 16 May 2006.
Cheney Has No Regrets Over Iraq Invasion
Suzanne Goldberg. The Guardian, 04 May 2006.
Poll Suggests Iraq PR Push Falls Short
CNN News, 25 April 2006.
Iraq Remains Top Problem for Americans
Angus Reid, 24 April 2006.
Americans Wary of Action on Iran, Gloomy on Iraq, Poll Shows
Janine Zacharia. Bloomberg, 13 April 2006.
Is Iraq Worth It?
Frank Newport. Los Angeles Times, 08 April 2006.
Has Public Support Against Iraq War Reached 'Tipping Point' in U.S., Britain?
Tom Regan. The Christian Science Monitor, 04 April 2006.
More Calls for Rumsfeld to Leave
Michael Janofsky. The New York Times, 03 April 2006.
The Tipping Points
Daniel Yankelovich. Foreign Affairs, May/June 2006 issue. Posted on 31 March 2006. (See poll below).
Americans Are Wary of Creating Democracies Abroad
Public Agenda Confidence in U.S. Foreign Policy Index, Winter 2006 (.pdf file).
Public Opinion on the War with Iraq
Karlyn H. Bowman. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 22 March 2006.
Antiwar Views Grow, But War Protests Don't
Linda Feldman. The Christian Science Monitor, 22 March 2006.
Americans on Iraq: Three Years On
Steven Kull. World Public Opinion Poll. Program on International Policy Attitudes, University of Maryland, 15 March 2006 (.pdf file).
Majority of Americans Believe Iraq Civil War is Likely
Richard Morin. Washington Post, 06 March 2006.
Iraq War Not Worth Fighting for 63% in U.S.
Angus Reid, 02 March 2006.
Iraq War a Mistake for 55% of Americans
Angus Reid, 15 February 2006.
CIA Chief Sacked for Opposing Torture
Sarah Baxter and Michael Smith. The Sunday Times, UK, 12 February 2006.
Public Opinion on the War With Iraq
Karlyn H. Bowman. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 07 February 2006 (.pdf file).
Neither Side is Winning in Iraq, Say Americans
Angus Reid, 01 February 2006.
Iraq is Most Damaging Issue for Bush in U.S.
Angus Reid, 30 January 2006.
Poll: Iraq Won't be Governing Itself Soon
CNN, 11 January 2006.
U.S. Dismayed Over Paid News Stories in Iraq
Angus-Reid, 29 December 2005.
House Passes Torture Ban, War Funding
Vicki Allen. Reuters, 19 December 2005.
Many Americans Think Iraq Victory is Impossible
Angus Reid, 15 December 2005.
Congress Expects Up to $1B Wartime Request
Liz Sidoti. The Associated Press, 13 December 2005.
Four in Ten Americans Would Exit Iraq Immediately
Angus Reid, 07 December 2005.
Battle for Public Opinion on Iraq
John Simpson. BBC, 05 December 2005.
General: Military Losing PR War
CBS/The Associated Press, 01 December 2005.
Why Iraq War Support Fell So Fast
Linda Feldman. Christian Science Monitor, 21 November 2005.
Iraq War Debate Eclipses All Other Issues
Jonathan Weisman and Charles Babington. Washington Post, 20 November 2005.
On War, Senate Flexes Muscle
Gail Russell Chaddock. The Christian Science Monitor, 17 November 2005.
Iraq War Sparks an Isolationist Backlash
Edward Alden. Financial Times, 18 November 2005.
Firm Helps U.S. Mold News Abroad
Stephen J. Hedges. Chicago Tribune, 13 November 2005. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Roberts: Iraq Will Affect Future War Votes
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 14 November 2005.
American Majority say Bush Misled on Iraq
Angus-Reid, 14 November 2005.
Who Is Lying About Iraq?
Norman Podhoretz. Front Page Magazine, 11 November 2005.
Iraq War is Top Concern for Americans
Angus-Reid, 11 November 2005.
Intelligence Probe Takes Shape
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 10 November 2005.
Senate to Probe How Case for War Was Made
Gail Russell Chaddock. Christian Science Monitor, 03 November 2005.
Overview and Analysis of Senate Amendment Concerning Interrogation of Detainees
Lee Wood. CRS Report for Congress, 02 November 2005 (.pdf file).
Majority in U.S. Wants Troops Out of Iraq
Angus Reid, 27 October 2005.
Two-Thirds of Americans Say Bush Wrong on Iraq
Angus Reid, 26 October 2005.
Poll: Fading Support for Iraq War
CBS News, 10 October 2005.
Report Links Iraq War to Katrina Relief-Effort Delay
WorldNetDaily, 03 October 2005.
Ex-Army Officers Attack Chaos of Iraqi Regime
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, 29 September 2005.
The 'American Street' Speaks: Will the Democratic Party Listen?
Juan Cole., 29 September 2005.
More Americans Disagree with Bush on Iraq
Angus Reid, 28 September 2005.
'Make Levees, Not War'
Jeff Horwitz., 25 September 2005.
Hurricanes Sap Support for Iraq Policy
Tom Regan. Christian Science Monitor, 22 September 2005.
Fewer Americans Trust Bush on Iraq
Angus Reid, 19 September 2005.
Americans Want Focus on New Orleans, Not Iraq
Angus-Reid, 18 September 2005.
Americans Believe Iraq Conflict Was Wrong
Angus-Reid, 14 September 2005.
Iraq War Affected Katrina Reponse, Say Americans
Angus Reid, 12 September 2005.
Iraq War Going Worse Than Expected, Say Americans
Angus Reid, 08 September 2005.
Storm's Devastation Fans Antiwar Flame
Petula Dvorak. Washington Post, 08 September 2005.
Iraq Invasion Did Not Protect U.S., Say Americans
Angus Reid, 06 September 2005.
Anxiety in Iraq for Guardsmen From Gulf Area
Michael Moss. New York Times, 04 September 2005.
Silent Majority of Americans Oppose Iraq War, but Don't Support Protests
Steven Thomma. Knight-Ridder, 01 September 2005.
By Far, Iraq War is First Concern for Americans
Angus Reid, 30 August 2005.
Americans Remain Divided on Iraq's Eventual Stability
Angus Reid, 29 August 2005.
Public's Doubts Grow About Iraq War
Mark Silva and Mike Dorning. Chicago Tribune, 16 August 2005. Posted on the Seattle Times website.
Majority of Americans Have Lost Confidence in the War, Polls Show
Dick Polman. Kansas City Star, 14 August 2005. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Most Americans Say War Not Worth Fighting
Angus Reid, 05 August 2005.
Majority in U.S. Feels Misled on Iraq War
Angus Reid, 29 July 2005.
Most Americans Doubtful on Bush's Iraq Strategy
Angus Reid, 26 July 2005.
Civil War Specter Spurs New Iraq Exit Plans
Jim Lobe. Inter Press Service, 26 July 2005. Posted on the website.
Iraq War Made U.S. Vulnerable, Say Americans
Angus Reid, 25 July 2005.
Iraq's Future Divides Views in the U.S.
Angus Reid, 06 July 2005.
New Bush Drive for Support on Iraq
Linda Feldmann. Christian Science Monitor, 27 June 2005.
Rejection of Iraq War Continues in U.S.
Angus Reid, 22 June 2005.
As Iraq Effort Drags On, Doubts Mount at Home
Brad Knickerbocker. Christian Science Monitor, 17 June 2005.
Poll: USA Is Losing Patience on Iraq
Susan Page. USA Today, 12 June 2005.
More Americans See U.S. "Bogged Down" in Iraq
Angus Reid, 08 June 2005.
Poll Finds Dimmer View of Iraq War
Dana Milbank and Claudia Deane. Washington Post, 08 June 2005.
New Poll: 57% Now Say Iraq War 'Not Worth It'
Editor and Publisher, 03 May 2005.
Americans' Opinions About the Situation in Iraq
Joseph Carroll. Gallup, 26 April 2005.
Iraq War Is Top Problem for Americans
Angus Reid Consultants, 28 March 2005.
Views on Iraq Change Dramatically In U.S. Zogby International, 05 March 2005. Posted on the Angus Reid Centre for Public Opinion and Democracy website.
On Vermont's Ballots: Iraq War
Jonathan Finer. Washington Post, 02 March 2005.
In U.S., Patience Over Iraq Thins
Liz Marlantes. Christian Science Monitor, 27 January 2005.
Confidence in Iraq's Future Slips, Even Among Some of Bush's Bedrock Supporters
Will Lester. The Associated Press, 26 January 2005. Posted on the San Francisco Chronicle website.
Support for War in Iraq Hits New Low
Doyle McManus. Los Angeles Times, 19 January 2005. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
American Public Support for U.S. Military Operations From Mogadishu to Baghdad
Eric V. Larson and Bogdan Savych. RAND Arroyo Center, 2005 (.pdf file).
56 Percent in Survey Say Iraq War Was a Mistake
John F. Harris and Christopher Muste. Washington Post, 21 December 2004.
Security Scholars Say Iraq War Most Misguided Policy Since Vietnam
Jim Lobe. Foreign Policy in Focus, 13 October 2004.
US Effort Aims to Improve Opinions About Iraq Conflict
Dana Milbank and Mike Allen. Washington Post, 30 September 2004. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Majority of Americans Now Call Iraq War a Mistake
Reuters, 24 June 2004. Posted on the BORR website.
Iraq on the Record: The Bush Administration's Public Statments on Iraq
Representative Henry A. Waxman. Committee on Government Reform, U.S House of Representatives.
Nearly Half of Americans Favor Lowering Troop Levels in Iraq
Jeffrey M. Jones. Gallup Organization, 13 May 2004.
Issues Affecting Funding of Iraqi National Congress Support Foundation
Government Accounting Office, April 2004 (.pdf file).
For Bush, an Election-Year Powder Keg
Dana Milbank and Robin Wright. Washington Post, 03 March 2004.
America, Iraq, and Presidential Leadership
Senator Edward Kennedy. Speech delivered to the Center for American
Progress, 14 January 2004. Posted on Senator Kennedy's website.
Survey Shows Skepticism About Iraq
Dana Milbank and Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 05 November 2003.
Survey Shows Skepticism About Iraq
Dana Milbank and Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 05 November 2003.
Tough Questions on Iraq, Afghanistan
Wayne Washington. Boston Globe, 10 September 2003.
Mistrust and Misconceptions
Jim Lobe. Inter Press Service, 03 July 2003. Posted on the Asia Times website.
As Fatalities Rise, Will Support Wane?
Linda Feldmann. Christian Science Monitor, 25 June 2003.
Bush Faces New Intelligence Row Over War Claims
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 23 June 2003. Posted on the Sydney Morning Herald website.
The Neocons in Power
Elizabeth Drew. New York Review of Books, 12 June 2003.
Hundreds of U.S. Soldiers Emerge as Conscientious Objectors
Gabriel Packard. Inter Press Service News Agency, 15 April 2003. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
The Debate Within
Seymour M. Hersh. The New Yorker, 11 April 2003.
Clash of the Administration Titans
Michael Duffy and Massimo Calabresi. TIME Magazine, 06 April 2003.
Delicate Calculus of Casualties and Public Opinion
Todd S. Purdum. New York Times, 27 March 2003.
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