Why Iraqis Cannot Agree on an Oil Law
Lionel Beehner and Greg Bruno. Council on Foreign Relations, 22 February 2008.
The Door to Iraq's Oil Opens
M.K. Bhadrakumar. Asia Times, 16 February 2008.
Draft Iraq Oil and Gas Law
Council of Ministers Oil and Energy Committee, 15 February 2007 (.pdf file).
Oil from Iraq
Carlton Meyer. Sanders Research, 04 October 2007. Posted on 15 February 2008.
Iraq Not Using Oil Cash to Rebuild
Sharon Behn. The Washington Times, 30 January 2008.
Iraq's '08 Fate -- Basra, Kirkuk
Ben Lando. United Press International, 04 January 2008.
The Internal Struggle for the Iraqi Oil Law Continues
Munir Chalabi. ZNet, 01 January 2008.
As Iraqis Vie for Kirkuk's Oil, Kurds Are Pawns
Stephen Farrell. The New York Times, 09 December 2007.
Iraqis Make Statement Against Oil Theft
Iraqi Oil Professionals. After Downing Street, 26 November 2007. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Iraq's Uncertain Oil And Political Prospects
Issam Chalabi. Middle East Economic Survey, 26 November 2007.
Suffering, Oil, and Ideals of Coexistence: Non-Sectarian Federal Trends in the Far South of Iraq
Reidar Visser. Paper presented to the MESA 2007 annual meeting, in Montreal, 17-20 November 2007.
U.S. Digs In to Guard Iraq Oil Exports
Chip Cummins. Wall Street Journal, 12 November 2007.
Iraq, With U.S. Support, Voids a Russian Oil Contract
Andrew E. Kramer. The New York Times, 04 November 2007.
Michael Schwartz, Iraq Policy Floating on a Sea of Oil
Tom Engelhardt and Michael Schwartz. TomDispatch.com, 30 October 2007.
It's the Oil
Jim Holt. London Review of Books, 18 October 2007 issue. Posted on 10 October 2007.
Iraqi Kurds Sign New Oil Deals
Ben Lando. United Press International, 02 October 2007.
Iraqi Oil Exports to North Rise
Leslie Sabbagh and Tom A. Peter. The Christian Science Monitor, 27 September 2007.
The Iraq Oil Grab That Went Awry
Dilip Hiro. Asia Times, 27 September 2007.
Global Energy, Economic Interdependence, Iraq And the Gulf
Anthony H. Cordesman. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 21 September 2007 (.pdf file).
Greenspan: Ouster Of Hussein Crucial For Oil Security
Bob Woodward. Washington Post, 17 September 2007.
Compromise on Oil Law in Iraq Seems to Be Collapsing
James Glanz. The New York Times, 13 September 2007.
Lack of Legal Framework Keeps Oil Investors Out of Iraq
The Associated Press, 02 September 2007.
Oil-Rich Kirkuk a Thorny Issue for Kurds
Liz Sly. Chicago Tribune, 19 August 2007.
Oil Flows in Basra Power Vacuum
Ben Lando. United Press International, 16 August 2007.
Iraq Hopes to Call Open Race for its Oil in September
Reuters, 09 August 2007.
Iraq's Wealth in the Balance
Hussein Abdallah. Al-Ahram Weekly Online, 02-08 August 2007.
The Struggle for Iraq's Oil Flares up as Kurds Open Doors to Foreign Investors
Michael Howard. The Guardian, 07 August 2007.
It's Time to Withdraw Iraq's Oil Law
Ben Lando. United Press International, 07 August 2007. Posted on the AlterNet website.
Iraqis Oppose Oil Development Plans, Poll Finds
Oil Change International, Institute for Policy Studies, War on Want, Platform and Global Policy Forum, 06 August 2007.
Basra Crude: The Great Game of Iraq's 'Southern Oil'
Reidar Visser. Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, 03 July 2007 (.pdf file).
Iraq Survey Results
David Dougherty. Custom Strategic Research, 30 July 2007 (.pdf file).
Good News from Baghdad at Last: the Oil Law has Stalled
Jonathan Steele. The Guardian, 03 August 2007.
Iraq: Oil and Gas Legislation, Revenue Sharing and U.S. Policy
Christopher M. Blanchard. Congressional Research Service, updated 25 July 2007 (.pdf file).
Serious Challenges Impair Efforts to Restore Iraq's Oil Sector and Enact Hydrocarbon Legislation
Joseph A. Christoff. Government Accountability Office, 18 July 2007 (.pdf file).
Slick Connections: U.S. Influence on Iraqi Oil
Erik Leaver and Greg Muttitt. Foreign Policy in Focus, 17 July 2007.
Benchmark Boogie: A Guide to the Struggle Over Iraq's Oil
Antonia Juhasz. AlterNet, 14 July 2007.
Iraq Plans To Buy 5,000 Tons/Day Oil Products From Kuwait
Hassan Hafidh. Dow Jones Newswires, 12 June 2007.
Oil Strikers Met by Iraqi Troops
Ben Lando. United Press International, 06 June 2007.
Iran Wants to Develop Shared Oil Fields with Iraq
Reuters, 26 May 2007.
Fighting Overshadows Iraq's Oil Law
Adam Wolfe. Asia Times, 24 May 2007.
Sectarian Fighting Overshadows Oil Law Debate in Iraq
Adam Wolfe. Power and Interest News Report, 23 May 2007.
Saboteurs Have Upper Hand in an Endless War, says Iraq's Oil Minister
Patrick Cockburn. The Independent, 18 May 2007.
How Will Iraq Share the Oil?
Gail Russell Chaddock. The Christian Science Monitor, 18 May 2007.
Iraqis Resist U.S. Pressure to Enact Oil Law
Tina Susman. Los Angeles Times, 13 May 2007.
Billions in Oil Missing in Iraq, U.S. Study Says
James Glanz. The New York Times, 12 May 2007.
Iraq Kurd Leader on Oil Law
Ben Lando. United Press International, 09 May 2007.
Iraq's Oil Production Falls Short of Goals
Peter Grier. The Christian Science Monitor, 07 May 2007.
The Prize of Iraqi Oil
Michael Schwartz. TomDispatch, 06 May 2007.
Row Over Iraq Oil Law
Ahmed Janabi. Al-Jazeera, 05 May 2007.
Iraqi Blocs Opposed to Draft Oil Bill
Edward Wong and Sheryl Gay Stolberg. The New York Times, 03 May 2007.
Iraq Oil Law Author Now a Critic
Ben Lando. United Press International, 02 May 2005.
Iraqi Oil Bill Sent to Parliament
BBC News, 02 May 2007.
Iraq's Hydrocarbon Law - In Whose Interests?
Ewa Jasiewicz. Platform, 23 April 2007. Posted on the Niqash website.
Iraqi Oil Wealth 'Going Untapped'
BBC News, 19 April 2007.
Violence Threatens Oil, Iraq
Ben Lando. United Press International, 12 April 2007.
Iraqi Oil Belongs To The Iraqi People
Nancy Wohlforth and Fred Mason. Common Dreams, 02 April 2007.
Iraq Oil Union Has Storied Past
Ben Lando. United Press International, 29 March 2007.
Unions Could Sway Iraq Oil Law
Ben Lando. United Press International, 28 March 2007.
Mystery of the Missing Meters: Accounting for Iraq's Oil Revenue
Pratap Chatterjee. CorpWatch, 22 March 2007.
Is Big Oil Going to Control Iraq's Reserves?
Christian Parenti. The Nation, 06 March 2007.
Comments on Iraq's Petroleum Laws
Fadhil J. Chalabi. Iraq Revenue Watch, 06 March 2007 (.pdf file).
Iraq Oil Special Report
US's Iraq Oil Grab is a Done Deal
Pepe Escobar. Asia Times, 28 February 2007.
Oil Bonanza Stays in Western Sights After Cosmetic Change to Iraqi Deals
Tim Webb. The Independent, UK, 25 February 2007.
Oil Grab in Iraq
Antonia Juhasz and Raed Jarrar. Foreign Policy in Focus, 22 February 2007.
Iraq Draft Petroleum Law: An Independent Perspective
Tariq Shafiq. Iraq Revenue Watch, 17 February 2007 (.pdf file).
Future of Iraq: The Spoils of War
Danny Fortson, Andrew Murray-Watson and Tim Webb. The Independent, 07 January 2007.
Maps and Charts of Iraqi Oil Fields
Judicial Watch.
Iraq Oil Archive - War Report
Oil Geopolitics - Confronting Iran
Iraqi Cabinet Approves Draft Oil Law
Robert H. Reid. The Associated Press, 26 February 2007.
Scramble for Iraq's Oil Begins as Troops Start to Pull Out
Saeed Shah. The Independent, 23 February 2007.
Iraqi Sunni Lands Show New Oil and Gas Promise
James Glanz. The New York Times, 19 February 2007.
The New Iraqi Oil: Leaked
Raed Jarrar. Raed in the Middle, 18 February 2007.
In Iraq, Kurdish Militia Has the Run of Oil-Rich Kirkuk
Tom Lasseter. McClatchy Newspapers, 16 February 2007.
From Afghanistan to Iraq: Connecting the Dots with Oil
Richard W. Behan. AlterNet, 05 February 2007.
Iraq in Talks With Chevron, Exxon
Spencer Swartz. The Associated Press, 25 January 2007. Posted on the International Business Times website.
Draft Law Keeps Central Control Over Oil in Iraq
James Glanz. The New York Times, 20 January 2007.
Iraqis Will Never Accept This Sellout to the Oil Corporations
Kamil Mahdi. The Guardian, 16 January 2007.
Iraqi Rebels Make $1 Bln/Yr from Refinery - Govt
Reuters, 14 January 2007.
Claiming the Prize: War Escalation Aimed at Securing Iraqi Oil
Chris Floyd. Information Clearing House, 12 January 2007.
Surging Toward the Holy Oil Grail
Pepe Escobar. Asia Times, 12 January 2007.
Future of Iraq: The Spoils of War
Danny Fortson, Andrew Murray-Watson and Tim Webb. The Independent, UK, 07 January 2007.
Kurdish Struggle for Iraq's Oil
Yo Takatsuki. BBC News, 03 January 2007.
Iraq Oil in '07, Bleak as '06
Ben Lando. United Press International, 28 December 2006.
Will Iraq's Oil Blessing Become a Curse?
Joshua Gallu. Der Spiegel, 22 December 2006.
Analysis: Iraq's Oil Smuggling -- Part 2
Ben Lando. United Press International, 15 December 2006.
Sectarian and Ethnic Lines in Sand Stall Provision of Iraqi Oil Law
Edward Wong. The New York Times, 15 December 2006.
Analysis: Iraq's Oil Smuggling -- Part 1
Ben Lando. United Press International, 14 December 2006.
U.S. Staying the Course for Big Oil in Iraq
Pepe Escobar. Asia Times, 14 December 2006.
Analysis: Iraq Oil Law Stuck on Contracts
Ben Lando. United Press International, 13 December 2006.
Oil Groups Dream of Day They Can Enter Iraq
Carola Hoyos and Roula Khalaf. Financial Times, 07 December 2006.
Oil for Sale: Iraq Study Group Recommends Privatization
Antonia Juhasz. AlterNet, 07 December 2006.
Iraq's Oil Industry in Grip of Despair
Peg Mackey. Reuters, 29 November 2006.
Iraqi Kurds' Oil Law Poses Problem for Baghdad
Sumedha Senanayake. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 09 November 2006.
Bush Cites Oil As Reason to Stay in Iraq
Peter Baker. Washington Post, 05 November 2006. Posted on the Truthout website.
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Iraq, China to Revive Saddam-era Oil Deal as Baghdad Seeks Investment
The Associated Press, 28 October 2006. Posted on the International Herald Tribune website.
As Violence Grows, Oil-Rich Kirkuk Could Hold Key to Iraq's Future
Michael Howard. The Guardian, 27 October 2006.
Kurdistan Oil Troubles Begin to Surface
Mohammed Salih. Inter Press Service, 25 October 2006. Posted on Antiwar.com.
U.S. Troops Battling Pirates, Smugglers off Iraq's Coast
Jennifer H. Svan. Stars and Stripes, 24 October 2006.
Bush's Petro-Cartel Almost Has Iraq's Oil (Part Two)
Joshua Holland. AlterNet, 17 October 2006.
War on Iraq: Bush's Petro-Cartel Almost Has Iraq's Oil
Joshua Holland. AlterNet, 16 October 2006.
Iraq to Open New Refinery Near Shiite Holy City
Agence France-Presse, 06 October 2006.
Iraq to Up Fuel Imports for 2006
BBC News, 05 September 2006.
Iraq's Parties Reach Deal on Oil-Sharing
Guy Dinmore. Financial Times, 29 August 2006.
Explosion Kills 29 Petrol Scavengers in Iraq
Imad al-Khozaie. Reuters, 29 August 2006.
Iraq's Petrol Stations Fuel Turf Wars
Steve Negus. Financial Times, 21 August 2006.
Iraq Doubles Funding for Oil Imports
The Associated Press, 17 August 2006. Posted on the Washington Post website.
Iraqi Unions Kept Away from Oil Legislation
Hassan Jum'a Awad al-Asadi. Niqash, 01 August 2006. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Iraq Struggles to Keep Up Flow of Oil
Ryan Lenz. The Associated Press, 27 July 2006. Posted on the San Francisco Chronicle website.
Fuel Smuggling Curbed by Prices, Says Iraq
Steve Negus. Financial Times, 26 July 2006.
Corruption Cited in Iraq's Oil Industry
Walter Pincus. Washington Post, 17 July 2006.
Oil Companies Reluctant to Invest in Iraq
Jim Krane. The Associated Press, 06 July 2006. Posted on the San Francisco Chronicle website.
Oil Rivalry Rocks Basra
Raheem Salman and Borzou Daragahi. Los Angeles Times, 04 July 2006.
Iraq Says Oil Exports at High as Army Guards Pipe
Reuters, 04 July 2006.
Iraq Oil Output Hits a New High
BBC News, 26 June 2006.
For Whom, the Wells Drilled?
Greg Muttit. Niqash, 21 June 2006. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Bush Sees Oil as Key to Restoring Stability in Iraq
David E. Sanger. The New York Times, 12 June 2006.
Iraq Oil Production Rises 15 Percent in Southern Fields
Agence France Presse, 06 June 2006.
Attacks on Iraq Oil Industry Aid Vast Smuggling Scheme
James Glanz and Robert F. Worth. The New York Times, 04 June 2006.
Second Transparency Report On Smuggling of Crude Petroleum and Products
Iraqi Ministry of Oil. Translated by Iraq Revenue Watch, June 2006 (.pdf file).
Iraq PM Ready to Use Force on Basra Oil 'Gangs'
Mariam Karouny. Reuters, 30 May 2006.
Basra Fishermen Smuggle Subsidised Fuel
Haider al-Musawi. Institute for War and Peace Reporting, 24 May 2006.
The Great Iraq Oil Grab
Joshua Holland. AlterNet, 22 May 2006.
Oil Prospecting In Kurdish-Administered North Intensifies
Jan Jun. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 12 May 2006.
U.S. Troops Crack Down on Fuel Smuggling
Antonio Castaneda. The Associated Press, 09 May 2006. Posted on TheState.com.
Geographic Distribution of Iraqi Oil Fields and Its Relation with the New Constitution
Kamil al-Mehaidi. Iraq Revenue Watch, May 2006 (.pdf file).
Iraq Oil Output Lowest Since Invasion
Jim Krane. The Associated Press, 28 April 2006. Posted on the Washington Post website.
Iraq Oil: Reserves, Production and Potential Revenues
Lawrence Kumins. Congressional Research Service, 24 April 2006 (.pdf file).
$18 billion - Iraq's Annual Oil Losses
Walid Khadduri. Al-Hayat, 11 April 2006.
Managing Iraq's Petroleum
Iraq Revenue Watch workshop, 08-09 April 2006.
Petrol Pumps Run Dry in a City That Stinks of Oil
Nick Meo. The Times, UK, 07 April 2006.
The Tyrant's Currency: Oil
Leon de Winter. Die Welt, 31 March 2006.
Oil Anarchy Threatens Iraq's Future
Peg Mackey and Barbara Lewis. Reuters, 14 March 2006.
Government Delay Pulls Iraq's Oil Sector Down
Mariam Karouny. Reuters, 09 March 2006.
Iraq's Oil Exports Struggle Higher in February
Mariam Karouny. Reuters, 01 March 2006.
Iraq Loses $6bn in Oil Revenue
Gulf Daily News, 19 February 2006.
Iraq Delegates Seek Greater Oil Investment
Steve Quinn. The Associated Press, 08 February 2006. Posted on the Iraq Updates website.
U.S. Urging Iraq to Develop Oil 'Roadmap'
Reuters, 07 February 2006.
Graft Alleged in Iraq Oil Protection Effort
Ellen Knickmeyer. Washington Post, 05 February 2006.
Iraq's Oil Bust
Scott Johnson and Michael Hastings. Newsweek, 30 January 2006.
Iraq's Oil Shock
Robert Bryce. Salon, 17 January 2006.
Iraq's Destiny Still Rests Between God, Blood and Oil
Tariq Ali. The Guardian, 16 January 2006.
U.S. Sees Iraqi Oil Production Choked for Years
Miriam Amie. Mail & Guardian, 10 January 2006.
The Guerilla War for Iraq's Oil
Mike Whitney. Online Journal, 06 January 2006.
Iraq Oil Minister Resigns Under Pressure
The Associated Press, 02 January 2006.
Iraq Oil Exports Hit Post-War Low
BBC, 02 January 2006.
Death Threats Cut Iraq Oil Flow
BBC, 30 December 2005.
Board: Iraq is Failing to Monitor Oil Revenues
CNN, 28 December 2005.
Norway's Oil Industry and the Partitioning of Iraq
Reidar Visser. Historiae.org, 07 December 2005.
Iraq Oil Production on the Decline
Carola Hoyos. Financial Times, 06 December 2005.
Iraq: So Much Oil, and So Little
Brian Conley. Inter Press Service, 01 December 2005. Posted on the AntiWar.com website.
Kurdish Oil Deal Shocks Iraq's Political Leaders
Borzou Daragahi. Los Angeles Times, 01 December 2005.
Iraq's Oil: The Spoils of War
Philip Thornton. The Independent UK, 22 November 2005.
Crude Designs: The Rip-Off of Iraq's Oil Wealth
Greg Muttitt. Platform and Global Policy Forum, November 2005.
Iraq Pipeline Watch
Prepared by the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, 31 October 2005.
What Is Happening to Iraqi Oil?
Issam Al-Chalabi. Middle East Economic Survey, 10 October 2005. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Pessimism Surrounds Falling Oil Production in Iraq
Rick Jervis. USA Today, 10 October 2005.
Missteps Hamper Iraqi Oil Recovery
T. Christian Miller. Los Angeles Times, 26 September 2005. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
More Blood, Less Oil
Michael T. Klare. Tom Dispatch, 21 September 2005. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Audit Criticizes Iraq's Handling of Oil Sales After Power Transfer
The Associated Press, 23 May 2005. Posted on the USA Today website.
A Promise Unfulfilled: Iraq's Oil Output Is Lagging
Erik Eckholm. New York Times, 02 May 2005.
Protecting the Future: Constitutional Safeguards for Iraq's Oil Revenues
Open Society Institute, May 2005.
It's the Oil, Stupid
Paul Rogers. Open Democracy, 24 March 2005.
Secret US Plans for Iraq's Oil
Greg Palast. BBC News, 17 March 2005.
Dollar Shift: The Iraq War and the Changing Face of Pentagon Contracting
William D. Hartung and Frida Berrigan. World Policy Institute, February 2005.
The Critical Battle for Iraq's Energy
Karl Vick. Washington Post, 15 January 2005.
Exploring New Oil Fields in Iraq: A Risky Business
David R. Francis. Christian Science Monitor, 03 January 2005.
Insurgent War Crippling Iraqi Oil Industry
ABC News Australia, 02 January 2005.
New UN Resolution Must Turn Over U.S. Control of Iraq's Oil Revenues to Iraqis
Open Society Institute, 10 May 2004. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
New UN Resolution Must Turn Over U.S. Control of Iraq's Oil Revenues to Iraq
Revenue Watch, Briefing #6, May 2004 (.pdf file).
Immunity for Iraqi Oil Dealings Raises Alarm
Lisa Girion. Los Angeles Times, 07 August 2003. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
Barrels of Iraqi Oil Exported for the First Time Since the War
Neela Banerjee. New York Times, 23 June 2003.
Looting Leaves Iraq's Oil Industry in Ruins
Neela Banerjee. New York Times, 10 June 2003. Posted on the Global Policy Forum website.
Israel Seeks Pipeline for Iraqi Oil
Ed Vuillamy. The Observer, 20 April 2003. Posted on The Guardian website.
Oil War: 23 Years in the Making
Linda Diebel. Toronto Star, 09 March 2003. Posted on the Common Dreams website.
The U.S., Russia And Iraqi Oil
Eugene Rumer. Washington Post, 30 September 2002. Posted on the CSAR website.
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