Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq
Department of Defense, 30 September 2008 (.pdf file).
$13 Billion in Iraq Aid Wasted Or Stolen, Ex-Investigator Says
Dana Hedgpeth. Washington Post, 23 September 2008.
Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq
Department of Defense, 16 June 2008 (.pdf file).
Iraq Not Using Oil Cash to Rebuild
Sharon Behn. The Washington Times, 30 January 2008.
U.S. Failed to Oversee Corps on Iraq Work, Agency Says
James Glanz. The New York Times, 30 January 2008. (See report below).
Differences in Services and Fees for Management and Administration of Iraq Reconstruction Contracts
Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, 29 January 2008 (.pdf file).
Baghdad's Housing Boom
Kimi Yoshino and Caesar Ahmed. Los Angeles Times, 29 January 2008.
Agencies See Good Year for Iraq
BBC News, 17 January 2008.
Opium Fields Spread Across Iraq as Farmers Try to Make Ends Meet
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, 17 January 2008.
Iraqi Spending to Rebuild Has Slowed, Report Says
James Glanz. The New York Times, 16 January 2008. (See report below).
Better Data Needed to Assess Iraq's Budget Execution
Government Accountability Office, 15 January 2008 (.pdf file).
Electricity Needed to Cement Iraq Gains: US Military
Ben Sheppard. Agence France-Presse, 10 January 2008.
Applying the Lessons of Bosnia in Iraq: Whatever the Solution, Property Rights Should be Secured
Rhodri C. Williams. Brookings Institution, 08 January 2008.
US Offers Iraqis Service Jobs
Elena Becatoros. The Associated Press, 03 January 2008.
Iraq's New Job Insecurity
Charles Crain. TIME Magazine, 24 December 2007.
Pentagon Says Services in Iraq Are Stagnant
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 19 December 2007.
Despite Drop in Violence, Pentagon Finds Little Long-Term Progress in Iraq
Nancy A. Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 18 December 2007. (See report below).
Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq
Department of Defense, 18 December 2007 (.pdf file).
International Donor Pledges for Reconstruction Efforts in Iraq
Government Accountability Office, 18 December 2007 (.pdf file).
Dollars and Bullets: The Role of US Aid in a Strategy for Iraq
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 17 December 2007 (.pdf file).
On the Sidelines in Basra: British Tackle a New Role
Amit R. Paley. Washington Post, 17 December 2007.
U.S. Paid $32 Million for an Iraqi Base Never Built
Matt Kelley. USA Today, 14 December 2007.
Inspector General for Iraq Under Investigation
Robin Wright. Washington Post, 14 December 2007.
U.S. May Reduce Iraq Reconstruction Teams in 2009: Official
Agence France-Presse, 13 December 2007.
Half Full or Half Empty? An Assessment of the Crocker Report on Iraqi Economic Conditions
By Robert Looney. Strategic Insights, 05 December 2007.
Economic Development During Conflict: The Petraeus-Crocker Congressional Testimonies
By Frank R. Gunter. Strategic Insights, 05 December 2007.
Beyond the Surge, an Iraqi City Suffers
Nancy A. Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 04 December 2007.
Where to Find Progress in Iraq
Jon P. Dorschner. The Christian Science Monitor, 29 Monitor 2007.
Key Test in Iraq: Is the Power On?
Gordon Lubold. The Christian Science Monitor, 16 November 2007.
Iraq: Reconstruction Assistance
Curt Tarnoff. Congressional Research Service, 15 November 2007 (.pdf file).
Bloodied Iraqi Capital Faces Struggle to Rebuild
Missy Ryan. Reuters, 14 November 2007.
Iraqi Police Barracks Go Unrepaired
James Glanz. The New York Times, 06 November 2007.
In Report to Congress, Oversight Officials Say Iraqi Rebuilding Falls Short of Goals
James Glanz. The New York Times, 31 October 2007. (See report below).
Quarterly Report to Congress
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, 30 October 2007.
Assessing an Effective Diplomatic and Development Program in Iraq: An Examination of the Diplomatic Surge
Stuart W. Bowen Jr. Testimony before the Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs, House Appropriations Committee, 30 October 2007 (.pdf file).
Logistics Civil Augmentation Program Task Orders 130 and 151: Program Management, Reimbursement, and Transition
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, 30 October 2007 (.pdf file).
Iraqi Dam Seen In Danger of Deadly Collapse
Amit R. Paley. Washington Post, 30 October 2007.
Baghdad Suffers Worst Cuts
Institute for War and Peace Reporting, 25 October 2007.
U.S. Faults Its Bid to Replace Iraq's Accounting System
James Glanz and Andrew E. Kramer. The New York Times, 25 October 2007. (See SIGIR report below).
Interim Report on Efforts and Further Actions Needed to Implement a Financial Management System in Iraq
Glenn Furbish. Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, 24 October 2007 (.pdf file).
Agency Management of the Closeout Process for Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund Contracts
Glenn Furbish. Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, 24 October 2007 (.pdf file).
Violence Impedes U.S. Auditors in Iraq
Pauline Jelinek. The Associated Press, 23 October 2007.
Head of Reconstruction Teams in Iraq Reports Little Progress Throughout Country
James Glanz. The New York Times, 19 October 2007 (See SIGIR report below).
Report: U.S.-Led Coalition has Little Influence in Southern Iraq
Mark Seibel. McClatchy Newspapers, 18 October 2007. (See SIGIR report below).
Review of the Effectiveness of the Provincial Reconstruction Team Program in Iraq
Stuart W. Bowen, Jr. Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, 18 October 2007 (.pdf file).
Effectiveness of the Provincial Reconstruction Team Program in Iraq
Stuart W. Bowen, Jr. Testimony before the Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations, House Armed Services Committee, 18 October 2007 (.pdf file).
The U.S. Experience with Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq and Afghanistan
Robert Perito. Testimony before the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.
Provinces Use Rebuilding Money in Iraq
James Glanz. The New York Times, 01 October 2007.
Kurdistan Tries to Rebuild Economy
Christopher Torchia. The Associated Press, 25 September 2007.
Why Iraqi Farmers Might Prefer Death to Paul Bremer's Order 81
Nancy Scola. AlterNet, 19 September 2007. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Lack of Jobs, Services is Missing from Iraq Discussion
David Wood. The Baltimore Sun, 14 September 2007.
Inside Track: The Gift That Keeps on Giving
Morton Abramowitz and Heather Hurlburt. The National Interest, 13 September 2007.
What Does America Owe Iraq?
Interview with William Galston, Akbar Ahmed and Jean Bethke Elshtain. Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly, 07 September 2007. Posted on the Brookings Institution website.
U.S. Efforts May Work Against Iraqi Self-Sufficiency
Sudarsan Raghavan. Washington Post, 05 September 2007.
Measuring Progress in Iraq
Colin Kahl. Center for a New American Security, 30 August 2007.
Iraqi Insurgents Taking Cut of U.S. Rebuilding Money
Hannah Allam. McClatchy Newspapers, 26 August 2007.
Troops Confront Waste In Iraq Reconstruction
Sudarsan Raghavan. Washington Post, 25 August 2007.
U.S. Falters In Bid to Boost Iraqi Business
Josh White. Washington Post, 24 August 2007.
Militias Seizing Control of Iraqi Electricity Grid
James Glanz and Stephen Farrell. The New York Times, 23 August 2007.
Iraq Stock Exchange is Open for Business
Chris Collins. McClatchy Newspapers, 19 August 2007.
Strengthening Capacity Building and Public-sector Management in Iraq
Frederick Barton, Karin von Hippel, and Andrew Rathmell. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 13 August 2007 (.pdf file).
U.S. Market Seen for Iraqi-Made Clothes
Stephen Farrell. The New York Times, 13 August 2007.
Iraq's National Power Grid Nearing Collapse
Ryan Lenz. The Associated Press, 05 August 2007.
Quarterly Report and Semiannual Report to U.S. Congress
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, 30 July 2007 (.pdf file).
Iraqi Central Bank Governor, Sinan Al-Shabibi Talks to Asharq Al-Awsat
Salah Awwad. Interview, Asharq al-Awsat, 29 July 2007.
As U.S. Rebuilds, Iraq Won't Act on Finished Work
James Glanz. The New York Times, 28 July 2007. (See SIGIR report below dated 25 July 2007)
U.S. Drops Baghdad Electricity Reports
Noam N. Levey and Alexandra Zavis. Los Angeles Times, 27 July 2007.
Transferring Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund Capital Projects to the Government of Iraq
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, 25 July 2007 (.pdf file).
A Cause for Hope: Economic Revitalization in Iraq
Paul Brinkley. Military Review, July/August 2007 (.pdf file).
Post-War Iraq: Foreign Contributions to Training, Peacekeeping and Reconstruction
Jeremy M. Sharp and Christopher M. Blanchard. Congressional Research Service, 18 June 2007 (.pdf file).
U.S. Civilians Drive Iraq's Other Surge
Howard LaFranchi. The Christian Science Monitor, 12 June 2007.
Al-Qaida Targets Iraqi Infrastructure
Qassim Abdul-Zahra. The Associated Press, 11 June 2007.
State Dept. Revamps Program to Tackle Iraqi Medical Issues
Thomas D. Williams. Truthout, 11 June 2007.
Oil Strikers Met by Iraqi Troops
Ben Lando. United Press International, 06 June 2007.
The Destruction of Iraqi Healthcare Infrastructure
Adil Shamoo. Foreign Policy in Focus, 31 May 2007.
The Critical Battles: Political Reconciliation and Reconstruction in Iraq
Carlos Pascual and Kenneth M. Pollack. The Washington Quarterly, Summer 2007. Posted on 25 May 2007.
Rebuilding Iraq: Integrated Strategic Plan Needed to Help Restore Iraq's Oil and Electricity Sectors
Report to Congressional Committees. Government Accountability Office, 22 May 2007 (. pdf file).
Iraq: Is Reconstruction Failing?
Stuart W. Bowen, Jr. Testimony before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, 22 May 2007 (.pdf file).
U.S. Restarting Iraqi Factories
David Axe., 21 May 2007.
Iraq: Follow the Money
Joy Gordon. Le Monde Diplomatique, April 2007. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website on 17 May 2007.
Rebuilding Iraq: Integrated Strategic Plan Needed to Help Restore Iraq's Oil and Electricity Sectors
Government Accountability Office, 15 May 2007 (.pdf file).
New Detainees Strain Iraq's Jails
Joshua Partlow. Washington Post, 15 May 2007.
Defense Skirts State in Reviving Iraqi Industry
Rajiv Chandrasekaran. Washington Post, 14 May 2007.
Contracting in Iraq Reconstruction
Stuart W. Bowen, Jr. Testimony before the House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Defense, 10 May 2007 (.pdf file).
Stabilizing and Rebuilding Iraq: Coalition Support and International Donor Committments
Joseph A. Christoff. Testimony before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 09 May 2007 (.pdf file).
Corruption, Shoddy Work and Mismanagement Cripple Iraq Reconstruction
William Fisher. Truthout, 03 May 2007.
Iraq Reconstruction Is Doomed, Ex-Chief of Global Fund Says
Ian Austen. The New York Times, 03 May 2007.
Quarterly Report To Congress
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, 30 April 2007 (.pdf file).
Inspectors Find Rebuilt Projects Crumbling in Iraq
James Glanz. The New York Times, 29 April 2007. (See report above).
Stabilizing and Rebuilding Iraq
David M. Walker. Testimony before the Subcommittee on Defense, House Committee on Appropriations, 23 April 2007 (.pdf file).
Can Iraq Pay for Its Own Reconstruction?
Stuart W. Bowen, Jr. Testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on International Relations, Human Rights, and Oversight and Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, 27 March 2007 (.pdf file).
Can Iraq Pay for its Own Reconstruction?
David Satterfield. Testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, 27 March 2007.
Iraq: Disorder Amid the Ruins
Oliver Morgan. The Guardian, 25 March 2007.
Inspector General Details Failures of Iraq Reconstruction
Dana Hedgpeth. Washington Post, 22 March 2007. (See testimonies below).
Deconstructing Reconstruction: Problems, Challenges, and the Way Forward in Iraq and Afghanistan
Stuart W. Bowen, Maj. Gen. Ronald L. Johnson, David M. Satterfield and Marl S. Ward. Testimonies before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, 22 March 2007.
Post-War Iraq: Foreign Contributions to Training, Peacekeeping, and Reconstruction
Jeremy M. Sharp and Christopher M. Blanchard. Congressional Research Service, updated 21 March 2007 (.pdf file).
Report on Iraq Relief and Reconstruction
U.S. State Department, January 2007. Posted on 21 March 2007.
Iraqis Seek Role in Rebuilding Their Nation
Damien Cave. The New York Times, 09 March 2007.
Beyond the Iraq Study Group: The Elusive Goal of Sustained Growth
Robert Looney. Strategic Insights, March 2007.
Civilians Can Win the Peace
Patricia Thomson and Daniel Serwer. U.S. Institute of Peace, February 2007. Posted on 02 March 2007.
Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq
Robert Perito. U.S. Institute of Peace, February 2007. Posted on 02 March 2007.
Economic Growth in Iraq
Frank Lavin. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 01 March 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website on 13 March 2007 (.pdf file).
Iraq Rebuilding Short on Qualified Civilians
Rajiv Chandrasekaran. Washington Post, 24 February 2007.
Stability and Rule of Law Remain a Distant Vision
Stephen Fidler and Steve Negus. Financial Times, 21 February 2007.
Pentagon to Fill Iraq Reconstruction Jobs Temporarily
Thom Shanker. The New York Times, 20 February 2007.
One in Three Iraqis 'in Poverty'
BBC News, 18 February 2007.
Rebuilding Iraq: Reconstruction Progress Hindered by Contracting, Security and Capacity Challenges
David M. Walker.Testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, 15 February 2007 (.pdf file).
Auditors: Billions Squandered in Iraq
Hope Yen. The Associated Press, 15 February 2007.
Iraq's Jobs-for-Peace Mirage
Keith Crane. Project Syndicate, 11 February 2007. Posted on the RAND website.
Derelict Power Plant Symbol of Iraq Woes
Lauren Frayer. The Associated Press, 11 February 2007.
Where Did All the Iraq Reconstruction Money Go?
Jennifer Parker. ABC News, 06 February 2007. (See testimonies below).
Management of U.S. Funds in Iraq
Paul Bremer. Testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, 06 February 2007 (.pdf file).
United States' Involvement in Iraq Reconstruction
Stuart W. Bowen, Jr. Testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, 06 February 2007 (.pdf file).
U.S. Agency Finds New Waste and Fraud in Iraqi Rebuilding Projects
James Glanz. The New York Times, 01 February 2007.
Reconstructing Iraq
Jason Yossef Ben-Meir. Foreign Policy in Focus, 23 January 2007.
Taming Iraq's 'Wild West'
Tony Perry. Los Angeles Times, 21 January 2007.
Securing, Stabilizing, and Rebuilding Iraq: GAO Audit Approach and Findings
David M. Walker. Government Accountability Office, 18 January 2007 (.pdf file).
Iraq Readies Law Aimed to Draw Investors
Sinan Salaheddin. The Associated Press, 18 January 2007.
Kurdistan, Low in Violence but Lacking Services
IRIN, 18 January 2007.
Rebuilding Teams Would Swell Under Bush's New Iraq Plan
James Glanz. The New York Times, 15 January 2007.
U.S. Also Plans Civilian 'Surge' in Iraq
David Millikin. Agence France-Presse, 11 January 2007.
Iraqis Doubt Impact of Extra $1.2 Billion from Bush
Ahmed Rasheed. Reuters, 11 January 2007.
U.S. Teams Try to Rebuild a War-Torn Nation
Paul Richter and Molly Hennessy-Fiske. Los Angeles Times, 10 January 2007.
Grim Picture of Iraq From U.S. Government Watchdog
Agence France Presse, 09 January 2007. (See report below)
Securing, Stabilizing and Rebuilding Iraq: Key Issues for Congressional Oversight
Government Accountability Office, January 2007 (.pdf file).
Bush Plan for Iraq Requests More Troops and More Jobs
David E. Sanger. The New York Times, 07 January 2007.
Pentagon Helping Restart Iraqi Factories
Pauline Jelinek. The Associated Press, 04 January 2007.
Bush Considers Economic Package for Iraq
Michael Abramowitz and Robin Wright. Washington Post, 29 December 2006.
Iraq's Economy is Booming
Silvia Spring. Newsweek, 25 December 2006 issue. Posted on 18 December 2006.
Iraq's Legal System Staggers Beneath the Weight of War
Michael Moss. The New York Times, 17 December 2006.
Rebuilding Iraq: Status of DOD's Reconstruction Program
Government Accountability Office, 15 December 2006 (.pdf file).
To Stem Iraqi Violence, U.S. Aims to Create Jobs
Josh White and Griffe Witte. Washington Post, 12 December 2006.
Iraq Fails to Spend Billions to Rebuild
James Glanz. The New York Times, 11 December 2006.
Iraqi Dinar Builds Head of Steam Amid Nation's Chaos
Molly Hennessy-Fiske. Los Angeles Times, 11 December 2006.
Black-Market Weapon Prices Surge in Iraq Chaos
C.J. Chivers. The New York Times, 10 December 2006.
Corruption: the 'Second Insurgency' Costing $4bn a Year
Julian Borger and David Pallister. The Guardian, 02 December 2006.
Senate Vote Favors Iraq Reconstruction Watchdog
Reuters, 14 November 2006.
Bechtel Bails on Iraq
Antonia Juhasz. AlterNet, 14 November 2006.
Despite Billions Spent, Rebuilding Incomplete
Griff Witte. Washington Post, 12 November 2006.
Bechtel Departure Shatters More Iraqi Illusions
Dahr Jamail and Ali Ad-Fadhily. Inter Press Service, 10 November 2006.
The Failure of Iraq's Reconstruction
Mark Gregory. BBC News, 10 November 2006.
Cost of Taking Fuel to Iraq Is Questioned in New Audit
James Glanz. The New York Times, 07 November 2006. (See report below).
Settlement between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Kellogg, Brown & Root
International Advisory and Monitoring Board of the Development Fund for Iraq, 20 October 2006. Posted on 07 November 2006 (.pdf file).
Congress Tells Auditor in Iraq to Close Office
James Glanz. The New York Times, 03 November 2006.
U.S. Efforts in Iraq Embattled, but Often Welcomed
Scott Peterson. The Christian Science Monitor, 03 November 2006.
Audit Slams U.S. Training of Iraqi Provincial Governments
Tom Regan., 31 October 2006. (See audit below).
Status of the Provincial Reconstruction Team Program in Iraq
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, 29 October 2006.
Iraq Says Needs $100 bln to Rebuild Infrastructure
Reuters, 31 October 2006.
Auditors Want Rules for Iraq Aid
Lolita C. Baldor. The Associated Press, 30 October 2006 (see report below).
11th Quarterly Report on Iraq Reconstruction
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, 30 October 2006 (.pdf file).
Iraq Watchdog Office Faces 2007 Closure
Kelley Beaucar Vlahos. Fox News, 30 October 2006.
U.S. Blunders in Reconstructing Iraq are Staggering
Trudy Rubin. Philadelphia Inquirer, 29 October 2006.
The Mother Of All Heists
Steve Kroft. CBS News, 22 October 2006.
Much of Iraq Still in Ruin as U.S. Builders Leave
Charles J. Hanley. The Associated Press, 15 October 2006. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
In Iraq, U.S. Touts Provincial Reconstruction Teams as a Model
Doug Smith. Los Angeles Times, 13 October 2006.
U.S. Agency Cites Flaws in Another Iraqi Construction Project
James Glanz. The New York Times, 12 October 2006.
The Realities Of Trying to Rebuild Iraq
Dan Senor. Washington Post, 10 October 2006.
Rebuilding Iraq: Status of Competition for Iraq Reconstruction Contracts
Government Accountability Office report to Congressional Committees, 06 October 2006 (.pdf file).
Arrogant US Officials Made Mistakes in Iraq, Envoy Says
Agence France Presse, 06 October 2006.
Congress Is Told of Failures of Rebuilding Work in Iraq
James Glanz. The New York Times, 29 September 2006. (See testimony below).
Rebuilding Iraq: Continued Progress Requires Overcoming Contract Management Challenges
Katherine V. Schinasi. Testimony before the Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives, 28 September 2006 (.pdf file).
Oversight Hearing on Reconstruction Contracting In Iraq
Stuart W. Bowen, Jr. Testimony before the Committee on Governmental Reform, U.S. House of Representatives, 28 September 2006 (.pdf file).
Attacks Cost Iraq Oil Exports $16B
Pauline Jelinek. The Associated Press, 28 September 2006. Posted on the Kansas City Star website.
Heralded Iraq Police Academy a 'Disaster'
Amit R. Paley. Washington Post, 28 September 2006.
Millions in Iraq Contracts Awarded to 'Dummy Vendor'
Jenny Mandel., 25 September 2006. (See SIGIR report dated 22 September 2006).
Army Corps Faked Budget Entries
T. Christian Miller. Los Angeles Times, 23 September 2006.
Interim Audit Report on Improper Obligations Using the Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, 22 September 2006 (.pdf file).
Under Guard, Dates Make a Comeback
Solomon Moore. Los Angeles Times, 19 September 2006.
Economic Warfare: Iraq and the I.M.F.
Jeff Leys., 19 September 2006.
Iraqis Feel Weight of High Prices, Few Jobs
Dan Murphy and Awadh al-Taiee. The Christian Science Monitor, 15 December 2006.
U.N. and Donors Prepare Road Map for Rebuilding Iraq
Daliah Merzaban. Reuters, 10 September 2006.
Slow Reconstruction Blamed on Corruption
IRIN, 06 September 2006.
Iraq's Inflation Rate Hits 70 Percent, Planning Minister Says
The Associated Press, 03 September 2006.
U.S. Erred in Iraq Rebuilding Program: Auditor
Ross Colvin. Reuters, 31 August 2006. Posted on the Washington Post website.
Iraq Govt Eyes Economy Boost to Ease Conflict
Alastair Macdonald. Reuters, 27 August 2006.
Six Blunders We Made In Iraq We Can Still Fix
Marshall Adame. American Chronicle, 27 August 2006.
U.S. Army Creating Jobs in Iraq's South
Rebecca Santana. The Associated Press, 23 August 2006.
Iraq Facing 'Stagflation' as Prices Soar
Gulf Daily News, 23 August 2006.
Iraq Oil Workers on Strike
Qais Al-Bashir. The Associated Press, 22 August 2006.
In Iraq, a Failure to Deliver the Spoils
James Glanz. The New York Times, 13 August 2006.
IMF Praises Iraq Regeneration
BBC News, 04 August 2006.
Bechtel Takes a Hit for War Profiteering
Antonia Juhasz. AlterNet, 04 August 2006.
Why U.S. Effort to Rebuild Iraq Came Up Short
Peter Grier. The Christian Science Monitor, 03 August 2006.
Merchants in Iraq Shut Down Stores
Bushra Juhi and Rawya Rageh. The Associated Press, 02 August 2006.
Study Urges Reserve Rebuilding Force for Cases Like Iraq
James Glanz. The New York Times, 02 August 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Iraq Oil Pipeline Behind Schedule
Griff Witte. Washington Post, 01 August 2006.
The Assault on Iraqi Agriculture - US Agribusiness Targets the Fertile Crescent
Daniel Stone. Coastal Post, August 2006. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Kirkuk to Baiji Pipeline
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, 31 July 2006 (.pdf file).
Security and Financial Issues Hamper Reconstruction Effort
James Glanz. The New York Times, 01 August 2006. (See report below).
Tenth Quarterly Report to Congress on Iraq Reconstruction
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, 30 July 2006 (.pdf file).
Audit Finds U.S. Hid Actual Cost of Iraq Projects
James Glanz. The New York Times, 30 July 2006. (See report below).
Transition of Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund Projects to the Iraqi Government
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, 28 July 2006 (.pdf file).
Construction Disasters Supported By Bush
Christopher Brauchli. Common Dreams, 29 July 2006.
Violence in Iraq Is Creating Chaos in Bank System
James Glanz. The New York Times, 29 July 2006.
Series of Woes Mar Iraq Project Hailed as Model
James Glanz. The New York Times, 28 July 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Bush's Iraq: A Bloodbath Economy
Joshua Holland. AlterNet, 27 July 2006.
Lebanon Conflict Hurting Economy, Experts Say
IRIN, 27 July 2006.
Refurbished Railway Station Lacks One Thing: Passengers
Rick Jervis. USA Today, 20 July 2006.
Global War on Terrorism: Observations on Funding, Costs and Future Commitments
Statement of David M. Walker. Government Accountabiliity Office, 18 July 2006.
Nations Sign Commercial Cooperation Deal
Ryan Lenz. The Associated Press, 17 July 2006. Posted on the Seattle Post-Intelligencer website.
Iraq Plans New Tender System to Cap Prices
Reuters, 17 July 2006. Posted on the Khaleej Times website.
Iraq's Reconstruction a Boondoogle by Design
Joshua Holland. AlterNet, 17 July 2006.
Iraq After Halliburton
Pratap Chatterjee. CorpWatch, 12 July 2006.
Iraq: Recent Developments in Reconstruction Assistance
Curt Tarnoff. Congressional Research Service, 15 June 2006. Posted on 12 July 2006 (.pdf file).
Rebuilding Iraq: More Comprehensive National Strategy Needed to Help Achieve U.S. Goals
Government Accountability Office, 11 July 2006 (.pdf file).
Rebuilding Iraq: More Comprehensive National Strategy Needed to Help Achieve U.S. Goals and Overcome Challenges
Statement of David M. Walker. Testimony before the Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations, U.S. House Committee on Government Reform, 11 July 2006 (.pdf file).
Iraq: A Boost for Reconstruction
Carlos Pascual and Michael E. O'Hanlon. The Baltimore Sun, 02 July 2006. Posted on the Brookings Institution website.
Financial Dispute May Disrupt Iraq Airport Security
Jonathan Finer. Washington Post, 01 July 2006.
Iraq's Big Port Has Commerce, Crime - Even Camels
James Glanz. The New York Times, 01 July 2006.
Safer Iraq Said Needed for U.S. Investment
Steve Quinn. The Associated Press, 27 June 2006. Posted on the ABC News website.
Iraq's Uncertain Marshland Revival
Andrew North. BBC News, 27 June 2006.
Large-Scale Oil Smuggling Operations Lead to Reconstruction Delays
IRIN, 26 June 2006.
U.S. Fuzzy on Iraq Aid Pledges
Agence France Presse, 20 June 2006.
Army Cancels Contract for New Iraqi Prison
James Glanz. The New York Times, 20 June 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Japan Offers Iraq Loans Amid Withdrawal Plans
Shingo Ito. Agence France Presse, 19 June 2006.
Waste Oil Dumps Threaten Towns in Northern Iraq
James Glanz. The New York Times, 19 June 2006.
Donors Accused of Spending Aid Outside Iraq
Ferry Biedermann. Financial Times, 06 June 2006.
Citizens Chafe Under Rising Unemployment
IRIN, 01 June 2006.
Rebuilding Iraq: The Way Ahead
James Jeffrey and William McCoy. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 01 June 2006.
Mission Not Accomplished: What Went Wrong with Iraqi Reconstruction
Nora Bensahel. The Journal of Strategic Studies, June 2006 (.pdf file).
Violence Aside, Baghdad is Broken
Anna Badkhen. San Francisco Chronicle, 24 May 2006.
Corruption Runs Deep in Iraq
Solomon Moore. Los Angeles Times, 23 May 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Iraqi Charities Plant Seed of Civil Society
Sabrina Tavernise. The New York Times, 23 May 2006.
In a Dispute, Army Cancels Rebuilding Contract in Iraq
James Glanz and David Rohde. The New York Times, 13 May 2006.
White Paper: Security, Economy Still Lag in Iraq
Gordon Trowbridge. Army Times, 12 May 2006.
The Corporate-U.S. Takeover of the Iraq Economy
Kevin Zeese. American Chronicle, 09 May 2006.
Iraq to Take On Running of USAid Projects
Sharmila Devi. Financial Times, 08 May 2006.
Mediocre Goods Of All Kinds Flood Iraq in Absence of Controls
Jamal Mudhafar. Azzaman, 07 May 2006.
Iraq's Trade Unions: Tender Shoots in Weed-Bound Soil
The Economist, 04 May 2006.
In The Chaos of Iraq, One Project is On Target: a Giant U.S. Embassy
Daniel McGrory. The Times, UK, 03 May 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
In Capital, Frequent Power Cuts Inconvenience Thousands
IRIN, 03 May 2006.
New Iraqi Power Plant Feeds a Feeble Grid
Nelson Hernandez. Washington Post, 01 May 2006.
The Economics of Iraqi Reconstruction
Robert Looney. Strategic Insights, May 2006 (.pdf file).
U.S. Report Cites Progress, Shortfalls In Iraq Rebuilding
Jonathan Finer. Washington Post, 01 May 2006. (See reports below).
Quarterly and Semiannual Report to Congress
Stuart W. Bowen, Jr. Special Inspector General for Iraq Construction, 30 April 2006 (.pdf file).
Management of the Primary Healthcare Centers Construction Projects
Stuart W. Bowen, Jr. Special Inspector General for Iraq Construction, 29 April 2006 (.pdf file).
Review of Task Force Shield Programs
Stuart W. Bowen, Jr. Special Inspector General for Iraq Construction, 28 April 2006 (.pdf file).
Halabjans Resent Lack of Investment
Mariwan Hama-Saeed. Institute for War and Peace Reporting, 26 April 2006.
GAO Deems 8 Iraqi Provinces Unstable
Pamela Hess. United Press International, 25 April 2004. (See report below).
Rebuilding Iraq: Governance, Security, Reconstruction, and Financing Challenges
David M. Walker. Statement to the Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations; Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives, 25 April 2006 (.pdf file).
Rebuilding of Iraqi Pipeline as Disaster Waiting to Happen
James Glanz. The New York Times, 25 April 2006.
Iraq's Debt Relief: Procedure and Potential Implications for International Debt Relief
Martin A. Weiss. Congressional Research Service, 21 April 2006 (.pdf file).
Iraqi Economic Reconstruction and Development
Onur Ozlu. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 21 April 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Iraq's Debt Relief: Procedure and Potential Implications for International Debt Relief
Martin A. Weiss.Congressional Research Service, 21 April 2006 (.pdf file).
U.S. Faulted on Efforts to Rebuild Nations
Bryan Bender. The Boston Globe, 19 April 2006. Posted on the Truthout website. (See report below).
Securing Health: Lessons From Nation-Building Missions
Seth G. Jones et al. RAND, 19 April 2006 (.pdf file).
Billion-Dollar Start Falls Short in Iraq
John Ward Anderson and Bassam Sebti. Washington Post, 16 April 2006.
Iraq Reconstruction Teams Delayed at State Department
Glenn Kessler. Washington Post, 13 April 2006.
In Stock Market, the Bears Gnaw at Iraq's Confidence
Edward Wong. The New York Times, 11 April 2006.
U.S. Study Paints Somber Portrait of Iraqi Discord
Eric Schmitt and Edward Wong. The New York Times, 09 April 2006. (See report below).
Provincial Stability Assessment
Posted on The New York Times website on 09 April 2006.
Funds for Water Treatment Wane, Say Officials
IRIN, 09 April 2006.
In Bid to Rebuild Razed Bridge, Recovery and War Vie in Iraq
David S. Cloud. The New York Times, 06 April 2006.
West Accused of Fiddling Figures on Iraq Aid
Stephen Castle. The Independent, UK, 04 April 2006.
U.S. Plan to Build Iraq Clinics Falters
Ellen Knickmeyer. Washington Post, 03 April 2006.
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Iraq's Economic Abyss
Massoud Derhally. ITP Business, 02 April 2006.
Food Prices Rise After Reduction of Monthly Rations
IRIN, 02 April 2006.
Staffing, Security Issues Stall Provincial Program
Paul Richter. Los Angeles Times, 02 April 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Radio Show Helps Iraqis Air Their Grievances
John Johnson, Jr. Los Angeles Times, 31 March 2006.
What Dreams May Come
Herbert Docena. Al-Ahram, 29 March 2006. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Dinar Traders Bet on Iraq's Future
Alan Rappeport. Financial Times, 29 March 2006.
The Iraqi Brain Drain
Jonathan Steele. The Guardian, 24 March 2006.
Iraq On Own to Rebuild
Thomas Frank. USA Today, 23 March 2006.
New Business Blooms in Iraq: Terror Insurance
Robert F. Worth. The New York Times, 21 March 2006.
Iraq Reconstruction 'Has Stalled'
BBC News, 21 March 2006.
Insecurity, Corruption Hamper Reconstruction Effort
IRIN, 20 March 2006.
Electricity Hits Three-Year Low in Iraq
Charles J. Hanley and Sameer N. Yacoub. The Associated Press, 14 March 2006.
Iraq Electricity Hits Bottom as U.S. Winds Down Rebuilding; Will Iran Come to Rescue?
The Associated Press, 13 March 2006. Posted on the Khaleej Times website.
Fuel Shortages to Add to Iraq Woes This Year - SOMO
Simon Webb. Reuters, 09 March 2006.
Baghdad Property Market Sways to Iraq's Violence
Omar al-Ibadi. Reuters, 08 March 2006.
Iraq Security for U.S. Teams Uncertain
Bradley Graham and Glenn Kessler. Washington Post, 03 March 2006.
For Engineers, As the Railways Go, So Goes Iraq
Charles Levinson. The Christian Science Monitor, 01 March 2006.
Measuring Progress in Stabilization and Reconstruction
Craig Cohen. U.S. Institute of Peace, March 2006 (.pdf file).
U.S. Seeks Funds to Build Prisons in Iraq
Sue Pleming. Reuters, 28 February 2006.
Iraq Reconstruction: Without Additional Funding, Progress Likely to Fall Short, Undermining War Effort
Steven M. Kosiak. Center fof Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 27 February 2006 (.pdf file).
Grand Theft Baghdad
Charlie Cray., 27 February 2006.
Postwar Iraq Chaos Blamed on Poor Planning
Pauline Jelinek. The Associated Press, 27 February 2006.
Dealing in Stocks Behind Baghdad's Sandbags
Agence France Presse, 26 February 2006.
Neither War Nor Bombs Stay These Iraq Couriers
Sabrina Tavernise. The New York Times, 22 February 2006.
Food Import Bill Hits $4 Billion
Jamal Ali. Azzaman, 20 February 2006.
Iraq Gets New Power Station
Al-Jazeera, 19 February 2006.
The Other Failure in Iraq: the Economy
Eric Le Boucher. Le Monde, 18 February 2006. Translated by Leslie Thatcher. Posted on the Truthout website.
Iraq Economy Falls Below Pre-war Levels
Guy Dinmore. The Financial Times, 16 February 2006.
Billions Wasted in Iraq?
Steve Kroft. CBS News, 12 February 2006.
About Half of All Iraqis Unemployed - Govt Official
Deepa Babington. Reuters, 09 February 2006.
Iraq Utilities Are Falling Short of Prewar Performance
James Glanz. The New York Times, 09 February 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Report Says Number of Attacks by Insurgents in Iraq Increases
James Glanz. The New York Times, 09 February 2006. (See report below).
Rebuilding Iraq: Stablization, Reconstruction, and Financing Challenges
Joseph A. Christoff. GAO Testimony before the Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, 08 February 2006 (.pdf file).
Gasoline Crisis in Iraq
Pratap Chatterjee. CorpWatch, 08 February 2006.
Rebuilding Iraq to Exceed $56 Billion Estimate, Officials Say
Judy Mathewson. Bloomberg, 08 February 2006. (See testimony below).
Iraq Stabilization & Reconstruction
Hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, 08 February 2006.
Iraq Plans Tenfold Rise in Fuel Prices in 2006
Mariam Karouny. Reuters, 06 February 2006.
Iraq's New Barrier to Progress
Ben Gilbert. San Francisco Chronicle, 04 February 2006.
Mosul Makes Gains Against the Chaos
Nelson Hernandez. Washington Post, 02 February 2006.
Plan for Clinics in Iraq at Risk
Rick Jervis. USA Today, 01 February 2006.
Fits and Starts
Katherine McIntire Peters. Government Executive Magazine, 01 February 2006.
Measuring Stability and Security In Iraq
Department of Defense Report to Congress, February 2006 (.pdf file).
Higher Education Ministry Tempts Professionals With Security, Higher Salaries
IRIN, 31 January 2006.
Cash Dwindles for Rebuilding Iraq
Jonathan Finer. Washington Post, 31 January 2006.
Auditors Find Widespread Waste and Unfinished Work in Iraqi Rebuilding Contracts
James Glanz. The New York Times, 31 January 2006.
Iraq Index: Tracking Variables of Reconstruction and Security in Post-Saddam Iraq
Michael E. O'Hanlon and Nina Kamp. The Brookings Institution, 30 January 2006 (.pdf file).
After Years of Discord, Najaf Enjoys Record Development
IRIN, 29 January 2006.
Report Measures Shortfall in Iraq Goals
Jonathan Finer. Washington Post, 27 January 2006. (See report below).
Challenges Faced in Carrying Out Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund Activites
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, 26 January 2006 (.pdf file).
One Iraqi in Five Living in Poverty
Agence France Presse, 25 January 2006.
Decline in Oil Output Dims Iraq's Recovery
Chris Kraul. Los Angeles Times, 25 January 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Efforts to Restore Stability in Iraq Are Backfiring, U.N. Study Warns
United Nations News Service, 25 January 2006. Posted on the ReliefWeb website.
Audit Describes Misuse of Funds in Iraq Projects
James Glanz. The New York Times, 25 January 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website. (See report below).
Management of Rapid Regional Response Program Contracts in South-Central Iraq
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, 23 January 2006 (.pdf file). Posted on 25 January 2006.
Iraq Rebuilding Badly Hobbled, U.S. Report Finds
James Glanz. The New York Times, 24 January 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
We Can't Stop Rebuilding Iraq
Michael E. O'Hanlon. Washington Post, 24 January 2006. Posted on The Brookings Institution website.
Professionals Fleeing Iraq As Violence, Threats Persist
Doug Struck. Washington Post, 23 January 2006.
Ordinary Iraqis Feel Pinch of Free-Market Reforms
Charles Levinson. San Francisco Chronicle, 23 January 2006.
In Search of Rebuilding Billions
Rowan Scarborough. The Washington Times, 20 January 2006.
The Iraq Reconstruction Strategy
David Isenberg and William Fisher. Asia Times, 20 January 2006.
Iraq Crude Sector Hit Hard by Ongoing Insurgency
Tariq Khonji. Gulf Daily News, Bahrain, 19 January 2006.
Deconstructing the Reconstruction
Ariana Huffington., 19 January 2006. Posted on the AlterNet website.
Iraq Needs $20 bln to End Chronic Electricity Crisis
Deborah Haynes. Middle East Online, 18 January 2006.
Joint Statement Issued by the Iraqi Trade Unions Concerning the Programs of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund in Iraq
Iraqi Trade Unions, 17 January 2006.
Shortage of Fuel Resulting in Prohibitive Prices
IRIN, 16 January 2006.
Iraq's Future Still Going Up in Smoke
Heather Stewart. The Observer, 15 January 2006.
'Marshall Plan' for Iraq Fades
Doug Smith and Borzou Daragahi. Los Angeles Times, 15 January 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
U.S. Economics a Hard Sell in Iraq
Larry Kaplow. Cox News Service, 14 January 2006. Posted on the Houston Chronicle website.
A Landmark Debt Deal for Iraq
Stanley Reed. Business Week Online, 12 January 2006.
Iraq's Holy Shiite City of Najaf Remaking Itself as a Tourist Draw
Leila Fadel. Knight Ridder Newspapers, 11 January 2006.
Cautiously, Iraqis Open for Business
Charles Levinson. The Christian Science Monitor, 04 January 2006.
IMF Occupies Iraq, Riots Follow
Matthew Rothschild. The Progressive, 03 January 2006.
U.S. Has End in Sight on Iraq Rebuilding
Ellen Knickmeyer. Washington Post, 02 January 2006.
Power Cuts Leave Iraq in Dark on New Year's Eve
Doug Smith. Los Angeles Times, 01 January 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Iraq's Hot Properties
Andrew J. Grotto. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January/February 2006.
In Baghdad, Brokers Struggle With the Realty of War
Omar Fekeiki. Washington Post, 29 December 2005.
Write-Off for Bulk of Iraqi Debt
BBC, 28 December 2005.
At Gas Stations in Iraq, Price Hike Fuels Outrage
Jonathan Finer and Naseer Nouri. Washington Post, 28 December 2005.
Iraq's Debt Solution Ruffles Feathers
Joanna Chung. The Financial Times, 21 December 2005.
Racket of Rebuilding Fills Sadr City as Gunfire Quiets
Howard LaFranchi. The Christian Science Monitor, 20 December 2005.
Iraqis Protest as Goverment Hikes Fuel Prices
Omar al-Ibadi. Reuters, 19 December 2005.
U.S. Seeks to Hand Reconstruction Over to Iraqis
Howard LaFranchi. The Christian Science Monitor, 09 December 2005.
'Clear, Hold, and Build': The Way Ahead in Iraq
James Jeffrey and Jeffrey White. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 09 December 2005.
US Official says Iraq Economy Growing
Chris Tomlinson. The Associated Press, 09 December 2005.
Baghdad Power Supply Falls Short of Pre-War Levels
Steve Negus and Neil MacDonald. Financial Times, 08 December 2005.
Iraq Stock Exchange Hopes to Spark Recovery
Neil MacDonald. Financial Times, 04 December 2005.
Massive Bid-Rigging Scam Alleged in Iraq
Aram Roston. NBC News, 17 November 2005.
The Battle to Rebuild
Kevin Sites. Yahoo News, 09 November 2005.
IAMB Statement
International Advisory and Monitoring Board on the Development Fund for Iraq, 04 November 2005.
U.S. 'Had No Policy' in Place to Rebuild Iraq
Stephanie Kirchgaessner. Financial Times, 31 October 2005. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Iraq by the Numbers
Charles Pena., 27 October 2005.
Iraqi Reconstruction Faltering
Emad Mekay. Asia Times, 26 October 2005.
Afghanistan, Iraq Among Most Corrupt Countries in World
Irish Sun, 19 October 2005.
Rebuilding Iraq: Enhancing Security, Measuring Program Results, and Maintaining Infrastructure are Necessary to Make Significant and Sustainable Progress
Joseph A. Christoff. Testimony before the House Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations, 18 October 2005. Posted on the GAO website.
Agency Charged with Spending Oversight in Iraq Left Country in '04
Seth Borenstein. Knight-Ridder, 17 October 2005. Posted on the Truthout website.
Baghdad Real Estate Market is Booming Despite Escalating Violence
Matthew Schofield. Knight-Ridder, 16 October 2005.
Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq
Department of Defense. Report to Congress, 15 October 2005 (.pdf file).
Iraq Health Care So Bad That Doctors Want Out
Aamer Madhani. Chicago Tribune, 05 October 2005. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Weak Authoritarianism and Iraqi State Building
Graeme P. Herd. Conflict Studies Research Centre, October 2005 (.pdf file).
Baghdad Neighborhood's Hopes Dimmed by the Trials of War
Ellen Knickmeyer. Washington Post, 27 September 2005.
The Reconstruction of New Oraq
Tom Englehardt and Nick Turse. Asia Times, 15 September 2005.
Rebuilding Iraq: U.S. Assistance for the January 2005 Elections
GAO Report to Congressional Committees, 07 September 2005 (.pdf file).
Rebuilding Iraq: U.S. Water and Sanitation Efforts Need Improved Measures for Assessing Impact and Sustained Resources for Maintaining Facilities
GAO Report to Congressional Committees, 07 September 2005 (.pdf file).
Operation Corporate Freedom: The IMF and the World Bank in Iraq
Basav Sen and Hope Chu. 50 Years is Enough, September 2005. Posted on the Global Policy Forum.
In the Wake of War: Getting Serious About Nation-Building
Brent Scowcroft and Samuel R. Berger. The National Interest, Fall 2005. Posted on the Council on Foreign Relations website (.pdf file).
Iraqis Thirst for Water and Power
Dan Murphy. Christian Science Monitor, 11 August 2005. Posted on the Truthout website.
For Iraq's Motorists, It's Abundance by the Drop
T. Christian Miller and Ashraf Khalil. Los Angeles Times, 02 August 2005.
Rebuilding Iraq: Status of Funding and Reconstruction Efforts
Government Accounting Office, 31 July 2005 (.pdf file).
Security Costs Slow Iraq Reconstruction
Renae Merle and Griff Witte. Washington Post, 29 July 2005.
Fraud Rampant in Iraq: Report
Herald Sun, 29 July 2005. Posted on the Australian website.
Brain Drain Puts New Strain on Iraq
Caroline Hawley. BBC News, 28 July 2005.
Despite $2 Billion Spent, Residents Say Baghdad is Crumbling
Leila Fadel. Knight-Ridder Newspapers, 25 July 2005.
Despite Regime Change, Iraq Debts Keep Mounting
Haider Rizvi. Inter Press Service, 22 June 2005.
Iraqis Press Donors for Billions More in Reconstruction Aid
James Glanz. New York Times, 19 July 2005.
U.S. Criticized on Iraq Rebuilding
T. Christian Miller. Los Angeles Times, 19 July 2005. Posted on the EPIC website.
Where Has All the Money Gone?
Ed Harriman. London Review of Books, 07 July 2005.
Iraq Tries to Stop Exodus of Worried Diplomats
Peter Graff. The Scotsman, 07 July 2005.
Oil But No Gasoline, Rivers But No Water
Aparism Ghosh. Time Magazine, 03 July 2005.
Southern Iraq Marred by Lack of Governance, Corruption, and Unemployment
Muawia E. Ibrahim. Khaleej Times, 01 July 2005.
Despite Some Progress, Deteriorating Security and Other Obstacles Continue to Threaten Achievement of U.S. Goals
Report to Congressional Committees, July 2005 (.pdf file).
Low Intensity Conflict and Nation-Building in Iraq: A Chronology
Stephen Lanier and Bobak Roshan. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 30 June 2005 (.pdf file).
Iraqis Tallying Range of Graft in Rebuilding
James Glanz. New York Times, 24 June 2005.
Raising the Flag on Iraq Reparations
Haider Rizvi. Asia Times, 23 June 2005.
Worries Raised on Handling of Funds in Iraq
T. Christian Miller. Los Angeles Times, 22 June 2005. Posted on the Fairuse website.
Iraq Rebuilding Fails to Deliver
Jon Leyne. BBC News, 22 June 2005.
Tackling Another Major Challenge in Iraq: Unemployment
Jonathan Finer and Omar Fekeiki. Washington Post, 20 June 2005.
Iraqis Eye Credit to Boost Economy
Neil MacDonald. Christian Science Monitor, 08 June 2005.
Desperate for Work, Blind to Dangers
Dahr Jamail. Inter Press Service, 08 June 2005. Posted on the website.
Progress in Iraqi Freedom Stained by Growing Hardship
David Cortright. Christian Science Monitor, 07 June 2005.
Post-War Iraq: Foreign Contributions to Training, Peacekeeping and Reconstruction
Jeremy M. Sharp and Christopher M. Blanchard. CRS Report for Congress, 06 June 2005.
Iraqis Look at Cuts in Payroll
Borzou Daragahi. Los Angeles Times, 06 June 2005. Posted on the New Jersey Star-Ledger website. Posted on the EPIC website.
Iraq Pay Rise to Stem Brain Drain
Caroline Hawley. BBC News, 05 June 2005.
Iraq Power Problems Require Public-Private Solutions: Minister
Agence France-Presse, 29 May 2005. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Focus on Reconstruction in Fallujah
IRIN, 24 May 2005. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Iraq: Recent Developments in Reconstruction Assistance
Curt Tarnoff. CRS Report for Congress, 12 May 2005 (.pdf file).
New Iraq Could Become Nest of Corruption
Paul McGeough. Sydney Morning Herald, 02 May 2005. Posted on the Fairuse website.
Security Costs Drain Funds for Water Projects in Iraq
Rick Jervis. USA Today, 21 April 2005.
In Iraq, Security in Name Only
Business Week, 18 April 2005.
Security vs. Rebuilding: Kurdish Town Loses Out
James Glanz. New York Times, 16 April 2005.
Iraq Blighted by Poor Services
Caroline Hawley. BBC News, 05 April 2005.
Pentagon Blamed for Lack of Postwar Planning in Iraq
Bradley Graham and Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 01 April 2005.
Transformation Bypasses Heartland
Thanassis Cambanis. Boston Globe, 21 March 2005.
Rebuilding Iraq a Big, Slow Job
David R. Baker. San Francisco Chronicle, 20 March 2005.
Deconstructing Iraq: Year Three Begins
Tom Engelhardt. TomDispatch, 19 March 2005.
Iraq Rebuilding 'Rife with Corruption'
Al Jazeera, 16 March 2005.
For Iraq's Great Marshes, a Hesitant Comeback
James Glanz. New York Times, 08 March 2005.
Corruption's Reflection: Iraq's Shadow Economy
Robert Looney. Center for Contemporary Conflict, March 2005 (.pdf file).
Fraud and Corruption
George Monbiot. The Guardian, 08 February 2005.
U.S. Reviews Rebuilding, Gives More Power to Iraqis
Sue Pleming. Reuters, 01 February 2005.
Lawmakers Told About Contract Abuse in Iraq
Griff Witte. Washington Post, 15 February 2005.
Audit Reveals Abuse of $9bn Works Funds
Suzanne Goldenberg. The Guardian, 01 February 2005.
Iraqi Reconstruction Efforts 'Rife with Corruption and Waste'
Thomas Catan and Jimmy Burns. Financial Times, 24 January 2005.
Rebuilding of Basra Progresses, but It's Harder Than Expected
Erik Eckholm. New York Times, 19 January 2005. Posted on the Occupation Watch website.
In the Wake of War: Improving U.S. Post-Conflict Capabilities
Council on Foreign Relations, 2005 (.pdf file).
Why Are We Inflicting This Discredited Market Fundamentalism on Iraq?
Johann Hari. The Independent, 22 December 2004. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Citing Security Costs, U.S. Contractor Pulls Out of Iraq
T.Christian Miller. Los Angeles Times, 22 December 2004. Posted on the Seattle Times website.
For Rebuilders of Sadr City, Gratitude Tainted by Mistrust
Anthony Shadid. Washington Post, 17 December 2004.
U.S. Gives Rosy Picture of Rebuilding Iraq, While People on the Streets Seethe
Tim Johnson and Omar Jassim. Knight-Ridder, 10 December 2004. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Iraq's New Patent Law: A Declaration of War Against Farmers Focus on the Global South and GRAIN
Foreign Policy in Focus Discussion Paper, 27 November 2004.
Major Creditors in Accord to Waive 80% of Iraq Debt
Craig S. Smith. New York Times, 22 November 2004. Posted on the Occupation Watch website.
Iraq in Transition: Post Conflict Challenges and Opportunities
Open Society Institute and United Nations Foundation, 12 November 2004. Posted on the Soros Foundation website (.pdf file).
Post-War Planning Non-Existent
Warren P. Strobel and John Walcott. Knight-Ridder, 17 October 2004. Posted on the Real Cities website.
Iraq Reconstruction Efforts Overcome by Ongoing Violence
Jonathan S. Landay and John Walcott. Knight-Ridder, 16 October 2004. Posted on the Real Cities website.
Violence Driving Up Iraq Reconstruction Costs: Officials
Agence France-Presse, 07 October 2004. Posted on the ReliefWeb website.
Iraq Update: The Prospects for Peace, Reconstruction, and the January Elections
Brookings Institution, October 2004 (.pdf file).
Reconstructing Iraq's Economy
Bathsheba Crocker. Washington Quarterly, October 2004 (.pdf file).
Disorder, Negligence and Mismanagement: How the CPA Handled Iraq Reconstruction Funds
Iraq Revenue Watch, 24 September 2004 (.pdf file).
Iraq: The Bungled Transition
Peter W. Galbraith. New York Review of Books, 23 September 2004. Posted on the website.
Iraq Losing Its Best and Brightest
Howard LaFranchi. Christian Science Monitor, 21 September 2004.
Seeing Threat to Iraq Elections, U.S. Seeks to Shift Rebuilding Funds to Security
Richard W. Stevenson. New York Times, 15 September 2004.
Progress or Peril? Measuring Iraq's Reconstruction Progress
Frederick Barton and Bathsheba Crocker. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 13 September 2004. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Cost of Reconstruction in Najaf Calculated
IRIN, 08 September 2004.
Reconstructing Iraq
International Crisis Group, 02 September 2004 (.pdf file).
Audit Reports
Coalition Provisional Authority, Inspector General, 30 July 2004. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
US Hiring Goals Fall Far Short in Reconstruction: Up to 30% Jobless in Iraq
Bryan Bender. Boston Globe, 11 July 2004.
Cleaning Up the Mess: The Failures of the CPA and the US Effort in Iraq and What Can Be Done to Salvage Them
Anthony Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 07 July 2004. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Capturing Iraqi Voices
Ben Rowswell. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 01 July 2004. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Reality Intrudes on Promises in Rebuilding of Iraq
James Glanz and Erik Eckholm. New York Times, 30 June 2004.
Iraq and the Fed
Robert B. Reich. American Prospect, 23 June 2004.
Reconstruction: U.S. Is Quietly Spending $2.5 Billion From Iraqi Oil Revenues to Pay for Iraqi Projects
Steven R. Weisman. New York Times, 21 June 2004.
CPA Rushes to Give Away Billions in Iraqi Oil Revenues
Iraq Revenue Watch, 16 June 2004.
Neoliberalism In a Conflict State: The Viability of Economic Shock Therapy in Iraq
Robert Looney. Strategic Insights, June 2004 (.pdf file).
Rebuilding Iraq and Rebuilding the U.S. Army
Michael E. O'Hanlon. Saban Center Middle East Memo #3, Brookings Institution, 04 June 2004.
Looters Scrap Decency as Nation Plundered
James Glanz. The Age, 29 May 2004.
A Better Transition Plan
Marina Ottaway. Washington Post, 23 May 2004.
Iraq's Transition: On a Knife Edge
International Crisis Group, Middle East Report #27, 27 April 2004 (.pdf file).
Two Steps Back for Rebuilders
James Glanz. New York Times, 23 April 2004. Posted on the International Herald Tribune website.
The Iraq Transition
Marc Grossman. Testimony by the Under Secretary of State for Political
Affairs, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 22 April 2004 (.pdf file).
Iraq Dangers Force Funds Shift
Bryan Bender. Boston Globe, 23 April 2004.
Outsourcing the War
Peter W. Singer., 16 April 2004. Posted on the Brookings Institution.
Torn Between Money and Safety, Some US Workers Flee Iraq
Kris Axtman. Christian Science Monitor, 16 April 2004.
One Year On: Nation Building in Iraq
Anthony Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 16 April 2004. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Marshes Revive in Postwar Iraq, but Old Ways Gone
Alistair Lyon. Reuters, 15 April 2004. Posted on the NucNews website.
Postwar Rebuilding Falters Over Contracts
Anne Barnard and Stephen J. Glain. Boston Globe, 24 March 2004.
Civilian Post-Conflict Reconstruction Capabilities
John Hamre. Testimony before the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate, 03 March 2004. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
After Saddam: Assessing the Reconstruction of Iraq
Kenneth M. Pollack. Foreign Affairs, 12 January 2004.
After Saddam: Assessing the Reconstruction of Iraq
Kenneth M. Pollack. Brookings Institution, 07 January 2004 (.pdf file).
The Occupation: A Baghdad Neighborhood, Once Hopeful, Now Reels as Iraq's Turmoil Persists
Alex Berenson. New York Times, 14 December 2003. Posted on the Occupation Watch website.
In Revival Of Najaf, Lessons for A New Iraq
Anthony Shadid. Washington Post, 10 December 2003. Posted on the website.
Iraq Index: Tracking Reconstruction and Security in Post-Saddam Iraq
Saban Center for Middle East Policy. The Brookings Institution, 19 November 2003.
Iraq's Economy Declines by Half
Steve Schifferes. BBC News, 10 October 2003.
Jobless Soldiers Fuel Anti-US Riots in Iraq
Dan Murphy. Christian Science Monitor, 08 October 2003.
Iraq Will Be Poor 'For Years'
BBC News, 02 October 2003.
We Don't Want Oligarchs in Iraq
Fareed Yasseen. Wall Street Journal, 30 September 2003. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
101st Airborne Scores Success in Reconstruction of Northern Iraq
Michael R. Gordon. New York Times, 04 September 2003.
Beyond Oil, Iraqi Industry Struggles Despite Freedom
Pamela Constable. Washington Post, 28 August 2003.
Sabotage Threatens Iraq's Economy
Justin Huggler. The Independent, 18 August 2003.
Riots Continue Over Fuel Crisis in Iraq's South
Richard A. Oppel Jr. and Robert F. Worth. New York Times, 11 August 2003.
Iraq's Oil Booty Will Only Pay Part of Rebuilding Costs
Howard LaFranchi. Christian Science Monitor, 07 August 2003.
100 Days On, Rebuilding Iraq Is No Easy Task
Sammy Ketz. Agence France-Presse, 07 August 2003. Posted on the ReliefWeb website.
Reconstruction of Iraq to Cost $7.3 Billion this Year
Jeffrey Sparshott. Washington Times, 30 July 2003.
Re-Constructing or De-Constructing Iraq?
Rani Masri. Electronic Iraq, 24 July 2003.
U.S. to Outline 60-Day Plan for Iraq Rebuilding Projects
Eric Schmitt. New York Times, 23 July 2003.
Technical Assistance for Economic Recovery, Reform, and Sustained Growth in Iraq
Bearing Point, Inc. MacLean, Virginia, 18 July 2003 (.pdf file).
Iraq Post-Conflict Reconstruction
John Hamre, et. al. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 17 July 2003. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Iraq Rebuilding 'Could Cost $90bn'
Emma Clark. BBC News, 16 July 2003.
Iraq's Other Looting
Michael Renner. Foreign Policy in Focus, 11 July 2003. Posted on the Asia Times website.
U.S. Grapples with Delays in Restoring Basic Services to Iraq
Brian Knowlton. International Herald Tribune, 8 July 2003.
Human Rights and Iraq's Reconstruction
Human Rights Watch. Memorandum to June 24 International Donors Meeting, 20 June 2003.
America's Rebuilding of Iraq is in Chaos, Say British
Peter Foster. The Telegraph, 17 June 2003.
Bypassing Oil Dearth, U.S. Finds Funds for Iraq
Warren Vieth. Los Angeles Times, 11 June 2003. Posted on the Downstream Ventures website.
Fueling Pacification With Propane
Daniel Williams. Washington Post, 04 June 2003.
US Seeks Help to Rebuild Iraq
Steve Schifferes. BBC News, 04 June 2003.
Privatizing Iraq
Eric Laursen. In These Times, 28 May 2003. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Pentagon Defends Iraq Reconstruction Effort
Ken Guggenheim. The Associated Press, 23 May 2003. Posted on the Washington Post website.
Iraq's Ragged Reconstruction
Rajiv Chandrasekaran. Washington Post, 09 May 2003.
Iraq Humanitarian and Reconstruction Assistance Fact Sheet No. 22 (FY) 2003
U.S. Agency for International Development, 29 April 2003. Posted on the ReliefWeb website.
Reimposing the Dollar Hegemony
Sukumar Muralidharan. Frontline India, 26 April - 09 May 2003. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Reconstructing Iraq: Costs and Possible Income Sources
Carl Conetta. Cambridge, MA: Commonwealth Institute, 25 April 2003 (.pdf file).
Market Forces Going Great Guns in Iraq
Ed O'Loughlin. The Age, 25 April 2003.
Environmental Crisis Worsening in Iraq
Middle East Online, 25 April 2003. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Corporate Colonialism
James Ridgeway. The Village Voice, 23-29 April 2003. Posted on the Orange County Weekly website.
Fast Food Comes to Iraq
Sydney Morning Herald, 21 April 2003.
Baath Officials Backed to Rebuild Iraq
BBC News, 13 April 2003.
Rebuilding Iraq
Roland Paris. Rocky Mountain News, 12 April 2003.
Sliding Towards Anarchy
Julian Borger and Nicholas Watt. The Guardian, 11 April 2003.
Statement on Military Control of Iraq Relief; Reconstruction
InterAction, 03 April 2003. Posted on the ReliefWeb website.
Reconstruction Planners Worry, Wait and Reevaluate
Susan B. Glasser and Rajiv Chandrasekaran. Washington Post, 02 April 2003.
Senate Remarks: The High Price of Reconstructing Iraq
U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd. 13 March 2003.
After an Attack on Iraq: the Economic Consequences Review and Update
Laurence Meyer. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 13 March 2003. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Afghanistan Offers U.S. Lessons for Rebuilding Iraq
Jane Macartney. Reuters, 12 March 2003. Posted on the website.
Paying Iraqi Bureaucrats Is Part Of U.S. Plan to Rebuild Country
Peter Slevin. Washington Post, 12 March 2003. Posted on the Iraq Foundation website.
Companies Selected to Bid on Iraq Reconstruction
Peter Slevin and Mike Allen. Washington Post, 11 March 2003.
Reconstructing Iraq: Insights, Challenges, and Missions for Military Forces in a Post-Conflict Scenario
Conrad C. Crane and W. Andrew Terrill. Strategic Studies Institute, February 2003 (.pdf file).
Postwar Iraq Likely to Cost More Than War The Associated Press, 11 August 2002. Posted on the Knight Ridder website.
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