The Cost of Boots on the Ground in Iraq
John Basil Utley. Foreign Policy in Focus, 30 September 2008.
Contractors' Support of U.S. Operations in Iraq
Congressional Budget Office, August 2008 (.pdf file).
The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11
Amy Belasco. Congressional Research Service, updated 14 July 2008 (.pdf file).
War at Any Cost? The Total Economic Costs of the War Beyond the Federal Budget
Joseph E. Stiglitz. Testimony before the Joint Economic Committee, 28 February 2008. (.pdf file)
Astronomic War Costs, Huge National Security Budget
Straus Military Reform Project, Center for Defense Information, 15 February 2008.
Analysis of the Growth in Funding for Operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Elsewhere in the War on Terrorism
Congressional Budget Office, 11 February 2008 (.pdf file).
Proposed Military Spending Is Highest Since WWII
Thom Shanker. The New York Times, 04 February 2008.
What's Really in the U.S. Military Budget?
Fred Kaplan. Slate, 04 February 2008.
What Do the Pentagon's Numbers Really Mean?
Winslow T. Wheeler. Center for Defense Information, 04 February 2008.
Pentagon Won't Detail War Spending Plan
Peter Spiegel. Los Angeles Times, 03 February 2008.
The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2008 to 2018
Congressional Budget Office, 24 January 2008 (.pdf file).
Going Bankrupt: The US's Greatest Threat
Chalmers Johnson. Asia Times, 24 January 2008.
Iraq, Afghanistan, and the U.S. Economy
Lee Hudson Teslik. Council on Foreign Relations, 04 February 2008.
Will Anyone Pay for the Iraq War?
Robert Parry. Consortium News, 15 January 2008.
Outcome, Cost and Oversight of Reconstruction of Taji Military Base and Baghdad Recruiting Center
Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, 15 January 2008 (.pdf file).
In a Shorter War, the Numbers Might Have Added Up
Michael Abramowitz. Washington Post, 07 January 2008.
Wars Cost $15 Billion a Month, GOP Senator Says
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 27 December 2007.
Iraq Funds Approved In Senate Budget Bill
Paul Kane and Jonathan Weisman. Washington Post, 19 December 2007.
Now and Forever
Bob Herbert. The New York Times, 04 December 2007. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Where Does the War Money Go? Air Force Might Not Know
Travis Sharp. Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, 27 November 2007. (See report below).
Air Force Use of GWOT Supplemental Funding
Department of Defense Inspector General, 21 November 2007 (.pdf file).
JIEDDO: Research Funds Down Along with IEDs
John T. Bennett and William H. McMichael. Army Times, 20 November 2007.
Pentagon is Left Scrambling to Pay for War
Gordon Lubold. The Christian Science Monitor, 19 November 2007.
DOD Needs to Take Action to Encourage Fiscal Discipline and Optimize the Use of Tools Intended to Improve GWOT Cost Reporting
Government Accountability Office, November 2007 (.pdf file).
War at Any Price?
Joint Economic Majority Staff, November 2007 (.pdf file).
'Hidden Costs' Double Price Of Two Wars, Democrats Say
Josh White. Washington Post, 13 November 2007.
Analysis of FY2008 'Bridge' War Funding Supplemental (Obey-Murtha Bill) and Administration Supplemental Requests
Christopher Hellman and Travis Sharp. The Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, 13 November 2007.
Paying for the Wars' Wounded
Col. Daniel Smith. Foreign Policy in Focus, 09 November 2007.
Physicians Predict Veterans' Healthcare Costs Will Top $650 Billion
Bryan Bender. The Boston Globe, 09 November 2007.
The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11
Amy Belasco. Congressional Research Service, updated 09 November 2007.
Military Bill Approved, but Without Iraq Increase
Robert Pear. The New York Times, 07 November 2007.
CBO Says $1.765 Trillion to $2.365 Trillion for Iraq and Afghanistan by 2017
Travis Sharp. Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, 24 October 2007.
Military Spending: Up and Away
Peter Grier. The Christian Science Monitor, 24 October 2007 (See report below).
Estimated Costs of U.S. Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and of Other Activities Related to the War on Terrorism
Peter Orszag. Statement to the House Budget Committee, 24 October 2007 (.pdf file).
Bush's Request for Wars Increases to $196 Billion
Steven Lee Myers. The New York Times, 23 October 2007.
White House War Funding Request Highlights Skyrocketing Pentagon Spending
Christopher Hellman. Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, 23 October 2007.
Analysis of Senate Appropriations Committee Action on the FY2008 Defense Appropriations Bill (H.R. 3222)
Christopher Hellman. The Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, 02 October 2007.
Gates Seeks $190 Billion for Wars
Anne Flaherty. The Associated Press, 26 September 2007.
The Multi-Billion Dollar IED Boondoggle Continues
Robert Bryce. The Washington Spectator, 24 September 2007. Posted on the AlterNet website.
What Is Iraq Costing You?
Larry Beinhart. AlterNet, 24 September 2007.
What Our Lost Year in Iraq Ends Up Costing America
Thomas P.M. Barnett. Knox News Sentinel, 16 September 2007.
The Bucks Never Stop: Iraq and Afghanistan War Costs Continue to Soar
Travis Sharp. Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, August 2007 (.pdf file).
Analysis Says War Could Cost $1 Trillion
Bryan Bender. The Boston Globe, 01 August 2007.
Estimated Costs of U.S. Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan
Robert A. Sunshine. Testimony before the House Budget Committee, 31 July 2007 (.pdf file).
The Costs of Military Operations and Reconstruction in Iraq and Afghanistan
Stuart W. Bowen, Jr. Testimony before the House Budget Committee, 31 July 2007 (.pdf file).
The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11
Amy Belasco. Congressional Research Service, updated 16 July 2007 (.pdf file).
Report: Wars Costing $12 Billion a Month
Andrew Taylor. The Associated Press, 09 July 2007. Posted on the Truthout website. (See report below).
The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11
Amy Belasco. Congressional Research Service, updated 28 June 2007. Posted on 09 July 2007 (.pdf file).
Analysis: Bush Slammed on War Fiscal Plans
Gina Salerno. United Press International, 27 June 2007.
The Economic Costs of the Iraq War
Dean Baker. Common Dreams, 08 May 2007.
Are Iraq War Costs Spinning Out of Control?
David R. Francis. The Christian Science Monitor, 07 May 2007.
The Economic Impact of the Iraq War and Higher Military Spending
Dean Baker. Center for Economic and Policy Research, May 2007 (.pdf file).
Price Tag for War in Iraq on Track to Top $500 Billion
Ron Hutcheson. McClatchy Newspapers, 01 May 2007.
Government Report Slams 'Emergency' War Funding Request
Jason Leopold. Truthout, 23 April 2007. (See report below).
FY2007 Supplemental Appropriations for Defense, Foreign Affairs and Other Purposes
Stephen Daggett et al. Congressional Research Service, updated 28 March 2007 (.pdf file).
Pentagon Can Pay for War Through June
Andrew Taylor. The Associated Press, 19 April 2007.
Costs of Prolonged War
Joe Galloway., 16 April 2007.
Cost of War Filtering Down to States, Cities
Steven K. Paulson. The Associated Press, 08 April 2007.
Defense Spending Soars to Highest Levels Since World War II
James Rosen. McClatchy Newspapers, 19 March 2007.
The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11
Amy Belasco. Congressional Research Service, updated 14 March 2007.
Iraq: The Hidden Cost of the War
Andrew Stephen. The New Statesman, 12 March 2007.
The Costs of America's Long War
Paul Rogers. Open Democracy, 08 March 2007.
Budgeting for Iraq and the GWOT
Gordon Adams. Testimony before the Senate Budget Committee, 06 February 2007. Posted on 05 March 2007 (.pdf file).
U.S. House Democrats Seek More War Funds than Bush
Richard Cowan. Reuters, 01 March 2007.
A $2 Trillion Footnote?
Robert J. Samuelson. Washington Post, 28 February 2007.
Estimated Funding for Operations in Iraq and the War on Terrorism
Peter R. Orszag. Letter to the Senate Budget Committee, 07 February 2007 (.pdf file).
Estimating the Costs of Military Operations in Iraq
J. Michael Gilmore. Testimony before the Senate Budget Committee, 06 February 2007 (.pdf file).
Cost of Troop Buildup Not in Budget
Peter Spiegel. Los Angeles Times, 06 February 2007.
Bush Budget Proposes $624.6B for Defense
Robert Burns. The Associated Press, 05 February 2007 (See budget request below).
FY 08 Budget of the United States Government
Submitted to Congress, 05 February 2007.
Bush To Request Hefty Iraq War Funds
Caren Bohan and Richard Cowan. Reuters, 01 February 2007.
Cost of Troop Surge Already Higher
James Rosen. McClatchy Newspapers, 01 February 2007. (See CBO report below).
Estimated Costs of Increasing U.S. Forces in Iraq
Congressional Budget Office, 01 February 2007 (.pdf file).
Iraq War Cost to Hit $8.4 Billion a Month
Richard Cowan. Reuters, 18 January 2007.
What $1.2 Trillion Can Buy
David Leonhardt. The New York Times, 17 January 2007.
How U.S. is Deferring War Costs
Ron Scherer. The Christian Science Monitor, 16 January 2007.
War Costs are Hitting Historic Proportions
Joel Havemann. Los Angeles Times, 14 January 2007.
Set a Spending Limit on Iraq
Bruce Ackerman. Los Angeles Times, 10 January 2007.
Cost of Iraq War, Like Fog, is Illusive
Michael Moran. Star-Ledger of Newark, 07 January 2007. Posted on the Council on Foreign Relations website.
Pentagon to Request Billions More in War Money
David S. Cloud. The New York Times, 30 December 2006.
Pentagon Wants $99.7B More for Wars
Andrew Taylor. The Associated Press, 21 December 2006.
Iraq War Has Cost US 350 Billion Dollars
Agence France-Presse, 03 December 2006.
Controversy over Pentagon's War-Spending Plan
Julian E. Barnes and Peter Spiegel. Los Angeles Times, 29 November 2006.
Rising Price of the War on Terror
Peter Grier. The Christian Science Monitor, 21 November 2006.
Military Needs $127 Billion to Fund Iraq, Afghanistan Wars
Richard Wolf. USA Today, 16 November 2006.
A Staggering New Bill For Iraq?
Jessica Holzer and Matthew Swibel. Forbes, 09 November 2006.
The Cost of the Iraq War
Lionel Beehner. Council on Foreign Relations, 08 November 2006.
The More-Than-Two-Trillion-Dollar War
Linda Bilmes and Joseph E. Stiglitz. Milken Institute Review, December 2006. Posted on the Nieman Watchdog website on 01 November 2006.
Iraq, Elections, and the Costs of War
Erik Leaver. Foreign Policy in Focus, 31 October 2006.
Cost of Iraq War Nearly $2 Billion a Week
Bryan Bender. The Boston Globe, 28 September 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
House OKs $70B for Iraq, Afghanistan
The Associated Press, 27 September 2006. Posted on
Cost of War: $550 Billion and Counting
Jason Sherman. InsideDefense, 27 September 2006. Posted on (See report dated 22 September 2006.).
The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11
Amy Belasco. Congressional Research Service, 22 September 2006 (.pdf file).
Cost of Iraq War: $1,075 Each
United Press International, 23 August 2006.
CBO Forecasts: 'Staying the Course' in Iraq - $1.3 Trillion
Think, 18 August 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
Defense Budget Tutorial: So, You Think You Know the Cost of the Wars?
Winslow Wheeler. Straus Military Reform Project, Center for Defense Information, 01 August 2006.
Price Tag to Rebuild Iraq Rises by $50b
The Boston Globe, 18 July 2006. (See report below).
Global War on Terrorism: Observations on Funding, Costs and Future Commitments
Statement of David M. Walker. Government Accountabiliity Office, 18 July 2006.
Analysis: Iraq War Could Cost $500 Billion by End of '09
Andrew Taylor. The Associated Press, 14 July 2006. Posted on the Army Times website.
Report: Monthly Military Costs on the Rise
Rick Maze. Army Times, 27 June 2006.
The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11
Amy Belasco. Congressional Research Services, 14 June 2006 (.pdf file).
U.S. Costs for Iraq War Top $320bn
David Fickling and Agencies. The Guardian, 13 June 2006.
The Uncertain Cost of the Iraq War
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 09 May 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Projected Iraq War Costs Soar
Jonathan Weisman. Washington Post, 27 April 2006. (See report below).
The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11
Amy Belasco. Congressional Research Services, 24 April 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website on 27 April 2006 (.pdf file).
Iraq: Mo' Money, Mo' Problems
Erik Leaver., 26 April 2006.
Three Years Later: The Cost of U.S. Military Operations in Iraq
Steven M. Kosiak. Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 20 March 2006. Posted on 25 April 2006 (.pdf file).
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The Cost of Invading Iraq: Imponderables Meet Uncertainties
Alan B. Krueger. The New York Times, 30 March 2006.
Three Years Later, Iraq War's True Cost Continues to Grow
Bob Deans. Cox News Service, 19 March 2006. Posted on the Houston Chronicle website.
U.S. War Spending to Rise 44% to $9.8 Bln a Month, Report Says
Tony Capaccio and Jeff Bliss. Bloomberg, 17 March 2006.
Cost of Iraq War Could Surpass $1 Trillion
Martin Wolk. MSNBC, 17 March 2006.
Paying for the War With 'Supplemental' Funding
Winslow Wheeler. Center for Defense Information, 14 March 2006.
How Costly Is Too Costly? Finding the Tipping Point for Vietnam -- and for Iraq
Mark Engler., 23 February 2006. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Iraq's Civil War Has Cost $3,000 Per U.S. Family - So Far
Richard Reeves. Yahoo News, 03 February 2006.
White House Eyes Billions For Iraq Maintenance
Rowan Scarborough. The Washington Times, 31 January 2006.
Fudging The Numbers
Miriam Pemberton., 19 January 2006.
War's Stunning Price Tag
Linda Bilmes and Joseph Stiglitz. Los Angeles Times, 17 January 2006. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Will a Stable Afghanistan Be Yet Another Casualty of The War in Iraq?
Arianna Huffington., 10 January 2006. Posted on the e-Ariana website.
The Cost of the U.S. Military Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan Through Fiscal Year 2006 and Beyond
Steven Kosiak. Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 04 January 2006 (.pdf file).
The Economic Costs of the Iraq War
Linda Bilmes and Joseph E. Stiglitz. Paper prepared for presentation at the ASSA meeting, Boston, January 2006. Posted on the Columbia University website (.pdf file).
Pyrrhic Victory in Iraq
The Nation, 07 November 2005.
U.S. and Coalition Casualties and Costs of War in Iraq
Anthony Cordesman. CSIS, 21 October 2005. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
The Costs of War at Walter Reed
Stewart Nusbaumer. Intervention Magazine, 20 October 2005. Posted on the U.S. Labor Against the War website.
Throwing Grenades in the Global Economic Cockpit Part 2
TomDispatch Interview with Juan Cole, 18 October 2005.
Iraq, Katrina and Osama: A Discussion on Costs, Consequences and Choices
Security Policy Working Group, 10 October 2005.
The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan and Enhanced Base Security Since 9/11
Amy Belasco. CRS Report for Congress, 07 October 2005. Posted on the Federation of American Scientists website (.pdf file).
The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan and Enhanced Base Security Since 9/11
Amy Belasco. Congressional Research Service, 03 October 2005 (.pdf file).
Senate Measure Would Push Iraq, Afghanistan War Costs to $400 Billion
Liz Sidoti. The Associated Press, 27 September 2005. Posted on the Seattle Times website.
Warnings Went Ignored as Bush Slashed Flood Defense Budget to Pay for Wars
Geoffrey Lean. The Independent, 04 September 2005. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Demands of Wars Strain Relief Effort
Bryan Bender. Boston Globe, 03 September 2005. Posted on The Age website.
Iraq War Costs Now Exceed Vietnam's
Jim Lobe. Inter Press Service, 01 September 2005. Posted on the website.
The Iraq Quagmire: The Mountin Costs of War and the Case for Bringing Home the Troops
Phyllis Bennis and Erik Leaver. Institute for Policy Studies and Foreign Policy in Focus, 31 August 2005 (.pdf file).
Did New Orleans Catastrophe Have to Happen? 'Times-Picayune' Had Repeatedly Raised Federal Spending Issues
Will Bunch. Editor and Publisher, 31 August 2005.
More Costly than 'The War to End all Wars'
David R. Francis. Christian Science Monitor, 29 August 2005.
Casualty of War: The U.S. Economy
James Sterngold. San Francisco Chronicle, 17 July 2005. Posted on the Fairuse website.
GAO Investigator Rips Pentagon on Iraq War Finances
Susan Milligan. Boston Globe, 15 July 2005.
Where Has All the Money Gone?
Ed Harriman. London Review of Books, 07 July 2005.
So, Mr. Bremer, Where Did All the Money Go?
Ed Harriman. The Guardian, 07 July 2005.
U.S. Spending on Iraq May Soon Surpass Korean War Budget
CBC News Canada, 20 June 2005.
Psychiatric Casualties from Iraq War
RxPG News, 02 June 2005. Posted on the Catholic Peace Fellowship website.
Iraq War Costs Keep Rising, and then Some
Peter Grier. Christian Science Monitor, 18 May 2005. Posted on the USA Today website.
Ability to Track Costs in Iraq May Be Difficult, Report Says
Griff White. Washington Post, 09 May 2005.
Fraud Allegations Compound Iraq Accounting Investigation
Matt Kelley. The Associated Press, 05 May 2005. Posted on the Minneapolis Star Tribune website.
$82 Billion Bill Advances With War Funds, Add-Ons
Shailagh Murray. Washington Post, 04 May 2005.
Senate OKs $81B for Iraq, Afghanistan
Liz Sidoti. The Associated Press, 21 April 2005.
Critical Republicans Look to Cut Bush's $82 Billion War Request
Mike Allen and Josh White. Washington Post, 17 February 2005.
War Costs for US Push Past $200bn
Edward Alden and Demetri Sevastopuloin. Financial Times, 26 January 2005.
How Bush Got Iraq War Cost Wrong
Martin Sieff. United Press International, 26 January 2005. Posted on the Middle East North Africa Financial Network website.
More Money for Iraq? Not Without Conditions
Ariana Huffington. YubaNet, 20 January 2005.
War's 'Hidden Cost' Called Heavy
Bryan Bender. Boston Globe, 14 January 2005.
An Alternative Budget Path Assuming Continued Spending for Military Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and in Support of the Global War on Terrorism
Congressional Budget Office, January 2005 (.pdf file).
Iraq vs. Tsunami
Mike Whitney. Counterpunch, 31 December 2004.
The Rising Tab for US War Effort
Peter Grier. Christian Science Monitor, 17 December 2004.
Increase in War Funding Sought
Jonathan Weisman and Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 26 October 2004.
A Failed 'Transition': The Mounting Costs of the Iraq War
Phyllis Bennis. Institute for Policy Studies and Foreign Policy in
Focus, 30 September 2004. Posted on the Occupation Watch website (.pdf
Iraq: Follow the Money, If You Can
Defense and the National Interest, 07 July 2004.
Cost of US Military Operations in Afghanistan and Iraq
Steven M. Kosiak. Economists Allied for Arms Reduction, July 2004.
Paying the Price: The Mounting Costs of the Iraq War
Phyllis Bennis, et. al. Institute for Policy Studies and Foreign Policy in Focus, 24 June 2004.
Iraq's Oil Industry: The Endemic Problem
Middle East Economic Survey, 21 June 2004.
Incompetence or Double-Dealing in Coalition Management of Iraq?
Juan Cole, 04 April 2004.
One Year Later: The Cost of US Military Operations in Iraq
Steven Kosiak. Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 18 March 2004 (.pdf file).
Voices on Iraq: George Galloway - The Costs of War
Gwyn Topham. The Guardian, 15 March 2004.
Iraq: One Year After
Council on Foreign Relations, March 2004 (.pdf file).
Paying for Iraq's Reconstruction
Congressional Budget Office, January 2004.
The Ability of the U.S. Military to Sustain an Occupation in Iraq
Douglas Holtz-Eakin. Testimony before the Committee on Armed Services,
U.S. House of Representatives, 05 November 2003. Posted on the
Congressional Budget Office website.
The Cost of War and Reconstruction in Iraq: An Update
Democratic Staff of the House Budget Committee, 23 September 2003 (.pdf file).
Iraq's Rising Price Tag
The Economist, 09 September 2003.
Some Grim News About Iraq: Bush Warns of a Heavy Burden
David E. Sanger. New York Times, 08 September 2003. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Monthly Costs of Iraq, Afghan Wars Approach That of Vietnam
Dave Moniz. USA Today, 08 September 2003. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
An Analysis of the U.S. Military's Ability to Sustain an Occupation of Iraq
Congressional Budget Office, 03 September 2003. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
America's Entrapment
Paul Rogers. Open Democracy, 28 August 2003.
Bremer: Iraq Effort to Cost Tens of Billions
Peter Slevin and Vernon Loeb. Washington Post, 27 August 2003.
Occupying Iraq: Is the Price, in Blood and Money, Too High?
The Economist, 07 August 2003.
Stretched in Iraq, US May Return to UN
Peter Ford. Christian Science Monitor, 18 July 2003.
Iraq Cost Could Mount to $100 Billion
Jonathan Weisman. Washington Post, 13 July 2003.
Rumsfeld Estimates U.S. Monthly Costs in Iraq at $3.9 Billion
Brian Knowlton. International Herald Tribune, 09 July 2003. Posted on the New York Times website.
Pentagon Puts Price Tag on War
Congress Daily, 16 April 2003. Posted on the Government Executive Magazine website.
The Economic Outlook: More Trouble After the War
Paul Krugman. New York Times, 07 April 2003. Posted on the International Herald Tribune website.
Iraq Strains Future Budgets
Cindy Williams. Global Beat Syndicate, 07 April 2003.
Analysis: The Unholy Triangle of Occupation
Ze'ev Schiff. Ha'aretz, 03 April 2003.
£60bn to Rebuild Iraq
Fraser Nelson and Brian Brady. The Scotsman, 30 March 2003.
Spending Request Envisions Long War
Dana Milbank. Washington Post, 25 March 2003.
War's Certainty: A Big Price Tag
David R. Francis. Christian Science Monitor, 21 March 2003.
Are the Costs of Going to War Worth It?
Stanley Hoffman. Boston Globe, 13 March 2003.
Short Iraq War Would Cost World $1 Trillion - Study Reuters, 20 February 2003. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
The Great Unknown: How to Pay for War in Iraq
Herbert Winkler. Deutsche Presse Agentur, 20 February 2003. Posted on the ReliefWeb website.
The Hidden Costs of War
William D. Hartung. Fourth Freedom Forum, 13 February 2003 (.pdf file).
U.N. Estimates Rebuilding Iraq Will Cost $30 Billion
Julia Preston. New York Times, 29 January 2003.
America's Role in Nation-Building: From Germany to Iraq
James Dobbins, et al. RAND, 2003.
Iraq: The Economic Consequences of War
William D. Nordhaus. New York Review of Books, 05 December 2002.
U.S. Facing Bigger Bill For Iraq War
Michael Dobbs. Washington Post, 01 December 2002. Posted on the Truthout website.
Figuring the Costs of War
Robert J. Samuelson. Washington Post, 27 November 2002. Posted on the Columbia College website.
Oil Economics Lubricates Push for War
Thomas Ferguson and Robert A. Johnson. Los Angeles Times, 13 October 2002.
Letter to the Honorable Kent Conrad and John M. Spratt, Jr. Regarding Estimated Costs of a Potential Conflict with Iraq
Dan L. Crippen. Congressional Budget Office, 30 September 2002. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute Website.
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