The Cost of Boots on the Ground in Iraq
John Basil Utley. Foreign Policy in Focus, 30 September 2008 (see report below).
Contractors' Support of U.S. Operations in Iraq
Congressional Budget Office, August 2008 (.pdf file).
One Million Weapons to Iraq; Many Go Missing
Pratap Chatterjee. CorpWatch, 22 September 2008 (see full report below).
Blood at the Crossroads: Making the case for a Global Arms Trade Treaty
Amnesty International, 17 September 2008.
U.S. Military Casualty Statistics: Operations Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom
Hannah Fischer. Congressional Research Service, updated 09 September 2008 (.pdf file).
Iraq: U.S. Casualties
Susan G. Chesser. Congressional Research Service, updated 28 August 2008 (.pdf file).
Key U.S. Iraq Strategy in Danger of Collapse
Leila Fadel. McClatchy Newspapers, 20 August 2008.
U.S. Casualties: The Trends in Iraq and Afghanistan
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 07 August 2008 (.pdf file).
U.S. Boosts Its Use of Airstrikes In Iraq
Josh White. Washington Post, 17 January 2008.
Strategic Realignment: Ends, Ways, and Means in Iraq
Bruce J. Reider. Parameters, Winter 2007-2008.
U.S. Airpower in Iraq and Afghanistan: 2004-2007
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 13 December 2007 (.pdf file).
U.S. Lacked Clear Plan for Postwar Iraq, Army Report Says
PBS Online NewsHour, 30 June 2008 (See report below).
On Point II - Transition to the New Campaign: The U.S. Army in Operation Iraqi Freedom, May 2003 - January 2005
Donald P. Wright and Col. Timothy R. Reese. Combat Studies Institute, U.S. Army, 30 June 2008 (.pdf file).
U.S. Forces in Iraq
JoAnne O'Bryant and Michael Waterhouse. Congressional Research Service, 08 May 2008 (.pdf file).
Situation in Iraq
Testimony before the Senate Committee on Armed Services, 08 April 2008 (.pdf files)
Amb. Ryan C. Crocker's testimony
Gen. David H. Petraeus' testimony and accompanying slides
Iraq 2012: What Can It Look Like, How Do We Get There?
Carlos Pascual. Testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 03 April 2008. Posted on the Brookings Institution website.
After Iraq: Future U.S. Military Posture in the Middle East
Bradley L. Bowman. The Washington Quarterly, Spring 2008 (.pdf file).
Sunni Forces Losing Patience With U.S.
Sudarsan Raghavan and Amit R. Paley. Washington Post, 28 February 2008.
What We Need Next in Iraq
Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates. Washington Post, 13 February 2008.
The Man on Both Sides of Air War Debate
Josh White. Washington Post, 13 February 2008.
Making a Case for a Pause in Troop Cutbacks in Iraq
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 13 February 2008.
Gates Endorses Pause in Iraq Troop Withdrawals
Thom Shanker. The New York Times, 12 February 2008.
Army Buried Study Faulting Iraq Planning
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 11 February 2008.
Counterinsurgency in Iraq (2003-2006)
Bruce R. Pirnie and Edward O'Connell. RAND, 11 February 2008 (.pdf file).
Cross-Border Chases From Iraq O.K., Document Says
Eric Schmitt and Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 04 February 2008. (See document below).
Iraq Rules Need More Airing
William M. Arkin. Washington Post, 04 February 2008.
In Iraq, Three Wars Engage U.S.
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 03 February 2008.
Bush Signals Troop Level May Stay Stable
Michael Abramowitz. Washington Post, 01 February 2008.
Mosul, the Next Major Test for the U.S. Military in Iraq
Steve Lannen. McClatchy Newspapers, 31 January 2008.
U.S. Casualties Rise in Iraq After Falling for 4 Months
Nancy A. Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 31 January 2008.
Mosul in the Crosshairs
Salah Hemeid. Al-Ahram Weekly Online, 31 January 2008.
At White House, a Second Look at Iraq Troop Cuts
Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Thom Shanker. The New York Times, 30 January 2008.
U.S. to Expand Outposts Across Baghdad by 30%
Amit R. Paley. Washington Post, 30 January 2008.
Normalizing Air War From Guernica to Arab Jabour
Tom Engelhardt. TomDispatch, 30 January 2008.
Mosul Bombings Prompt Promise of New Offensive
Stephen Farrell and Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 26 January 2008.
Troops Felled By a 'Trust Gap'
Mark Perry. Asia Times, 24 January 2008.
Using Air Power Kills Insurgents, But Can Also Create New Ones
Charles V. Pena. The Philadelphia Bulletin, 23 January 2008.
A Salvo at the White House
Mark Perry. Asia Times, 23 January 2008.
The Farce of Sovereignty
Jonathan Steele. The Guardian, 23 January 2008.
The Evolving Security Situation in Iraq: The Continuing Need for Strategic Patience
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 22 January 2008.
Pentagon Weighs Top Iraq General as NATO Chief
Michael R. Gordon and Eric Schmitt. The New York Times, 21 January 2008.
'Guys, I'm Afraid We Haven't Got a Clue...'
Jonathan Steele. The Guardian, 21 January 2008.
Frontline Blogger Covers War in Iraq With a Soldier's Eyes
Richard Perez-Pena. The New York Times, 21 January 2008.
U.S. Boosts Its Use of Airstrikes In Iraq
Josh White. Washington Post, 17 January 2008.
A Rift over U.S. Troop Cuts in Iraq
Gordon Lubold. The Christian Science Monitor, 17 January 2008.
Despite Dropping Violence, Gates Calls For Extended U.S. Presence in Iraq
Nancy Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 17 January 2008.
U.S. Shifts Sunni Strategy in Iraq
Peter Spiegel. Los Angeles Times, 14 January 2008.
Baghdad Embassy Is Called A Fire Risk
Glenn Kessler. Washington Post, 12 January 2008.
In Iraq, U.S. Airstrikes Target Insurgents Near Supposedly Safe Zone
Jamie Gumbrecht and Nancy A. Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 10 January 2008.
U.S. Airstrike in Iraq One of Largest of the War
Charles Levinson. USA Today, 10 January 2008.
The Latest Tactic in Iraq: Anthropology
Peter Graff. Reuters, 09 January 2008.
The Patterns in Violence and Casualties in Iraq 2007: The Need for Strategic Patience
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 08 January 2008 (.pdf file).
The Fog of War Crimes
Frida Berrigan. In These Times, 07 January 2008.
A Year in Iraq
Adriana Lins de Albuquerque and Alicia Cheng. The New York Times, 06 January 2008.
Six More Years
William M. Arkin. Washington Post, 03 January 2008.
Report: UAV Use Has Doubled Over 9 Months
Lolita C. Baldor. The Associated Press, 02 January 2008.
Iraq: Tribal Engagement Lessons Learned
Lt. Col. Michael Eisenstadt. Military Review, September/October 2007. Posted on 02 January 2008 (.pdf file).
The New Legs Race: Critical Perspectives on Biometrics in Iraq
Andrew R. Hom. Military Review, January/February 2008 (.pdf file).
2007 Deadliest for U.S. Troops in Iraq
Bradley Brooks. The Associated Press, 31 December 2007.
Petraeus Sees Gradual Drawdown of Troops in 2008
Jamie Gumbrecht. McClatchy Newspapers, 29 December 2007.
Military Thinks Twice on Fortified Trucks
Julian E. Barnes and Peter Spiegel. Los Angeles Times, 27 December 2007.
U.S. Convoys Struggle to Adjust to Policy Change
Jamie Gumbrecht. McClatchy Newspapers, 21 December 2007.
Did GIs Sell Guns in Iraq?
Brian Bennett. TIME Magazine, 20 December 2007.
After Action Report after Iraq Visit
Gen. Barry R. McCaffrey. Memo to the U.S. Military Academy, 18 December 2007 (.pdf file).
Tricked-Out Armored Vehicles Roll into Iraq
Noah Schachtman., 18 December 2007.
Touchy, Feely in the Kill Chain
David Isenberg. The Asia Times, 18 December 2007.
U.S. Army Loses Another 12,000 Guns And Trucks
Ian Bruce. The Herald, UK, 17 December 2007.
The UN'S Expanded Role in Iraq: Why Now?
The Stanley Foundation, 17 December 2007 (.pdf file).
US Airpower in Iraq (OIF) and Afghanistan (OEF): 2004-2007
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 13 December 2007 (.pdf file).
Operationalizing Tactical Successes in Iraq
William S. Lind. Defense and the National Interest, 13 December 2007.
U.S. to Cut 10 Percent of Diplomatic Posts Next Year
Karen DeYoung. Washington Post, 13 December 2007.
U.S. Military says Iraq is the Priority
Julian E. Barnes. Los Angeles Times, 12 December 2007.
The Northern Iraq Operation and Entering a New Era in the Kurdish Problem
Haluk Gerger. Interviewed by Taylan Dogan. ZNet, 11 December 2007.
Army Recants General's Senate Testimony
Richard Lardner. The Associated Press, 10 December 2007.
Iraq's 'Battlefield of the Mind'
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 10 December 2007.
Army Leaders Push to Shorten Iraq Tours
Robert Burns. The Associated Press, 09 December 2007.
List of 'Willing' U.S. Allies Shrinks Steadily in Iraq
Joshua Partlow. Washington Post, 08 December 2007.
Dulce et Decorum
George Packer. The New Yorker, 07 December 2007.
U.S. Plans to Form Job Corps For Iraqi Security Volunteers
Karen DeYoung and Amit R. Paley. Washington Post, 07 December 2007.
Pentagon Cites Poor Controls for Iraq Fund
The Associated Press, 07 December 2007. (See report below).
Management of the Iraq Security Forces Fund in Southwest Asia
Department of Defense Inspector General, 30 November 2007. Released on 06 December 2007 (.pdf file).
$1B In Military Equipment Missing In Iraq
Laura Strickler. CBS News, 06 December 2007.
General Petraeus Says Violence is Down in Iraq, But Warns Continued Success is Not Guaranteed
Dan Murphy. The Christian Science Monitor, 06 December 2007.
Iraq Study Group One Year Later
National Security Network, 06 December 2007.
A Fuller Picture: U.S. Looks to Iraqi Data
Michael A. Gordon. The New York Times, 01 December 2007.
Strategic Realignment: Ends, Ways, and Means in Iraq
Bruce J. Reider. Parameters, Winter 2007-2008.
A Tenuous 'Peace' in Al-Anbar
Ali al-Fadhily. Inter Press Service, 30 November 2007.
How Technology Almost Lost the War: In Iraq, the Critical Networks Are Social - Not Electronic
Noah Shachtman. Wired Magazine, 27 November 2007.
Military Wants More Views on Iraq Reports
Julian E. Barnes. Los Angeles Times, 26 November 2007.
U.S. Starts First Major Pullout From Iraq, Beginning With Brigade Members
Alissa J. Rubin. The New York Times, 25 November 2007.
Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) in Iraq and Afghanistan: Effects and Countermeasures
Clay Wilson. Congressional Research Service, 21 November 2007 (.pdf file).
Eating Soup with a Knife in an Iraqi Town
Andrew Marshall and Erik de Castro. Reuters, 20 November 2007.
U.S. Military Fumbles Requests for Nonlethal Weapons in Iraq, Afghanistan
David Axe. World Politics Review, 20 November 2007.
The Urban Warfare Dilemma
Peter Buxbaum. ISN Security Watch, 20 November 2007.
U.S. Says Attacks in Iraq Fell to Feb. 2006 Level
Cara Buckley and Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 19 November 2007.
State Dept. Won't Order Diplomats to Iraq
Karen DeYoung. Washington Post, 16 November 2007.
Recording Sparks Investigation of Shootout
Kimberly Johnson. Marine Corps Times, 16 November 2007.
U.S. Military Reversing Iraq Troop Surge
Robert Burns. The Associated Press, 12 November 2007.
Are Iraq's Detainees Treated Fairly?
Mark Kukis. TIME Magazine, 12 November 2007.
Broken Supply Channel Sent Arms for Iraq Astray
Eric Schmitt and Ginger Thompson. The New York Times, 11 November 2007.
Meet Abu Abed: the US's New Ally Against al-Qaida
Ghaith Abdul-Ahad. The Guardian, 10 November 2007.
Iraq: Call An Air Strike
Pepe Escobar. Asia Times, 10 November 2007.
How Dangerous is the Iraq War?
Frank Greve. McClatchy Newspapers, 09 November 2007.
Will 'Armloads' of U.S. Cash Buy Tribal Loyalty?
Sam Dagher. The Christian Science Monitor, 08 November 2007.
2007 Toll A Record For U.S. In Iraq
Amit R. Paley. Washington Post, 07 November 2007.
Is the Military Blowing Up Key Evidence?
Blake Morrison and Peter Eisler. Army Times, 07 November 2007.
Britain's Failure in Iraq
David Wearing. Le Monde Diplomatique, November 2007.
Who Will Probe 'Noncombat' Deaths in Iraq?
Greg Mitchell. Editor & Publisher, 06 November 2007.
Cluster Bombs in Iraq: The Deadly Footprint
Mary Trotochaud. Common Dreams, 05 November 2007.
Iraq War was Badly Planned, Says Army
Sean Rayment. The Telegraph, UK, 05 November 2007.
Armed Forces 'Are So Overstretched They Will Need a Decade to Recover'
Michael Evans. The Times, UK, 05 November 2007. (See report below).
Out of Step: The Case for Change in the British Armed Forces
Timothy Edmunds and Anthony Forster. Demos, 05 November 2007 (.pdf file).
Significant Drop in Air Raids in Iraq: U.S.
Agence France Presse, 04 November 2007.
2007 Toll Nears Highest for US in Iraq
Lauren Frayer. The Associated Press, 04 November 2007.
Sunnis Say Baghdad Hampers Anbar Gains
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 03 November 2007.
In Iraq, a Lull or Hopeful Trend?
Joshua Partlow and Naseer Nouri. Washington Post, 02 November 2007.
Abizaid: Mideast Wars May Last 50 Years
The Associated Press, 01 November 2007.
U.S. Military Will Oversee Contractors
John M. Broder and David Johnston. The New York Times, 31 October 2007.
U.S. Troop Losses Plunge in Iraq
Gordon Lubold. The Christian Science Monitor, 31 October 2007.
GAO: U.S. Hasn't Taken Advantage of Iraq's Drop in Violence
Jonathan S. Landay. McClatchy Newspapers, 30 October 2007. (See report below).
GAO Audits and Key Oversight Issues
Joseph A. Christoff. Testimony before the House Committee of Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs, 30 October 2007 (.pdf file).
Britain Backed US Plans for Ba'ath Party Clearout in Iraq, Documentary Alleges
Tania Branigan. The Guardian, 29 October 2007.
U.S. Ordering Reluctant Diplomats to Iraq
Matthew Lee. The Associated Press, 26 October 2007.
Too Much of Too Few
Joe Galloway., 26 October 2007.
U.S. Military Ignored Evidence of Iraqi-Made EFPs
Gareth Porter. Inter Press Service, 26 October 2007.
Iraq: a Far Horizon
Paul Rogers. Open Democracy, 25 October 2007.
State Dept. Ousts Its Chief of Security
Karen DeYoung. Washington Post, 25 October 2007.
Ill-Equipped Soldiers Opt for 'Search and Avoid'
Dahr Jamail. Inter Press Service, 24 October 2007.
An Airstrike a Day Won't Keep Insurgents at Bay
Fred Kaplan., 24 October 2007.
Reports Assail State Department on Iraq Security
Eric Schmitt and David Rohde. The New York Times, 23 October 2007.
Sharp Drop Seen in U.S. Deaths in Iraq
Steven R. Hurst. The Associated Press, 23 October 2007.
Bush's Neo-Imperialist War
John B. Judis. The American Prospect, 22 October 2007.
Contract Tightens Rules of Engagement
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 22 October 2007.
Toppled in Baghdad, Clueless in Whitehall
Heidi Kingstone. The Times, UK, 21 October 2007.
Anti-IED Drills Improve, But Not Every Soldier Goes Through Them
Peter Eisler, Tom Vanden Brook and Blake Morrison. USA Today, 18 October 2007.
Criminal Probe into U.S. Embassy in Iraq Construction
Warren P. Strobel and Jonathan S. Landay. McClatchy Newspapers, 18 October 2007.
Of IEDs and MRAPs: Force Protection in Complex Irregular Operations
Andrew F. Krepinevich and Dakota L. Wood. Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 17 October 2007 (.pdf file).
When Troops Need More Than Knowledge of War
Jill P. Capuzzo. The New York Times, 17 October 2007.
The Real Iraq We Knew
12 Former Army Captains. Washington Post, 16 October 2007.
At an Army School for Officers, Blunt Talk About Iraq
Elisabeth Bumiller. The New York Times, 14 October 2007.
Ex-Commander Says Iraq Effort Is 'a Nightmare'
David S. Cloud. The New York Times, 13 October 2007.
Marines Press to Remove their Forces From Iraq
Thom Shanker. The New York Times, 11 October 2007.
Who Will be Punished for Haditha?
Brian Bennett. TIME Magazine, 11 October 2007.
The Agile-Leader Mind-Set: Leveraging the Power of Modularity in Iraq
Lt. Col. Robert B. Brown. Military Review, July/August 2007. Posted on 10 October 2007.
Pandora's Box: Iraqi Federalism, Separatism, 'Hard' Partitioning, and US Policy
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 09 October 2007.
Keeping 'Bottom-Up' From Bottoming Out
Greg Bruno. Council on Foreign Relations, 09 October 2007.
Leak Severed a Link to Al-Qaeda's Secrets
Joby Warrick. Washington Post, 09 October 2007.
Has the U.S. Ceded Southern Iraq?
Mark Kukis. TIME Magazine, 08 October 2007.
A Band of Survivors Returns from Iraq
Alexandra Zavis. Los Angeles Times, 06 October 2007.
U.S. Marines Likely to Avoid Murder Charges Over Killing of Iraqi Civilians
Ewen MacAskil. The Guardian, 05 October 2007.
Sniper Team Tells of Pressure From Above
Ned Parker. Los Angeles Times, 05 October 2007.
New Military Leaders Question Iraq Mission
Nancy A. Youssef and Renee Schoof. McClatchy Newspapers, 04 October 2007.
'If You Don't Go After the Network, You're Never Going to Stop these Guys. Never.'
Rick Atkinson. Washington Post, 03 October 2007.
Britain to Cut Troop Level in Iraq
Alexandra Zavis. Los Angeles Times, 03 October 2007.
'You Can't Armor your Way Out of this Problem'
Rick Atkinson. Washington Post, 02 October 2007.
Open Source Counter-Insurgency
John Robb. Global Guerrillas, 02 October 2007.
What Iraq Means to Us
'Fabius Maximus.' Defense and the National Interest, 01 October 2007.
Trends in Iraq
Michael O'Hanlon. Washington Times, 01 October 2007.
'There Was a Two-Year Learning Curve ... And a Lot of People Died in Those Two Years'
Rick Atkinson. Washington Post, 01 October 2007.
DOD Should Provide Congress and the American Public with Monthly Data on Enemy-Initiated Attacks in Iraq in a Timely Manner
Government Accountability Office, 28 September 2007 (.pdf file).
Chaos and Unity in a Fragmented Iraq
Roger Owen. The Boston Globe, 28 September 2007.
Sectarian Numbers in Iraq
Joshua Birk. Informed Comment, 28 September 2007.
Beyond Insurgency: An End to Our War in Iraq
'Fabius Maximus.' Defense and the National Interest, 27 September 2007.
Charges Against Snipers Stir Debate on 'Baiting'
Josh White and Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 26 September 2007.
U.S. Aims To Lure Insurgents With 'Bait'
Josh White and Joshua Partlow. Washington Post, 24 September 2007.
Generals Opposing Iraq War Break with Military Tradition
Mark Sauer. San Diego Union-Tribune, 23 September 2007.
U.S. Working to Reshape Iraqi Detainees
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 19 September 2007.
Review of Anticorruption Efforts in Iraq
U.S. Embassy Working Draft Report, Baghdad, 2007. Posted on the Federation of American Scientists website on 19 September 2007 (.pdf file).
Security Took 'Turn for Worse' In Southern Iraq, Report Says
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 18 September 2007. (See report below).
Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq
U.S. Department of Defense, 18 September 2007 (.pdf file).
Operation Iraqi Freedom and the Global War on Terror: Selected Legislation from the 110th Congress
Kim Walker Klarman, Lisa Mages and Pat Towell. Congressional Research Service, 17 September 2007 (.pdf file).
'Help Wanted' Ad Belies Report on Iraq Security
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 17 September 2007.
Petraeus/Crocker Report |
Hearing on Iraq
Amb. Ryan C. Crocker. Joint Hearing of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Armed Services, 10 September 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Report to Congress on the Situation in Iraq
Gen. David H. Petraeus. Report to Congress, 10-11 September 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Petraeus' Briefing Slides
Posted on the Iraq Insider Blog, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, 10 September 2007.
Related Reports
Iraqi Government Has Not Met Most Legislative, Security and Economic Benchmarks
David M. Walker. Testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 04 September 2007 (.pdf file).
Securing, Stabilizing, Rebuilding Iraq
Report to Congressional Committees, Government Accountability Office, September 2007 (.pdf file).
Prospects for Iraq's Stability: Some Security Progress but Political Reconciliation Elusive
Update to National Intelligence Estimate, August 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
The Report of the Independent Commission on the Security Forces of Iraq
Gen. James L. Jones. 06 September. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
The Independent Commission on the Security Forces of Iraq: A Critique
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 06 September 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Iraq Poll September 2007: In Graphics
BBC News, 10 September 2007.
Iraqi Civilian Deaths - Up, Down, No Change?
Experts Doubt Drop In Violence in Iraq
Karen DeYoung. Washington Post, 06 September 2007.
Iraqi Civilian Deaths Climb Again
Tina Susman. Los Angeles Times, 01 September 2007.
Security in Iraq Still Elusive
Leila Fadel. McClatchy Newspapers, 07 September 2007.
Civilian Death Toll Falls in Baghdad but Rises Across Iraq
James Glanz. The New York Times, 02 September 2007.
Iraqi Civilian Deaths Rise Slightly in August
Reuters, 01 September 2007.
U.N. Security Information Report
UN Assistance Mission for Iraq, 10 September 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Behind the Anbar Myth
Pepe Escobar. Asia Times, 14 September 2007.
Petraeus Returns to War That Is Now His Own
Peter Baker and Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 13 September 2007.
A U.S. Mission Shift In Iraq?
Elaine M. Grossman. National Journal Group, 12 September 2007. Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website.
Fallon Derided Petraeus, Opposed the Surge
Gareth Porter. Inter Press Service, 12 September 2007.
The Iraq War Claims Two Soldiers Who Wrote a Critical Op-ed
Fred Kaplan., 12 September 2007.
Iraq Security Statistics
Greg Bruno. Council on Foreign Relations, 12 September 2007.
The Unlearned Lessons of 9/11
Col. Douglas Macgregor. United Press International, 12 September 2007. Posted on the Center for Defense Information website.
No Choice -- Withdrawal Starts in '08
Graham Allison and Kevin Ryan. Los Angeles Times, 11 September 2007.
Petraeus Backs Initial Pullout
Peter Baker and Jonathan Weisman. Washington Post, 11 September 2007.
What Crocker and Petraeus Didn't Say
Nancy A. Youssef and Leila Fadel. McClatchy Newspapers, 10 September 2007.
Twenty Questions on Progress and Problems in Iraq
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 10 September 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Delay Decision on Cuts, General Says
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 10 September 2007.
U.S. To Build Military Base on Iraq-Iran Border
Agence France-Presse, 10 September 2007.
The Military in Iraq are Resolving Nothing
Wesley Clark. The Independent, 10 September 2007.
War Testimony, While Seminal, Is Unlikely to Alter Course
Nancy A. Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 09 September 2007.
What Does America Owe Iraq?
Interview with William Galston, Akbar Ahmed and Jean Bethke Elshtain. Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly, 07 September 2007. Posted on the Brookings Institution website.
Key Questions on the White House Report and Petraeus-Crocker Testimony
John Podesta, Lawrence J. Korb and Brian Katulis. Center for American Progress, 07 September 2007.
Who Disbanded the Iraqi Army?
Fred Kaplan., 07 September 2007.
How I Didn't Dismantle Iraq's Army
L. Paul Bremer III. The New York Times, 06 September 2007.
The Role of the Department of Defense in Provincial Reconstruction Teams
Stuart W. Bowen, Jr. Testimony before the Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee, House Armed Services Committee, 05 September 2007.
Is General Petraeus's Data Misleading the American People?
National Security Network. 04 September 2007.
Documents Show Troops Disregarding Rules
Ryan Lenz. The Associated Press, 04 September 2007. (See link below).
Documents Received from the Department of the Army in Response to ACLU FOIA Request
Posted on the ACLU website, 04 September 2007.
Troop Reduction Is Possible, Bush Says
David S. Cloud and Steven Lee Myers. The New York Times, 04 September 2007.
Signing Up Sunnis With 'Insurgent' on Their Résumés
Joshua Partlow. Washington Post, 04 September 2007.
Troop Buildup Fails to Reconcile Iraq
Tina Susman. The Los Angeles Times, 04 September 2007.
British Troops Begin Withdrawal From Basra
Stephen Farrell. The New York Times, 03 September 2007.
Ignominious end to Futile Exercise That Cost the UK 168 Lives
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, 03 September 2007.
Iraq Convoy Was Sent Out Despite Threat
T. Christian Miller. Los Angeles Times, 03 September 2007.
Bush, Advisers Make Surprise Visit to Iraq
Michael Fletcher and Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 03 September 2007.
Combat Deaths in Iraq Decline; Reasons Aren't Clear
Nancy A. Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 02 September 2007.
Still On Track In Basra
Des Browne and David Miliband. Washington Post, 31 August 2007.
Divided Pentagon: No Single Iraq Report
Nancy A. Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 29 August 2007.
A Potentially Winning Tactic, With a Warning
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 27 August 2007 (See report below).
Iraq Tribal Study - Al-Anbar Governorate
Lin Todd et al. Study conducted under contract with the Department of Defense, 18 June 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Negotiation in the New Strategic Environment: Lessons from Iraq
David M. Tressler. Strategic Studies Institute, Army War College, August 2007 (.pdf file).
Challenging the Generals
Fred Kaplan. The New York Times Magazine, 26 August 2007.
Iraq Police Block Militia as UK Troops Quit Centre of Basra
Reuters, 26 August 2007.
More Iraqis Said to Flee Since Troop Rise
James Glanz and Stephen Farrell. The New York Times, 24 August 2007.
Top General to Urge Iraq Troop Cut
Julian E. Barnes and Peter Spiegel. Los Angeles Times, 24 August 2007.
Official Air Force Document Outlines Military Assistance to Insurgencies
Nick Juliano. Raw Story, 23 August 2007. (see report below).
Irregular Warfare: Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3
U.S. Air Force, 01 August 2007. Posted on 23 August 2007 (.pdf file).
The Utter Uselessness of the Petraeus Report
Paul Waldman. The American Prospect, 22 August 2007.
Soldiers Pen a Jaw-Dropping NYT Op-ed About the War in Iraq
Fred Kaplan. Slate, 22 August 2007.
Iraq's 'Alamo' Simmers
Alexandra Zavis. Los Angeles Times, 22 August 2007.
At Iraq's Front Line, U.S. Puts Ex-Foes on Payroll
Peter Graff. Reuters, 22 August 2007. Posted on the Information Clearing House website.
Pentagon 'To Do' List Gives Little Hint of U.S. Goals for Iraq
Agence France-Presse, 20 August 2007.
U.S. Military Looks to Reduce Role in Iraq
Robert Burns and Lolita C. Baldor. The Associated Press, 20 August 2007.
U.S. Military Struggles to Defeat IEDs
Charles J. Hanley. The Associated Press, 20 August 2007.
British Troops 'Will Quit Iraq Fight for Afghanistan' Amid US Criticism of Role
James Kirkup. The Scotsman, 20 August 2007.
The War as We Saw It
Buddhika Jayamaha et al. The New York Times, 19 August 2007.
A U.S.-Backed Plan for Sunni Neighborhood Guards Is Tested
James Glanz and Stephen Farrell. The New York Times, 19 August 2007.
Troops in Iraq to Reach Record Level
Lolita C. Baldor. The Associated Press, 16 August 2007.
Rumsfeld Resignation Letter Skirts War
Lolita C. Baldor. The Associated Press, 15 August 2007.
'Surge' Has Led to More Detainees
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 15 August 2007.
U.S. Tags Iran for Casualties from Its Own Attacks
Gareth Porter. Inter Press Service, 14 August 2007.
A Bittersweet UN Victory: The UN in Iraq
Johanna Mendelson Forman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 14 August 2007.
Can American Military Stop Deadly IEDs?
Evan Thomas and John Barry. Newsweek, 20-27 August issue. Posted on 14 August 2007.
For Top General in Iraq, Role Is a Mixed Blessing
John F. Burns. The New York Times, 14 August 2007.
Defense Chief Keeps Own Counsel on Iraq
David S. Cloud. The New York Times, 14 August 2007.
Escalation in Iraq by the Numbers
Tom Engelhardt. TomDispatch, 13 August 2007.
Do U.S., Iraqi Officials Undercount Detainees?
Christina Davidson., 13 August 2007.
Unmanned "Surge": 3000 More Robots for War
Noah Shactman., 13 August 2007.
U.S. Pays Millions In Cost Overruns For Security in Iraq
Steve Fainaru. Washington Post, 12 August 2007.
Tension Grows Between US Soldiers and Mercenaries
Deborah Hastings. The Associated Press, 11 August 2007.
Anbar 'Turnaround' Undercuts War Rationale
Gareth Porter., 10 August 2007.
Charges Dropped Against 2 Marines In Haditha Killings
Josh White. Washington Post, 10 August 2007.
The Baghdad Fabulist
Charles Krauthammer. Washington Post, 10 August 2007.
MoD Issues Gag Order on Armed Forces
Audrey Gillan. The Guardian, 10 August 2007.
Staff Vote Against Plans to Increase Presence
Ewen MacAskill and Julian Borger. The Guardian, 09 August 2007.
Coalition/NATO Dead in Iraq and Afghanistan through July 2007
Posted on the Defense and National Interest website, July 2007. Posted on 08 August 2007. (.pdf file).
Looking for the Least Bad Iraq Plan
Kevin Whitelaw. U.S. News and World Report, 08 August 2007.
U.S. Withdrawal Likely Unless Iraq Violence Falls: Study
Jim Mannion. Agence France Presse, 08 August 2007. (See RAND report below)
U.S. Policy Options for Iraq: A Reassessment
Olga Oliker et al. RAND, 08 August 3007 (.pdf file).
General Blames Clerical Errors In the Case of Missing Arms
Josh White. Washington Post, 08 August 2007.
In the Middle of a Civil War
Gian P. Gentile. Washington Post, 07 August 2007.
As British Leave, Basra Deteriorates
Karen DeYoung and Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 07 August 2007.
Is Military Justice in Iraq Changing for the Better?
Brad Knickerbocker. The Christian Science Monitor, 07 August 2007.
Pentagon: Level of Troops in Iraq Peaks
The Associated Press, 07 August 2007.
More From Cordesman's Report
The Newshoggers, 08 August 2007.
The Tenuous Case for Strategic Patience in Iraq: A Trip Report
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 06 August 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website.
The Insurgents Hate Us
Ayub Nuri. The Guardian, 06 August 2008.
Another Report on Iraq, Another Round of Headaches for U.S.
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 06 August 2007.
U.S. Commanders Pay Iraqi Enemies to Enlist
Sudarsan Raghavan. Washington Post, 04 August 2007.
British Strike Causes Basra Blaze
Agence France-Presse, 04 August 2007.
Iraq Veterans Suffer Stress and Alcoholism
Polly Curtis. The Guardian, 03 August 2007.
Defense Chief: U.S. Underestimated Sectarian Hatred in Iraq
Nancy A. Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 02 August 2007.
U.N. Resolution on Bigger Iraq Role
BBC News, 02 August 2007.
U.S. Marine Guilty Over Iraq Plot
BBC News, 02 August 2007.
Iraq Snapshots Give 2 Views
Mark Mazzetti. The New York Times, 02 August 2007.
Outbreak of Truth-Telling to Congress on Iraq
Joseph L. Galloway. McClatchy Newspapers, 01 August 2007.
Benchmarks That Matter: The American Military's Lose-Lose Dilemma in Iraq
Michael Schwartz. TomDispatch, 01 August 2007.
U.S. Mil Deaths in July: Debating the Trends
IraqSlogger, 01 August 2007.
U.S. Troop Fatalities in Iraq Drop Sharply
Gordon Lubold. The Christian Science Monitor, 01 August 2007.
Iraq Is Not a Military Problem
Nicholas Berry. Foreign Policy Forum, 01 August 2007.
Why the Iraqi Resistance to the Coalition Invasion was So Weak
Stephen T. Hosmer. RAND, August 2007 (.pdf file).
Marines Keep Combat Rules to Themselves
Tony Perry. Los Angeles Times, 31 July 2007.
The U.N. in Iraq - Handle With Care
Jeffrey Laurenti. Global Policy Forum, 27 July 2007.
Fighting an Insurgency With F-16s
IraqSlogger, 26 July 2007.
Why Petraeus' Intriguing New Iraq Strategy is Probably Doomed
Fred Kaplan. Slate, 25 July 2007.
U.S. Is Seen in Iraq Until at Least '09
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 24 July 2007.
The Third Gulf War (2003-20??)
Kenneth W. Estes. International Relations and Security Network, 23 July 2007 (.pdf file).
MoD's PR Army of Spin is Out of Control
Ben Bold. PR Week, 23 July 2007.
How To Beat Iraq's Insurgents? Ask the British
Stephen Webbe. The Christian Science Monitor, 23 July 2007.
Iraq Report Boils Down to Competing Time Demands
Karen DeYoung. Washington Post, 20 July 2007.
U.S. Command in Baghdad Launches Bid to Rehabilitate Iraqi Detainees
Elaine M. Grossman. Inside the Pentagon, 19 July 2007.
A Third Way: Alternatives for Iraq's Future
Daniel L. Byman. Testimony before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the House Armed Services Committee, 18 July 2007 (.pdf file).
Counting Troops in Iraq
Col. Daniel Smith, U.S. Army (Ret.). Foreign Policy in Focus, 17 July 2007.
U.S. Policy Options in Iraq
Michael Rubin. Testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, 17 July 2007. Posted on the American Enterprise Institute website.
Testimony on the Interim Report
Steven Simon. Testimony before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, 17 July 2007.
Risky U.S. Alliances in Iraq
Sam Dagher. The Christian Science Monitor, 17 July 2007.
Ready for Surge II?
William M. Arkin., 17 July 2007.
Mahdi Army, Not Al-Qaeda, is Enemy No. 1 in Western Baghdad
Joshua Partlow. Washington Post, 16 July 2007.
British Death Rate in Iraq Higher Than U.S.
Sean Rayment. The Telegraph, UK, 16 July 2007.
State Orders Flak Jackets in Baghdad's Green Zone
Mike Drummond. McClatchy Newspapers, 15 July 2007.
Harvard's Humanitarian Hawks
Tom Hayden. The Nation, 14 July 2007.
Air Force Quietly Building Iraq Presence
Charles J. Hanley. The Associated Press, 14 July 2007.
The Outrageous White House Report On Iraq
Fred Kaplan., 12 July 2007.
Bush to Declare Gains in Iraq on Some Fronts
David S. Cloud and John F. Burns. The New York Times, 12 July 2007. (see report and BBC graphic below).
Progress Report on Iraq Benchmarks
BBC News Graphic, 12 July 2007.
Initial Benchmark Assessment Report
National Security Council, 12 July 2007 (.pdf file).
Investigator Urges Clearing of Marine in Killings at Haditha Home
Josh White. Washington Post, 12 July 2007.
Military Files Left Unprotected Online
Mike Baker. The Associated Press, 11 July 2007.
Iraq: Go Deep or Get Out
Stephen Biddle. Washington Post, 11 July 2007.
Quietly, U.S. Strategy in Iraq Shifting
Howard LaFranchi. The Christian Science Monitor, 09 July 2007.
Showcase and Chimera in the Desert
John F. Burns. The New York Times, 08 July 2007.
G.I.'s Forge Sunni Tie in Bid to Squeeze Militants
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 06 July 2007.
U.S. Use of Drones Surges Over Iraq
Lolita C. Baldor. The Associated Press, 05 July 2007.
Construction Woes Add to Fears at Embassy in Iraq
Glenn Kessler. Washington Post, 05 July 2007.
The War Economy of Iraq
Christopher Parker and Pete W. Moore. Middle East Online, Summer 2007. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Coalition/NATO Dead in Iraq and Afghanistan Through June 2007
Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website, 04 July 2007 (.pdf file).
The New Strategy in Iraq
Frederick W. Kagan and Kimberly Kagan. The Weekly Standard, 09 July 2007. Posted on the American Enterprise Institute website on 02 July 2007.
Brown's Wars Part 2: Meltdown on the Frontline in Basra
Raymond Whitaker. The Independent, 01 July 2007.
The Endgame in Iraq
Shawn Brimley and Kurt Campbell. Foreign Policy, July/August 2007.
Did the Coalition Need More Forces in Iraq? Evidence from al Anbar
Carter Malkasian. Joint Force Quarterly, July 2007 (.pdf file).
What Tenet Knew
Thomas Powers. Asia Times (reprinted from the New Review of Books), 30 June 2007.
House Report Faults Pentagon Accounting of Iraqi Forces
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 27 June 2007. (See report below).
Stand Up and Be Counted: The Continuing Challenge of Building the Iraqi Security Forces
Subcomittee on Oversight and Investigations, US House Armed Services Committee. 26 June 2007.
U.S. Plan to Capture and Kill Insurgents in Baquba Fell Far Short of Goal, Officer Says
Michael R. Gordon. New York Times, 26 June 2007.
Anbar 'Model' Under Fire
Howard LaFranchi and Sam Dagher. Christian Science Monitor, 26 June 2007.
Lugar: Sun Setting on a 'Plan B' for Iraq
Maureen Groppe, Indianapolis Star, 26 June 2007.
Iraq, Baquba, Arrowhead Ripper, and the Real Elements of 'Victory'?
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 25 June 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Strategic Reset: Reclaiming Control of U.S. Security in the Middle East
Brian Katulis, Lawrence J. Korb, Peter Juul. Center for American Progress, 25 June 2007.
US Troops Battle 'Minefield' of Bombs in Iraq's Baquba
Alister Bull. Reuters, 24 June 2007.
On Iraq, (Partial) Agreement From an Unexpected Source
William M. Arkin., 21 June 2007.
Green Zone is Taking More Hits
Tina Susman. Los Angeles Times, 21 June 2007.
Still Losing? The June 2007 Edition of "Measuring Stability in Iraq"
Anthony Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 20 June 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Slim Chance Of Finding an Arabic Speaker at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad
Jonathan Karl and Maddy Sauer. ABC News, 20 June 2007.
A Culture of Atrocity: U.S. Troops Feel the Effect of Prolonged Combat
Chris Hedges, Truthdig, 19 June 2007.
U.S. Strategy on Sunnis Questioned
Joshua Partlow. Washington Post, 18 June 2007.
G.I.s in Iraq Open Big Offensive Against Al Qaeda
Thom Shanker and Michael R. Gordon. New York Times, 17 June 2007.
Arming Sunni Militias Undercuts Iraqi Government, Critics Say
Nancy A. Youssef and Leila Fadel. McClatchy Newspapers, 17 June 2007.
How Sunni Insurgents Can Help Us In Iraq
Fred Kaplan., 14 June 2007.
Special Ops Pick Sees Post-surge Strategy 'Coming Soon'
Elaine M. Grossman. Inside The Pentagon, 14 June 2007.
Attack on Shrine Threatens U.S. Plan
Alexandra Zavis, Los Angeles Times, 14 June 2007.
Team Blasts Way Through Iraq Munitions
Charles J. Hanley. The Associated Press, 12 June 2007.
Close and Deadly Contact
Tina Susman. Los Angeles Times, 12 June 2007.
Iraq: The Mess That Was To Be
Paul R. Pillar. Asia Times, 12 June 2007.
Tribal Coalition in Anbar Said to Be Crumbling
Joshua Partlow and John Ward Anderson. Washington Post, 11 June 2007.
Study: Brute Force Won't Win Iraq War, 11 June 2007.
State Dept. Revamps Program to Tackle Iraqi Medical Issues
Thomas D. Williams. Truthout, 11 June 2007.
U.S. Arming Sunnis in Iraq to Battle Old Qaeda Allies
John F. Burns and Alissa J. Rubin. The New York Times, 11 June 2007.
Expecting a Fight, Gates Makes Switch on Joint Chiefs
Gordon Lubold. The Christian Science Monitor, 11 June 2007.
Military Envisions Longer Stay in Iraq
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 10 June 2007.
Old Problems Plague New Security Plan For Iraq
Nancy A. Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 08 June 2007.
U.S. Eyeing Bigger U.N. Role in Iraq
Thalif Deen. Asia Times, 09 June 2007.
Nominee to Coordinate War Offers Grim Forecast on Iraq
Peter Baker and Karen DeYoung. Washington Post, 08 June 2007.
Opening Statement for Confirmation Hearing
Ltg. Douglas Lute. Prepared statement for the Senate Armed Services Committee, 07 June 2007 (.pdf file).
U.S. Toll Tops 3,500 in Iraq
Hamid Ahmed. The Associated Press, 07 June 2007.
Iraq Is the New Korea
Robert Scheer. TruthDig, 06 June 2007.
U.S. Air Attacks in Iraq More Than Double From '06 Total
Charles J. Hanley. The Associated Press, 06 June 2007.
Even Plan B Doesn't Look Promising in Failed State of Iraq
Gerald B. Helman. Informed Comment, 05 June 2007.
Why Iraq Isn't Korea
Bill Powell. TIME Magazine, 05 June 2007.
Commanders Say Push in Baghdad Is Short of Goal
David S. Cloud and Damien Cave. The New York Times, 04 June 2007.
The New Old Thing: The Return of the Iraq Study Group
Frederick W. Kagan. The Weekly Standard, 11 June 2007 issue. Posted on 04 June 2007.
With Korea as Model, Bush Team Ponders Long Support Role in Iraq
David E. Sanger. The New York Times, 03 June 2007.
Hard Bargaining
Stephen Biddle. The Boston Globe, 03 June 2007.
Before War, CIA Warned of Negative Outcomes
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 03 June 2007.
Coalition/NATO Dead in Iraq and Afghanistan Through May 2007
Posted on the Defense and The National Interest website, 03 June 2007. (.pdf file)
America's Iraq Strategy Boosts U.S. Combat Losses
Gordon Lubold. The Christian Science Monitor, 01 June 2007.
Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq, June 2007
DOD Report to Congress.
Opportunity Missed
Richard May. Armed Forces Journal, June 2007.
The Secret Air Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
Jeff Nygaard. Z Magazine, June 2007.
Bush's Appalling Iraq-Korea Comparison
Fred K. Kaplan. Slate, 31 May 2007.
Time for 'Plan B-H' in Iraq?
David Ignatius. Washington Post, 31 May 2007.
Iraq's Bloodiest Month for US Troops Since Fallujah
Joseph Krauss. Agence France-Presse, 31 May 2007.
50 More Years in Iraq?
Dan Froomkin., 31 May 2007.
Bush Sees South Korea Model for Iraq
Terence Hunt. The Associated Press, 30 May 2007.
The Mother Ship Lands in Iraq
Tom Engelhardt. TomDispatch, 29 May 2007.
Military Likely to Redefine Success in Iraq
Julian E. Barnes. Los Angeles Times, 29 May 2007.
Report on Prewar Intelligence Assessments about Postwar Iraq
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 25 May 2007 (.pdf file).
Who's On First in Iraq - The Real Plan B?
Larry C. Johnson. Atlantic Free Press, 24 May 2007.
The Shape of a Shadowy Air War
Nick Turse. TomDispatch, 24 May 2007.
Taste of Home Runs Low in Iraq
Karen DeYoung. Washington Post, 24 May 2007.
A Step-by-Step Plan for Withdrawing from Iraq
Phillip Carter. Slate, 23 May 2007.
The Adviser Model
Bing West and Owen West. Slate, 23 May 2007.
Tactics Change, Iraq Strategy the Same
Robert Burns. The Associated Press, 23 May 2007.
New Strategy for War Stresses Iraqi Politics
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 23 May 2007.
Bush Could Double Force by Christmas
Stewart M. Powell. Hearst Newspapers, 22 May 2007. Posted on the San Francisco Chronicle website.
In Iraq, Nobody is Accountable
Ali al-Fadhily. Asia Times, 23 May 2007.
Secret U.S. Plot to Kill Al-Sadr
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, 21 May 2007.
Second Life for Study Group
Michael Abramowitz. Washington Post, 21 May 2007.
Edging Their Way Into Sadr City
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 21 May 2007.
Assessments Made in 2003 Foretold Situation in Iraq
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 20 May 2007.
The Secret Iraq Documents My 8-year-old Found
Pete Moore. Salon, 18 May 2007.
Bush Open to Iraq Benchmarks
Peter Baker. Washington Post, 18 May 2007.
Burning Bridges
Nermeen Al-Mufti. Al-Ahram Weekly Online, 17-23 May 2007.
Accepting Realities in Iraq
Gareth Stansfield. Chatham House and University of Exeter, 17 May 2007 (.pdf file).
To 'War Czar,' Solution to Iraq Conflict Won't Be Purely Military
Peter Baker and Robin Wright. Washington Post, 17 May 2007.
Street Battles in Iraqi Cities Point to Dire Security Status
Kirk Semple. The New York Times, 17 May 2007.
A New Division of Labor: Meeting America's Security Challenges Beyond Iraq
Andrew R. Hoehn et al. RAND, 17 May 2007 (.pdf file).
Iraq Attacks Stayed Steady Despite Troop Increase, Data Show
James Glanz. The New York Times, 16 May 2007.
How our Generals Got So Mediocre
Fred Kaplan. Slate, 16 May 2007.
Making Diplomatic and Military Strategy Work Together in Iraq
Carlos Pascual and Larry Diamond. Brookings Institution, 15 May 2007.
Running Out of Time in Iraq
David Ignatius. Washington Post, 15 May 2007.
See You in September, Whatever That Means
Sheryl Gay Stolberg. The New York Times, 13 May 2007.
Army Career Behind Him, General Speaks Out on Iraq
Thom Shanker. The New York Times, 13 May 2007.
U.S. Options in Iraq Could Soon Narrow, Ranging From Unpleasant to Unthinkable
Warren P. Strobel. McClatchy Newspapers, 13 May 2007.
Iraq's Cloudy Horizon
Paul Rogers. Open Democracy, 10 May 2007.
'Pentagon Moved to Fix Iraqi Media Before Invasion'
Jim Lobe. Inter Press Service, 09 May 2007.
What the Bush Administration Has Wrought in Iraq
Patrick Cockburn. Tom Dispatch, 09 May 2007.
Deadly Tornado Brings Iraq War Home
Jim Lobe., 09 May 2007.
Pentagon Tells 35,000: Prepare to Deploy
Lolita C. Baldor. The Associated Press, 08 May 2007.
September Could Be Key Deadline in War
Jonathan Weisman and Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 08 May 2007.
Kevin Drum. Washington Monthly, 08 May 2007.
Rough Alliance Built on Commandeered House in Anbar
Kirk Semple. The New York Times, 07 May 2007.
U.S. Benchmarks for Iraq May Be Hazy
Gordon Lubold. The Christian Science Monitor, 07 May 2007.
Propaganda Fear Cited in Account of Iraqi Killings
Paul von Zielbauer. The New York Times, 06 May 2007.
U.S. Brigade Heading to Baghdad
Chris Kraul. Los Angeles Times, 06 May 2007.
On Iraq, Gates May Not Be Following Bush's Playbook
Peter Spiegel and Julian E. Barnes. Los Angeles Times, 06 May 2007.
Dealing with the Iraqi Populace: An Arab-American Soldier's Perspective
Sgt. Mounir Elkhamri. Military Review, January-February 2007. Posted on 04 May 2007.
Can U.S. Sustain Anbar Success?
Sam Dagher. The Christian Science Monitor, 04 May 2007.
Coalition/NATO Dead in Iraq and Afghanistan through April 2007
Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website, 03 May 2007 (.pdf file).
The Economic Impact of the Iraq War and Higher Military Spending
Dean Baker. Center for Economic and Policy Research, May 2007 (.pdf file).
It's All About Al-Qaeda Again
Dana Milbank. Washington Post, 03 May 2007.
U.S. Military Tells its Side of the Story on YouTube
Alexandra Zavis. Los Angeles Times, 03 May 2007.
4,000 U.S. Soldiers Arrive in Baghdad
The Associated Press, 02 May 2007.
In Baghdad, Survival Depends on Simpler Ways
Joshua Partlow. Washington Post, 02 May 2007.
Hoon Admits Fatal Errors in Planning for Postwar Iraq
Patrick Wintour. The Guardian, 02 May 2007.
Body Counts Tell Us Very Little
William Arkin., 01 May 2007.
Mission Accomplished, 4 Years On: A Commentary in Links
Juan Cole. Informed Comment, 01 May 2007.
Four Years After 'Mission Accomplished'
Dan Froomkin., 01 May 2007.
A Failure in Generalship
Lt. Col. Paul Yingling. Armed Forces Journal, May 2007. Posted on 27 April 2007.
Blow to Bush as Top U.S. Commander Warns of Worse to Come In Iraq
Ewen MacAskill. The Guardian, 27 April 2007.
More Troops in Iraq Than Reported
Don Monkerud. Tehran Times, 27 April 2007. Posted on the Centre for Research on Globalization website.
Record Military Budget Ignores Security 'Big Picture'
Eli Clifton. Inter Press Service, 27 April 2007.
A Bigger Budget for a Smaller Force
George C. Wilson. National Journal, 23 April 2007. Posted on the Center for Defense Information website on 26 April 2007.
Strategic Imperative: The Necessity for Values Operations as Opposed to Information Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan
Army Col. William M. Darley. Air & Space Power Journal, Spring 2007.
U.S. Officials Exclude Car Bombs in Touting Drop in Iraq Violence
Nancy A. Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 26 April 2007.
The Missing Player: a 'Czar' to Manage the Iraq War
Howard LaFranchi. The Christian Science Monitor, 26 April 2007.
The Case for Larger Ground Forces
Frederick Kagan and Michael O'Hanlon. Stanley Foundation, April 2007 (.pdf file).
Operation and Maintenance, Army Spending Restrictions Plan for FY07
U.S. Army, April 2007 (.pdf file).
Some Implications of Increasing U.S. Forces in Iraq
Congressional Budget Office, 24 April 2007 (.pdf file).
Harry is Militia Target in Iraq, Admits Army
Mark Townsend. The Guardian, 22 April 2007.
The Clock Winds Down
James Kitfield and Brian Friel. National Journal, 20 April 2007.
Pentagon Prevents Military Officers From Testifying Before House Panel
Megan Scully. Congress Daily, 20 April 2007.
Pentagon: Iraq Violence Diminishing
United Press International, 20 April 2007.
Training Iraqi Troops No Longer Driving Force in U.S. Policy
Nancy A. Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 19 April 2007.
Soldiers Building Wall Separating Sunnis, Shiites
Joseph Giordono and Monte Morin. Stars and Stripes, 19 April 2007.
Pentagon Can Pay for War Through June
Andrew Taylor. The Associated Press, 19 April 2007.
Iraq's Long Night
Paul Rogers. Open Democracy, 19 April 2007.
The President's Escalation Plan - A Quarterly Report Card
National Security Network, 18 April 2007.
Time for Plan G in Iraq?
Phillip Carter. Slate, 18 April 2007.
Death Rate for American Forces in Iraq Rises
Shashank Bengali. McClatchy Newspapers, 17 April 2007.
The Devil's Dictionary of War in Iraq
Tom Engelhardt. TomDispatch, 17 April 2007.
Why I Declined To Serve
John J. Sheehan. Washington Post, 16 April 2007.
Air Force Fills Out Army Ranks in Iraq
Michelle Roberts. The Associated Press, 15 April 2007.
Iraq's Troubled Future: The Uncertain Way Ahead
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 13 April 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Is Baghdad Safer? Yes and No
Sam Dagher. The Christian Science Monitor, 13 April 2007.
Baghdad Security Plan Fails to Thwart Sectarian Violence
Leila Fadel and Mohammed al Dulaimy. McClatchy Newspapers, 11 April 2007.
Myth of Tal Afar, Beacon of American 'Success'
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, 11 April 2007.
3 Generals Spurn the Position of War 'Czar'
Peter Baker and Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 11 April 2007.
The Iraq Debacle: A Failure to Communicate?
Jeff Stein. Congressional Quarterly, 09 April 2007.
Patterns of War Shift in Iraq Amid Buildup of U.S. Force
Alissa J. Rubin and Edward Wong. The New York Times, 09 April 2007.
Iraqi's Book Cites U.S. Blunders
Charles J. Hanley. The Associated Press, 09 April 2007.
Five More Years in Iraq, Say Defence Papers
Sean Rayment. The Telegraph, 07 April 2007.
Iraq and Counterinsurgency
William Tucker. The American Spectator, 04 April 2007.
U.S. Death Toll in March Is Twice Iraq Forces
Steven R. Hurst. The Associated Press, 31 March 2007.
Misdirected Tactics: Counterinsurgency Focus Misses Big Picture in Iraq
Richard May. Defense News, 26 March 2007. Posted on the Center for Defense Information website on 30 March 2007.
McCaffrey Paints Gloomy Picture of Iraq
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 28 March 2007 (See memo below).
Report on Security Operations in Iraq in Support of US Central Command
Barry R. McCaffrey. Memo to Col. Michael Meese, 26 March 2007. Posted on the Washington Post website (.pdf file).
Sweeps in Iraq Cram Two Jails With Detainees
Kirk Semple and Alissa J. Rubin. The New York Times, 28 March 2007.
GAO Faults U.S. Military Over Munitions in Iraq
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 23 March 2007 (See testimony below).
Stabilizing Iraq: Preliminary Observations on Budget and Management Challenges of Iraq's Security Ministries
Joseph A. Christoff. Testimony before the House Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, 22 March 2007 (.pdf file).
U.S. Wounded Rates Rise in Iraq
Martin Sieff. United Press International, 22 March 2007.
Baghdad's Outposts Bring New Perils
Sam Dagher. The Christian Science Monitor, 22 March 2007.
Enduring U.S. Interests In Iraq: The Three No's
Michele Flournoy and Shawn Brimley. Center for a New American Security, 20 March 2007 (.pdf file).
Stretched Thin: Army Forces for Sustained Operations
Lynn E. Davis et al. RAND, 20 March 2007 (.pdf file).
Baghdad: Mapping the Violence
BBC News, 20 March 2007. (interactive graphic)
Iraq War's Statistics Prove Fleeting
Karen DeYoung. Washington Post, 19 March 2007.
Sunni Militants Disrupt Efforts to Reclaim Baghdad
Michael R. Gordon. International Herald Tribune, 18 March 2007.
Op-Chart: The State of Iraq, an Update
Jason Campbell, Michael O'Hanlon and Amy Unikewicz. New York Times, 18 March 2007.
Coalition Fatalities in Iraq and Afghanistan through February 2007
Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website, 17 March 2007 (.pdf file).
U.S. Says Baghdad Crackdown Succeeding
Steven Hurst. The Associated Press, 15 March 2007.
The New Strategy in Iraq: Uncertain Progress Towards an Unknown Goal
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 14 March 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
U.S. Troop Buildup in Iraq Getting Bigger
Robert Burns. The Associated Press, 09 March 2007.
General Says Iraq Talks Critical
BBC News, 08 March 2007.
Buildup in Iraq Needed Into '08, U.S. General Says
David S. Cloud and Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 08 March 2007.
No U.S. Backup Strategy For Iraq
Karen DeYoung and Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 05 March 2007.
The Qaedization of Iraq
David Boles. Informed Comment, 04 March 2007.
How Much Embassy Is Too Much?
Elizabeth Williamson. Washington Post, 02 March 2007.
Analysts, U.S. Officials Express Doubt in Ability to Stabilize Iraq
Laura Heaton. United Press International, 02 March 2007.
Shock Troops
Greg Grant. Government Executive Magazine, 01 March 2007.
U.S. Commanders Admit: We Face a Vietnam-Style Collapse
Simon Tisdall. The Guardian, 01 March 2007.
Soldiers Shift to Baghdad Outposts
Joshua Partlow. Washington Post, 01 March 2007.
Sunni Insurgents Remain Biggest Threat to U.S. Troops in Iraq
Drew Brown. McClatchy Newspapers, 28 February 2007.
Billions Over Baghdad
John B. Taylor. The New York Times, 27 February 2007.
Gen. Pace: Military Capability Eroding
Lolita C. Baldor. The Associated Press, 27 February 2007.
U.S. Task: Fight to End Four Wars in Iraq
Peter Grier. The Christian Science Monitor, 27 February 2007.
The British Story in Iraq is Written
Ronan Thomas. Asia Times, 27 February 2007.
Baghdad Plan Has Elusive Targets
Joshua Partlow. Washington Post, 26 February 2007.
The Iraq War: Learning from the Past, Adapting to the Present and Planning for the Future
Thomas R. Mockaitis. Strategic Studies Institute, 23 February 2007 (.pdf file).
Revealed: The True Extent of Britain's Failure in Basra
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, 23 February 2007.
The Calm before the Storm: The British Experience in Southern Iraq
Michael Knights and Ed Williams. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, February 2007 (.pdf file).
U.S. Unit Shoulders Burden At Police Station in Baqubah
Bill Murphy. Washington Post, 23 February 2007.
Old Problems Undermine New Security Plan for Baghdad
Richard A. Oppel. The New York Times, 23 February 2007.
Iraq: The Beginning of the End
Paul Rogers. Open Democracy, 22 February 2007.
Tearful Soldier Tells Court of Iraq Rape-Murder
Andrea Hopkins. Reuters, 21 February 2007.
Beyond Baghdad, Grass-Roots Security
Joshua Partlow. Washington Post, 21 February 2007.
GI Pleads Guilty to Iraq Rape, Murder
The Associated Press, 20 February 2007.
'The Most Dangerous Spot I Could Find'
Jim Michaels. USA Today, 15 February 2007.
Top Secret Polo Step: Iraq War Plan Assumed only 5,000 U.S. Troops Still There by December 2006
CentCom Slides briefed to White House and Rumsfeld, 2002. Obtained by the National Security Archive, George Washington University, 14 February 2007.
U.S. Troops In for Long Haul
Tom Raum. The Associated Press, 13 February 2007.
Black Hawks Down in Iraqi Quagmire
Iason Athanasiadis. Asia Times, 13 February 2007.
Tomgram: Schwartz on Surging into Catastrophe in Iraq
Michael Schwartz. TomDispatch, 12 February 2007.
Victory Is Not an Option: The Mission Can't Be Accomplished -- It's Time for a New Strategy
William E. Odom. Foreign Policy Forum, 11 February 2007.
'Alternative' Intel Backed War
Jonathan S. Landay. McClatchy Newspapers, 09 February 2007. (See report below).
Review of Pre-Iraqi War Activities of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Department of Defense Office of Inspector General, 09 February 2007 (.pdf file).
Military Must Fill Iraq Civilian Jobs
Karen DeYoung. Washington Post, 08 February 2007.
Few Veteran Diplomats Accept Mission to Iraq
Helen Cooper. The New York Times, 08 February 2007.
Sorties Up From a Year Ago
Bruce Rolfsen. Air Force Times, 08 February 2007.
Military Wants More Civilians to Help in Iraq
Thom Shanker and David S. Cloud. The New York Times, 07 February 2007.
Bombs over Baghdad: The Pentagon's Secret Air War in Iraq
Nick Turse., 07 February 2007.
Troops in Iraq Kill Official Who Worked for Shiite Cleric
Richard A. Oppel, Jr. The New York Times, 06 February 2007.
Officers With PhDs Advising War Effort
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 05 February 2007.
Iraqis Fault Pace of U.S. Plan in Attack
Damien Cave and Richard A. Oppel, Jr. The New York Times, 05 February 2007.
Coalition/NATO Dead in Iraq and Afghanistan Through January 2007
Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website, 04 February 2007.
Bush Iraq Strategy Shifts Toward Containing Iran
Laurent Lozano. Agence France Presse, 04 February 2007.
Doubts Run Deep on Reforms Crucial to Bush's Iraq Strategy
Karen DeYoung. Washington Post, 04 February 2007.
No Light at Tunnel's End
Jim Lobe. Inter Press Service, 02 February 2007.
Iraq at Risk of Further Strife, Intelligence Report Warns
Karen DeYoung and Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 02 February 2007.
Prospects for Iraq's Success: Challenging Road Ahead
National Intelligence Estimate, January 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Huge Force Readying Crackdown in Baghdad
Steven R. Hurst. The Associated Press, 01 February 2007.
U.S. Tries to Put its Best Foot Forward in Kirkuk Province
Molly Hennessy-Fiske. Los Angeles Times, 01 February 2007.
Air Force's Role in Iraq Could Grow
Julian E. Barnes. Los Angeles Times, 31 January 2007.
Military Balance 2007 Summary
John Chipman. The International Institute for Strategic Studies, 31 January 2007.
Army: Surging Soldiers Will Be Fully Equipped
Matthew Cox. Army Times, 31 January 2007.
Pentagon Trying to Trim Use of Forced Extensions
Pauline Jelinek. The Associated Press, 29 January 2007.
Black Hawk Down: The True Cost of Iraq War
Weston Kosova. Newsweek, 05 February 2007 issue. Posted on 29 January 2007.
'Man Down': When One Bullet Alters Everything
Damien Cave. The New York Times, 29 January 2007.
Troops Authorized to Kill Iranian Operatives in Iraq
Dafna Linzer. Washington Post, 26 January 2007.
And Mahdi Army Makes Three Fronts in Iraq
Gareth Porter., 26 January 2007.
Attacking Insurgent Space: Sanctuary Denial and Border Interdiction
Joseph D. Celeski. Military Review, November/December 2006 (.pdf file). Posted on 26 January 2007.
Britain At Odds with U.S. Over Iraq Troop Pullout
Patrick Wintour. The Guardian, 25 January 2007.
Coordination Could Breed Control in Iraq
Austin Long. Washington Post, 24 January 2007.
Petraeus Expresses Confidence In Buildup
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 24 January 2007.
Signals Foil IEDs But Also Troop Radios
Tom Vanden Brook. USA Today, 23 January 2007.
General May See Early Success in Iraq
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 23 January 2007.
In the Vortex of Baghdad, Staying Put This Time
Marc Santora. The New York Times, 23 January 2007.
Surge of Danger for U.S. Troops
Robert Bryce., 22 January 2007.
Chronology - The Deadliest Bomb Attacks in Iraq
Reuters, 22 January 2007.
Counterinsurgency Takes Center Stage in Iraq
Peter Grier. The Christian Science Monitor, 22 January 2007.
Hamilton Says Iraq Plan Relies Too Much on Military, Maliki
Edward DeMarco. Bloomberg, 19 January 2007.
In Baghdad, Pressing to Meet, With Iraqi Help, Pentagon's Own Standard for Force Levels
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 19 January 2007.
Retired Generals Criticize Bush's Plan for Iraq
John Holusha. The New York Times, 18 January 2007.
The War Becomes More Unholy
Dahr Jamail and Ali al-Fadhily. Inter Press Service, 18 January 2007.
Defense Official Says Pentagon Hid Unspent Funds in Accounts
Matt Kelley. USA Today, 17 January 2007.
President Says His Iraq Policy Was Failing
Michael Abramowitz. Washington Post, 17 January 2007.
Why Time is not on Bush's Side
Franklin Spinney. CounterPunch, 17 January 2007.
Troops Add their Voices to Chorus Calling for Reversal of Iraq Policy
Renee Schoof. McClatchy Newspapers, 16 January 2007.
U.S. Commander Warns of Long Struggle in Iraq
Marc Santora. The New York Times, 15 January 2007.
Reviews and Rebuttals of the Plan
Aluf Benn, Al Webb, Charles G. Boyd, Stephen Biddle, Robert E. Looney and Amitai Etzioni. The National Interest, 15 January 2007.
U.S. and Iraqis Are Wrangling Over War Plans
John F. Burns, Sabrina Tavernise and Marc Santora. The New York Times, 15 January 2007.
Officers Look Back For Clues To Future
Sudarsan Raghavan. Washington Post, 15 January 2007.
Bush's Plan to Add Troops Fueling Iraq Insurgency, Sunni Scholar Says
Borzou Daragahi. Los Angeles Times, 14 January 2007.
On Iraq, U.S. Turns to Onetime Dissenters
Rajiv Chandrasekaran. Washington Post, 14 January 2007.
U.S. Unit Patrolling Baghdad Sees Flaws in Bush Strategy
Sudarsan Raghavan. Washington Post, 12 January 2007.
New Strategy Vindicates Ex-Army Chief Shinseki
Thom Shanker. The New York Times, 12 January 2007.
Coalition Fatalities in Iraq and Afghanistan Through December 2006.
Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website, 12 January 2007 (.pdf file).
Why 21,500 Wrongs Won't Make It Right
Julian Delasantellis. Asia Times, 12 January 2007.
Intensified Combat on Streets Likely
Thomas E. Ricks and Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 11 January 2007.
'Gated Communities' Planned for Baghdad
Julian E. Barnes. Los Angeles Times, 11 January 2007.
3,000 British Troops to Pull Out of Iraq by May
Thomas Harding and Toby Harnden. The Telegraph, 11 January 2007.
Comparison of Bush and Study Group Plans
The Associated Press, 11 January 2007.
Bush's New Plan for Iraq Echoes Key Parts of Earlier Memo
Glenn Kessler. Washington Post, 11 January 2007.
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[War Report Home]
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President's Address to the Nation
White House, 10 January 2007.
Highlights of the Iraq Strategy Review
National Security Council, January 2007 (.pdf file).
Details of Bush's New Iraq Strategy
The Associated Press, 10 January 2007.
The Oval: Bush's Real Plan for Iraq
Richard Wolffe and Holly Bailey. Newsweek, 10 January 2007.
With Iraq Speech, Bush to Pull Away From His Generals
Michael Abramowitz, Robin Wright and Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 10 January 2007.
Troop Surge Already Under Way
Jonathan Karl. ABC News, 10 January 2007. Posted on the Truthout website.
Bush's Troop-Increase Plan Is Expected to Draw Six Guard Brigades to Iraq
David S. Cloud and Thom Shanker. The New York Times, 10 January 2007.
Soldier Diagnosed with Mental Problems
Ryan Lenz. The Associated Press, 09 January 2007.
Terrified Soldiers Terrifying People
Dahr Jamail. Inter Press Service. 09 January 2007.
Decision 2008: The Way Forward in Iraq
Ike Skelton, Jim Saxton, Jim Marshall, Mac Thornberry. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 08 January 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Bush's Smart New General Can't Save Iraq
Fred Kaplan. Slate, 08 January 2007.
Some Advice for George Bush: a 'Surge' in US Troops in Iraq Will Not Bring about Peace
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, UK, 08 January 2007.
How the U.S. Is Losing the PR War in Iraq
Scott Johnson. Newsweek, 15 January 2007 issue. Posted on 08 January 2007.
The Smart Surge: Diplomacy
Wesley K. Clark. The Washington Post, 08 January 2007.
Bush Plan for Iraq Requests More Troops and More Jobs
David E. Sanger. The New York Times, 07 January 2007.
Military 'Surge' Not Enough to Save Iraq, U.S. Commander Says
Nancy A. Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 07 January 2007.
Iraq Will Be Petraeus's Knot to Untie
Rick Atkinson. Washington Post, 07 January 2007.
Calming Voice Sought in a Restive Region
Tony Perry. Los Angeles Times, 07 January 2007.
Death in Haditha
Josh White. The Washington Post, 06 January 2007.
Another Flight From Reality
Joe Galloway., 05 January 2007.
Bush to Name a New General to Oversee Iraq
Michael R. Gordon and Thom Shanker. The New York Times, 05 January 2007.
Guard Chief: Any Surge Should be Involuntary Whole-Unit Call-ups
Michelle Tan. Army Times, 05 January 2007.
Looking Beyond a Surge: The Tests A New US Strategy in Iraq Must Meet
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 04 January 2007. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Skepticism from the Military on an Iraq Surge
Sally B. Donnelly. TIME, 04 January 2007.
The Iraq War on Trial
Mark Tran. The Guardian, 04 January 2007.
Bush Could Send Up to 40,000 More U.S. Troops to Iraq
Agence France-Presse, 04 January 2007.
Military Planners Assess Options for Iraq
Kristin Roberts. Reuters, 03 January 2007.
Bush 'To Reveal Iraq Troop Boost'
Justin Webb. BBC News, 02 January 2007.
The Death of Saddam Hussein and Other Metaphors
William Christie. Defense and the National Interest, 02 January 2007.
Chaos Overran Iraq Plan in '06, Bush Team Says
David E. Sanger, Michael R. Gordon and John F. Burns. The New York Times, 02 January 2007.
For Iraq's Shiites, a Dream Deferred Breeds Mistrust of U.S.
Sudarsan Raghavan. Washington Post, 02 January 2007.
Planning and Early Execution of the War in Iraq: An Assessment of Military Participation
John H. Cushman. Center for Information Policy Research, Harvard University, January 2007 (.pdf file).
Poll: More Troops Unhappy with Bush's Course in Iraq
Robert Hodierne. Army Times, 29 December 2006.
Bush Considers Up to 20,000 More Troops for Iraq
David S. Cloud and Jeff Zeleny. The New York Times, 29 December 2006.
Why We Need More Troops in Iraq
Joseph Lieberman. Washington Post, 29 December 2006.
Few New Ideas in Army's Surge Options for Iraq
Rowan Scarborough. The Washington Times, 29 December 2006.
Many Soldiers Call Troop Surge a Bad Idea
Will Weissert. The Associated Press, 28 December 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
More Troops but Less Control in Iraq
Dahr Jamail and Ali Al-Fadhily. Inter Press Service, 28 December 2006.
Learning From Iraq: Counterinsurgency in American Strategy
Steven Metz. Strategic Studies Institute, January 2007. Posted on 28 December 2006 (.pdf file).
The Right Type of 'Surge'; Any Troop Increase Must Be Large and Lasting
Frederick W. Kagan and Jack Keane. Washington Post, 27 December 2006. Posted on the American Enterprise Institute website.
On a Mission In a Hard Place
Andrea Bruce. Washington Post, 27 December 2006.
Defense Secretary Is Wary of Adding More Iraq Troops
Eli Lake. New York Sun, 27 December 2006.
Military Deaths in Iraq Surpass Sept. 11 Toll
The Associated Press, 26 December 2006. Posted on the Army Times website.
Old Iraq Strategy Lives On In Weekly Progress Reports
Glenn Kessler. Washington Post, 26 December 2006.
Pressed in Iraq, U.S. Army Turns Out Interrogators
Bernd Debusmann. Reuters, 26 December 2006.
Commander Said to Be Open to More Troops
Michael R. Gordon and David E. Sanger. The New York Times, 24 December 2006.
Four U.S. Marines Charged with Iraq Murders
Suzanne Goldenberg and Ed Pilkington. The Guardian, 22 December 2006.
A Soldier's Soldier, Outflanked
Ann Scott Tyson and Josh White. Washington Post, 21 December 2006.
Bush Sees Need for Larger Military
Matthew B. Stannard. San Francisco Chronicle, 20 December 2006.
U.S. Not Winning War in Iraq, Bush Says for 1st Time
Peter Baker. Washington Post, 20 December 2006. (See interview below).
President Bush on Iraq, Elections and Immigration
Interview conducted by Peter Baker, Michael A. Fletcher and Michael Abramowitz. Washington Post, 20 December 2006.
If U.S. Boosts Troop Levels in Iraq, Then For How Long?
Peter Grier. The Christian Science Monitor, 20 December 2006.
Generals Unclear on Present Danger
Mark Tran. The Guardian, 20 December 2006.
Premier Wants U.S. Forces to Target Sunni Insurgents
Sudarshan Raghavan. Washington Post, 20 December 2006.
In Iraq, the Marines' Arsenal Includes Money
Tony Perry. Los Angeles Times, 20 December 2006.
Surging to Disaster
Lawrence J. Korb and Max Bergmann. The American Prospect, 20 December 2006.
A 'Surge' in Wasted Sacrifice
Eugene Robinson. Washington Post, 19 December 2006.
Iraq Was Terrible Mistake, Thinktank Says
Mark Tran. The Guardian, 19 December 2006. (See report below).
Blair's Foreign Policy and its Possible Successor(s)
Victor Bulmer-Thomas. Chatham House, 19 December 2006 (.pdf file).
How to Fight an Insurgency
Eben Kaplan. Council on Foreign Relations, 19 December 2006.
A Battle for Global Values
Tony Blair. Foreign Affairs, January/February 2007. Posted on 19 December 2006.
Powell Says U.S. Losing in Iraq, Calls for Drawdown by Mid-2007
Karen DeYoung. Washington Post, 18 December 2006.
Surging To Defeat In Iraq
W. Patrick Lang and Ray McGovern., 18 December 2006.
Tolerance for a War's Death Toll Depends on How You Look at It
Shankar Vedantam. Washington Post, 18 December 2006.
New Manual at Odds with Key Iraq Tactics
Julian E. Barnes. Los Angeles Times, 16 December 2006. (See manual below).
U.S. Army, December 2006 (.pdf file).
Final Fantasy
Spencer Ackerman. The American Prospect, 15 December 2006.
Bush Leading Us Into Quicksand
Joe Galloway., 14 December 2006.
Bush Weighing Deeper Commitment in Iraq, Officials Say
Warren P. Strobel and Jonathan S. Landay. McClatchy Newspapers, 14 December 2006.
Choosing Victory: A Plan for Success in Iraq Interim Report
Frederick W. Kagan. The American Enterprise Institute, 13 December 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Coalition Fatalities in Iraq and Afghanistan Through November 2006
Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website, 12 December 2006.
Experts Advise Bush Not to Reduce Troops
Michael A. Fletcher and Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 12 December 2006.
The Perils of the Pentagon's New Iraq Strategy
Michael Hirsh, Kevin Peraino And Sarah Childress. Newsweek, 18 December 2006. Posted on 11 December 2006.
Retaking Ramadi: All the Sheik's Men
Sarah Childress. Newsweek, 18 December 2006. Posted on 11 December 2006.
Cornered Military Takes to Desperate Tactics
Dahr Jamail and Ali Al-Fadhily. Inter Press Service, 09 December 2006.
The Iraq Study Group Talked to Generals When it Should have Talked to Corporals
Phillip Carter. Slate, 07 December 2006.
U.S. Targeting Shiite Militia Strongholds
Solomon Moore. Los Angeles Times, 08 December 2006.
Will It Work on the Battlefield? Options Are Based on Hope
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 07 December 2006.
Study Group Supports Ordering Agency Workers to Iraq
Stephen Barr. Washington Post, 07 December 2006.
Marine Unit and Iraqis Fend Off Attacks and Boredom
C.J. Chivers. The New York Times, 07 December 2006.
American Military Performance in Iraq
F.J. Bing West. Military Review, September-October 2006. Posted on the US Army Professional Writing Collection website on 07 December 2006.
DoD May Offer Incentives for Transition Team Duty in Iraq
Rick Maze. Army Times, 06 December 2006.
The Iraq Study Group Report
James A. Baker III and Lee H. Hamilton, Co-Chairs. United States Institute of Peace, 06 December 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Chairmen's Statement
Text of letter accompanying the Iraq Study Group report, 06 December 2006. Posted on the Guardian website.
Rumsfeld Successor: 'We're Not Winning War'
Julian Borger. The Guardian, 06 December 2006.
At Least 5 Marines Are Expected to Be Charged in Haditha Deaths
Paul von Zielbauer. The New York Times, 06 December 2006.
Iraq: One by One, They Tell the Truth
The Independent, 06 December 2006.
Hand-over of Security Largely Ceremonial for U.S. Troops
Nancy A. Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 05 December 2006.
Blurring Political Lines in the Military Debate
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 05 December 2006.
New Weapon Cleared by Military for Use in Iraq Under Scrutiny
David Hambling. Wired News, 05 December 2006.
What the U.S. has Learned (So Far) in Iraq
Peter Grier. The Christian Science Monitor, 04 December 2006.
Rumsfeld Memo Proposed 'Major Adjustment' in Iraq
Michael R. Gordon and David S. Cloud. The New York Times, 03 December 2006.
Small Arms a Huge Problem in Iraq
Larry Kahaner and Rachel Stohl. The Baltimore Sun, 03 December 2006.
U.S. Considers Ending Outreach to Insurgents
Robin Wright. Washington Post, 01 December 2006.
Iraq Panel to Recommend Pullback of Combat Troops
David E. Sanger and David S. Cloud. The New York Times, 30 November 2006.
Colour-Coded Perception Defies Dangerous Reality in Mosul
Jonathan Steele. The Guardian, 30 November 2006.
Experts Question Proposals in Leaked Iraq Memo
Jonathan S. Landay and Nancy A. Youssef. McClatchy Newspapers, 29 November 2006.
U.S. Moving 1,600 Troops into Baghdad
CNN, 29 November 2006.
More Troops?
William S. Lind. Defense and the National Interest, 29 November 2006.
In Statement, Defense Choice Criticizes Iraq Planning
David S. Cloud. The New York Times, 29 November 2006.
Report: US Still Manipulating Iraq Intelligence
Jason Leopold. Truthout, 29 November 2006.
On 'Other War': Lessons from Five Decades of RAND Counterinsurgency Research
Austin Long. RAND, 29 November 2006 (.pdf file).
Pentagon Considers Moving Troops From al-Anbar Province to Baghdad
Jonathan Karl. ABC News, 28 November 2006.
U.S. Troop Levels in Iraq Stymie Panel
Lolita C. Baldor. The Associated Press, 28 November 2006.
Three Options, None Perfect
Joe Galloway., 28 November 2006.
Anbar Picture Grows Clearer, and Bleaker
Dafna Linzer and Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 28 November 2006.
General: Troops Who Train 'Could be Much Better'
Gina Cavallaro. Army Times, 27 November 2006.
We Can Put More Forces in Iraq ...
Frederick W. Kagan. The Weekly Standard, 04 December 2006. Posted on the American Enterprise Institute, 27 November 2006.
In Search of the Fixers
James Glanz. The New York Times, 26 November 2006.
More Marines May Be Needed in Terror War
Lolita C. Baldor. The Associated Press, 23 November 2006.
The Uncovered War: Air Power in Iraq
Tom Engelhardt. The Nation Blog, 20 November 2006.
Pentagon May Suggest Short-Term Buildup Leading to Iraq Exit
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 20 November 2006.
Fighting Back: The City Determined Not to Become al-Qaeda's Capital
Martin Fletcher. The Times, UK, 20 November 2006.
General Discusses Goals of His Return to Iraq
Thom Shanker. The New York Times, 20 November 2006.
Army Gives Rumsfeld Doctrine a Rewrite
Julian E. Barnes. Los Angeles Times, 20 November 2006.
Time for a Heavier Footprint
Frederick W. Kagan and William Kristol. The Weekly Standard, 27 November 2006. Posted on the American Enterprise Institute website on 20 November 2006.
Blair Accepts 'Disaster' in Iraq
BBC News, 18 November 2006.
Vietnam War Offers Lessons for Iraq, Says Bush
Mark Tran. The Guardian, 17 November 2006.
Witnesses Take a Ride Downtown
Doug Smith. Los Angeles Times, 17 November 2006.
Violence in Iraq Called Increasingly Complex
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 17 November 2006.
Soldiers 'Given Go-Ahead to Break Geneva Convention'
Steven Morris. The Guardian, 17 November 2006.
Troop Levels in Iraq May Rise
Peter Spiegel. Los Angeles Times, 16 November 2006.
U.S. Plans Last Big Push in Iraq
Simon Tisdall. The Guardian, 16 November 2006.
U.S. Troops Look for an Inside Man in Iraqi Slayings
Doug Smith. Los Angeles Times, 16 November 2006.
Rumsfeld, the Walking Contradiction
Max Boot. Los Angeles Times, 15 November 2006. Posted on the Council on Foreign Relations website.
U.S. General Says Troop Adjustments Won't Solve Iraq Violence
Andrew Gray and Kristin Roberts. Reuters, 15 November 2006.
The Current Situation and U.S. Military Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan
Gen. John P. Abizaid. Testimony before the Armed Services Committee, U.S. Senate, 15 November 2006 (.pdf file).
U.S. Troops Become Sleuths in Iraq Slaying Case
Doug Smith. Los Angeles Times, 15 November 2006.
U.S. Commander in Iraq to Face Democrats Eager for Troop Cuts
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 15 November 2006.
Fewer Troops, or More?
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 14 November 2006.
Top Marine: No Plan for Post-Saddam Iraq
David Martin. CBS News, 13 November 2006.
Iraq Is Gone. Now What?
Monica Duffy Toft. Washington Post, 13 November 2006.
Situation Report on the Expedition to Iraq
Fabius Maximus. Defense and the National Interest, 12 November 2006.
Military Team Undertakes a Broad Review of the Iraq War and the Campaign Against Terror
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 11 November 2006.
At the Pentagon, Concern About Blame for the Situation in Iraq
Thom Shanker. The New York Times, 10 November 2006.
Marines Get the News From an Iraqi Host: Rumsfeld's Out. 'Who's Rumsfeld?'
C.J. Chivers. The New York Times, 10 November 2006.
Is This Victory?
Tommy Franks, Stephen Biddle, Peter Charles Choharis, John M. Owen IV, Daniel Pipes, Gary Rosen and Dov S. Zakheim. The National Interest, 10 November 2006.
Coalition Dead in Iraq and Afghanistan thru October 2006
Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website, 09 November 2006 (.pdf file).
The Defense Secretary We Had
David Ignatius. Washington Post, 09 November 2006.
Rumsfeld, a Force for Change, Did Not Change With the Times Amid Iraq Tumult
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 09 November 2006.
Knowing Gates
Interview with Fritz W. Ermarth. The National Interest, 08 November 2006.
Rumsfeld to Step Down as Defense Secretary
William Branigin. Washington Post, 08 November 2006.
No Third Way in Iraq
Frederick W. Kagan. The Weekly Standard, 13 November 2006. Posted on the American Enterprise Institute website on 06 November 2006.
U.S. Backs Hot Line in Iraq to Solicit Tips About Trouble
Kirk Semple. The New York Times, 05 November 2006.
Mass Iraq Violence Outcome of U.S. Divide and Rule Policies
Salim Lone., 05 November 2006.
War Simulation in 1999 Pointed out Iraq Invasion Problems
The Associated Press, 04 November 2006. (See document archive below).
Post-Saddam Iraq: The War Game
Posted on The National Security Archive, George Washington University, 04 November 2006.
Time for Rumsfeld To Go
Editorial. Military Times, 04 November 2006.
Sniper Attacks Adding to Peril of U.S. Troops
C.J. Chivers. The New York Times, 04 November 2006.
U.S. Web Archive Is Said to Reveal a Nuclear Primer
William J. Broad. The New York Times, 03 November 2006.
Southern Iraq Approaches the Tipping Point
Thomas Harding. The Telegraph, UK, 02 November 2006.
Military Rebuts Media on Iraq
Julian E. Barnes. Los Angeles Times, 02 November 2006.
Along Iraq-Syria Border, a Struggle to Cover the Terrain
Josh White. Washington Post, 01 November 2006.
Military Charts Movement of Conflict in Iraq Toward Chaos
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 01 November 2006.
See chart obtained by The New York Times
Marines, Navy Suffer Highest Combat Casualties in Two Years
Otto Kreisher. Copley News Service, 01 November 2006.
Why Such High Troop Losses in October?
Peter Grier. The Christian Science Monitor, 01 November 2006.
U.S. Military Adopts Desperate Tactics in al-Anbar
Dahr Jamail and Ali al-Fadhily. Inter Press Service, 01 November 2006.
U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq Still Mostly Outside Capital
Thom Shanker and David S. Cloud. The New York Times, 01 November 2006.
How We Fight
Colin H. Kahl. Foreign Affairs, November/December 2006.
Operation Al Fajr
Cdr. John Patch. Marine Corps Gazette, November 2006.
In Contact: Case Studies from the Long War, Vol. I
William G. Robertson, ed. Combat Studies Institute Press, 06 November 2006 (.pdf file).
U.S. Obeys Order to Abandon Checkpoints
Sinan Salaheddin. The Associated Press, 31 October 2006. Posted on the Houston Chronicle website.
Resistance to Deadlines for Iraq is Weakening
Julian E. Barnes and Doyle McManus. Los Angeles Times, 31 October 2006.
U.S. Force in Iraq Swells to 150,000: Pentagon
Jim Mannion. Agence France-Presse, 30 October 2006.
Iraq to Seek Extension of U.S. Presence
Reuters, 30 October 2006.
101 Americans Die in Iraq during October
Steven R. Hurst. The Associated Press, 30 October 2006.
Pliable 'Benchmarks' Set for Iraq
Doyle McManus and Julian E. Barnes. Los Angeles Times, 27 October 2006.
After Failure in Iraq
Paul Rogers. Open Democracy, 26 October 2006.
In Iraq, Attacks Make October Fourth Deadliest Month for U.S. Troops
John Ward. Washington Post, 26 October 2006.
British Troops in Iraq Likely to be Halved After Success
Thomas Harding and Oliver Poole. The Telegraph, UK, 26 October 2006.
Troops Fortify Hold On Plant That Once Housed Insurgents
Josh White. Washington Post, 25 October 2006.
Army is Training Advisors for Iraq
Peter Spiegel. Los Angeles Times, 25 October 2006.
Progress in Iraq: A 2006 Report Card on the Bush Administration's Iraq Policy
Larry Korb and Brian Katulis. Center for American Progress, 24 October 2006 (.pdf file).
More Troops Means More Targets for Snipers in Iraq
Rick Jervis. USA Today, 24 October 2006.
U.S. Troops Battling Pirates, Smugglers off Iraq's Coast
Jennifer H. Svan. Stars and Stripes, 24 October 2006.
To Stand or Fall in Baghdad: Capital Is Key to Mission
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 23 October 2006.
Iraq: The Real Story
Sean Smith and Teresa Smith. The Guardian, 21 October 2006. (Video)
General Urges New Strategy for Baghdad
Kirk Semple and John O'Neil. The New York Times, 19 October 2006.
The Thin Green Line
Phillip Carter., 18 October 2006.
U.S. Building Military Airfield in Iraq
United Press International, 18 October 2006. Posted on the Information Clearing House website.
Marines Plan to Recall Some Battalions
Robert Burns. The Associated Press, 18 October 2006. Posted on the Washington Post website.
U.S. Military Too Strong to Lose Iraq War - Rumsfeld
Kristin Roberts. Reuters, 17 October 2006.
British General's Remarks Spur Iraq Debate
Mark Rice-Oxley and Howard LaFranchi. The Christian Science Monitor, 16 October 2006.
Waging War, One Police Precinct at a Time
Phillip Carter. The New York Times, 15 October 2006.
The More Force You Use, the Less Effective You Are
Michael Schwartz., 15 October 2006. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Army Chief: British Troops Must Pull Out of Iraq 'Soon'
Richard Norton-Taylor and Tania Branigan. The Guardian, 13 October 2006.
Four More Years?
Juan Cole., 12 October 2006.
A New Assignment for Younger Troops
Julian E. Barnes. Los Angeles Times, 12 October 2006.
Options for Iraq: The Almost Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 11 October 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Army: Troops to stay in Iraq until 2010
Lolita C. Baldor. The Associated Press, 11 October 2006.
Experts: Counterinsurgency Methods 'Could be Better'
Kelly Kennedy. The Army Times, 10 October 2006.
CENTAF Releases Airpower Summary For Oct. 9
Air Force Link, 09 October 2006.
U.S. Forces in Iraq Stretched Thin
Antonio Castaneda. The Associated Press, 09 October 2006.
G.O.P.'s Baker Hints Iraq Plan Needs Change
David E. Sanger. The New York Times, 09 October 2006.
U.S. Casualties in Iraq Rise Sharply
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 08 October 2006.
Battle for Baghdad 'a Critical Point'
The Associated Press, 05 October 2006. Posted on the MSNBC website.
Military Hones a New Strategy on Insurgency
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 05 October 2006.
U.S. European Commander Confirms Quotes in Book
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 05 October 2006.
Countering Evolved Insurgent Networks
Thomas X. Hammes. Military Review, July-August 2006. Posted on 05 October 2006.
U.S. Fatalities in Iraq Rise Amid Crackdown
Solomon Moore. Los Angeles Times, 04 October 2006.
Bridging the Religious Divide
Raymond L. Bingham. Parameters, Autumn 2006. Posted on 04 October 2006.
Top NATO Commander Says Iraq May Never be Peaceful
The Associated Press, 03 October 2006. Posted on the International Herald Tribune website.
Take U.K. Troops Out of Iraq, Senior Military Told Ministers
Richard Norton-Taylor. The Guardian, 29 September 2006.
Applying Diplomacy to Conflict
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 29 September 2006.
U.S. to Gauge Iraqi Support for Operations
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 28 September 2006.
Chickens are Home to Roost in Iraq
Andrew Bacevich. The Australian, 27 September 2006.
Tour of Duty Extended for Army Unit in Iraq
Drew Brown. McClatchy Newspapers, 25 September 2006.
Iraq: The Cost of Asymmetry
Paul Rogers. Open Democracy, 21 September 2006.
Attacks Against GIs Rise in Iraq
The Associated Press, 20 September 2006. Posted on the MSNBC website.
General Says U.S. May Increase Troops in Iraq
The Associated Press, 19 September 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
An Inspection of Baghdad With Gen. Casey
Rod Nordland. Newsweek, 25 September 2006. Posted on 18 September 2006.
U.S. Frustrated by Pace of Change in Iraq
Paul Richter. Los Angeles Times, 16 September 2006.
Air Power in the New Counterinsurgency Era
Alan J. Vick et al. RAND, 15 September 2006.
In a Volatile Region of Iraq, U.S. Military Takes Two Paths
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 15 September 2006.
The Right Troops in the Right Places
Seth Moulton. The New York Times, 15 September 2006.
General Puff
William S. Lind. Defense and the National Interest, 14 September 2006.
In Iraq, Getting to the Good Stuff Isn't Always Easy
Mike Drummond. McClatchy Newspapers, 14 September 2006.
Truth is Again a War Casualty
Joe Galloway., 14 September 2006.
Why We Can't Send More Troops
Lawrence J. Korb and Peter Ogden. Washington Post, 14 September 2006.
General Says He Lacks Troops to Defeat Insurgency in Anbar Province
Mark Brunswick. McClatchy Newspapers, 12 September 2006.
Reinforce Baghdad
William Kristol and Rich Lowry. Washington Post, 12 September 2006.
Mission Impossible
Hans Hoyng and Georg Mascolo. Der Spiegel, 12 September 2006.
Pentagon Weighing Report On Anbar
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 12 September 2006.
Stabilizing Iraq: An Assessment of the Security Situation
David M. Walker. Testimony for the Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations, Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives, 11 September 2006 (.pdf file).
Situation Called Dire in West Iraq
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 11 September 2006.
Why the Numbers Don't Add Up in Iraq
Patrick J. McDonnell. Los Angeles Times, 10 September 2006.
U.S. Count of Baghdad Deaths Excludes Car Bombs, Mortar Attacks
Mark Brunswick and Zaineb Obeid. McClatchy Newspapers, 08 September 2006.
General: 'Rumsfeld Killed Plans for Post War Iraq'
Kevin Drum. The Washington Monthly, 08 September 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
Army Faces Rising Number of Roadside Bombs in Iraq
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 08 September 2006.
Interrogation Methods Rejected by Military Win Bush's Support
Adam Liptak. The New York Times, 08 September 2006.
U.S. Forces in Iraq Number 145,000
Pauline Jelinek. The Associated Press, 07 September 2006.
Military Leaders Want New Iraq Strategy
Joe Galloway., 07 September 2006.
New Rules of Interrogation Forbid Use of Harsh Tactics
Josh White. Washington Post, 07 September 2006.
U.S. Military 'Loses Control' of Key Iraqi Province
Dahr Jamail and Ali al-Fadhily. Asia Times, 07 September 2006.
Coalition Dead in Iraq and Afghanistan Thru August 2006
Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website on 04 September 2006 (.pdf file).
Troops Cut Death, but Not Fear, in a Bloody Baghdad Neighborhood
Damien Cave. The New York Times, 04 September 2006.
U.S. Deaths in Iraq, War on Terror Surpass 9/11 Toll
CNN, 03 September 2006.
Endurance Meets Doubt in Iraq
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 03 September 2006.
Death Penalty Sought for US Soldiers Accused of Iraqi Murders
Alicia A. Caldwell. The Associated Press, 02 September 2006.
Bad Apples from a Rotten Tree: Military Training and Atrocities
Sgt. Martin Smith. CounterPunch, 05-06 August. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website on 01 September 2006.
Making Friends at Last? U.S. Troops Meet Nervous Iraqis
Ahmad Fadam. Agence France-Presse, 31 August 2006.
U.S. Force in Iraq at 140,000
Will Dunham. Reuters, 31 August 2006. Posted on the Common Ground Common Sense website.
How to Bridge Two Views of Success in Iraq
Janessa Gans. The Christian Science Monitor, 31 August 2006.
Positive Press on Iraq Is Aim of U.S. Contract
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 31 August 2006.
A New Offensive, an Old Conundrum
Patrick J. McDonnell and Louise Roug. Los Angeles Times, 30 August 2006.
Taking on al-Sadr Carries Risk
Robert H. Reid. The Associated Press, 30 August 2006. Posted on the Boston Globe website.
Marine Who Led Haditha Attack Was Recommended for a Medal
Josh White. Washington Post, 30 August 2006.
Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq
Quarterly Pentagon Report to Congress, 29 August 2006 (.pdf file).
More Than 3 Years into Iraq War, U.S. Still Disposing of Saddam's Stockpiles
Drew Brown. McClatchy Newspapers, 29 August 2006.
In Iraq, Fewer Killed, More are Wounded
Brad Knickerbocker. The Christian Science Monitor, 29 August 2006.
Operation in Sadr City Part of Baghdad Plan: U.S. Military
Jay Deshmukh. Agence France-Presse, 29 August 2006.
Homicide Charges Rare in Iraq War
Josh White, Charles Lane and Julie Tate. Washington Post, 28 August 2006.
Dancers Land in Iraq. Marines Offer No Resistance
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 27 August 2006.
Six Blunders We Made In Iraq We Can Still Fix
Marshall Adame. American Chronicle, 27 August 2006.
Reserve, Guard Deaths Decline With Combat Role
Robert Burns. The Associated Press, 25 August 2006.
U.S. Army Reserve Officer Pleads Guilty in Iraq Case
Reuters, 25 August 2006.
Learning from Iraq: In a War, Think Big - At Least At First
Jeffrey Shaffer. The Christian Science Monitor, 25 August 2006.
Marine Called Haditha Shootings Appropriate
Josh White. Washington Post, 24 August 2006.
U.S. Army Creating Jobs in Iraq's South
Rebecca Santana. The Associated Press, 23 August 2006.
Importance of Building Local Capabilities: Lessons from the Counterinsurgency in Iraq
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 31 July 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website on 23 August 2006 (.pdf file).
Review of On Point: The U.S. Army in Operation Iraqi Freedom
Michael Rubin. Middle East Quarterly, 22 August 2006. Posted on the American Enterprise Institute website.
'I Was a Propaganda Intern in Iraq'
Interview with Willem Marx. Democracy Now, 21 August 2006.
Inquiry Suggests Marines Excised Files on Killings
David S. Cloud. The New York Times, 18 August 2006.
Troops Push Security Door to Door in Iraq
Louise Roug. Los Angeles Times, 17 August 2006.
Pentagon Studies Examine 'Mistakes' in Iraq, Afghanistan
Tom Regan., 16 August 2006.
Iraq - U.S. Policy Documents
Posted on the Military Education Research Library Network website at the National Defense University, 23 August 2006.
Limits of Force: The Iraq Syndrome will Haunt America
Stephen Biddle and Ray Takeyh. International Herald Tribune, 15 August 2006.
Iraq Faces Rival Visions for Security
Dave Clark. Middle East Online, 15 August 2006.
Controversy Dogs Iraq Estimate
Shaun Waterman. United Press International, 15 August 2006.
A Suspect Iraqi: Do You Fire?
Julian E. Barnes. Los Angeles Times, 15 August 2006.
Iraq Province 'Nearing' Handover
BBC News, 13 August 2006.
It's the Occupation
Nicholas Berry. Foreign Policy Forum, 11 August 2006.
Radical Ideas for Iraq
Max Boot. Los Angeles Times, 09 August 2006.
U.S. Troop Scandals: Is Iraq Different?
Brad Knickerbocker. The Christian Science Monitor, 08 August 2006.
4 G.I.'s Tell of How Iraqi Raid Went Wrong
Paul von Zielbauer. The New York Times, 07 August 2006.
Counterinsurgency, by the Book
Richard H. Schultz, Jr. and Andrea J. Dew. The New York Times, 07 August 2006.
In Ramadi, the Battle Is Ever Changing
Julian E. Barnes. Los Angeles Times, 06 August 2006.
U.S. Battalion's Mission in Iraq Shifts to Preventing Civil War
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 06 August 2006.
Baghdad's Chaos Undercuts Tack Pursued by U.S.
Dexter Filkins. The New York Times, 06 August 2006.
In Iraqi Town, U.S. Feels Push Toward an Exit
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 04 August 2006.
U.S. Military Increasingly Using Air Lifts
Rebecca Santana. The Associated Press, 03 August 2006. Posted on
GIs Say Officers Ordered Killing of Young Iraqi Men
Paul von Zielbauer. The New York Times, 03 August 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
In Ramadi, Steel Nerves Needed for Night Ride
Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 03 August 2006.
If the Shia Turn Against Us
Joe Galloway., 03 August 2006.
Rumsfeld Says Army is Better Now Than It Was in Previous Years
Drew Brown. McClatchy Newspapers, 02 August 2006.
The 'Band of Brothers' Unravels
Martin Bashir. ABC News, 02 August 2006.
U.S. Probe Implicates Marines
The Associated Press, 02 August 2006. Posted on the MSNBC website.
Study Urges Reserve Rebuilding Force for Cases Like Iraq
James Glanz. The New York Times, 02 August 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Training Marines How Not to Kill
Brian Palmer. The Huffington Post, 07 July 2006. Posted on 02 August 2006.
Marines Prop Up Ailing Local Gov't in Iraq
Antonio Castaneda. The Associated Press, 30 July 2006. Posted on the Washington Post website
Soldiers Detail a Mission Gone Wrong
Scott Gold. The Los Angeles Times, 30 July 2006.
The Vulnerable Line of Supply to U.S. Troops in Iraq
Patrick Lang. The Christian Science Monitor, 21 July 2006.
Shortage of Troops in Iraq a 'Grim Warning'
Tom Lasseter. McClatchy Newspapers, 27 July 2006.
Robbing Peter to Pay Paul
Joe Galloway., 27 July 2006.
'Waiting to Get Blown Up'
Joshua Partlow. Washington Post, 27 July 2006.
General Explains Baghdad Buildup
Julian E. Barnes. Los Angeles Times, 27 July 2006.
The 'Baghdad Problem': The Gains and Risks in Sending in More U.S. Troops
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 26 July 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
'It Looked Weird and Felt Wrong'
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 24 July 2006.
Plan for More U.S. Soldiers Greeted With Skepticism
Julian E. Barnes and Suhail Ahmad. Los Angeles Times, 23 July 2006.
Losing the War in Iraq?
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 19 July 2006.
Is U.S. Winning? Army Chief Is at a Loss
Peter Spiegel. Los Angeles Times, 15 July 2006. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Schoomaker: Army Needs Money to Offset Modernization Delay
Gina Cavallaro. Army Times, 14 July 2006.
The Futile Search for a Winning Strategy in Iraq
Nicholas Berry. Foreign Policy Forum, 13 July 2006.
A Platoon's Mission: Seeking and Destroying Explosives in Disguise
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 12 July 2006.
Marines Try Lighter Touch in Ramadi
Julian E. Barnes. Los Angeles Times, 12 July 2006.
Pentagon Struggles With Cost Overruns and Delays
Leslie Wayne. The New York Times, 11 July 2006.
Another Face, Another Raid
Dahr Jamail and Ali Fadhil. Inter Press Service, 11 July 2006. Posted on the Hard News website.
General: Security Better in Northern Iraq
Ryan Lenz. The Associated Press, 10 July 2006.
U.S. Officer Reported Ready to Plead Guilty in Bribery Case Involving Iraq Building Contracts
James Glanz. The New York Times, 08 July 2006.
Pentagon Wants New Equipment for Iraq War
The Associated Press, 07 July 2006. Posted on the MSNBC website.
Coalition Dead in Iraq and Afghanistan Thru June 2006
Graphic posted on the Defense and the National Interest website, 07 July 2006 (.pdf file).
House Memo: Army Unit Readiness For Iraq, Afghanistan Is Lagging
Elaine M. Grossman. Inside the Pentagon, 06 July 2006.
Iraqi Leaders Question U.S. Troops' Immunity
Jonathan Finer and Joshua Partlow. Washington Post, 06 July 2006.
Navy Will Shift Military Might to Shallower Waters
Julian E. Barnes. Los Angeles Times, 06 July 2006.
In Ramadi, Fetid Quarters and Unrelenting Battles
Dexter Filkins. The New York Times, 05 July 2006.
What U.S. Wants in its Troops: Cultural Savvy
Mark Sappenfield. The Christian Science Monitor, 05 July 2006.
Restrained Ramadi Offensive Suggests U.S. Charm
IRIN, 04 July 2006.
U.S. Troops Try Courtesy in Iraqi City
Antonio Castaneda. The Associated Press, 02 July 2006. Posted on the Seattle Post-Intelligencer website.
Operation TELIC: Did the U.K. Adequately Prepare for Phase IV Stability Operations in Southern Iraq?
Sean Rooney. Boston University, 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website.
Rebuilding and Reforming the Iraqi Security Sector: U.S. Policy During Democratic Transition
Peter Khalil. Brookings Institution, July 2006.
Lessons from Iraq: Invasion and Occupation
Maj. M.W. Shervington. Small Wars Journal, July 2006.
U.S. Casualties Rising in Iraq
Martin Sieff. United Press International, 28 June 2006.
Intelligence Gathering in Iraq Relies on U.S. Soldiers' Detective Work
Tom Lasseter. McClatchy Newspapers, 28 June 2006.
Options for Transitional Security Capabilities for America
Terrence K. Kelly. RAND, 28 June 2006 (.pdf file).
U.S. and Iraq Take Ramadi a Neighborhood at a Time
Dexter Filkins. The New York Times, 27 June 2006.
Iraq Troop Cut Problems
Martin Sieff. United Press International, 26 June 2006.
U.S. Not Expected to Cut Troops in Western Iraq
Eric Schmitt. New York Times, 25 June 2006.
Pentagon Withheld Info on Troops' Deaths for 9 Months
Scott Lindlaw. The Associated Press, 22 June 2006. Posted on the ABC News website.
Marines Missed 'Red Flags,' Study Finds
Julian E. Barnes and Tony Perry. Los Angeles Times, 21 June 2006.
U.S. Troops Set Up Ramadi Outposts
Antonio Castaneda. The Associated Press, 18 June 2006.
Contradictions Cloud Inquiry Into Haditha
John M. Broder. The New York Times, 17 June 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
U.S. Troops Abroad: a Security Linchpin?
Mark Sappenfield. The Christian Science Monitor, 15 June 2006.
U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq Reach 2,500
Lolita C. Baldor. The Associated Press, 15 June 2006. Posted on the San Francisco Chronicle website.
Securing Baghdad: Understanding and Covering the Operation
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 14 June 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Crackdown Announced for Baghdad
Joshua Partlow and Hasan Shammari. Washington Post, 14 June 2006.
A Strategic Game on Iraq
Ehsan Ahrari. Asia Times, 14 June 2006.
Blood Stripes
William S. Lind. On War, 13 June 2006. Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website.
'Kill Iraqis Marine Song' Probe
Adam Brookes. BBC News, 13 June 2006.
Déjà vu in Ramadi
Mike Whitney. Information Clearing House, 13 June 2006.
Bush Team Talks Iraq Strategy
James Gerstenzang and Maura Reynolds. Los Angeles Times, 13 June 2006.
75,000 Forces to be Deployed in Baghdad
Kim Gamel. The Associated Press, 13 June 2006.
Another U.S. Cover-Up Surfaces in Iraq
Dahr Jamail. Inter Press Service, 13 June 2006. Posted on the AntiWar website.
Nightmare Scenario
Nicholas von Hoffman. The Nation, 12 June 2006.
U.S. 'Planning to Keep 50,000 Troops in Iraq for Many Years'
Francis Harris. The Telegraph, UK, 12 June 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
Fear of Big Battle Panics Iraqi City
Megan K. Stack and Louise Roug. Los Angeles Times, 11 June 2006.
Compensation Payments Rising, Especially by Marines
David S. Cloud. The New York Times, 10 June 2006.
United States Military Casualty Statistics: Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom
Hannah Fischer. Congressional Research Service, 08 June 2006.
Condolence Payments to Iraqis Soar
Bryan Bender. Boston Globe, 08 June 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
Grunts Suffer for Leaders' Mistakes
Joe Galloway., 08 June 2006.
Haditha: A Question of Responsibility
Paul Rogers. Open Democracy, 08 June 2006.
Counterinsurgency Strategy: Staying Put
Charles Crain. The Christian Science Monitor, 07 June 2006.
Marines on the Beat in Iraq
Charles Crain. Asia Times, 07 June 2006.
Ramadi Becomes Another Fallujah
Brian Conley. Inter Press Service, 06 June 2006. Posted on
Coalition Dead in Iraq and Afghanistan Thru May 2006
Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website, 05 June 2006.
Haditha Blow to New Doctrine
Paul Reynolds. BBC News, 05 June 2006.
Whose Security?
William Christie. Defense and the National Interest, 03 June 2006.
Iraqi PM: U.S. Rushed Ishaqi Probe
CNN News, 03 June 2006.
Whose Security?
William Christie. Defense and the National Interest, 03 June 2006.
The Way Americans Like Their War
Robert Fisk. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 03 June 2006. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
When Iraq Abuses Fail to Shock
Shibley Telhami. Forward, 02 June 2006. Posted on the Brookings Institution website.
New 'Iraq Massacre' Tape Emerges
BBC News, 02 June 2006.
How To Win in Iraq
Anthony H. Cordesman. United Press International, 01 June 2006.
Haditha May Become U.S. Military Disgrace
Tom Raum. The Associated Press, 01 June 2006.
Phased Withdrawal, Conflict Resolution and State Reconstruction
Dr. A. Marshall. Conflict Studies Research Centre, Defense Academy of the United Kingdom, June 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Military Inquiry Is Said to Oppose Account of Raid
Eric Schmitt and David S. Cloud. The New York Times, 31 May 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Rampage at Haditha: Aberrant or Endemic?
Patrick Radden Keefe. The Century Foundation, 31 May 2006.
Haditha Massacre: Was it an Isolated Event and Did the Military Try to Cover it Up?
Democracy Now, 30 May 2006.
U.S. Will Reinforce Troops in West Iraq
Ellen Knickmeyer. Washington Post, 30 May 2006.
Military to Report Marines Killed Iraqi Civilians
Thom Shanker, Eric Schmitt and Richard A. Oppel, Jr. The New York Times, 26 May 2006.
Fire the Generals!
Douglas Macgregor. Center for Defense Information, 26 May 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Information Operations in Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom: What Went Wrong
Maj. Joseph L. Cox. School of Advanced Military Studies, U.S. Army, 25 May 2006 (.pdf file).
Bush Signals Military Role Change in Iraq
The Associated Press, 24 May 2006. Posted on
Why Wheelbarrows, Scythes and Seeds Could Be The Key To a Peaceful Handover
Jonathan Steele. The Guardian, 23 May 2006.
A Plan for Victory in Iraq: Defeat the Insurgents Militarily - Here's How
Frederick W. Kagan. The Weekly Standard, 29 May 2006. Posted on the American Enterprise Institute website on 22 May 2006.
Certain Victory Keeps U.S. in Iraq, Says Bush
Joel Havemann. Los Angeles Times, 22 May 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
A Safer Weapon, With Risks
James Rainey. Los Angeles Times, 18 May 2006.
More Contradictions
William S. Lind. On War, 17 May 2006. Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website.
Iraq and Beyond: Recognizing Shortfalls in Performance, Identifying Options for Improvement
RAND Review, Spring 2006 (.pdf file).
In Iraq War, Time is a Weapon
Bernd Debusmann. Reuters, 16 May 2006.
America in Baghdad
David Phinney., 15 May 2006.
Iraq Sunnis Accuse U.S. of 'Atrocity' Over Raids
Reuters, 15 May 2006.
Despite Political Pressure to Scale Back, Logistics Are Pinning Down U.S. in Iraq
David S. Cloud and Thom Shanker. The New York Times, 14 May 2006.
U.S. In Secret Gun Deal
Ian Traynor. The Guardian, 12 May 2006. (See report below).
Dead on Time - Arms Transportation, Brokering and the Threat to Human Rights
Amnesty International and TransArms, Research Centre for the Logistics of Arms Transfers, 10 May 2006.
Adviser: Iraq 'Civil War' Places U.S. in Reactive Role
Robin Hindery. The Associated Press, 10 May 2006. Posted on the Air Force Times website.
Aiming for a More Subtle Fighting Force
James Rainey. Los Angeles Times, 09 May 2006.
Mobs Cheer British Deaths as Basra Slips Out of Control
Oliver Poole. The Telegraph, UK, 08 May 2006.
Coalition Dead in Iraq and Afghanistan Thru April 2006
Defense and the National Interest, 05 May 2006.
U.S. Changes Guidelines for Troops to Lessen Everyday Tensions With Iraqi Civilians
Thom Shanker. The New York Times, 02 May 2006.
Why Did We Lose in Iraq?
Chet Richards. Center for Defense Information, May 2006. Posted on the Defense and the National Interest website (.pdf file).
The City on a Hill? U.S. Policy Decisions and the Insurgency in Iraq
Maj. Christopher Davis. Strategic Insights, May 2006 (.pdf file).
Academic Report - Trip to Iraq and Kuwait
Barry R. McCaffrey. Memo to U.S. Military Academy, 25 April 2006 (.pdf file).
U.S. Army Delays RPG Defense
Greg Grant. Defense News, 24 April 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth website (.pdf file).
American Strategic, Tactical, and Other Mistakes in Iraq: A Litany of Errors
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 19 April 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Giant U.S. Embassy Rising in Baghdad
Barbara Slavin. USA Today, 19 April 2006.
A Bright Career Unravels in Iraq
T. Christian Miller. Los Angeles Times, 19 April 2006.
Bucking Opinion Trend, Pentagon Says Too Many Troops Took Part in Iraq Operation
Gordon Trowbridge. Army Times, 19 April 2006.
Revenge of The Battered Generals
Tom Baldwin. The Times, UK, 18 April 2006.
General Reveals Rift With Rumsfeld on Insurgents
Gareth Porter. Asia Times, 17 April 2006.
U.S. Plots 'New Liberation of Baghdad'
Sarah Baxter. The Times, UK, 16 April 2006.
Military to Protect U.S. Aid Teams in Iraq
Bradley Graham. Washington Post, 14 April 2006.
More Retired Generals Call for Rumsfeld's Resignation
David S. Cloud and Eric Schmitt. The New York Times, 14 April 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Iraq: A Report from the Front
Summary of Lt. Gen. John Vines' remarks at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 13 April 2006.
On Cheney, Rumsfeld Order, U.S. Outsourcing Special Ops, Intelligence to Iraq Terror Group, Intelligence Officials Say
Larisa Alexandrovna. The Raw Story, 13 April 2006.
U.S., Iraqi Forces Double Patrols to Quell Baghdad Bloodshed
Agence France Presse, 13 April 2006.
New Military Offensive Against Rumsfeld
Jim Lobe. Inter Press Service, 13 April 2006. Posted on
U.S. Death Toll Rises in Iraq After Drop in March
Edward Wong. The New York Times, 11 April 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Troops in Iraq Caught in Middle of Power Struggle
Robert H. Reid. The Associated Press, 11 April 2006. Posted on the Army Times website.
New Navy Force Will Take the Fight Upriver in Iraq
Louis Hansen. The Virginian-Pilot, 10 April 2006.
U.S. Troops Again Patrolling in Baghdad
Antonio Castaneda. The Associated Press, 10 April 2006.
Military Plays Up Role of Zarqawi
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 10 April 2006.
The Battle for Baghdad's Future
John Ward Anderson and Jonathan Finer. Washington Post, 09 April 2006.
3 U.S. Commanders Relieved of Duty as Iraqi Town Mourns its Dead
Nancy A. Youssef. Knight Ridder Newspapers, 08 April 2006.
How Massacres Become the Norm
Dahr Jamail. Truthout, 04 April 2006. Posted on the Hard News website.
Is U.S. Planning More Attacks on Shi'ite Militias?
Gareth Porter., 04 April 2006.
In Iraq, U.S. Troops Widen Role as Soldier-Teacher
Charles Levinson. The Christian Science Monitor, 04 April 2006.
U.S. Troop Fatalities Hit A Low; Iraqi Deaths Soar
Jonathan Finer. Washington Post, 01 April 2006.
U.S. Military Operations In Iraq: Planning, Combat and Occupation
Shane Lauth, Kate Phillips, Erin Schenck. Strategic Studies Institute, Army War College, April 2006 (.pdf file).
Planning Lessons From Afghanistan and Iraq
Joseph J. Collins. Joint Force Quarterly, April 2006 (.pdf file).
Convoys Will Now Stand and Fight When Attacked in Iraq
Seth Robson. Stars and Stripes, 31 March 2006.
In Iraq, Frontline Patience Wears Thin
Charles Levinson. The Christian Science Monitor, 30 March 2006.
The U.S. Propaganda Machine: Oh, What a Lovely War
Andrew Buncombe. The Independent, UK, 30 March 2006.
As U.S. Deaths in Iraq Decline, Civilian Violence Is On Upswing
The Seattle Times, 30 March 2006.
An 'Alliance' of Violence
Dahr Jamail. Truthout, 29 March 2006. Posted on the Hard News website.
U.S. Officials Defend Raid Following Shiite Backlash
Jonathan Finer and Naseer Nouri. Washington Post, 28 March 2006.
U.S. Troops Accused After Crackdown on Iraqi Militia Leaves 20 Dead at Mosque
Jonathan Steele. The Guardian, 27 March 2006.
Iraqis Killed by U.S. Troops 'On Rampage'
Hala Jaber and Tony Allen-Mills. Sunday Times, UK, 26 March 2006.
U.S. Occupation Assistance: Iraq, Germany and Japan Compared
Nina Serafino, Curt Tarnoff and Dick K. Nanto. Congressional Research Services, 23 March 2006 (.pdf file).
U.S. Military Asserts Most of Iraq Peaceful
Steven R. Hurst. The Associated Press, 23 March 2006.
Operation Swarm of Lies
Dahr Jamail. Truthout, 20 March 2006. Posted on the Hard News website.
Fallujah to Samarra
Khaleej Times, 19 March 2006.
A Top-Down Review for the Pentagon
Paul D. Eaton. The New York Times, 19 March 2006.
The Human Toll
Interactive map of fatalities in Iraq. Newsweek, 19 March 2006.
A Sliding Scale for Victory
Doyle McManus. Los Angeles Times, 19 March 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Deaths Fall for U.S., Rise for Iraqis
Thomas Frank. USA Today, 19 March 2006.
Taking the Sting Out of the Samarra Swarm
Syed Saleem Shahzad. Asia Times, 18 March 2006.
How U.S. Assault Grabbed Global Attention
Jim Muir. BBC News, 17 March 2006.
Seven Days in Iraq
Audrey Gillan. The Guardian, 17 March 2006.
U.S., Iraqi Troops Continue Their Sweep
Charles J. Hanley. The Associated Press, 17 March 2006. Posted on the USA Today website.
Three Years in Iraq Force Dramatic Military Changes
John Yaukey. Gannett News Service, 17 March 2006. Posted on the Green Bay Press Gazette website.
Largest Air Assault Offensive Since War's Onset Begins
Qassim Abdul-Zahra. The Associated Press, 16 March 2006. Posted on the Army Times website.
First Declassified Iraq Documents Released
John Solomon. The Associated Press, 16 March 2006.
Report Backs Iraq Strike and Cites Iran Peril
David E. Sanger. The New York Times, 16 March 2006. (See report below).
National Security Strategy 2006
White House, March 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
Reports From the Future of Iraq Project
State Department Reports. Released under FOIA to Russ Kick, in February 2006. Posted on 15 March 2006.
U.S. to Send 700 More Soldiers to Iraq
Robert Burns. The Associated Press, 15 March 2006.
U.S. Central Command Posture for 2006
John P. Abizaid. Statement before the Armed Services Committee, U.S. Senate, 14 March 2006.
U.S. Military Airstrikes Significantly Increased in Iraq
Tom Lasseter. Knight Ridder Newspapers, 14 March 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
New Unit to Focus on Insurgent Tactics
Matthew Cox. Army Times, 14 March 2006.
800 U.K. Troops to Leave Iraq But Start of Full Pullout Denied
Richard Norton-Taylor. The Guardian, 14 March 2006.
Administration to Release Prewar Iraq Documents
Reuters, 13 March 2006.
After Invasion, Point Man for Iraq Was Shunted Aside
Michael R. Gordon and Bernard E. Trainor. The New York Times, 13 March 2006.
Dash to Baghdad Left Top U.S. Generals Divided
Michael R. Gordon and Bernard E. Trainor. The New York Times, 13 March 2006.
U.S. Denies Asking for Iranian Help in Iraq
Reuters, 12 March 2006.
U.S. Annual War Spending Grows
David Rogers. The Wall Street Journal, 08 March 2006. (See transcript below).
U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing on the Supplemental Budget Request for Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan
Congressional Quarterly Transcriptions, 09 March 2006. Posted on the Washington Post website.
Iraq: U.S. Regime Change Efforts and Post-Saddam Governance
Kenneth Katzman. Congressional Research Service, 07 March 2006.
Just What Iraq Needs: More Prisons
Aaron Glantz. Common Dreams, 06 March 2006.
U.K. Troops 'Could Begin Iraq Withdrawal in Weeks'
James Sturcke and agences. The Guardian, 07 March 2006.
Back to the Future: The U.S. in Iraq and the Philippines
William Loren Katz. History News Network, 06 March 2006.
U.S. Stuck With Few Options in Iraq
Dick Polman. Knight Ridder Newspapers, 05 March 2006. Posted on The Seattle Times website.
Military Will Keep Planting Articles in Iraq
Mark Mazzetti. Los Angeles Times, 04 March 2006.
Berlin File Says Germany's Spies Aided U.S. in Iraq
Richard Bernstein and Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 02 March 2006.
Seeing Baghdad, Thinking Saigon
Stephen Biddle. Foreign Affairs, March/April 2006.
Intelligence Agencies Warned About Growing Local Insurgency in Late 2003
Warren P. Strobel and Jonathan S. Landay. Knight Ridder Newspapers, 28 February 2006.
For U.S. Troops: Tough Choices
Jonathan Finer. Washington Post, 28 February 2006.
Iraq Violence Puts Troop Cuts in Doubt
Mark Mazzetti. Los Angeles Times, 28 February 2006.
German Intelligence Gave U.S. Iraqi Defense Plan, Report Says
Michael R. Gordon. The New York Times, 27 February 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
In the Battle for Baghdad, U.S. Turns War on Insurgents
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 26 February 2006.
Violence Strains U.S. Strategy and Imperils Pullout Plans
Steven R. Weisman and Robert F. Worth. The New York Times, 24 February 2006.
Iraq: Summary of U.S. Casualties
Hannah Fischer and JoAnne O'Bryant. CRS Report for Congress, 23 February 2006. Posted on 09 March 2006 (.pdf file).
U.S. Counterinsurgency Academy Giving Officers a New Mind-Set
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 21 February 2006.
A Bomb Goes Off. Iraqi Troops Flee. And The U.S. Has a Problem
Anthony Loyd. The Times, UK, 21 February 2006.
Strategy Tragedy?
Dexter Filkins. The New York Times Magazine, 19 February 2006.
Troops Honed in '03 Fighting a Different War in Iraq
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 18 February 2006.
Bush Administration's War Spending Nears Half-Trillion Dollars
Martha Raddatz. ABC News, 16 February 2006.
The Lessons of Counterinsurgency
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 16 February 2006.
How to 'Win' in Iraq
Col. Daniel Smith. Foreign Policy Forum, 16 February 2006.
War In Iraq Versus Containment
Steven J. Davis, Kevin M. Murphy and Robert H. Topel. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 15 February 2006.
Military Vehicles, and Lives, Take a Beating in Iraq
Joe Galloway. Salt Lake Tribune, 15 February 2006.
Role in Iraq Security Shifting
USA Today, 14 February 2006.
Iraq-Bound Marine Leaders Cram on Civics and Economics
Eric Schmitt. The New York Times, 13 February 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
Distortions Of Casualties: American Wounded, And Dead, From Iraq
Don L. Durivan., 13 February 2006.
Bomb Buster for Iraq Hits Pentagon Snag
Mark Mazzetti. Los Angeles Times, 12 February 2006. Posted on the Fair Use website.
General Faults U.S. on Iraqi Military
Thom Shanker. The New York Times, 11 February 2006.
Intelligence, Policy,and the War in Iraq
Paul R. Pillar. Foreign Affairs, March/April 2006. Posted on 10 February 2006.
U.S., Iraqi Officials Woo Sunnis
Solomon Moore and Richard Boudreaux. Los Angeles Times, 09 February 2006.
Fighting On All Fronts
Jim Lobe. Asia Times, 09 February 2006.
Going, Going, Gone? U.S.-Led Coalition Shrinking This Year
William J. Kole. The Associated Press, 08 February 2006. Posted on the USA Today website.
U.S. General Maps Out Strategic Refit for Iraq, Middle East and Asia
Richard Norton-Taylor. The Guardian, 07 February 2006.
Broad Ripples of Iraq War in Budgets of 2 Agencies
David S. Cloud and Joel Brinkley. The New York Times, 07 February 2006.
Pentagon Widens Program to Foil Bombings in Iraq
Eric Schmitt. The New York Times, 06 February 2006.
31 Days in Iraq
Adriana Lins de Albuquerque and Alicia Cheng. The New York Times, 06 February 2006. Posted on the Information Clearing House website.
Biggest Base in Iraq Has Small-Town Feel
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 04 February 2006.
$70 Billion More Is Sought for Military in War Zones
David S. Cloud. The New York Times, 03 February 2006.
Rumsfeld Offers Strategies for Current War
Josh White and Ann Scott Tyson. Washington Post, 03 February 2006.
Pentagon Fails on Roadside Bombs
William M. Arkin. Washington Post, 02 February 2006.
Military and Civilian Deaths in Iraq
Reuters, 02 February 2006.
National Military Strategic Plan for the War on Terrorism
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Department of Defense, 01 February 2006 (.pdf file).
Army Leaders Pledge Smaller Guard Role in Iraq
Robert Burns. The Associated Press, 01 February 2006. Posted on the San Diego Union-Tribune website.
U.S. Troops in Iraq Adopt Oil Strategy
Nick Wadhams. The Associated Press, 01 February 2006.
A Switch In Time: A New Strategy for America in Iraq
Kenneth M. Pollack. The Brookings Institution, February 2006 (.pdf file).
Iraq's Hot Properties
Andrew J. Grotto. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January/February 2006.
U.S. Iraq Casualties Ease Amid Drop in Rebel Attacks
Will Dunham. Reuters, 31 January 2006.
New U.S. Commander to Change Iraq Focus
Jim Krane. The Associated Press, 30 January 2006.
Military Hides Cause of Women Soldiers' Deaths
Marjorie Cohn. Truthout, 30 January 2006.
Documents Show U.S. Military in Iraq Detain Wives
Will Dunham. Reuters, 28 January 2006. Posted on the Malaysia Star website.
U.S. Releases Five Iraqi Women
Jonathan Finer. Washington Post, 27 January 2006.
Planted Articles May Be Violation
Mark Mazzetti. Los Angeles Times, 27 January 2006.
The Unseen War in Iraq
Sydney H. Schanberg. The Village Voice, 26 January 2006. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Insurgents Give U.S. Valuable Training Tool
John Diamond. USA Today, 25 January 2006.
Pentagon Planning Document Leaves Iraq Out of Equation
Mark Mazzetti. Los Angeles Times, 24 January 2006.
Military and Civilian Deaths in Iraq
Reuters, 23 January 2006.
U.S. Goals Adapt to New Iraq
Paul Richter. Los Angeles Times, 21 January 2006.
A Town Becomes a Prison
Dahr Jamail and Arkan Hamed. Inter Press Service, 20 January 2006. Posted on the Hard News website.
Dutch Commander Criticises U.S. Military
Expatica News, 18 January 2006.
Regiment's Rotation Out of Tal Afar Raises Questions About U.S. Strategy
Joseph L. Galloway. Knight Ridder Newspapers, 18 January 2006.
2,000 More M.P.'s Will Help Train the Iraqi Police
Eric Schmitt. The New York Times, 16 January 2006.
U.S. Tally of Wounded Drops 26%
Matt Kelley. USA Today, 16 January 2006.
Army's Iraq Work Assailed by Briton
Thomas E. Ricks. Washington Post, 11 January 2006.
U.S. Airstrikes in Iraq Could Intensify
Drew Brown. Knight Ridder Newspapers, 10 January 2006.
Bremer Says U.S. Was Surprised by Insurgency
Reuters, 07 January 2006. Posted on the Washington Post website.
Extra Armor Could Have Saved Many Lives, Study Shows
Michael Moss. The New York Times, 06 January 2006. Posted on the Veterans for Common Sense website.
Preliminary Findings: Marine Lethal Torso Injuries
Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file) on 06 January 2006.
Military and Civilian Deaths in Iraq
Reuters, 06 January 2006.
Bush Sees Changed Military Role and Reduction of Troops in Iraq
James Gerstenzang. Los Angeles Times, 05 January 2006.
Secretive Military Unit Sought to Solve Political WMD Concerns Prior to Securing Iraq, Intelligence Sources Say
Larisa Alexandrovna. The Raw Story, 05 January 2006.
Simple Is Dangerous
Haninah Levine. Center for Defense Information, 04 January 2006.
Iraq Wants U.S. Choice Out as Chief Of Brigade
Jonathan Finer. Washington Post, 04 January 2006.
U.S. Allies in Iraq: Valuable but Dwindling
Mark Sappenfield. The Christian Science Monitor, 04 January 2006.
The Iraq War and Its Lessons for Developing Local Forces
Anthony H. Cordesman. CSIS, 03 January 2006. Posted on the Commonwealth Institute website (.pdf file).
The New Iraq War Strategy: More Bombings, More Civilian Deaths, Less Likelihood of Success
Michael Schwartz. American Chronicle, 03 January 2006.
U.S. Military Still Runs With Dreaded Wolf Brigade
Gareth Porter., 03 January 2006.
Billion Dollar Bunker
Chris Hughes. The Mirror, UK, 03 January 2006.
U.S. Air Force's Role Changing in Iraq
Kim Gamel. The Associated Press, 02 January 2006.
U.S. Military Hospital Plays Key Iraq Role
Antonio Castaneda. The Associated Press, 02 January 2006.
Muslim Scholars Were Paid to Aid U.S. Propaganda
David S. Cloud and Jeff Gerth. The New York Times, 02 January 2006.
U.S. Curbs Soldiers' Blogs
Joseph Mallia. Newsday, 02 January 2006. Posted on the Free Press website.
844 in U.S. Military Killed in Iraq in 2005
Dexter Filkins. The New York Times, 01 January 2006.
U.S. Forces Step Up Iraq Airstrikes
Sarah Baxter, Ali Rifat and Peter Almond. The Sunday Times, UK, 01 January 2006.
Learning Counterinsurgency: Observations From Soldiering in Iraq
Lt. Gen. David H. Petraeus. Military Review, January/February 2006 (.pdf file).
Improvised, Explosive, and Divisive
Tom Bissell. Harper's Magazine, January 2006.
NATO Training Mission - Iraq: Looking to the Future
Rick Lynch and Phillip D. Janzen. Joint Force Quarterly, January 2006 (.pdf file).
In Contact! Case Studies from the Long War, Vol. I
William G. Robertson. Combat Studies Institute Press, 2006 (.pdf file).
Operation Al Fajr: A Study in Army and Marine Corps Joint Operations
Matt M. Matthews. Combat Studies Institute Press, 2006 (.pdf file).
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