Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Assessment of the British Government
Final version presented to UK Parliament by Prime Minister Tony Blair, 24 September 2002. Includes language on Saddam's capabilty to 'attack in 45 minutes.'
Draft of Iraq Dossier
July 2002 draft version with no mention of 'attack in 45 minutes.' Released by UK on 18 February 2008. (.pdf files)
Bush Was Set on Path to War, Memo by British Adviser Says
Don Van Natta Jr. The New York Times, 27 March 2006. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
U.S. Postwar Iraq Strategy a Mess, Blair Was Told
Ewen MacAskill. The Guardian, 14 March 2006. (See memo below).
'An Unbelievable Mess'
Memo From John Sawers to 10 Downing Street. Published in The Guardian, 14 March 2006.
Blair-Bush Deal Before Iraq War Revealed in Secret Memo
Richard Norton-Taylor. The Guardian, 03 February 2006.
Bush Told Blair of 'Going Beyond Iraq'
Richard Norton-Taylor. The Guardian, 15 October 2005.
Leak Shows Blair Told of Iraq War Terror Link
Martin Bright. The Guardian, 28 August 2005.
Why the Memo Matters
Mark Danner. Published 20 June 2005 by and forthcoming in the New York Review of Books on 14 July 2005.
Iraq: Options Paper
prepared by the Overseas and Defence Secretariat, classified "Secret UK Eyes Only," 08 March 2002, published by the The Associated Press on 19 June 2005. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website.
Iraq: Legal Background
classified "Confidential," 08 March 2002, published by the The Associated Press on 19 June 2005. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website.
Your Trip to the US
for Prime Minister from David Manning, classified "Secret - strictly personal," 14 March 2002, published by the The Associated Press on 19 June 2005. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website.
Iraq and Afghanistan: Conversation with Wolfowitz
from Ambassador Christopher Meyer, Washington, to David Manning, 10 Downing St., classified "Confidential and Personal," 18 March 2002, published by the The Associated Press on 19 June 2005. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website.
Iraq: Advice for the Prime Minister
from P.F. Ricketts, political advisor, classified "Confidential and Personal," 22 March 2002, published by the The Associated Press on 19 June 2005. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website.
for Prime Minister from Jack Straw, classified "Secret and Personal," 25 March 2002, published by the The Associated Press on 19 June 2005. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website.
Cabinet Office paper: Conditions for military action
classified "Personal Secret UK Eyes Only," 21 July 2002, published by The Sunday Times on 12 June 2005. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website.
Iraq: Prime Minister's Meeting, 23 July (aka "The Downing Street Memo" or "The Rycroft Memo")
to David Manning from Matthew Rycroft, classified "Secret and Strictly Personal - UK Eyes Only," 23 July 2002, published by The Sunday Times on 01 May 2005.
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Lord Goldsmith Memo
Legal advisory on Iraq war addressed to Prime Minister Blair, classified "Secret," 07 March 2003. Released by the British government on 28 April 2005. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website. Printable .pdf file.
Options for future UK force posture in Iraq
by John Reid, Secretary of State, classified "Secret - UK Eyes Only," undated - most likely sometime in the first half of 2005, published by the Mail on Sunday on 10 July 2005.
Relations with the Muslim Community
Letter from Sir Michael Jay,
permanent under secretary of state, FCO, to Sir Andrew Turnbull,
secretary, Whitehall, 18 May 2004. Released by The Guardian, 28 August
2005. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website.
Leak Shows Blair Told of Iraq War Terror Link
Martin Bright. The Guardian, 28 August 2005.
New Memos Detail Early Plans for Invading Iraq
John Daniszewski. Los Angeles Times, 15 June 2005. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
The Secret Way to War
Mark Danner. New York Review of Books, 16 May 2005.
Memo: Bush Made Intel Fit Iraq Policy
Warren P. Strobel and John Walcott. Knight-Ridder, 06 May 2005.
Afraid to Tell the Truth
Joe Conason. Salon, 06 May 2005.
Blair Planned Iraq War from Start
Michael Smith. The Times UK, 01 May 2005. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Proof Blair Was Told War Could Be Ruled Illegal
Simon Walters. Sunday Mail, 24 April 2005.
Smoking Gun Memo? Iraq Bombshell Goes Mostly Unreported in US Media
Fairness and Accuracy in Media Reporting, 10 May 2005.
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